#have not gotten bored of playing these games as 'intended' so i haven't done any of that insane deceleration slider mayhem yet either
boomstab-papa · 1 year
Been having a lot of fun with Sonic Frontiers in Arcade Mode, practicing for the Cyber Space Challenge. I don't see a lot of people posting their times on tumblr, so here are mine as of today! I'm no speedrunner (no homing dash, no spin dash (yet), etc) but I AM a fan of some casual Go Fast Have Fun
So this is some casual Go Fast Have Fun.
Also say hello to GeodeDude. He was a gift from my brother and he has John Cena arms.
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Don't Bite Your Lip - Lando Norris
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<word count - 2524>
Another night, and another stream. This was how you had met Lando, but he had slowed it down once F1 was back up and running. Of course, he didn't really have much time to play games with George, Charles, and Alex anymore.
Today, you had been recommended a game by a few followers as well as a few friends. 'Don't Scream'. The game premise was just the same as the title, you had to get to the end of the game without screaming. If you made any noises that the program deemed too loud, you would have to restart.
"OK chat, I haven't looked at the game, I haven't watched any clips, I didn't want to take away any of the scare factor from it," you explained, watching the rapid replies of the chat come through as they filtered into the stream.
From the other room, Lando was watching on. He always enjoyed your streams, even if he got to see the real thing practically every day. Something about seeing you play games and chat with people was oddly comforting to him.
As much as he wished he could join you and play games together, he had team emails he needed to sort through, and he wouldn't get any of that done if he was watching you. He left the stream on his phone off to the side, just so he could hear the soothing tones of your voice while he worked.
"So, here we go," you said after calibrating your mic so that you could still talk to the chat in quiet whispers, but screaming would kill your character. "I've got to last 18 minutes, without screaming," you whispered, navigating around the map for a little bit.
Lando smirked to himself as he heard, his mind instantly taking you back to the last time you had visited his parents. He just couldn't keep his hands to himself, practically pinning you down on the bed in his old room the second the door was closed.
You had told him to stop, since you didn't want anyone (especially not his family) to hear any activities of that sort. As usual, Lando made promises that he did not intend to keep. Said he'd go steady, said he'd be gentle, but he got carried away.
You spent the whole time with his hand clapped over your mouth as you used every ounce of self restraint you had not to bite into the flesh of his palm. Lando thought it was one of the best nights you had together, but he wasn't a moaning, quivering mess, so you disagreed.
Shaking his head to snap out of his far from innocent thoughts, he glanced over at your stream to see that you had gotten 2 minutes into the game, the lights still on as you explored the site of the plane crash.
You wandered into the cockpit of the plane, trying to click on the tape recorder in the center console. Lando found the slight way that your nose scrunched up and your eyebrows came together in confusion as one of the most adorable things he had ever seen.
"Well that isn't worki-" you said, being cut off as you turned around and some form of monster ran at you. You let out a small squeak of surprise, and your character fell over and died. "Right, so that's how the game works. Got it." you said, slightly annoyed.
The jumpscare was cheap, it was basic, but damn was it effective. Both you and Lando could see the chat laughing at you and making fun of you for getting scared at such a minor thing. Someone sent through a super chat, with a small message of 'Y/N, Charles in a banana costume is scarier than that'.
"Charles in the banana costume was funny, not scary. That was scary. But now I know for next time," you laughed, entering back into the game. You manoeuvred back through the map, back through the plane, holding your breath as you turned around and endured the jumpscare again.
"I did it that time, I did it. I think I just need to try and not talk, because then I'm not making any noise to start with. That would make for some very boring content though," you whispered, continuing your way through the game.
The daylight turned to night, and you took your hands off the keyboard. "This is where shit gets scary," you said, subconsciously biting your lip so that you wouldn't let out any noise. Lando spotted the action out of the corner of his eye, his attention instantly averted from his emails to the stream.
"Emails can wait," he mumbled to himself, swapping off the tab of his emails and logging into Twitch so that he could watch the stream on his laptop instead of his phone. You looked tense, ready for something to happen at the drop of a hat.
