#have a grumpy insecure billy for your troubles
angiiepaniic · 14 days
hiii giving you an excuse to talk about your bill because i also like him a lot and know your pain about never being able to talk about him. so heres your divine excuse to ^-^ i wanna hear
AAAA YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU’VE DONE this will be VERY LONG and VERY RAMBLY so like u asked for this (thank u btw ur my first ask)
man idek where to like start :,D
(should note that this is mainly a modern rendition but sometimes i picture us in his world too so it goes either way, really :3)
if you want me to elaborate on anything then just lmk! (that goes for anyone who wants to)
OH OH ok so i’ve been REALLY getting into the band sleep token and there’s like 4 songs that remind me of him and as a result CANNOT stop listening to them (namely rain, give, mine, and telomeres - i highly recommend them!)
bill will listen to just about anything music wise but has a particular soft spot for things like blues, country, and some older rock like billy joel (also really likes soul and r&b like h.e.r. and muni long but will never admit it) — but generally, in his eyes, if it’s a good song it’s a good song, regardless of genre or artist.
he’s even more open with food, like, he will eat anything in front of him even if he doesn’t like it - just how he was raised. he doesn’t have any set favourites besides some southern classics (he will eat 25 servings of mac n cheese in one sitting if u let him)
i on the other hand am VERY iffy with food and find it hard to eat a lot of things, but we know each other so well now that bill will just eat off my plate sometimes (with consent ofc)
he’s not the best cook but is an absolute GRILL MASTER. all gang cookouts are held at his place (and pearson can’t decide if that’s insulting or not)
we spend like 90% of our time just relaxing together, but he does boxing on the weekends to (and i quote) ‘’stay strong for his lady’’
very protective, ABSOLUTELY the jealous type - not in a toxic way, just a bit grumpy sometimes (as always, this is bill we’re talking about)
he’s SO pleasant to be around. we have the same awful humour, the same love languages (we’re both so touch starved that we cling to each other like a curse)
he can be a bit a of a bastard with all the playful teasing but i do the same so it’s an even battleground. i can call him stupid and it’s fine, anyone else does and im THROWING HANDS (and so will he, probably) — and in turn, he’s the only one who can call ME stupid or HE will throw hands while i cry in the corner LMAO
the modern stuff doesn’t have very specific lore, just some cross-dimensional shenanigans. most of it is just based around my actual day-to-day and how i think we’d be living together — but i have a bunch of little aus! got a goth one, got a biker one (one of my personal faves), got a gender bend one because i’ll be damned if bill can’t ALSO be my girlfriend
when i imagine us in the red dead universe i refuse to let him have the bad ending he gets canonically - my funky little brain says that everyone’s healthy and happy in a little ranch or settlement somewhere because that’s what EVERYONE deserves (except micah)
i know most people view him as gay, but i personally headcanon him as pansexual and into everyone regardless of gender because I feel like that fits him quite well
he really is quite loveable, just sometimes he has trouble showing it - but he’s getting better. his ‘i love you’s come out as random hugs, random compliments, and endearing nicknames (as embarrassing as it is i imagine his go-to is calling me bunny :3)
we’re both kinda insecure so sometimes we have a back-and-forth but it’s compliments. i’ve been telling him every day that he’s wonderful and amazing and the best and that his belly’s one of my favourite things and i will DIE on that hill idc how much he complains.
ik that if he was reading the above paragraph he’d look at me and go ‘’BUT YOU COMPLAIN LIKE THAT TOO’’ and yk what he’s right - but that’s why we have each other
our relationship is very healing for the both of us. we both get the love we need and deserve after being deprived of it for so long, and genuinely we’re happier for it. i got out of a lot really bad habits thanks to him, and i’ve been doing my best to help him too <3
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
eddie hosting campaigns at home over the summer, the whole of the hellfire club crammed into his living room, billy and steve chilling in the bedroom while they wait for eddie to finish his little game. it takes forever. steve eventually gets bored enough to wander out and watch, a move that only lengthens the game as dustin convinces him to create a character and join in. billy audibly groans from the next room, turns up his music incrementally, nudging the knob a few notches at a time as if he can smoke everyone out with megadeath if he finds the right volume. when he ventures into the kitchen for food he makes a show if it, loud and dramatic sighing, slamming the fridge door like it’s personally offended him, glaring daggers at the whole club because okay, sure, he’s glad that eddie has his little friends, but does the stupid dragon game have to eat up the entire summer?
“don’t worry, baby,” eddie promises, “i’ll make it up to you.”
this gets a chorus of, “ew” and, “gross” and, “not in front of lady applejack, munson”. dustin is the most disgusted, muttering, “god, guys, get a room.”
“i’m fucking trying,” billy complains, which gets more groans, the entire gang deciding you know, it’s been fun, loved hanging with eddie’s golden retriever boyfriend but his scary dog boyfriend is getting scarier by the minute. they take it as their cue: time to clear out.
