#have the power to unknowingly obliterate you. some people noticed the 'i killed her' '''joke''' croc did in a previous comic was a ref to
sualne · 9 months
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 209: Battle Cry, Pt 2
Bobby looked around in wonder at all the opening portals and was surprised to see a beam of light strike the ground beside them. The light faded, revealing Rose and Fandral's return, via the bi-frost.
"So...you're alive…" Seth growled.
"A God much more powerful than you saved us and I assure you that you will pay for what you've done," Fandral promised. Bobby turned and saw a final portal open behind him. Granny and Red, in her wolf form stepped through, along with Xander, armed with a flamethrower, followed by all seven dwarves, and finally his parents, hand in hand, dressed in their warrior clothing.
Seth looked around, trying to hide his nervousness, at what he was now facing.
"If your plan really hinged on the fact that you thought we wouldn't reunite with our darker halves to save our son from you...then you are more of a fool than we thought," Snow declared boldly.
"Just for that...I think I'll kill you first Snow White and make your husband watch!" Seth growled, as he tried his mind meld, but was shocked when it didn't work. The Chalice glowed between them, but he was confused. Even at full power, the Chalice shouldn't have protected them from his mind meld.
"How...how are you doing this?!" he demanded to know.
"True love," David replied in a simple manner. Snow smiled at him.
"Truest love," she agreed.
"Oh and a little bonding to our elements," Leo added, as his eyes glowed dark blue. Eva's glowed pink, Summer's glowed lavender, and Emma's glowed white.
"All the magic and power in all the realms failed to defeat you...but true love won't," Snow declared, as the chalice separated into their respective weapons, his sword and her arrow shooting gauntlets.
"Nothing can defeat me...and certainly not something like your pathetic true love," Seth seethed, as he signaled his demonic army. David raised his sword to signal their allies.
"This is the United Realms and it's our home!" he shouted.
"And we will purge you and your demons from it!" Snow added, as both sides charged into a battle that would decide the fate of the United Realms...and the world.
The armies of various Kingdoms immediately charged the massive amounts of demonic minions, taking down the bulk of the dark army to allow the heavy hitters to focus on the more powerful, lethal enemies. Still, the minions proved they were formidable and casualties on both sides began to build. The military from the Land Without Magic, however, was finding themselves to be out of their element a bit though and they were clearly frustrated.
David swiped his way through a hoard of ghouls, using the chalice sword's flails of energy to decimate the minions that were taking a toll on the soldiers.
"Your men, both on the ground and in the air, would be more effective creating a perimeter around this area. We don't want any of these demons spilling into the other realms where they can feed on innocent people," David directed to the commanders.
"Why should we take orders from you? A guy that goes by Prince Charming?" one of them asked, while the others chortled at his joke. Several of Mephisto's creations encroached on them at that point. David turned and swiped through one, obliterating it with the chalice sword. He kicked another away, while thrusting his sword through two more that would have certainly killed the onlooking officers. He threw his sword and it spun like a sidewinder, obliterating a dozen incoming demons, before he caught the sword again and the minions fell to the ground in pieces. They were stunned and their question as to why they should take orders from him was answered. There was a screeching behind him, as one surviving demon tried to attack him, but an arrow hit it and the creature exploded, as Snow sided up to him.
"You always have my back," he said fondly, as he slipped his hand in hers.
"You should listen to my husband, boys. You're looking at a man that helped me take back two Kingdoms," she said, looking at him fondly.
"And get someone on your sixes, because not everyone has someone as amazing as her watching their back," he mentioned, as he lifted her chin with his fingers so he could kiss her briefly, before they joined hands and rushed back into the fight, leaving the soldiers unsure of exactly what they had just seen.
"You heard him...get that perimeter going!" Major Donovan called.
"His orders are as good as mine," she added, as the military switched gears to do as they asked and get that perimeter up.
Leo wove his way through the mess of airborne furies, slashing at them as he went. But he yelped, as he was hit with a stray blast. He fell off Pegasus, even as the animal nosedived to catch him. But he saw an icy slide appear beneath him, allowing him to slide safely to the ground. He got to his feet and Elsa hugged him.
"Are you okay?" she asked, as she looked at the wound on his shoulder.
"It's fine...it's just a flesh wound," he replied, as Pegasus landed next to them and neighed with worry. He pet the animal's mane, assuring him that he was okay. Leo looked to the sky again and Elsa gasped, as they saw the furies overwhelm one of the military planes, causing it to crash in a fiery explosion.
"Time to clear the air…" Leo said, as his eyes glowed bright blue. His lightning was summoned in the sky and there was a boom of thunder, as the sky flashed bright blue, striking most of the furies. He fried them and turned them into charred, falling objects.
"Nice...but you do know that you've now turned the dangerous flying objects into dangerous falling objects, right?" Eva teased.
"Hey...there's no book on how to defeat demonic hell furies with wings," he pointed out.
"There is now, because this family invented it," Henry commented, as he and Jacinda slashed their way through more ground enemies.
"You had better hurry, before those charred objects are pelting us," Rumple warned.
"I got this," Summer said, as her eyes glowed lavender and JJ watched her in amazement, as she released dozens of bubbles, encasing the falling objects harmlessly within her bubbles. Eva stepped forward and her eyes glowed pink, as she swept all the bubbles into one stream.
