#hasu au 🪐
a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
wip weekend
hello! with the first chapter of stuck in your throat out, and the holiday season being more or less over for me, i have decided to do a wip weekend again! so force me to write and hopefully i can start posting chapter two before the end of january :D
to celebrate the end of 2023, i’ve decided to do something a little different than a regular wip weekend.
- send me an emoji and i will write 3 paragraphs instead of sentences in that fic and post it with your ask.
- there is no limit to how many you can send, so send as many as you’d like for whichever fic. i will stop taking asks at 11:00p CST on December 31st.
- i will post a snippet from both of the fics below the cut!
🎤 - stuck in your throat: rockstar alpha!eddie, nanny omega!steve, omegaverse obvi
🪐 - humans are space orcs au: human!steve, aliens!everyone else. steve is a stowaway on eddie’s ship.
snippets below the cut:
snippet from stuck in your throat 🎤
“How was work?” Steve asked, leaning against the wall as Robin shed her outter layer.
“Ugh, I swear, if Diana comes in one more fucking time, I’m gonna climb over the counter and stab her with a spoon,” she seethed, toeing off her converse.
Steve snorted, rolling his eyes, “What’d she ask for this time?” he asked, knowing that it was about to be the stupidest shit.
“She asked me if we served fucking Frosty’s,” she hissed angrily, which only increased Steve’s amusement.
“You’re not We—”
“I know we’re not a fucking Wendy’s,” Robin huffed, stomping towards the kitchen, Steve following behind to listen to the rest of whatever happened. “She knows we’re not a fucking Wendy’s, but her reasoning was that we serve milkshakes, and, really, how different from a milkshake could a Frosty be?”
Steve watched fondly as Robin ranted, knowing she needed to before she could let it go and move on with her day. He was content to wait her out, even as she moved on to rant about a different customer that had annoyed her.
snippet from humans are space orcs au 🪐
“What’s new?” Eddie asked, sitting at the bar. “Why is it so empty? Usually by this time in the day, the market is filled with people.”
Chrissy’s happy demeaner faded at the reminder, her gaze sliding behind him to peer out the windows at the front of her shop. Eddie’s ears twitched in concern, lowering slightly.
“What is it?” he asked warily, feeling his wings shudder at the sudden unsettled feeling.
“A human was spotted just east of the village,” she told him, body stiff. She focused single-mindedly on the batter, adding the next ingredient.
Eddie froze, eyes wide as she stared at the back of Chrissy’s head, convinced he had misheard her. She definitely didn’t just tell him that there was a human all the way out here. They weren’t over a lightyear away from the planet that humans called ‘home’, but they were definitely far enough away that humans were something of a legend.
“Tell me I did not just hear you tell me there is a human on L’idxa.” Eddie said flatly, staring a hole through the back of Chrissy’s head, willing her to make the amused chittering noise she had been making before he’d asked.
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