"Is something supposed to be happening? Nothings happening," you quietly ranted, still walking through the forest. "I can hear weird noises but there's nothing going on," you continued, the only sounds being some faint sirens in the background.
"Chat stop saying my game is broken? Is it actually broken?" you asked, and Lando could hear the slight tone of panic in your voice. "I'll keep going, I can see a building."
"I really don't wanna go in the scary building. But fuck it," you said with a burst of confidence, sinking your teeth back into the soft flesh of your lower lip. You pushed your way through the shop, taking in your surroundings as you waited for something to happen. 
"Hanging bodies, how cheerful," you mumbled, scared to speak in case something popped up and you were mid sentence. Some form of skeletal monster jumped up from the bottom of your screen, and you leant back and bit even harder into your bottom lip.
"That nearly got me, but we've gotta power through," you whispered, and Lando could see the reddish-purple marks that your teeth were leaving behind in your skin. A pang of concern rippled through him, not wanting you to hurt yourself too badly. 
Yes, he loved it when you bit your lip in that way, but not in the way you were currently doing so. He could see the way your jaw tensed when you bit down harder when you thought something was coming, or you heard a noise in the background. 
'Baby don't bite your lip so hard, you'll start bleeding.' Lando messaged you, and it popped up on the corner of your desktop. 
"OK, sorry," you said, and chat was confused. "Lando just texted me, don't worry about it," you explained, and they were all asking you to bring Lando in. "Guys he's busy, maybe he'll make an appearance later." you told them, and Lando giggled to himself in the other room. 
He was supposed to be busy, but he was currently occupied with making sure you didn't make yourself bleed. 
You took yourself out of the shop and back out into the forest. Every small rustle made you flinch, but you were focusing more on not chewing on your lip than the actual jumpscares in the game. "Who is she and why is she stood there?" you questioned, looking at the lady in white with black hair that was stood in the forest.
As you took a step closer, she disappeared along with a blood-curdling scream. You had to hold a hand over your mouth and push your chair back from the desk to make sure the mic didn't pick up any noises you made or the sounds of your very heavy breathing. 
Lando found it extremely amusing, though he could tell you were biting your lip to stop yourself from making any noise, even under your hand. His suspicions were confirmed when you pulled your hand away and the faint teeth marks on the skin were darker and slightly more pronounced. 
'Bite that lip one more time and I'll be right in there to make sure you don't hurt yourself, got it?' he texted, the urge to burst into your office proving to be very strong indeed. He saw as your eyes drifted to the corner of your screen, and he knew you had read his message. 
"How the fuck have I still got 7 minutes left?" you complained, chat finding your reactions funny as hell. The next few minutes were fine, and you were nearly on your way to beating the game. You had gotten through 4 minutes of some pretty bearable jumpscares, and your chat was telling you that now the game just throws them at you without many breaks. 
There was more rustling, then footsteps, then silence. You didn't even care about Lando being annoyed at you for biting your lip, you cared more about not losing the goddamn game. You carried on walking, until you heard the footsteps coming at you in quick succession, not allowing you to compose yourself before the jumpscare happened. 
You saw a woman running at you from the shadows, and everything happened way to fast. "Oh fuck!" you yelled as your character died. Lando heard your shout from his place in the other room, yet he was more bothered at the sight of you biting your lip again. 
As you released it from between your teeth, his eyes narrowed and a hint of frustration crawled through his veins as he saw the dark indents they had left behind. He knew it was scary, but he didn't like you doing that to yourself. 
"God I was so close to the end as well. Fuck, that's annoying," you bloviated, leaning back in your chair as the main menu to the game popped back up on scream. "Give me a sec, and then we can go again chat, whew," you said, taking a deep breath.
"I'm going to go and get a glass of water, don't be getting up to any shenanigans while I'm gone." you told them, staying for a few seconds with the replies of 'we'll be good'. You hopped out of your chair, making your way down to the kitchen.
