#haters hating i spose
ashtreelane · 1 year
i love analog horrordearly its just gotten a bit predictable . w love in my heart
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callibones · 1 year
(gets annihilated by your beauty, rending the haters no more)
call that callie 1 haters ZERO.
i have defeated the haters and now i am Alone on this Barren Earth.
no one left but me.
the haters will never find me again.
they'll never send me hate, anon or off.
i'm free.
do you think they thought i was cute? were they obsessed with me? is that why they sent me hate mail and told me to wash out my water bottle? because they couldn't stop thinking about me?
or was i just... there?
i spose i'll never get an answer to that question, now. it's a strange thing, not having haters. i got so used to knowing that someone, somewhere, was thinking about me. it didn't even matter why, or what they were thinking.
someone remembered me, y'know?
maybe i was kinda obsessed with them, too.
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discoverdope · 7 years
9 Steps to Effectively Align your Goals with Your Purpose
Sup Squad,
At the beginning of every year, when the air is ripe with reflection, many of us make pacts with ourselves.
Pacts that have come to be known as New Years Resolutions—a tradition we humans have had for over 4,000 years. 
Though the tradition of reflecting on the past and using the lessons you've learned to make changes in the present and future is as human as walking upright, a growing number of people insist on scoffing at the idea.. rolling their hating ass eyes at the people who opt to declare “new year, new me” or make the grave mistake of voicing their resolutions aloud. These people..
Ol “Hmph, new year, same you. You should be making changes every day.. throughout the entire year. Just cause it’s a new year, don’t mean it’s a new you. You still the same ass nothing ass you, you always been. You must be a magician a’something. Think you bout to change overnight. Change once the clock strike 12. Who you? Cinderella.” neck ass people..
can kick all the rocks.
Every single one of them.
With bare feet. 
They're just mad cause they've been the same person since HS and couldn’t change if they had a genie lamp, a rabbit's foot, a leprechaun, a four leaf clover, saw a shooting star, found a coin heads up, dropped into a well, and had three gah damn wishes. 
They’re irrelevant. 
However, they’re hating ass tirades are, in fact, laced with Truth. No, you can’t make a change overnight, because that’s not how humans work. Habits are stubborn. Motivation is fleeting. Consistency is tough. And life is hard. Nonetheless, change—genuine, life-altering change—is always around the corner if we take actionable steps and set feasible goals.. and sprinkle a lil magic on top. 
That’s what this, here, article is ‘spose to help you with. 
Disclaimer: I identify as a sorcerer.. meaning I dwell between the physical and spiritual realm (we all do, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not because that’s the fundamental nature of human/ earth). Therefore, I'm in the business of playing with magic—of creating ritual—casting spells, which is all a goal, or intention, is.
In order to achieve our goals, no matter how much action we’re putting forth in the physical realm, it will always be more difficult and take longer to manifest if we’re ignoring the spiritual side of life.
We have to do work on both sides. 
Below, I’ve listed 9 steps on how to effectively align your goals with your purpose. And how to then bring those goals to fruition by operating within both the physical and spiritual realms. 
9 Steps to Effectively Align your Goals with Your Purpose
Step One: Free Write
The first step to creating goals that align with your spirit and purpose is to free write, or channel, everything you want and need in your life. 
This step is about flushing everything out and spilling it onto the page without giving it too much thought. 
Set a timer and don’t stop writing until your time is up. 
Step Two: Take Risks
Now look over the list you just made. 
Are you playing it safe? Did you dream as big as you could have? If not, take some time to either lengthen the list you’ve come up with by adding larger more elaborate goals or expand upon the riskier goals you’ve already made. 
Over time, life derails us. We go through system after system that encourages us to shrink our belief of what's possible, to think smaller, and be practical—logical.
Throw that voice away. Now isn’t the time. 
The point of this step is to really tap into our inner child—into past versions of ourselves and remember what they’re dreams and aspirations may have been.
Dig into the depths of yourself, sift those ideas to the surface, and write them down. 
Step Three: Get to the Root of What’s Driving You
At this point, you should have a decently long list in front of you. 
With goals ranging from h’okayyy, I got this, piece of fuggin’ carrot cake. No problemmmo! to oh shit..that’s a bigg’un. I’m not sure I can actually achieve this hoe..heb me. heb me please!