“be careful with that one,” erica says, glaring at scowling billy as she backs out the door, “he might have rabies.”
billy snarls, is still in a sour mood even as everyone leaves, until it’s just the three of them again, him and eddie and steve, and eddie sidles up behind him, snakes his arms around billy’s waist, while steve starts to clean up the game. eddie rests his chin on billy’s shoulder, kisses his neck, apologizes for taking so long and asks what he wants to do now that everyone’s gone. billy grabs a miniature right out of steve’s hand, turns it over, asks what the hell its supposed to be.
eddie’s caught off guard. billy has never cared about d&d before, has never even feigned interest. he answers billy’s question only to be asked more, one after the other, and he slowly starts to realize that billy wants to learn, but that, unlike steve, who was comfortable goofing off and messing up with eddie and dustin and even erica there to guide him, with the whole club patient as he learned, billy didn’t want to fumble in front of the others. he was nervous around them.
“you could play with us, you know,” eddie offers, hugging billy a little closer.
billy scoffs. “your friends don’t like me.”
this hurts to hear. eddie realizes that he can’t even dispute it. half of hellfire knows billy as the big bad. the new king of the jocks. he’s all heavy metal and hairspray, cigarettes and leather jackets and fast cars, armored in effortless cool. on eddie, the music and the wild hair are quirks, weird and unbecoming. but billy wields it like a sword. he’s the guy to look out for, the one who smells like marlboros and motor oil and musky cologne. he’s brooding and abrasive and, yeah, okay, maybe a little terrifying.
and, no, it doesn’t help that he stalks about the trailer every time hellfire gathers there. people stop talking when he enters the room. eddie knows this and, now, he knows that billy notices, too.
“maybe we could play a round?” steve suggests, a slight bend in the tension that’s swelled in the room. “just…i don’t know. to try it?”
eddie glances at billy.
billy shrugs.
this is encouragement enough. eddie pulls billy to the floor with him, starts explaining the object of the game, laying out the basics. billy sits in eddie’s lap, his back against eddie’s chest as eddie rests his chin on billy’s shoulder and reaches around him to show him the player’s guide while steve lays everything back out on the table.
they play around. eddie mostly improvs it, watching billy carefully, nervous that he’s not having fun, that he actually really does hate this. there’s no sign of that, though. billy is just…taking it all in. learning. asking questions. they play well into the night, pausing only to refuel with weak coffee and re-heated pizza. when he comes home in the morning, wayne finds the three of them passed out on the living room floor, three exhausted teenage boys dogpiled on each other.
billy doesn’t play the next time the club comes over. but he doesn’t hide, either. and he doesn’t sulk. he sits in the kitchen, snacking on chips, drinking stale beer, smoking. he watches the game. he smirks at dustin’s stupid jokes, finds he likes the way erica puts everyone else in their place. he even jokes with gareth once or twice, chipping little cracks in the ice, bridging the gap from his own isolation into eddie’s world.
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lancsnerd · 6 years
Who Wore It Better? Extended NSFW Version
Summary: Thor’s girlfriend is developing an obsession with Billy Lee from Bad Times at the El Royale, and he decides to take action.
Pairing: Thor x female reader
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: NSFW (18+ only), explicit smut, smutty fluff
A/N: This is an extended smutty version of the story. A link to the SFW shorter version of this story is available on my Masterlist (link on my bio).
A picture of ‘the outfit’ for reference is provided in the first reblog.
It was a quiet Saturday evening for a change, a rare chance for a relaxed evening at home, and you were snuggled on the sofa with Thor watching TV. Binge-watching your favourite show wrapped in the arms of your favourite man - utter bliss.
During the ad break he jumped up to grab some more popcorn, kissing the top of your head as he stood. A trailer for the new Drew Goddard movie came on and caught your interest whilst he was still in the kitchen.
“Hey honey, there’s a new movie coming out that looks cool, we should go see it.” You took a handful of popcorn as he settled back on the sofa.
“Maybe it would be suitable for our next date night. What movie?”
Frowning, you tried to remember the title. “It’s called Bad Times at the something or other. They’ll probably show it again in the next ad break.”
Your prediction turned out to be correct and it was agreed that the movie was definitely worth seeing. During the repeated trailer, Thor noted that you seemed to be paying a lot of attention to one character in particular - a man who had forgotten his shirt as he strolled through a field of flowers. Thinking it was just his imagination. Thor paid it no mind.
There was no denying the effect the movie was having on you later though when a different trailer came on and you audibly gasped. This time the man was in the rain, water running in rivulets down the chiselled curves of his lean torso, pale blue eyes fixed on the viewer as he strutted towards the camera.
“At least he remembered to put on a shirt this time, even if he’s too lazy to button it,” Thor thought bitterly.
Then the programme started again, you shuffled to rest your head on his chest and Thor decided to forget about it. Why should he feel threatened by some character in a movie?