"Hey kid...help us out!" Emma called to her baby brother. Bobby's eyes were multicolored, as he slammed one foot into the ground, opening a crevice. Emma's eyes glowed white, as she helped Eva guide the destroyed demons into the lava that was in the earth beneath them. Bobby knelt down once they were done and used his magic-enhanced strength to close the gap up again and seal it.
"Nice…" Emma complimented, but then the five of them were struck by a reptilian tale, as Seth descended upon them, in a horrifying half man, half serpent-like form.
"Time to meet your end, Charmings…" he seethed, as he slithered toward them and they noticed something on the ground that was left behind in his wake.
"What are those white things?" JJ asked.
"I don't know...but I have a bad feeling about this," Summer replied.
"Crap…" Leo uttered, as he drew his sword.
"What?" Emma asked.
"They're eggs," Rumple interjected for him.
"You can't be serious…" Regina protested.
"He is a snake…" Leo reminded her, as Snow and David caught up to them, arriving hand in hand.
"Something tells me this is about to get really gross," Snow commented, as the eggs hatched and slimy, snake-like demons emerged. Their hissing and rattle was almost deafening, as they readied their weapons and magic. The minions scattered, attacking and biting with a ravaging vengeance, while the Charmings surrounded Seth. The seven of them charged the God, while the rest of their close family and friends scattered to help defend against the new onslaught of minions.
Fandral and Rose dueled with the dangerous frost giant, Fafnir, in his dragon form. The dragon was raging and had already caused some casualties from their army. It was clear that Fandral was the only one with the strength to kill the frost giant and they had managed to isolate him to a corner of the battlefield with a rocky outcropping. It was precarious and he did not like Rose being so close to it, for one slip or loss of footing and they could be skewered by the jagged rocks. But that too was part of their plan.
"For the record, I do not like this plan," he mentioned. She smiled and fired another arrow and then kissed his cheek.
"You'll catch me, my love...you always do," Rose replied, as she climbed up and around the outcroppings, finding her way to the top of the tallest, most jagged one. She threaded another arrow and there was a loud thwack, as she landed it in his chest. The dragon roared angrily and saw her in a prime position. The dragon salivated and spoke in its gravely voice.
"At last...I shall have the ultimate revenge upon you, Fandral of Asgard," he said.
"I shall feast on the pure, sweet blood of your beloved Rose Red and destroy you once and for all by taking her!" he roared, as he left himself open, unknowingly, as he prepared to snap her up in his jaws. But before he could devour her, his breath stopped short and he screamed in pain, as Fandral's sword pierced his belly. Fandral extracted his sword and backed away, as Rose jumped down into his arms. The frost giant then fell forward, gruesomely impaling itself on the rocky outcroppings. Rose turned away from the sight and he held her protectively in his arms.
"See...I knew you'd catch me," she said and he caressed her beautiful face gently.
"Always, my angel," he promised, as they shared a kiss.
James and Aphrodite dueled the massive and mysterious Horned King. The hulking creature that they could only assume was some sort of man behind the mask, shoved James away. Aphrodite's sword clashed with his and she heard him finally speak.
"Aphrodite...you are not what you seem…" he said. His voice was deep and sent a chill down her spine.
"I am the Goddess Aphrodite of Olympus. I am exactly this. A wife, a mother, and a woman that will eradicate yours and your master's evil," she refuted, as they dueled and James jumped back in.
"You are so certain of your origin...Aphrodite, the goddess that rose from the sea foam. But you are a fraud!" he announced, earning him a vicious kick from James. The Prince swept his large legs out from under him and put his blade to creature's throat.
"Calling my wife names will be hazardous for your health," he quipped.
"The Goddess of love cannot have love…" he warned and that struck her.
"You are cursed…" he continued and then he roared in anguish, as James cut off one of his horns.
"Stay with her, Prince James...and you'll die again," he warned.
"She's the love of my life and the only one dying today...is you," James promised. The Horned King roared angrily and charged her. His words had stunned her and she was caught off guard by him, as he managed to get his massive hand around her neck. James growled and jumped up, passing his sword through his neck. The Horned King's body fell to the ground with a thud and he caught his stunned wife in his arm, before she could fall to the ground.
"Are you okay?" he asked. She smiled up at him and kissed him passionately.
"Thanks to you," she replied, as he hugged her tightly. But the expression on her face was clear. The Horned King's words and their possible meaning were not going to fade from her mind any time soon.
Nora was beyond pissed. Not only had the Major censured her and had her information technicians monitoring her social media posts, she was stuck in some diner called Granny's to watch the fight. Of course, that was another thing that she was pissed about. It seemed that she wasn't going to be the one to get the first scoop. The whole thing was being broadcast to the entire world somehow. It was being streamed on every screen in existence and she wasn't even sure how that was possible. There were no reporters or cameras on the scene that she was aware of. She noticed the diner owners at the counter, with a little girl and a baby. The little girl looked like she was on the verge of tears.
"Hey, hey...no tears. Everything's going to be fine," Frankie assured.
"He's right...your great grandparents are two of the most extraordinary people we've ever met. They'll defeat that snake," Joe assured.
"Great grandparents?" Nora interjected. Lucy nodded.
"My great grandparents are Snow White and Prince Charming," she announced. Nora snorted.
"There is no way those two freaks are that old," she refuted. Frankie snorted.
"We got ourselves a normie," he commented.