Lando made sure you were gone before slipping into your office, sitting down in the space you had vacated. Chat lost their minds as he appeared, the comments playfully berating him for pretending to be busy when he really wasn't.
"I was busy, but now I am not, so I'm here," he explained to them,. "She hates horror games, so I don't know how you talked her into playing this, but well done to your guys. It has been thoroughly entertaining."
'Lando I thought you were working, but you're watching the stream?' one comment said. 
"Yes, I was working and watching, I can multitask very well, thank you." he chuckled, hearing your feet coming back upstairs. "I was never here, OK? Don't grass on me." he instructed, but he knew chat would undoubtedly grass on him for his impromptu appearance. 
Lando hurried out of the room and back into the room next door, hoping you hadn't spotted him. Sitting back down in your chair, you saw all the comments screaming about Lando. "Lando isn't here, I don't know what you're on about."
The barrage of comments telling on Lando and talking about Lando continued to flow in, and you were getting more confused by the second. "Guys I do not know what you mean, Lando wasn't here. He's still working." you told them, and Lando was trying to keep his laughter quiet in the other room as he watched on. 
"Lando?" you called out, his ears pricking up at the sound of your voice. 
"Can you come in here for a sec?" you asked, and he moved from his position and came into your office. "Right, have you been in here at all today?"
"No, I haven't. Why do you ask?" he cheekily grinned, looking over at chat and seeing the replies. 
'This man is trying to gaslight his way out of it smh' was a response that caught his eye. 
"I am not gaslighting, I wasn't here," he kept up his act of innocence. "Do I get to sit down or do I just have to hover awkwardly here?"
"Pull up a chair, my old one is in the closet," you told him, watching as he moved over to your cupboard and opened it, wheeling it out to be by your side. 
"Well shuffle up, you can't hog all the frame," he lightheartedly jibed, pushing you over. "Come on, we're playing again. No biting your lip this time, that looks like it hurts," he repeated, leaning in to look at the fading marks on your lip. 
"Yeah yeah, whatever," you rolled your eyes, starting up the game again and going through the motions. The scares got you less, but Lando was watching you like a hawk. As you returned to the shop, your lip somehow found its way between your teeth again. 
"Baby. Lip." Lando scolded in a whisper, and chat were dying at his commands. You listened and managed to not tug at your lip for the next 15 minutes, but, once you had reached the end, new scares that you hadn't seen before were popping up one after the other after the other. 
All you had was one minute left. One more minute and you could be done with the stupid game and go back to your chilled out, cozy streams of games that didn't make your heart rate spike through the roof. One more minute until-
"Don't bite your lip like that!" Lando chided a little too loudly, causing the game to react and kill you just before you had reached the end.
"Lando for fucks sake I was nearly there!" you exclaimed, looking at him with eyes of thunder. "My lip would've been fine for just 30 more seconds."
"Don't blame me, you could've just done what I asked, but no." Lando returned, crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair.
The comments were all along the lines of 'Oh shit, mum and dad are fighting again.'
Before Lando could get another word in, you told chat that you were going to call it a night, the both of you saying your goodbyes and shutting down the stream. Lando went to get ready for bed while you shut off your computer and your equipment, before turning off the LEDs in the room and leaving.
The second you walked through the bedroom door, Lando tugged on your wrist and pushed you down on the bed. You had no time to respond to his actions as he crawled over you, holding himself on top of you with a hand at either side of your head.
"You bite that goddamn lip one more time, I'm going to be pissed, got it?" he lowly said, his tone firm with a slight hint of mischief. 
"Mhm," you hummed, nodding. If you were going to listen to him at any time, now was sure as hell that time. Lando could be one ruthless bastard, but you were always one to answer to his demands. It ended better for you that way, anyway. Much, much, better.
