#hashtag the Wilsons American Adventure! hashtag i took my kids out of school when i heard about racial sensitivity education!
spurgie-cousin · 1 year
I recently fell down a very specific instagram rabbit hole of “family vloggers who live in RVs full time” and at least 70% of the ones I saw reminded me of fundie families trying to cram multiple kids into one bedroom, homeschooling, and any concerns from viewers about the living situation/the kids (mainly if they really want to be living that life, if they’re okay with cameras in their face all the time, how they’re doing with almost no privacy and scattered friends etc) is met with waves of other people going “stop judging! don’t be hateful! it works for them! leave them alone!” and the parents themselves ignoring the concerns and only acknowledging the praise.
Like the venn diagram of fundies and family vloggers is probably close to being just an overlapping circle at this point, just without the religious parts…or who knows, maybe there’s a “fundie RV family vloggers” account out there. I climbed out of the rabbit hole before I got that far and I’d be perfectly okay with never stumbling across it
I 100% agree, I've been down that rabbit hole too and there are actually so many of those families that I consider to be a new twist on fundie families. Many of them are homeschooling bc they believe public schools will "indoctrinate" their kids, many of them use the same homeschooling curriculum as a lot of fundies, many of them prescribe to the Duggar-esque philosophy of bare bones child rearing in the parental relationship and personal space sense..
I feel like it's the new acceptable way to be a fundie parent, because it seems exciting and harmless to most people and they're usually making fun videos w/ cool music in tank tops, but when you're familiar with fundie families those red flags start going up immediately lol. I remember seeing one family that literally had kids sleeping in the tiny ass RV bathtub and on the floors every night bc they just didn't have enough bed space, and they were hella Christian homeschoolers but because they dressed like normal people it just kind of went over most people's heads.
I feel like RV life is also a new way for these kind of families to mitigate the increasing cost of living when they have extremely expensive life choices, esp since it can be branded as a Fun Adventure! for the kids. When I think about growing up that way though with a million siblings in these van sized homes though I mean, it just seems like a breeding groundfor all kinds of future issues y'know?
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