At least, he forgot about it until the next morning. Sitting eating breakfast, you were looking at your phone while he made a fresh pot of coffee. As he reached across to refill your cup, he noted that you were reading articles about that new movie. And you seem to be lingering on the photos, noticeably the photos of the same man as last night - some character called Billy Lee according to the caption. The man who didn’t seem to know what shirt buttons were for.
Thor wasn’t going to admit he was jealous, but he was certainly confused. He supposed that the man was attractive and had a reasonably muscular physique, but it wasn’t as impressive as his own god-like frame surely. So what was your sudden fascination all about?
“Still interested in that movie then?” he enquired, hoping to drag your attention away from this unexpected rival.
“Uh huh.”
Your eyes didn’t move from the screen and he sat next to you, observing as he sipped his coffee until he couldn’t stand the silence any longer. “You’ve been staring at that same picture for 3 minutes. What does this Billy Lee have that I don’t?”
Looking up in surprise, you saw his grumpy expression and couldn’t resist winding him up a little. “Incredibly low-slung trousers.”
“Do you prefer his body to mine?”
He sounded genuinely troubled and you put the phone down guiltily, keen to reassure him. Somehow you’d made the hottest guy in the world insecure about his looks. “No one is as gorgeous as you, honey. C’mon, you have muscles that I never knew existed and I love them all. Some guy in a movie is never gonna match up to you. It’s just a really sexy outfit that he’s wearing, or maybe the bad-boy vibe....”
Glancing down at your phone to shut it off, your voice tailed off as you were distracted by the mouth-watering sight of Billy Lee and his washboard abs again. Reluctantly dragging your eyes away from the screen, you admitted “It’s definitely the really sexy outfit.”
“I thought you said my armour with the bare arms was sexy,” Thor huffed.
“Oh it is. I love seeing you in it, running my hands over the leather, along your beautiful biceps.” Your fingers traced lazy circles along his arms as you spoke, moving closer to him. “Or that long maroon jacket with the v-neck grey tee that shows your pecs off so nicely.”
Slowly your hands moved across his chest, feeling the muscles beneath his shirt flex in response to your gentle touch. “And I love seeing you in those gym shorts, especially when you wear them low. You make everything look good, honey.”
Bunching the fingers of one hand in the material, you pulled his t-shirt upwards and slid your other hand across the newly exposed flesh. You leaned closer to kiss his neck, whispering close to his ear as you nibbled his soft skin. “Although you look even better when I take it all off you.”
He grinned broadly and pulled you onto his lap. “Is that so? Maybe you should do that then.”
Later the same day, you had to catch up on some work and Thor headed out for a while. You figured he must be going to the gym, but he was gone longer than you expected and the sky was dark when he returned with several shopping bags. Dropping the bags, he came up behind your chair and draped his long arms round your body, resting his head on top of yours gently.
You leaned back against him, relaxing into the enveloping warmth of his embrace. “Hey, it looks like you’ve been busy.”
“Yes, my love, I thought it was time to get some new clothes. How are you doing, will you finish soon?” He sounded like he something in mind but you knew the work was urgent.
“Almost done, just need to send a few emails.”
“That’s good.” Picking up his bags, he headed into the bedroom.
Fifteen minutes later, you’d finished up and called out as you put your laptop away. “Hey honey, I’m finished. Do you want to go out somewhere for dinner?”
Hearing the bedroom door open behind you, you turned. Nothing had prepared you for the heavenly sight in front of you.
Thor was wearing a white cotton shirt, unbuttoned and hanging open to reveal every muscular curve and ridge of his smooth chest. A long chain round his neck that hung loosely down over his bulging pecs, between his exposed nipples. That would have been more than enough to get your pulse racing but it was the rest of his outfit that was truly mesmerising. Pale blue jeans that fitted snugly on his thick thighs, that only just clung to his hips - sinfully low, gravity-defyingly low revealing the faint line of soft hairs leading down from his navel. His glorious adonis belt was on full display, the distinctive V-lines leading your eyes inexorably towards his barely-covered crotch.
He stood in the doorway, a wicked smile on his face. “You seemed to like this look a little too much. Thought I’d remind you that you’re mine.”
A whimpered “Wow” was all you could manage, your lust-filled brain unable to form any other cohesive thought as he sauntered over to you, hips swinging lazily.
“Are you mine, darlin’?” His voice was low, softer than usual, oozing self-confidence as he revelled in the power he clearly had over you. You nodded dumbly, trembling as his fingers stroked your cheek tenderly, thumb running along your lower lip.
“Course you are. This outfit is still missing something though. Come with me.” His words were a command not a question, and you bit your lip to stifle a moan as you followed him towards the moonlit balcony.
Clouds were rapidly gathering overhead and you suddenly realised what he was planning. “Oh my God.”