"Listen up, girl...if you want a real story about two people who have more love than your tiny mind can comprehend, then pay attention," Joe retorted. Nora shot him a glare and then turned back to the battle. She couldn't believe this. When she had begun studying this years ago, just after the fiasco in Seattle, she had been on a mission to expose the evil of these strange people. After all, they were at the center of several calamities, including this one, that had plagued their world. They didn't belong in this world; of that she knew for certain now. And she wasn't alone in her opinion. They were fighting this evil, but this evil wouldn't have existed if not for them. And now her own cousin was embroiled in their chaos. But this wasn't over. She'd find a way around the censuring and lead the protest against their presence in this world.
Henry and Ella slashed at the serpent minions and the former looked on, seeing his grandparents, mother, aunts, and uncles fighting Seth furiously in the near distance.
"They'll be all right, lad…" Hook assured, though he sounded like he was trying to convince himself.
"Bloody hell...these things are disgusting," he complained, as he wiped blue blood from his hook and lifted his boot from one of the crushed creatures.
"We need to keep these things off them so they can focus on Seth," Rumple said, as he whacked another with his cane, while Belle sliced through another.
"Well...then I'd say it's fireball time," Regina said, as she looked at JJ.
"Use that thing we gave you to mow down as many as you can," Regina said. He nodded, as she poofed a few more fireball rifles for the others, including Robin, as she and Rumple started volleying fireballs at the oncoming minions. The others began firing and decimating their enemies.
The armies of every Kingdom fought relentlessly, with Arendelle leading them and Elsa's powers made quick work of most of Mephisto's creations. Mulan, Phillip, and Aurora faced Shan Yu and his army of undead Huns.
"In my day...I nearly crushed the truest loves and they had to banish me to save themselves from my wrath. Lord Seth will kill this pair and I will finish what I started by annihilating your people!" Shan Yu claimed, as their blades clashed in a deadlock.
"I don't think so…" Mulan hissed, as she made several impressive moves and the Hun leader was stunned when she disarmed him.
"I will not be defeated by the likes of you, girl!" he roared, as he got to his feet.
"Woman...and you already have been. But I'm not going to be the one to take the final blow," Mulan stated.
"I knew it...you do not have the gumption to finish the job," he said smugly, but those were his last words, as he was snapped up in Red's mighty jaws and his remnants were all that remained, as she tore him apart.
"Ooooh...he's dead now," Leroy commented, as one of the ghouls screeched, as he hacked at it with his pick axe. Mulan smirked.
"Time to drive these zombie Huns back into the depths of Tartarus," she said.
"This should help!" Bobby called, as he slammed a foot into the ground and opened up a crevice with lava beneath it.
"Thanks kid," Happy called, as he kicked one of the defeated minions into the lava pit. Red nudged the boy, as he returned to fighting his way through more minions, with his eventual destination being Seth.
Snow and David dueled Arthur and Gawain furiously, as the fire demons attempted to burn them both.
"I've been waiting a very long time to get my revenge on the pair of you," Arthur growled.
"Don't tell me you're still pissed about the whole Excalibur thing," David goaded, as he dueled the disgraced King.
"Excalibur was my birthright! You and your wife had no right to wield it!" he shouted.
"Excalibur disagreed since we were able to, but we never wanted your sword or Kingdom. You lost both through your own actions!" Snow refuted.
"When she's right...she's right," David agreed, as they fought them both at a breakneck pace.
"It's time we end them, my King...or perhaps force them to be like us," Gawain suggested. Arthur smirked.
"Wouldn't that be poetic. The pillar of love and justice becoming what they hate most. I like it," the former King said, as a wall of fire shot up around them, cutting them off from everyone else.
"Mom! Dad!" they heard their children calling.
"Summer...we have to get through that fire!" Bobby called, as she summoned her bubbles and his eyes glowed, as he motioned his hands, summoning water from the various bodies of water that surrounded the United Realms.
"Careful kid...you don't want to drown us all," Emma warned.
"He won't if we concentrate the water to this spot," Leo said, as they helped contain the water and directed its flow toward the pillar of fire that was trapping their parents.
Gawain cackled, as they held each other close and the flames inched closer and closer to them.
"So much for the truest loves...but perhaps this is fitting. They shall be killed by the great King Arthur," Gawain boasted.
"In the Land Without Magic...I'm already a legend and I'm about the live up to that," Arthur agreed
"Still chasing glory, but there is no glory in power. Only love," David said.
"Save your speeches about true love, Prince Charming and prepare to die as a failure. Your true love is about to fail your entire family, your friends, and the world…" Arthur said.
"Okay...I think I'm ready to be done with him and his ego," Snow said. David smirked and they willed the chalice to join together. There was a bright flash and the flames were extinguished, as their children joined around them. The water they were directing at the wall of fire doused the two demons.
"You think a little water is going to defeat us, brats?" Arthur hissed.
"Nah, but true love will," Bobby said, as the two demons unleashed a blast of fire directly at them. But Snow and Charming held the chalice and it released a pulse of pure power. The fire evaporated in the air, stunning them both, as they stared at the pair in disbelief. Arthur looked at his hands and saw them slowly flaking away to ash. He watched in horror, as Gawain turned to dust and the ash floated away. Arthur looked back at them in horror and dissolved into dust as well.
"We can end this…" Snow realized. He looked at her and kissed her forehead.
"And we will," he said," as he motioned in the near distance, where they saw Mephisto attacking Leo and Elsa and they hurried off to help.