A/N - Seriously you lot, thank you so so so much on the love you've been giving my stuff recently. I really hope that I don't get shadowbanned again, and I hope you enjoy this little ol' Lando thing I whipped up last night. Also... lmk in my comments or inbox (if the fucking thing starts working because Tumblr really needs to get on that) if y'all want me to get back into writing smut... because I've been considering it recently. I have 2 or 3 things started that I just never finished because I hate the way I write it, but it's gone down pretty well before, so I'll let you guys be the judge. Sorry for rambling, have a wonderful day/night, love y'all! 💖💖
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doubledeadstudio · 5 months
Since the game has some dark topics (which I absolutly love in fiction and I adore your VN as well) I hope nobody bothers you? Seeing the amount of good dark and twisted projects getting cancelled or "softened" because of weirdos who can't read the warnings gets on my nerves lately. It might be a strange question in general, but I just wanted to tell you - whatever you have planned for this game - do it!
Thank you so much for this message, anon!
So far, the community's still small enough that I haven't gotten any weirdos aside from flippant comments from Itch about the art or telling me it's boring, thank god. (I DEFINITELY expected there would be more about the content, especially by now...) Everyone has been super, duper nice so far. <3
No worries, though, I intend to stay true to the vibes of the game even if those people are around. If anybody has complaints, I intend to just discard them if they can't pinpoint anything specific aside from the content warnings on the page. I find the REALLY dark content aside from the general plot to be easy to avoid, and I intend to keep it that way (and if you 'stumble' into them accidentally, you might've been actively ignoring red flags or something).
I like to think I'm good at managing expectations so if you get far and start to complain about your personal discomfort, well... I've done my due diligence as the creator. Why would you play the Fucked Up Yandere Gore game and be mad there's Fucked Up Yandere content? That's not my problem anymore. LMAO
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millieindeed · 1 year
Hah, haven't done this in a while. Tagged by @notabuddhist
Ages ago admittedly, but then I lost the tab in my pile of tabs.
1. are you named after anyone?
Yep! A few people actually. Millicent comes from my great auntie Millicent. A ferocious and seriously impressive lady. I only met her a few times due to being several continents apart, but she always amazed me. I'm somewhat also named after Millicent from Ozy and Millie, the excellent comic by Dana Simpson.
My middle name Alice also comes from my Grandma. It's actually her first name though she typically goes by her middle name. Plus I like the association to a good friend and to she of Alice in Wonderland.
2. when was the last time you cried?
I think about a week ago? I've been rereading the exceptional Old Addictions Die Hard by @logjammer9000 and there are quite a few parts that made me sob. Indeed a big part of why I started my third reread is the most recent chapter included a character death that had me absolutely sobbing. She knows exactly how to destroy me it seems.
3. do you have kids?
No, but I'd love to. It's gotten harder (being trans is a complicating factor), and I often worry that I won't get a chance, but I really would love to be a Mum. On the plus side my sister is interested in having kids and I would be pretty happy to be a cool aunt to them.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Hm. I don't think so. I think I did when I was younger, as I seem to remember having that as a reputation? but can't recall specifically.
5. what sports do you play / have you played?
Tennis and Basket Ball. I think the tennis was mostly just learning not matches, but it was outside school so I think it counts. The basketball was matches, and our team were....not amazing. But I really enjoyed it and it was crazy how much better I was at it than people who didn't play (crazy to me because I assumed I was bad) when I tried it out later.
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
Hrm. I'm not sure there's like, a body part or w/ever I go to consistently. It's mostly just 'do they have any distinguishing looks that make them look a bit queer', otherwise my attention often doesn't last long. Y'know, cool jacket, tattoos, pins, coloured hair, that sort of thing.
7. what's your eye colour?
Brown. I used to dislike that cause it was 'boring' and 'normal' but I think it's a fairly nice shade.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Yup! Love scary movies, all about that. Love happy endings too, big sap for stories where things are just, nice. Doesn't even necessarily need stakes some of the time.
9. any special talents?
I'm bad at complimenting myself so I sorta just don't think I'm good at anything? I'm a bit of a jack of all trades and can pick things up pretty quickly. And generally do them reasonably well when I get a chance to figure it out. I can be really good at retaining instructions and then teaching others (was complimented on this recently so I can ignore the internal criticism).