“Yes I am. Your God of Thunder. Which means I can do this.” Turning his face to the sky he spread his arms wide, a bolt of lightning slicing across the darkness before the heavens opened. Fat droplets of rain splashed on every surface, soaking you to the bone in seconds.
Thor stood motionless, arms outstretched, eyes closed, at one with the storm as the water poured over him. The drenched shirt was clinging to the sides of his body, emphasising his broad shoulders and strong arms. His rippling torso glistened in the pale light and you shivered, not knowing whether it was due to the sudden chill of the rain or your need for him. In that moment he looked truly god-like and you knew you would do anything for him, anything he desired.
Slowly he ran his hands through his hair, long fingers pushing the wet strands off his face, relishing the feel of the cool rain on his skin. He was magnificent, an erotic fantasy made real. And he was yours for the taking. His eyes opened and met yours as you moved forwards, drawn towards him by an aching need that you were powerless to resist any longer.
As you got within arms length of him you stopped, letting your darkening gaze travel hungrily down his powerful frame. The movie character had looked like a horny daydream in the photos but that paled in comparison to having a real-life version within your reach. With Billy Lee, your eyes had been instantly drawn to the long lean torso, the 6 pack that seemed to have been carved out of marble, the impossibly deep V lines. Thor’s battle-hardened body was on a different scale but no less beautiful - luscious abs still well-defined but complemented by huge pecs and muscular arms that strained the seams of his soaked shirt to breaking point.
Seeing that you were well and truly under his spell, his lips curled into a smug grin. He stood with his hands clasped behind his head, seemingly content to let you indulge in whatever fantasy you wished, making no move to touch you although his cool blue eyes were fixed on your face.
Trembling in anticipation, you reached out slowly to caress one bicep before running your hands across his broad shoulders slowly, sighing when the muscles flexed under your touch. Even through his shirt, the delicious warmth of his skin was in marked contrast to the chill in the air.
As your hands reached his smooth chest you spread your fingers wide, flattening your palms against the toned flesh. Leaning closer to place open-mouthed kisses to his collarbone you pressed yourself against him, eliciting a deep grunt of approval and a crash of thunder as your hips ground against the obvious bulge in his jeans.
The feel of his body on yours was bewitching, but you were still desperate for your eyes and fingers to continue their exploration. The streams of water running down his beautiful torso were mesmerising and your fingertips followed the same winding path down his bare chest, stroking the ridges and contours of his abdomen. Thor remained still, appearing unaffected by your touch, although you noted the rumbling thunder overhead increased whenever your fingers inched lower.
Swallowing slowly, you traced the line of fine hairs down from his navel until they disappeared under his waistband. Gorgeous as the hip-hugging jeans looked, they were standing between you and his impressive cock and they had to go. You reached to undo his belt but suddenly a strong hand grasped your wrist, his other arm wrapping round your body to spin you and pull you closer, holding you firmly with your back flush against his bare chest as you squealed in surprise.
The sensation of hot breath on your neck sent shivers through you as teeth grazed and nipped your earlobe. “Did you think I’d forget about you lusting after some other man? You don’t get to keep touching me. Not until I make sure that I’m the only one on your mind.”
Hands moved to cup your breasts, roughly kneading the soft flesh over your shirt and you lost any capacity for rational thought. Your head fell back against his shoulder, leaning against him for support with eyes squeezed shut against the rain as his fingers pinched and rolled your already-peaked nipples through the drenched material that adhered to your body like a second skin. He left a trail of rough kisses along your neck, sucking and biting at the hollow between your throat and shoulder hard enough to leave bruises that he knew would last for days. Possessing you, marking you with a reminder that you were his.
You could feel his hard length pressing against your backside, twitching as the soft moans that fell from your lips became louder. Leaving one hand still fondling your breast, Thor’s other hand slid swiftly down to your leg and slipped under your rain-soaked skirt. Long fingers stroked across the lacy fabric of your panties, brushing against your clit and rubbing over your clothed folds at a tantalisingly slow pace. Over and over again, teasing with the lightest of touches as he whispered in your ear how you were made for him, how good you would look with him inside you.
“Please Thor, I need more. You look so good, let me touch you,” you begged, grasping his hand as you squirmed without success against the arm that pinned you to him. You felt him smile against your skin as his leg slid between yours to spread them wider, opening you fully to his touch.
“No more touching me for now, I get to play first. But since you asked so nicely, love...”
Pushing your panties to the side, he still played with your soft folds for a short while, relishing your broken gasps, before finally pushing two fingers deep inside you. Your slick walls pulsed at the welcome intrusion as he twisted his wrist slowly to stroke you. Your body was overwhelmed with sensations as though every nerve was on fire, each touch sending a shockwave to your core. One hand continued to squeeze your breast, toying with the over-sensitised nipple, whilst hot kisses and sharp bites covered your neck.