Elsa and Leo fought off the last of Mephisto's creations, while his parents faced Arthur and Gawain. He blasted them with lightning and she iced the rest, as they pushed them into the abyss.
"That's most of them," she said.
"Yeah...now it's just the big guns that remain," he said, as he cried out suddenly, as one of Mephisto's fiery chains wrapped around his forearm. He cried out in agony and fell to his knees, as the demon King pulled him toward him.
"Once I enslave you, young Leo...you'll do my bidding and destroy your whole family for me," Mephisto hissed.
"No!" Elsa cried in fear, as he cackled evilly, but he was hit with an exploding arrow.
"Get your hands off our son!" Snow growled, as she and David closed in. Mephisto chuckled evilly.
"He's mine now, fair one and there's not a thing you can do about it. And once he's enslaved to me, I'll make him peel the skin from your bones and torture your husband for the mockery he made of me!" Mephisto warned, but his cackle was cut short, as David swiped the chalice sword through his arm, releasing their son from his bonds.
"Elsa...now!" Snow called, as the Queen of Arendelle blasted him and froze him solid. With that, Fandral shoved him into the abyss.
"Good riddance," Rose said, as he fell into the pit of magma.
A hush fell over them, as Seth slithered around them in his giant serpent form. Fandral pulled Rose away, while Snow and David joined the chalice together again. Seth morphed into his humanoid form again, though his skin still had a scaly appearance and his eyes bled a sickly yellow.
"Time to die...Charmings…" he hissed, as his coils wrapped around Snow and David. The chalice fell from their grasp, as he squeezed the life out of them.
"Oh hell…" Emma cried, as her magic collided with him, but wasn't making much of a dent. Leo summoned his lightning and Eva summoned the wind, striking him violently. Regina tossed a fireball at his coils and he screeched, loosening his grip slightly on Snow and David. But it was enough and Summer encased her parents in a bubble, as they floated back to her.
"Thanks sweetie," Snow said, as they hugged her and then picked up the chalice again.
"Hitting him with all the magic on your own isn't going to work," Rumple said.
"Then what do you suggest?" Regina asked.
"The boy knows what he needs to do," Rumple replied, as he looked at Bobby. He nodded and stepped forward.
"Oh no...you are not doing this alone," Snow said, as they walked with him. He smiled.
"I know...we're going to do this together,: Bobby said.
"Hey kid...you got an idea?" Emma asked.
"Eye of the storm," he told her. She smiled and looked at her siblings, as they caught on.
"Eye of the storm," they agreed.
"Enough with your cryptic speech...no matter what you do, I shall kill you all. You are no match for my power!" Seth claimed. Summer started to take her place when JJ took her hand.
"Be careful," he said and she blushed, before smiling at him.
"Thanks," she said, as she and her older siblings surrounded the God, while Bobby and her parents approached him.
"Now Summer…" Bobby called, as she put them all in a large bubble encasing all seven of them inside of it with the monster that threatened their very existence.
"What is this?" Seth growled, as he flew up and tried to break through the bubble, but found he was unable to do so. He set his sights on Summer.
"If I cannot break the bubble...then perhaps I'll just break you instead, young one," he threatened.
"Like hell you will," Leo said, as he unleashed his powers, adding an electric layer to the bubble. A pink cyclone swirled up from Eva's glowing hands and added a layer of wind to the bubble. Emma was next, as she added a layer of white fire. Seth growled and moved to attack, but the rumbling beneath his feet stopped him cold and he watched the storm bubble shrink around him, until he was the only one inside it. He growled and his coils broke through briefly, but he screamed in agony, as Snow and David zapped each coil with the power of the chalice, permanently disfiguring him. Bobby used his powers and channeled all the elements, until he condensed the bubble so small that there was finally a huge explosion. The seven of them waited with bated breath for the smoke to clear. When it did, they saw Seth, writhing on the ground, bleeding blue blood from several wounds, and stuck in a hybrid form with his head and torso intact, by his legs in serpent form.
"How...how can this be? I am Seth...I am chaos!" he cried.
"No one can defeat me!" he claimed.
"You know, just because you keep saying that isn't going to make it true," Leo quipped.
"I'm still alive...I've survived all your power!" Seth hissed, as he tried to slither away, but then screeched, as Emma stomped on his tail.
"Oh, I think you're about to be a scorch mark. You guys gonna finally end this or not?" Emma asked her parents. They smiled at her.
"I guess we should have known this would be the key to ending it," he said, as they gripped the chalice between them.
"A curse to end all curses...one last curse broken," she said, as they realized exactly how to end it all and destroy the dark curse forever.
"True love...useless and pathetic. It will not defeat me!" Seth insisted, as he made his final mistake and morphed fully into his giant serpent form. Snow and Charming's lips met and a blinding pulse of rainbow light emitted from them and the chalice glowed in response, releasing a pulse of blinding, pure light magic. The waves of magic swept over the entire land, bringing light to the darkness once more.
The fighting on the battlefield ceased, as all of Seth's minions and Mephisto's creations were paralyzed by the light magic. One by one, each creature or demon alike crumbled to ash. Seth looked around in horror, as the remainder of his army dissolved to dust in the blink of an eye. He screeched one final cry of horror, as he crumbled to dust and was wiped from existence. It was over at last.
"It's over…" Snow uttered. He grinned at her and hugged her tightly, before spinning her around.
