darkscar17 · 2 years
I have created a family tree for my ship HashiNisa.
They have many children, but they are close despite their different personalities.
Hashirama loves children, seeing his children grow up happily was always his comfort when he was working all day.
Nisaki took her time raising them when they were babies and always received help from her husband although sometimes he did it through his trusted subordinates.
I love HashiNisa, it is my comfort.❤
He creado un árbol genealógico para mi ship HashiNisa.
Tienen muchos hijos, pero están muy unidos a pesar de sus diferentes personalidades.
A Hashirama le encantan los niños, ver a sus hijos crecer felices era siempre su consuelo cuando se pasaba el día trabajando.
Nisaki se tomaba su tiempo para criarlos cuando eran bebés y siempre recibía ayuda de su marido aunque a veces lo hacía a través de sus subordinados de confianza.
Amo a HashiNisa, es mi consuelo❤.
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darkscar17 · 2 years
Hoy he recibido el encargo que pedí para el cumpleaños de Hashirama.🥰
El artista que dibujó esta maravilla es una persona amable.🤲🍃
Si quieres sus servicios, pincha en este enlace:
Fiverr: vgrehy
"Cuando las arrugas marquen tu piel, yo seguiré ahí, tomando tu mano".
-Palabras de Nisaki a Hashirama.
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darkscar17 · 2 years
From today I start publishing for the event organized by @narutoocshipweek
I am grateful for the opportunity to participate despite the delay.
I have written about the ship HashiNisa and you may be wondering: Who are the members of this ship?
The ship is formed by Hashirama Senju (my favorite character) and Nisaki Uchiha (my OC).
They have a long story, their Fanfic is published in wattpad in spanish language. Don't worry, soon I'll publish the story of both of them in AO3 when it's corrected.
The topics chosen for the week are:
Day 1.- Modern AU
Day 2.- Parents
Day 3.- Lights
Day 4.- Temptation
Day 5.- Dress Up
Day 6.- Date night
Day 7.- Fate
Each day is the continuation of the other, that is, they are not different stories.
I hope you like this ship very much, for me it is really a comfort for the tired days of study.
By the way, my English is not perfect, but I tried to research rules and so on to present you a decent work. If you find a mistake, I apologize and please tell me what the mistake is so I can correct it later.
I invite you to read Day 1: Au Moderno
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darkscar17 · 2 years
I have finished writing day two for the event held by @narutoocshipweek. Please, enjoy it!
Day Two: Parents
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