I also think I'm pretty good with people. Listening to them and empathising when needed. I've been told I have capybara energy which I think is pretty special.
10. where were you born?
Misread this as 'were you born' and was wondering why Macbeth was fishing for information.
I was born in Arica, in Chile. I have few memories from there, mostly from when I revisited at age 5. We left after about 2 years.
11. what are your hobbies?
haaaah. Well. All of them.
I draw and paint; I crochet and knit; I like building models; I do puzzles; I game; I run & rock climb; I write; I like making things in general regardless of medium; I paint miniatures; I make games; I play TTRPGs (mostly D&D).
Not all the time, but those are hobbies I like and where I haven't done them in a while I intend to return to them when the mood takes me.
12. do you have any pets.
Yes! I have an absolutely adorable cat named Kita. She's a princess and meows a LOT and likes to sit on my chest while I work.
I also just recently got a puppy! His name is Ozy (officially Ozymandias King-of-Kings). He's a bit of a terror at the moment due to the puppy madness, but I adore him. He's the softest and cuddliest thing you've ever seen and when not mad, he's a pretty chill and snoozy guy. Also real smart, it's a danger.
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13. how tall are you?
Last I measured I was 5'11. That was before the hormones though, so it's possible I'm shorter now.
14. favourite subject in school?
I loved anything that let me be creative. I got a lot out of creative writing, photography, painting etc. Sadly didn't really pursue many into the later parts of schooling as I went with the uni required English Lit which wasn't creative and was just reading and analysing which I didn't like. Some good teachers tho. I also loved Programming (the class had a few names) and was pretty decent at it. Also what I do now for a living.
15. dream job?
Ahhh, I'm currently struggling with this personally! I don't really know. The work I do is...fine. It pays well and keeps me engaged at least some of the time. I was liking it more because I got them to give me a 4 day week. But I found the income hit hard and am back on 5 days and hating it.
I think my current dream would be to run a Bookshop/Event Space. Somewhere fairly cosy with room to host like queer community events, or D&D games or that sort of thing.
That or some kind of artist/writer.
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ask-will-and-nico · 3 years
Nico laughed. “Don’t call it that,” he said. Will grinned, happy he could get Nico to laugh even when he was in such a crappy mood. “Why not?” Will asked. “That’s what it is! I mean, essentially.” Nico snorted. “No, it isn’t,” he said. “It’s medicine, not juice.” Will shrugged. “Same difference,” he said. Nico rolled his eyes. “I know you don’t believe that for a second,” he said. Will laughed. “Maybe, but still,” he said. Nico shook his head, squeezing Will’s hand.
"Just as God intended," Nico says. Will laughs. " I know it sucks now, but hopefully it'll help a lot." Nico supposes he's right, but he still wishes that he could cuddle Will right now. At the very least. Jason and Reyna had ditched them, or gotten sick of their flirting, he doesn't know. "But I'm bored now," Nico says. "I don't want to keep sleeping. I feel like an old man." Will hums. "Well, soon you'll be back on the ranch and working all day like the rest of us."
"Yum," Nico deadpans. Will smiles, kissing his forehead again. "We could play a game or something," Will says. "I guess I should have brought some cards or something." Nico shrugs. There wasn't really much to do in a hospital. He supposes he's really just supposed to be sitting here and resting. "How about twenty questions?" Will asks. "I feel like you've heard too many embarrassing stories about me, but I haven't heard any about you."
“I’m not going to just tell you the most embarrassing stories about me,” Nico said. Will knew he was still teasing and he didn’t take it personal. “Why not?” Will asked. “You’ve heard all of the stories about me by now,” he said. Michael had made sure of that. Will didn’t have a scrap of dignity left after that. Nico hadn’t left though, so Will supposed he couldn’t have done anything too terrible. “There’s got to be some cute baby Nico stories you’d be willing to share,” Will added.
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