"It's over…" he repeated, as their lips met again. Their children gathered around them with hugs and they looked around the barren landscape.
"This place is such a barren eyesore," Snow said. He smiled at her and then at Leo.
"But it doesn't have to stay that way," David replied, as they raised the chalice, obliterating the shield around Nephilim.
"Of course...Nephilim is right next to the reserve," Leo said.
"Yes, and you've needed an expansion for years," Snow replied, as used the chalice to seed the ground, allowing for the barren landscape to give way to green grass. Aphrodite assisted by using her magic to demolish Seth's dreary castle and replaced it with rolling hills. Bobby stomped his foot and created a very large depression in the ground, while Rumple used his magic to dig far enough to allow the depression fill with water, creating a sparkling lake.
"No more ugly, dreary land of the fallen," Eva said, as the animals began to explore their expanded home.
"That was impressive, though most of the world has no idea what they just saw," the Major interjected, as she and her subordinates approached.
"Yeah...suppose it's too late to just put a barrier up and let everyone keep thinking we're stories," David said.
"I held up my end of the deal," she reminded him.
"Don't worry...we'll hold up ours," he assured.
"Good...then can I count on seeing you in Boston tomorrow," she said.
"Whoa...tomorrow? That's a little soon for us," Snow said, as she clutched his arm.
"Yeah...we kind of just saved the world from an evil God tyrant. Don't you think a few days down time is warranted?" Emma questioned. Patricia smirked.
"You're right and I do need time to figure out a way to explain this to my superiors, though they are going to want a meeting with you. I'll see you in three days," she said, as they moved out.
"You can still seal us away," Rumple reminded them.
"She has control of the remnants of Clayton's operation, so she can get back in. She has mermaid scales and his submarine," David said.
"Well, that's perfect. How the hell did that happen?" Regina asked. Snow shook her head.
"We don't know how she did it, but no one has seen Cecily in a very long time, so she's probably in prison or dead," Snow deduced.
"Now that they know what we can do...they'll never leave us alone," Regina warned.
"No...but I can warn them against overstepping. They can't touch the chalice and you two can make it clear that without the chalice, there's no magic out there. We still have control and I think she knows that. I'm interested as to why," Aphrodite interjected.
"Yeah...the Internet is literally blowing up, so we're screwed about staying secret. Not even magic can stop this now," Leo said.
"We have a lot of things to figure out...overwhelmingly so, but I think we also deserve to celebrate our victory," David suggested, as Snow slid her arms around his waist.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea," she agreed. The battlefield was no more and all trace of Seth was gone. The armies of the United Realms retreated, but the Charmings and those close to them, made their way to Granny's.
Deep beneath the Earth's crust, the magma flowed like a river and bubbled violently. There was a disturbance in the flow, as a charred being surfaced, screaming in agony. There was barely anything left of this creature and the only evidence that this being had once been humanoid in appearance was the skeletal hand that grabbed onto a rocky outcropping. The remnants of the being managed to pull what was left of itself from the magma and it slithered painstakingly through the layers of earth, until it finally found its way to the sewers. The skeletal creature couldn't be sure how far he had traveled, but knew that this body he had once occupied was done and he needed a new host. As he pulled his essence through a street drain and to the street level, he looked around, and recognized the city to be none other than New York.
Mephisto smirked. Perfect. He needed a new host, but he always looked for someone with evil in their hearts and there would be plenty to choose from in a city such as this. Then, once he was anew again, he would get his revenge on the Charmings, as well as Fandral and his precious Rose. And they would never see him coming...
"So...is this what your vision showed you?" Belle asked curiously. They had all invaded Granny's and we were welcomes excitedly by Joe and Frankie, with mounds of food and drink awaiting them.
"It is...though I did not see how it would end. It makes sense that it was true love again though. It truly has given us everything," he said, looking at her fondly. She smiled.
"You have no idea how happy it makes me when I hear you champion love over power," she replied. He smirked.
"It may have taken me three hundred some years, but I have learned," he joked. She smiled and kissed him tenderly, as they enjoyed watching their son eating ice cream with Bobby. He was very excited to have his best friend back.
"Hey...you're a million miles away," James mentioned, as their children colored across from them and he returned with some hot cocoas.
"Yeah...just thinking," she replied.
"Not about what that psycho said?" he asked and she looked at him pensively.
"How can I not?" she asked.
"I was not created exactly the icky way mythology suggests I was from a certain body part, but I did rise from the sea foam. That's what my name means. I had no childhood or traditional birth," she replied, as he listened to her.
"What if my story is not what I think?" she asked.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"This is Storybrooke, a place where memories have been taken more times than anyone can count. What if...what if my memories were taken? I mean...why did I never question it before? No one is born a full grown person," she replied.
"Well, if it means anything, I don't care how you came to be. I only care that I got a second chance and found the love of my life in you," he said, making her melt.
"What if he's right though? Eros' biological father was killed…" she lamented. He shook his head.
"No...you are not cursed," he refuted.
"I am the Goddess of love...and I had nothing but heartbreak in love before I found you. What if...what if I am always cursed to lose love?" she asked. He took her hands in his own.
"You are not cursed, my love and I'm not going anywhere," he promised, as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. She hugged him tightly and he held her.
"Will Athena help you with these questions? About your past?" he asked.
"She will tell me what I've already heard," she replied.
"Why would she keep the truth from you if there is more to your story?" he asked.