Look them over carefully. 
Do you see any themes? This list should tell your story. Speaking to things you’re insecure about, perhaps—previous battles you’ve waged and lost—things that give your life meaning—unexplored interests—unattained skills—maybe, something that’s missing in your life?
Look them over carefully, because it’s time to cut the fat. 
You’re going to narrow this list down in order to ensure your goals are genuinely aligned with what’s important to you—with what gives your life meaning and is actually going to add value to your life.
It’s easy to think that superficial achievements like awards, money, material, a partner, or changes within our appearance will add value to our lives, but that’s seldom the case. Often what’s missing is buried beneath those wants. 
That said, don’t hesitate to set goals that revolve around “the superficial”. My personal list of goals is 'vout 90% "superficial" if I’m being honest. But dats me. *hair flip* 
Step Four: Send Them Through the S.M.A.R.T. Goals Filter
Now that you’ve narrowed your list of goals, we’re going to send them through our S.M.A.R.T filter. 
S.M.A.R.T. stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Sensitive. 
This step is all about making your goals feasible because nothing dampens the spirit faster than aiming for some shit that was hardly possible to begin with. 
However, I tend to push back on the idea of setting “S.M.A.R.T.” goals because as I said, I dwell in the realm of magic, where anything is possible, and S.M.A.R.T. goals tend to be far too logic based for my disposition. 
That said, they’re still a decent and necessary recipe to follow, so: 
Are Your Goals Specific
If you want something, it’s necessary you know exactly what it is. It’s one thing to say I want to be rich, and another thing altogether to say I want to have 11 million dollars in my checking account. It��s one thing to say I want to have 11 million dollars in my checking account, and another thing altogether to say I want to be a best-selling author who amasses 11 million dollars through book sales, merchandise sales, and endorsements. 
Be Specific.
Are Your Goals Measurable
I’m not particularly a fan of this advice, because, again, I dwell in the realm of magic and not all goals are measurable. However, it’s still sound advice depending on what you’re aiming for. i.e.
Learning new and/or improving skills
Making gains physically or spiritually
Earning money
Having experiences 
et. al. 
Are all things that are easily measured.
But I don’t recommend limiting your goals to that extent. For ex. one of my goals is to hire a trainer for my mother and to take her on the vacation of her dreams.
This goal isn’t exactly measurable, but it’s one of my goals, nonetheless. 
Are Your Goals Attainable
Making your goals attainable, or practical is uber necessary. We can’t go around making it our goal to be 6’2 when we’re 5’6 and 35 years old. That’s goofy. So it’s necessary we be reasonable. But in the same breath, it’s also necessary we stretch ourselves and aim beyond our limits. 
That’s where genuine growth lies. 
Are Your Goals Realistic
I’m also not the biggest fan of this advice, because what’s "realistic" is subjective, and I’m not one for limiting the scope of our dreams. 
We’re more powerful than we could ever imagine, so injecting limiting beliefs into our goal setting/ spellcasting is counterproductive and sends the wrong message to the universe. 
That said, it is important to ensure we’re not just pulling shit out of our asses. Don’t make a goal to swim from Texas to the Yucatan, no. Don’t make a goal to marry Kim Kardashian, no. That's ye’s squeeze. 
Make sense. But don’t hesitate to dream big. 
I mean, me and Rihanna are going to be besties one day, sooo..
Make Your Goals Time Sensitive
If our goals don’t have an end date on them, it’s easy to make excuses for ourselves. To push things back,  put'em off until tomorrow, or the next day, or the next week, until ten years have passed and your ass sitting there talmbout “new year, new me” with the same goal you had before artificial intelligence enslaved humanity. 
When the resolution haters decide to run their rabbit ass mouths, this is the part they’re typically talking about.
ol “bitch, you said that last year.” ol “ bitch, you been trying to lose weight since 6th grade.” ol “you been tryna get your bachelors since the sidekick was hot” head neck asses. 
Let’s not give them hating ass haters any fuel. 
Make a time window for each of your goals. No matter how big or small. It’s necessary we give ourselves something to aim for. 
Okay, so did your goals make the grade? 
Do any of them need to be nixed or tweaked? 