His hand gave a few experimental thrusts, making sure your attention was just where he wanted before picking up speed, pumping his fingers in and out roughly just as he knew you liked. He kept up the brutal pace, enjoying your breathless gasps and the obscene sounds of his fingers thrusting into you, until he felt your core start to flutter to signal your approaching climax.
So many days spent exploring your body, worshipping it with his hands and lips and tongue, meant that it was as familiar to him as his own and he knew just how to keep you at breaking point. With a devilish grin he slowed his movements, ignoring your whines at being left so tantalisingly close. Teasing you, denying you what you craved until he was ready. Broken cries were the only sound you could make as his fingers curled lazily in a come-hither motion to gently stroke your velvet walls. You writhed against him, chasing the pressure you needed as he continued the exquisite torture, your arousal dripping down his hand.
The storm raging overhead showed his power over the forces of nature but it was nothing compared to the thrill he got from seeing the power he had over you. Gods, how he adored watching you fall apart around his fingers, revelling in each cry and whimper, feeling your body quiver with carnal pleasure that only he was allowed to give you.
With two fingers still buried deep in you, Thor’s thumb moved to your clitoris and pressed firmly, rubbing slow circles on the sensitive nub. When he slid a third finger inside you, the delicious stretch was enough to tip you over the edge. Your orgasm hit you like a lightning bolt, your body shaking with each pulse, crying out his name over and over as you clenched tightly around his fingers. Thor continued to stroke you gently through your high, trying to ignore the effect your cries had on his achingly hard erection.
When the shakes that wracked your body had subsided he relaxed his grip, still supporting you as you turned to face him again. You grabbed to pull him into an urgent kiss, crushing his lips with yours. Satisfying as your orgasm had been, it hadn’t diminished your thirst for him. Your hands slid below his wet shirt, stroking down the curve of his back to his firm ass, groaning into his mouth at the feel of muscles rippling under your palms.
His voice sounded strained with the effort it was taking to hold himself back. “Tell me what you want, precious.”
“Want you, my beautiful man. Want you to fuck me.” You spoke breathlessly, barely more than a whisper, but it was all the encouragement he needed.
Eager hands moved under your skirt again, pushing your soaked panties down your legs far enough so they fell to the ground. With a snarl, he grasped your butt, digging his fingers into the rounded flesh before picking you up with ease and carrying you over to the wall. You wrapped your legs round his hips, crying out at the contrast of rough wet denim and smooth skin against your swollen clit as you ground shamelessly up and down against him.
Pressing you to the wall for support, one hand moved from cupping your ass to your chest. The fabric of your shirt and bra stood no chance as he ripped them open, exposing your breasts to his heated gaze. He watched the last of the rain dripping down your curves for a few moments, pupils blown wide with lust, before palming one breast and lifting you higher so his lips could latch onto the hardened bud, suckling and licking greedily. Your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging the wet strands at each jolt of pleasure his lips gave you.
Leaving his hot mouth still firmly attached to your breast, he fumbled one handedly to loosen the belt that was just barely managing to hold the jeans on his hips. Once he had managed to undo two fly buttons, the weight of the rain-sodden denim pulled them down to his thighs, allowing his hard length to spring free against his stomach, leaking pre-cum abundantly. A few shimmies of his hips were enough to drop the jeans low enough for him to kick them off and he grunted in satisfaction.
With a final flick of his tongue across your nipple, he released your breast and slid your body lower until his erect member was pressing at your entrance. You leant forwards to wrap your arms round his neck and cover his face with sloppy kisses, sighing against his skin when he nudged between your folds.
He paused there for a moment, savouring the tightness of your wet heat around his swollen tip before pushing inside in one swift thrust until he bottomed out. After a few seconds to let you adjust to his girth, he gripped your thighs tighter and lifted you slowly as he withdrew his hips before thrusting back in. You writhed as he dragged you up and down his full length on each stroke, increasing the pace until he was slamming into you at a punishing speed.
The air was filled with the debauched sounds of skin slapping against skin and groans of pleasure. Your nails raked over his biceps, teeth bit into his shoulder, heels dug into the small of his back, encouraging him to keep going... faster... harder. The last remnant of your consciousness wondered how this would look if someone saw you now - naked except for the skirt bunched up round your waist and the tattered shirt hanging loose, face flushed, begging for more as you were taken hard by this literal God amongst men.
Then a slight change in angle meant he hit the sweet spot inside you and your mind shut down, flooding with pleasure. He was oh so close when your climax overwhelmed you, the rhythm of his rapid thrusts already starting to falter, and the feel of you clenching tightly around him made him cum with a loud groan, pulling you closer as he buried his cock deep within you.
You stayed like that for a while, both panting for breath while he supported your limp frame. As your heart rates returned to normal, you hugged him tightly, the heat of his skin making you realise just how cold your exposed body felt. Noticing your shivers, Thor swiftly carried you back into the bedroom, bare feet splashing in the puddles.
