suga-kookiemonster · 5 years
OMG thank you for blessing us with this fic. Every little detail made so much sense but the two that stuck out to me the most is obviously the Jin, the way that basically told us what we need to prepare for even though we didn’t know what how casual he was with her. My fav hint which was so slick is when the OC refuse to tell Viv that she got his number and they have plans to meet up later on, that blew my mind at the end cause it had me thinking how many time she didn’t want to “jinx” it.
You know one think that I have me wondering at first is why jimin couldn’t come into her apartment, yes he’s a vampire they need permission but what we found out at the end is jimin been doing this to her for a long time to the point he fell in love with her and vampires only need permission one time. That would mean he been in her apartment many times before I came to the conclusion that she been moving because she keep thinking all her apartment has bugs, maybe I’m over thinking.
The phone number does that mean Jin been helping erasing his number too cause when the OC took his number it wasn’t saved. Also when he was looking at the closet lowkey though Jin was in there I’m slow lmaoo but I knew it’s because he was transforming and poor Jin. Thank you for giving your take on horror fic cause it was fantastic.
ahhhh, i’m so happy you enjoyed, bb!!!💕 to answer your question, i made an executive decision to that in this au (for the sake of my plot 😂), invitations into the home can be revoked, just like on true blood. and every single time she told him to leave, so he had to get his ass out ☠️and he couldn’t come back in until she invited him again. this is how i had always intended it, but i forgot about my own rule when i wrote about her phone LMAO. so let’s just assume jimin figures out how to delete himself after she kicks him out ☠️☠️
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