"She wouldn't...unless she was forbidden to tell me," she replied.
"Well...there may be one way we can find out," he suggested and she realized where he was going with that thought.
"Rose Red's library...that would be a very old book," she said.
"True...but it's possible, if you really want the answers," he suggested.
"But know that I don't really care how you came to be. Only that you're here and you're my wife," he added. She smiled and kissed him passionately.
"What the hell were you thinking? You could have been killed!" Nora complained, as he ate hungrily.
"But I wasn't and it felt good helping in something like that. I mean, helping people is why I became a paramedic and that was literally a battle that probably just saved the world. Since all this is real, I want to do my part," JJ said.
"Yeah right, that's a load of crap and you know it. There's only one reason you did any of this," she complained, as she pointed to the girl at the counter. She had gotten up to get them refills and was currently hugging an older young man that she had identified as her older brother.
"So what if she is? Why do you care?" he asked.
"Uh...hello? Bubble girl is a freak! Her whole family is!" she cried.
"Stop it Nora! They just saved the world and now we know they did the same in Seattle. This is what you wanted all along. You wanted the truth and now that you have it, you're flipping out. What gives?" he asked.
"I wanted the truth out so I could expose them for what they are," she replied.
"And what are they?" he asked.
"JJ...they did all of this to the world. Have you thought for a second that, while they may have saved the world, these people...this place might be the reason for all the evil in the first place?" she asked. But he shook his head.
"They didn't cause any of this, Nora," he refuted.
"Yes...they did. They're not from our world and their presence might be the reason for everything bad," she suggested, as Summer returned and JJ went back to ignoring her.
"Hey…" he said, as she put a tray down.
"I brought some hot cocoas," she said, as she slid a cup toward him.
"Thanks, sounds great," he said, as he watched her sprinkle cinnamon on her whipped cream.
"Cinnamon?" he asked.
"Oh yeah...it's kind of how we drink it in our family," she replied.
"I'll try some," he said, as she slid the cinnamon shaker to him.
"Cocoa?" Summer asked, sliding one to Nora. But she just gave her a look.
"It's September and seventy degrees. I don't want cocoa," she refuted, as she got up and went to the Inn side to her room.
"She really does not like me," Summer said.
"Ignore her...Nora doesn't really like anyone, not even herself sometimes," JJ replied.
"That's sad…" Summer mentioned.
"Yeah...that's Nora. Besides...I like you," he mentioned. She smiled and flushed a little.
"I figured," she murmured.
"Am I that easy to read?" he asked.
"No...well, you probably are for my sister Eva, but it's more that you'd probably have to like me to get involved in something like this. I mean...we just met and you agreed to fight in a crazy battle that just decided the fate of the world," she replied. He smirked and nodded.
"Yeah...you have a point," he agreed.
"No one would have blamed you if you didn't want to get involved," she said.
"I know and I wanted to help, but I have to admit, I did have an ulterior motive," he admitted.
"What was it?" she asked.
"I guess I was afraid if I didn't get involved that I'd probably never see you again," he replied, making her flush again.
"Besides...you kept telling me everything was a long story so I kind of had to stick around to hear the long story," he added, as he sipped at his cocoa. She beamed at him and then pulled a large brown book out of her bag.
"Well then...long story time," she said, as she opened it up and began to tell him that story.
"We thought you were gone," Ari said, as she and Ben cuddled with their parents and Carina.
"I know, my angels and we are so sorry you all went through that," Rose said, as she stroked Carina's hair.
"We know, mom," their eldest assured her.
"Did Thor save you?" Ben asked. Fandral smiled at his enthusiasm.
"He did and he and his friends helped us get back to you," he confirmed.
"And the bad man is gone too now, right?" Ari asked. They smiled softly.
"Yes...he is gone too, little ones and we are all going home tonight together," Fandral promised, as he and Rose shared a kiss.
Snow cuddled Hope in her lap, as David sat cuddled with them and doted on the baby with her.
"We have their memories...with her and of the last two years. I'm so grateful for that...they took care of our family for us and I will never forget that," Snow said, as Emma smiled at them.
"They did...and they spoiled Hope rotten, so I'm sure you guys will too," she said.
"Of course...grandpa is going to talk to Uncle Leo and have him see if we can breed a baby Pegasus just for you, my tiny princess," David said.
"Dad...she's not even two. I don't think we need a Pegasus yet," Emma replied.
"Of course she does, don't you tiny angel?" he cooed to her. Emma rolled her eyes playfully and looked to Xander for help.
"Don't look at me. I mean, can you imagine those baby pictures? Hope and a baby Pegasus? I'm going to need some wallets," Xander teased.
"You're a lot of help," she said sarcastically.
"Your father and grandfather are right...we have lost time to make up for and that reminds me, you two never had a real wedding. That was the curse," Snow said to her Leo and Elsa.
"Yeah...I guess it was," Leo said, as he watched the grin spread across his mother's face.
"Please tell me you still want a wedding," Snow pleaded. They smiled back.
"Of course we do...and we can get back to planning it right away," Elsa agreed.
"So...Boston in three days. This should be interesting," Regina mentioned.
"It should be...we hope you two will come with us," David said. Robin smirked.
"I have a feeling it's going to be nothing short of crazy, but we're in," he agreed.
"I think at this point crazy is way understating anything this family is involved with," Leo quipped.
"Definitely," Xander said, as he got a pensive look on his face.