The insatiable sex god was replaced by the sweet, cuddly teddy bear that you loved most of all and you watched with adoring eyes as he peeled the remaining wet clothes from you both, fetched towels to dry and clean you up, then laid you in the bed under warm blankets before snuggling up close. You yawned contentedly as you nestled into the warmth of his embrace, legs tangling with his to feel as much of his skin against yours as possible.
“So, you like me in the outfit then? Better than the man in the film?” he asked softly.
“Mmm, so much better. You’ll always be my number one.”
He kissed your forehead, humming happily. “Damn right.”
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fandomdancer · 4 years
1, 7, 22, 30, 40, 46, 49
Original post below so you can see the list. I am answering these questions but if you are interested in hearing more, I can answer more!
1:  What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
I have two OCs right now I could answer this for, so I’ll actually answer for both.
My first OC is Talia Talbot. I was brainstorming names and just wanted something fun and carefree-sounding. The first thing that popped into my head was ‘Tabby’ with ‘Tabitha’ as the full name. My brain just decided it didn’t want the ‘kitty cat’ subtext and I started thinking of names with the same rhythm. ‘Tally’ came next, with ‘Talia’ as the full name, and I got stuck on it. As for ‘Talbot’ as the last name, I was literally just thinking of last names that felt right and and ‘Talbot’ just sort of popped out of my mouth. So really - ‘Tally’ was kind of a random name that had the right rhythm and it stuck. ‘Talia’ itself means ‘gentle dew from heaven/by the water’ which is a soft and beautiful meaning and kind of fits her personality. She is the steady person in her relationships, the listener, the supporter.
The second OC is Roslyn and to be honest I haven’t decided on her last name yet. My original idea for the character was a rich girl with an aristocratic name. I asked my girlfriend for help and she replied: “Roslyn” without hesitation. I don’t usually choose the first name that comes to mind but it sounded so absolutely perfect, the only thing I asked was: “Roslyn or Rosalyn?” She said: “Roslyn” and that was that. So...I don’t have her maiden name, but that is how I got Roslyn Thawne (yep...you read that right). The meaning of her name is ‘gentle horse/rose’ and while I know the story she is involved in, I’m not sure if the meaning of her name fits.
7:  Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?
Tally tries to keep her swearing down. How does she do it? Usually by muttering: “For the love of....” without actually finishing the sentence. Her frustration level can be determined by how loud, soft, fast, or slow she says it!
Roslyn is a big fan of asking questions without actually asking them. She’ll flatten the end of a sentence so she isn’t actually making a questioning sound, but usually the sound that comes out is pretty sarcastic. “Really...” is something she’ll say, usually to let someone know they’re going too far, or doing something completely ridiculous.
22:  What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have?
Tally and her best friend Ren (short for Renault...but only she can call him that ;) ) have matching tattoos. I know they have but honestly I don’t know what they are yet haha. (They’re both still in development)
Roslyn is even less developed so I’m not sure of any distinguishing characteristics. I know she has a smattering of freckles on her face and her significant other (Eobard) does like to kiss them when he feels affectionate.
30:  When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
Tally loves music. She listens to most kinds from all decades, from Billie Holiday and Kay Starr to Elvis Presley and The Runaways, to the Bangles and the Backstreet Boys. She does prefer songs with lyrics and doesn’t spend a lot of time in the classical or smooth jazz range. She does have a solid appreciation for movie scores. She has a tendency to annoy the Wells (EoWells and Harry both) by blasting classic rock when she’s burying herself in work, but Cisco will often drop by for an impromptu dance party. Film wise - she gets along like a house on fire with Cisco Ramon so the two of them share their love of classic - and not-so-classic - films. She’ll quote scenes from Die Hard with him over the course of a day, and then flop down with Buster Keaton and a bowl of popcorn in her off hours. She isn’t big on going to the theatre for plays but will sneak over if it’s a musical or a dance show (like Riverdance).
Roslyn received piano lessons at a young age (which she eventually traded for violin lessons), and is definitely quieter than Tally when it comes to musical tastes. She enjoys film scores, orchestral or symphonic music, and even band music when she can get to it. She considers opera to be an impressive vocal achievement but doesn’t listen to it on a regular basis (unless Eobard’s listening and letting it play in the house). Roslyn doesn’t quite enjoy sitting and watching many films or plays or television but will do it occasionally. She prefers to be outside, enjoying what nature she can.
40:  Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
I actually can answer this for Ren, not Tally or Roslyn (because I just don’t know yet). Ren’s guilty pleasure is comedies. He was a more casual fellow before the catastrophe that ripped him and Tally apart, but later he comes off as very grumpy and dark. No one would suspect his favorite actor is Dan Aykroyd and he secretly loves to watch Addams Family and Get Smart and Max Headroom.
46:  What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?
Tally will blow kisses at Ren randomly. She doesn’t do it during serious moments like when they’re at work, but relaxing, or even at a dinner party, she’ll send one when she thinks no one is looking (however, someone often sees).