If so, do that now. 
Step Five: Narrow Your List Further
Finally, it’s time to choose which goals you’ll be running with for the long haul. Our goals have to be manageable, or else we overwhelm ourselves and get nothing accomplished. 
The number goals a one can manage varies from person to person, but if you’re new to goal setting, I recommend no less than 3, and no more than 5 with the level of difficulty tipped towards feasibility. 
But be sure to incorporate a couple goals that require a decent amount of risk-taking, because, after all, that’s what we came to this realm to do..
Take risks and expand ourselves.  
Step Six: Breaking Them Down
Now that you have your goals pinned down, it’s time to make another list.
We’re going to break the goals you’ve come up with down into smaller more attainable goals. 
For instance, I’m working on my first Manga. My goal is to be able to drop a couple pages a week on my website. In order to do so, I first have to decide what my story's going to be about. i.e
What kind of world/ universe does it take place in? What does this world/ universe look like? Who are the characters? What do these characters look like? How are these characters related to one another? etc etc.
Then I have to make deadlines for myself i.e. the time window I spoke of earlier. 
Then I have to write the story. 
Then I have to storyboard the story. 
Then I have to sketch the panels. 
Then I have to Ink the panels.
etc etc. 
It’s a whole ass process. 
So this step is really about making mini-assignments for yourself and then holding yourself accountable. 
If you break your big goals down into mini steps, and you achieve the mini steps, before you know it, your ultimate goal is actualized. 
Step Seven: Set Reminders
We live highly active-busy-A.D.D. inducing-overwhelmingly stimulating-multitasking-ass lives. 
So, if we’re to effectively achieve our goals—if we’re to actually complete the assignments we've made for ourselves, we have to set reminders. 
Fill up the calendar on the phone attached to your hand, that’s probably synced with your computer and tablet, with the assignments and deadlines you’ve made for yourself. 
Turn on your notifications. 
And look at that calendar regularly. 
Some goal setting -- here’s 200 tips to streamline your life -- ass productivity gurus recommend we have accountability partners to ensure we achieve our goals, but that’s not necessary, and low key does more harm than good. 
Be accountable for yourself.
This is about will. 
This is about having control over our mind, body, and spirit. 
This is about motivating ourselves. 
This is about cultivating Power. 
And if we can’t do that, we really don’t deserve to achieve our goals. 
Step 8: Create a Mantra
If we don’t write our goals down (on paper and w/ ink) and speak them often, they don’t exist. 
As I mentioned before, to manifest what we want and need into our physical reality, it’s paramount we do the spiritual and energetic work in tandem with the actions required to bring our goals to fruition. 
To set a goal, at it’s core, is to cast a spell—is to conjure—so when we write them down and speak them.. when our goals become mantra.. when we begin to believe in them.. and have faith in our ability to bring them to light—we send a message to the universe, energetically, to conspire with us and bend to our will. 
If you’re into meditation or prayer, I highly recommend incorporating your goals—your dreams—into your practice. It’s the perfect time and setting for energizing your intention. 
This is perhaps the most important step in the goal-setting process.
Step 9: Keep Track of and Celebrate Your Progress
Finally, it’s time to choose which goals you’ll be running with for the long haul. Our goals have to be manageable, or else we overwhelm ourselves and nothing gets accomplished. 
It’s as simple as that. We need to keep track of our small wins in order to keep us motivated and charged up, so we can continue to power forward and complete our big goals. 
Our gains are fuel. 
Additional Tips:
1. If you don't meditate i.e. make time for silence and stillness, or don't meditate regularly, now is the time to start. 
2. If you set your goals, but still have a voice in your head that speaks ill on your pursuits, you will have trouble bringing your goals to fruition. 
3. If you set your goals, but still have people in your life who speak ill on your pursuits, you will have trouble bringing your goals to fruition. 
4. In addition to making time for silence and stillness, be sure to make time for joy and self-- for doing things that make YOU happy. That energizes you. That makes you laugh or smile. That fills you up.
This energy -- the energy of joy-- of flow -- is fodder for the fire, and will aid tremendously in your pursuit. 
And that’s it kids!  Good luck and happy spellcasting! 
If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to share your progress with me or each other, feel free to comment on this post or drop me a line at [email protected]
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