#hashtag this is the first year i've liked hockey
dewarism · 1 year
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ddelline · 5 months
oeh, tag game post
I never do these they're fun 🥲 tagged by @karaargent ❣️
1. Are you named after anyone?
I am; my first (and last) name are from my great-grandmother (dad's side) & my middle name is from my mom's great-grandmother (yeah, that old) thx god both had timeless names, it could've gone either way w those generations, lol
2. When was the last time you cried?
uhhh, I think 2 months ago (happy tears!) I'm really not prone to crying (hashtag internalize it (this is not a brag and u should not do that, I do that, but you should .... not))
3. Do you have kids?
that's gonna be a no from me, dog
4. What sport have you played?
I did horseback riding for twelve years, figure skating for eight; apart from that I've played some tennis (alas I was 2 poor 2 continue, once my friend broke up w the tennis coach she was seeing, who at the time gave us discounted lessons lol) that's it. I've been steeped in & deeply invested in football (soccer & american), hockey & other sh*t since I was a kid, but I could never be a team sports player (bc social anxiety & a hit of that autism lol)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
it's hard not to, idk what to tell you
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
ugh way 2 much; mostly everything except what they're actually saying, I tend to forget that whilst cataloguing exactly everything else. which is a problem ......
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
uh, depends? I'm not super into scary movies, but it's hard to come across a truly satisfying happy ending these days (imo); I enjoy both if done right, tbh
9. Any talents?
idk what counts as a talent, I'd say writing or djing, but I'd consider both of those skills more than talents? well, idk, let's go w that
10. Where were you born?
11. Hobbies?
writing, reading, watching tv (important distinction to make; I am not a movie person at all) music digging, djing, uhhhh yeah
12. Pets?
currently no; I grew up w 2 cats and a dog, and me and my ex had 2 cats together, but none atm
13. How tall are you?
169 cm (ngl I tend 2 round up to 170)
14. Favorite subject in school?
all subjects that could be considered tied to social sciences, so languages, sociology, religion, philosophy etc; essentially anything where you got to write & argue, lol
15. Dream job?
oh god, this question. I've had 3 dream jobs - currently I want to work w something as far away from my dream job as possible; if I get paid by a corporation to do it, I don't wanna do anything dream like. I wanna work w my dreams on my own time. so idk, lol, a 9-5 that requires minimum creative input & critical thought - that I'd save for after work
tagging @ anyone & everyone who feels the urge (since I don't have many moots still lol) 💝
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