Roslyn knows Eobard isn’t huge on contact so she adapts the Vulcan affectionate gesture between Sarek and Amanda, and usually keeps two fingers in contact with a part of him when there is need for support or when her heart is full. Eobard will at times be more comfortable with contact, and instead of letting her rest her fingers on him he’ll take her hand or place his hand on her opposite waist. When the two of them are truly alone they are in much more prolonged contact with each other but in most situations it’s just the two fingers.
49:  What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood?
Tally consistently dreams about the final moments of her Earth - Earth-15. As she spends more time on Earth-1, the dreams are less frequent but they still happen. They heavily affect her mood at first but again, over time, the effect lessens. She never truly stops being affected by them and they never truly stop. Sometime she dreams about what actually happened, and sometimes her mind makes up alternate. She has woken with a start, woken normally but disturbed, woken screaming, woken crying. In a few short hours, she lost everyone and everything but the clothes on her back, and she is scarred from that for the rest of her life.
Roslyn doesn’t start to really have nightmares until she sees how far Eobard is falling into his obsession with The Flash. She dreams often of him turning on them, or leaving them. Little does she know their daughter Melody also dreams of him killing them. This is an additional strain on her marriage to him, particularly when he begins to say and do things she thought she had only dreamed. She is watching her husband and the love of her life descend into madness and she is helpless to stop it.
Original Post:
Get to know my character
Reblog this so your followers can spam your ask box. Have fun! ♥
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded? 02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness? 03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves? 04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical) 05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type? 06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying? 07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)? 08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it? 09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday? 10. Is your character more feminine or masculine? 11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage? 12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up? 13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker? 14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates? 15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear. 16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like? 17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children? 18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode? 19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily? 20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures? 21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear? 22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have? 23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved? 24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like? 25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day? 26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc? 27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it? 28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for? 29. What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one? 30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like? 31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what? 32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do? 33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go? 34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc) 35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go? 36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life? 37. What are some of your character’s pet peeves? What are some things that annoy them or disgust them? 38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc? 39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct? 40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others? 41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way? 42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change? 43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self? 44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character? 45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve?
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover? 47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along? 48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious? 49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood? 50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?
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lancsnerd · 6 years
Who wore it better?
Summary: His girlfriend is developing an obsession with one particular film character and Thor decides to take action.
Pairing: Thor x reader
Words: 1500
Warnings: Suggestive but no actual smut
A/N: Even though it’s a Thor fic, I’ve added a pic of Billy Lee in Bad Times at the El Royale for reference - it’ll make sense, honest!
Link to my Masterlist is on my bio.
If there’s any interest I may write an extended NSFW version of this. Let me know what you think.
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It was a quiet Saturday evening for a change, a rare chance for a relaxed evening at home, and you were snuggled on the sofa with Thor watching TV. Binge-watching your favourite show wrapped in the arms of your favourite man - utter bliss.
During the ad break he jumped up to grab some more popcorn, kissing the top of your head as he stood. A trailer for the new Drew Goddard film came on and caught your interest whilst he was still in the kitchen.
“Hey honey, there’s a new movie coming out that looks cool, we should go see it.” You took a handful of popcorn as he settled back on the sofa.
“Maybe it would be suitable for our next date night. What movie?”
Frowning, you tried to remember the title. “It’s called Bad Times at the something or other. They’ll probably show it again in the next ad break.”
Your prediction turned out to be correct and it was agreed that the movie was definitely worth seeing. During the repeated trailer, Thor noted that you seemed to be paying a lot of attention to one character in particular - a man who had forgotten his shirt as he strolled through a field of flowers. Thinking it was just his imagination. Thor paid it no mind.
There was no denying the effect the movie was having on you later though when a different trailer came on and you audibly gasped. This time the man was in the rain, water running in rivulets down the sharp muscular curves of his lean torso, blue eyes fixed on the viewer as he strutted towards the camera.
“At least he remembered to put on a shirt this time, even if he’s too lazy to button it.” Thor thought bitterly.
Then the programme started again, you shuffled to rest your head on his chest and Thor decided to forget about it. Why should he feel threatened by some character in a film?
At least, he forgot about it until the next morning. Sitting eating breakfast, you were looking at your phone while he made a fresh pot of coffee. As he reached across to refill your cup, he noted that you were reading articles about that new film. And you seem to be lingering on the photos, noticeably the photos of the same man as last night - some character called Billy Lee according to the caption. The man who didn’t seem to know what shirt buttons were for.
Thor wasn’t going to admit he was jealous, but he was certainly confused. He supposed that the man was attractive and had a reasonably muscular physique, but it wasn’t as impressive as his own god-like frame surely. So what was your sudden fascination all about?
“Still interested in that movie then?” he enquired, hoping to drag your attention away from this unexpected rival.