"What is it, Dad?" David asked.
"I guess it's just...this is kind of what Clayton always wanted. He wanted to expose our world and stories to the Land Without Magic. It was his endgame in a way, with the proviso that he had control over it all. And...now it's happened," he lamented.
"Yeah...but it's going to be okay. We're not going to be pushed around by them or allow them to just come in here and take over. They know they couldn't if they wanted to," David said. Xander nodded, hoping his son was right. He still had his fears, but now was not the time to voice them.
Snow smiled and nuzzled her nose against David's and he smiled warmly at her.
"It's a lot to figure out, but we'll be doing it together, as always," he said. Snow smiled.
"Together," she agreed.
"But for now...we have three days to just be," he added, as they shared another tender, passionate kiss. Henry, Ella, and Lucy smiled on, as did the rest of their close family and friends. They had closed one chapter with Seth's defeat, but a whole new one was opening up before them. In many ways, it was a new era that might breed uncertainty, but, as always, they had true love at their defense...
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imaginegladions · 7 years
Wake Up (It’s Time to Die)
Chapter 5: Interview
Note: I rushed this too. Bc I’m only allowed until 10PM. -.-
Pairings: Hau x Lillie and Gladion x Reader.
As you sit in the stool, Burnet hovering and styling your hair, you contemplate all the choices you made that led up to this one moment when everything has really started to suck. The dark corset was killing you slowly under the second layer of fairy dress and the mechanism that was supposed to set fire to your dress was heavy and warm at the small of your back hidden by a wispy bow.
“I can’t do this, I’m going to throw up. This dress is killing me.” You mutter darkly as various backstage hands and Burnet’s miscellaneous staff start fanning you. “I can’t do this.”
“Hey, look at me.” Kukui turned your face to look at him, his eyes hardened by determination and lit with the fire of passion. He believed in you. District 11 believed in you. You won’t fail them when everyone is so close to peace.
You nod and stand, walking confidently even with Burnet’s constant stream of dialogue next to you. Lifting your chin up, every tribute parted for you with harried whispers of Ten and Career. “I am the guardian of Mele Mele.”
Lillie and Hau sit together, each munching on a big malasada as the shop owner batted at a machine in the corner. Hau looked at Lillie critically, there was a lot no one knew about Lusamine besides the fact that she took over her company after her husband’s mysterious death. As the grandson of a Kahuna, Hau feels he should be interrogating her, asking her questions and extracting information. Instead, he finds himself wanting to get to know her.
“Were you close with your brother?” He asked, he’d seen Gladion when he was reaped and the way he hid his sister behind him speaking of a bond that went as deep as any brother-sister bond ever went and more. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”
Lillie smiled kindly, finishing her food and patting at her face with a wad of tissue. Like this, she looked too elegant and pretty to be sitting at a run down malasada shop with Hau.
“Gladion is…” She struggled to find the words, smiling fondly down at her hands. “He’s the closest thing I’ve had to family in a long time. He protected me, until he was reaped.” She cleared her throat, downing a glass of water. “You don’t have siblings?” She asked in return, resting her elbows on the table.
“No, no.” He laughed, suddenly remembering you. “[Y/N], that girl that was reaped from our District, was like a sister to me, I guess.” His expression turns serious as he bites his lip. He shouldn’t tell Lillie this but he trusts her. She ran from her home to help her brother and damn if Hau isn’t willing to go just as far if not longer for his best friend.
He breathed in. “We suspected this year that they’d go after the kids of the most influential people in Alola. We got the go signal from an inside source that it would happen again this year. It’s called the Culling.” He explained and Lillie’s expression went from serene to horrified. “I’d been training with [Y/N] since we were kids to enter that arena. And when we got confirmation that Virdis was on the queue to be called my mission was simple. Earn yours or Gladion’s trust before entering the arena, enough to get Aether’s secrets out of you. And get out to inform the Rebellion.” Hau looked deeply ashamed and Lillie couldn’t do anything except listen.
“Is that what she’s doing?” Lillie asks so softly Hau almost doesn’t catch it. “Is she planning on getting close to my brother for our secrets?” She says low and angry.
Hau stared into Lillie’s eyes and shook his head. “No.”
“Why are you telling me this, then?” Lillie asked, anxious and in need of clarity.
“[Y/N] has always been against killing you and Gladion. She has a bad habit of putting people’s worth above her own.” Hau explained.
Lillie sat back, running her hands up and down her shoulders for warmth. “What does this mean for Gladion?” She probes.
“I don’t know. Her orders were intel. Whatever happens in the arena is her problem.” He grit his teeth, displease with the detachment in the Rebellion. “But, I have a feeling she’d rather your brother leave that arena unscathed.”
“Why is that?” She tilted her head.
Hau smirked. “She always likes to watch when you and he were on TV with your mom.”
You sucked in a breath, fiddling with the ribbons crawling up your wrists like vines that bound you to the eternal slavery that was your Interview Dress. So far, you managed to keep everyone away with your quiet but confident mask. Only one tribute saw through it to what you truly felt. Anxiety.
Gladion stood ahead of you in his own line next to Grunt, who had opted for a Spartan tunic and a spear, the only person to know what you’re feeling. “Restroom.” He says to Guzma and Plumeria, raising a hand when Aurelis tries to stop him.
“You’re on in five minutes, brat.” Guzma looked at him and then at you, nodding. “Make it count.”
