#have some lore dump for an au i'm still not sure i'll ever finish
mmtions · 2 years
seven sentence sunday
i've been recovering from the last wip i finished and also been promising myself i wouldn't start a new one and that lasted *checks watch* about eight days. so apologies everyone who tagged me in other wip games in the meantime and consider this my late follow-through
Eddie has grown up on stories of the dragons - everyone in the Diaz kingdom has. Stories of their size, their mountainous bodies, their fiery breath and soaring wings. Stories of how they pillaged humankind for years until one hero, long ago, managed to tame the dragon king, managed to forge a bond that could never be broken, managed to control of the ferocious beast. That hero made the dragon king stand down, and so all of his subjects too, and humankind could once again breathe without fear. The dragon riders were born from that one hero and followed in his footsteps, each bonding with a dragon and therefore controlling one more of the species.
Legends are written in the libraries and woven into tapestries: legends of the dragon riders keeping the creatures' bloodlust in check. The dragon riders are the one barrier between humankind being razed to the ground in fire and screams. But the connection goes both ways - in return, it is said that the dragon riders themselves crave violence and glory in equal measure too. The stories tell of how dragon riders have their own caves in the mountains that are only accessible by flight - how they are beasts themselves, without language or morality or kindness. They avoid the rest of humankind until they are more dragon than rider. They go on hunting parties and laugh at the pathetic humans who need their control to survive.
And so Eddie also grew up on the stories of the centennial sacrifice.
"It has to be a Diaz," his abuela always said. "It always has to be a Diaz, every hundred years. We have just enough dragon fire in our bloodline to make the marriage - the union - possible."
His parents are already married. He won't sacrifice his sisters nor anyone else in his family. He will protect his son, no matter the cost. No; to ensure the safety of his kingdom, it is Eddie who will be given to the dragon riders.
tagging beloveds: @hetrez @sibylsleaves @hoediaz @gayravi @buckbuckbuck @queerassdiaz @queerbitchdiaz @buckactuallys @ryanguzmaan (i know some of u are like literally publishing content as we speak but i am greedy anyway xx)
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burning-sol · 2 years
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Okay so like i dont know how to make objects look pretty but lend me your ear. Pokeballs in the JRWI universe function by using magic and have a lot of physical variation due to different factors. You can probably guess who's pokeball is who's just by looking at them.
The one with the most traditionally functioning pokeball is Jay. Her pokeballs can shift size and have a very nice finish with her family crest on top... But the thing you gotta understand is that this is a HIGH up pokeball. Like. The kinds of which are only afforded to those who have a good lot in life. So the traditional style of pokeball is pretty hard to come by. Jay has this kind of pokeball SPECIFICALLY because her family commissions custom pokeballs, which they can afford due to their military prowess.
What you're more likely to get is closer to Chip's though not nearly as worn down. Chip was given hand downs and has held onto them ever since- they haven't broken yet so there hasn't been a need to get rid of them (though maybe he would buy some new ones over the duration of the campaign). If you didn't know, in pokemon there was this whole thing in one of the games where acorns were used to make pokeballs! You're going to get that sort of texture on majority of pokeballs instead of something like Jay's pokeball. These do NOT change in size so what acorn you get is the size of your pokeball. Chip's hand downs definitely vary in size and he has to shuffle around his pokemon to make sure they're each in the best fitting pokeball they can be.
HOWEVER, Gillion has a strange exception here. You see in the Oversea people typically keep singular pokemon in each pokeball, but in the Undersea this is NOT the standard. Gillion's pokeballs are BIG and they can keep multiple pokemon comfortably. I think you can guess where I'm going with the Undersea having bigger pokeballs = more pokemon = a different standard for how many pokemon someone is expected to have. Don't get me wrong, Gillion is still kinda a weirdo because he prefers his pokemon to be mostly free roaming... But there's a valid reason why he doesn't understand the "six pokemon only" rule. Very different culture.
Oh yeah and it should be obvious. Oversea = acorns. Undersea = not acorns. They're probably crafted from shells or something you know how it is.
Anyways that is my lil dump of lore on. I guess this is a jrwi pokemon au?? If I do anything else I'll dedicate a tag to it. I'm surprised some people have been reblogging the pokemon team post with nice things to say about it.. Like it makes me feel warm n fuzzy inside that people enjoy those lil headcanons. Pokemon has a dedicated place in my heart (my first ever fixation!!) and I like returning to the the concept every now and again.
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