“Uh huh.” Your eyes didn’t move from the screen and he sat next to you, observing as he sipped his coffee until he couldn’t stand the silence any longer.
“You’ve been staring at that same picture for 3 minutes. What does this Billy Lee have that I don’t?”
Looking up in surprise, you saw his grumpy expression and smirked. “Incredibly low-slung trousers.”
“Do you prefer his body to mine?”
He sounded genuinely troubled and you put the phone down guiltily, keen to reassure him. Somehow you’d made the hottest guy in the world insecure about his looks. “No one is as gorgeous as you, honey. I mean you have muscles that I never knew existed and I love them all. Some guy in a film is never gonna match up to you. It’s just a really sexy outfit that he’s wearing, or maybe the bad-boy vibe....”
Glancing down at your phone to shut it off, your voice tailed off as you were distracted by the mouth-watering sight of Billy Lee and his washboard abs again. Reluctantly dragging your eyes away from the screen, you admitted “It’s definitely the really sexy outfit.”
“I thought you said my armour with the bare arms was sexy” Thor huffed.
“Oh it is. I love seeing you in it, running my hands over the leather, along your beautiful biceps.” Your fingers traced lazy circles along his arms as you spoke, moving closer to him. “Or that maroon jacket with the v-neck grey tee that shows your pecs off so nicely.”
Slowly your hands moved across his chest, feeling the muscles beneath his shirt flex in response to your gentle touch. “And I love seeing you in those gym shorts, especially when you wear them low. You make everything look good.”
Bunching the fingers of one hand in the material, you pulled his t-shirt upwards and slid your other hand over the newly exposed flesh. You leaned closer to kiss his neck, whispering close to his ear as you nibbled his soft skin. “Although you look even better when I take it all off you.”
He grinned and pulled you onto his lap. “Is that so? Maybe you should do that then.”
Later the same day, you had to catch up on some work and Thor headed out for a while. Since he’d borrowed your phone you figured he must be going to the gym, but he was gone longer than you expected and the sky was dark when he returned with several shopping bags.
Dropping the bags, he came up behind your chair and wrapped his long arms round your body, resting his head on top of yours affectionately.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his arms. “Hey, it looks like you’ve been busy.”
“Yes, my love, I thought I would get some new clothes. How is your work going?” He sounded eager but you knew the work was urgent.
“Almost done, just need to send a few emails.”
“That’s good.” Picking up his bags, he headed into the bedroom.
Fifteen minutes later, you’d finished up and called out as you put your laptop away. “Hey honey, I’m finished. Do you want to go out somewhere for dinner?”
Hearing the bedroom door open behind you, you turned and realised why he’d wanted your phone earlier. Nothing had prepared you for the heavenly sight in front of you.
Thor was wearing a pale cotton shirt, unbuttoned and hanging open to reveal every muscular curve and ridge of his smooth chest. A long leather chain round his neck that hung loosely down over his bulging pecs, between his exposed nipples. That would have been more than enough to get your pulse racing but it was the rest of his outfit that was truly mesmerising. Pale blue jeans that only just clung to his hips, sinfully low, gravity-defyingly low revealing the faint line of soft hairs leading down from his navel. His glorious adonis belt was on full display, the distinctive V-lines leading your eyes inexorably towards his barely-covered crotch.
He stood in the doorway, a wicked smile on his face. “You seemed to like this look a little too much. Thought I’d remind you that you’re mine.”
A whimpered “Wow” was all you could manage, your lust-filled brain unable to form any other cohesive thought as he sauntered over to you, hips swinging lazily.
“Are you mine, darlin’?” His voice was low, softer than usual, oozing self-confidence as he revelled in the power he clearly had over you. You nodded dumbly, trembling as his fingers stroked your cheek tenderly, thumb running along your lower lip.
“Course you are. This look is still missing something though. Come with me.” His words were a command not a question, and you bit your lip to stifle a moan as you followed him towards the moonlit balcony.
Clouds were rapidly gathering overhead and you suddenly realised what he was planning. “Oh my God.”
“Yes I am. Your God of Thunder. Which means I can do this.” Turning his face to the sky he spread his arms wide, a bolt of lightning slicing across the darkness for a moment before the heavens opened. Fat droplets of rain splashed on every surface, soaking you to the bone in seconds.
Thor stood motionless, arms outstretched, eyes closed, at one with the storm as the water poured over him. The wet shirt was clinging to the sides of his body, emphasising his broad shoulders and strong arms. Rippling abs glistened in the pale light and you shivered, not knowing whether it was due to the storm or your need for him. In that moment he looked truly god-like and you knew you would do anything for him, anything he desired.
Slowly he ran his hands through his hair, long fingers pushing the wet strands off his face, relishing the feel of the cool rain on his skin. His eyes opened and met yours as you moved towards him, unable to resist any longer.
He was magnificent, an erotic fantasy made real. And he was yours for the taking.
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