Gladion doesn’t grace them with an answer, just pushes back to where you stood a little unsteady on your bare feet. “Breathe.” He says and you laugh a little frenziedly.
“Tell that to the person who designed this.” You smile kindly but it was strained and even Gladion knew it. “It’s just chilly.” You admit.
The blonde clicked his tongue disapprovingly and nudge your bare feet with his clothed ones. “Put your feet on mine, the floor is below freezing.” He insisted.
“You’re up in a few minutes!” You stage whisper, letting out a light shriek when he pulled you forward lifting you so you were stepping on his feet and his hands were at your waist like a father teaching his daughter how to waltz for the first time. “People will talk.”
Pulling you closer, he smiles when you give in and wrap your arms around his shoulder. “Your anxiety-” He started, not having expected to make it this far. “As long as you focus on the person you have to be in front of that crowd you’ll be fine.”
“I know.” You bite your lower lip and nod leaning away from him. For the first time, you notice his white tuxedo and strange spikey hoodie. “Which 80s rock star did you kill to get this outfit?” You jibe and you both smile.
“Well, they were all out of Steven Stone cosplay, so I digress.”
You lift your hand to your mouth, pleasantly surprised at the wit of the joke.
“District 1!” Gladion’s head turned and Guzma gestured for him to follow. “That’s my cue.” He turned to face you but was shocked to find you leaving a kiss on his cheek. “What was that?” He asked.
“Thanks for straightening me out.” You smirk a little and hop off his feet, pushing him towards the rest of his entourage. Guzma took one look at Gladion and smirked, nodding to you in thanks. You nod back and with a short wave, you send him off and turn your attention to the television. “I won’t let them take you out.”
 The moment Gladion stepped onto the stage he was met with voracious cheering particularly from the women of Aether. This was slightly bewildering for him but he didn’t let it bother him as he took his seat next to Wallace. The man himself was dressed in sea foam green and white and for some reason it worked on Aether standards. He’d never understood Aether fashion even when he lived there which was probably why his dress style completely obliterated any social norms.
He’d set himself apart, now it was time to sell the part of a man of money and power who can contribute to the government if he would be spared by the games.
“Well, who gave you that impressive smacker?” Wallace asked.
Gladion found himself immediately flustered, unknowingly gaining the sympathy of the crowd. It was like seeing the inner workings of the boy. Underneath, he was a regular teen who should be having fun instead of fearing for his life.
Guzma and Plumeria high-fived each other, the bait had been planted now it was up to Gladion to play it to his favor.
“Can’t say I know, it was quite a surprise to me too.” He said, nonchalantly wiping it off. He’d thought back to you, standing inches from him in that dress that made you look like part of a fairy tale. The fondness and absolute awe in his expression gave him the aura of innocence which made the audience sit up in their seats.
“Uh oh, so we have a secret admirer, then. Ladies and Gentlement, ladies man, Gladion Virdis!” Gladion stood up and gave them a turn, blowing his bangs off to the side with a wink. He’d recovered from the innocent act and now he was steeling himself for the next most inevitable question.
“I understand your father, Mohn Virdis, was a researcher of the games.” He mentioned.
Gladion nodded, formulating the answer a future leader would make. “He was. Little did I know I’d be guinea pig to his research.”
Everyone laughed lightly.
“Your sister was also reaped but your fellow Aether citizen volunteered for her.” Wallace continued. “Your female counterpart, Grunt, volunteered because of her Career status and now your sister is safe at home probably watching this.”
“She did.” Gladion nodded, realizing he’d never properly thanked her for that. “The games are supposed to teach us that we’re stronger alone. Or to force us to be alone.” Gladion said and he knew, he just knew Guzma would kill him for this, but it felt like the right thing to say. “I’ve felt more alone with each passing year there was a chance my sister would get reaped. It was togetherness and unity that saved her.” He continued.
Gladion’s steely gaze pierced through every person in conference. “It’s unity that will save this country.”
Gladion’s speech sends you reeling.
He’d never been a boy of many words but you’d always thought he’d be the one. That he’d be exactly the person the Rebellion needed to lead. That he’d be the perfect substitution for President Nihl.
And now, here he was making speeches about unity that will surely shake the very foundation of the Aether Government.
It was awe inspiring, to have been part of his transformation into the man he was always meant to be..
“Ten! You’re on!” Joey said as he passed by you. You struggle a little with your dress but you spread it around you, breathing in and waiting for your cue. “Good luck.” You hear him add and you smirk at that.
“I don’t need luck.”
“District Eleven!” Wallace announces, twirling around, his cape waving everywhere.
You step out and people start gasping and gossiping, some about your dress, others about your lack of shoes, and others still wondering where the heck Mele Mele was that they would wear clothes like this.
“That is a beautiful dress! You look like a Fairy!” Wallace clapped, smiling widely when you shifted to show him the dress from both sides.
“It’s not just any Fairy.” You spin around, the heating device behind you burning up extra layers of dress and revealing a warior in black corset and tattered skirt. “I am Tapu Koko, Mele Mele Island’s Guardian!”
The moment your clothes stopped being on fire the audience stood up giving you a boisterous applause. You crouch down, slamming both feet on the ground and extend your arms like Hala taught you to. With a determined face you rip off the flower crown revealing a crown of leaves and wood in different colors.
“Everyone give it up for, [Y/N][L/N] also known as Ten everyone! The Guardian of Mele Mele!”
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