#have you all seen the leaks about the cat petting event im so excited
wri0thesley · 8 months
NAT just thought i should show u the name of this cat in the new genshin region. dont know if you have seen it already but i thought of sir lancelot ^w^
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suggxmaynard · 8 years
Jack Maynard Imagine - Journey
The friendship between Jack and you had always been on the public eye. Since both of you had YouTube channels that were considerably big, you used to appear in each other's videos more often than not. It was mainly because you couldn't spend a second away from each other. At first, people couldn't understand why you were so close, yet you weren't a thing, since the tension between you two had always been so obvious. You couldn't deny having thought about dating Jack. And your thoughts had pleased you. However, you needed to travel back to reality, and let it hit you right in the face. One year deep into your friendship, he had asked you to go down to Brighton with him. His parents needed to go away a few days, something about work he had mentioned. In consequence, his little sister Anna would have to be home alone, and you all knew it wasn't the best idea. They knew better than to leave the house empty to a 16-year-old teenager for three days. So they had called Jack to look after her, and he had dragged you with him. That was the first time you met Anna. You instantly clicked, since your sense of humor, likes and dislikes were so similar. Within the first day, it felt like you had known her for years. "Why aren't you dating my brother?" She had asked you the second day. You were sitting on the sofa, watching some sappy rom com while Jack showered upstairs. She took a handful of the popcorn you were sharing while waiting for your answer. "We are just friends" you said, because it was the truth. If she had asked you if you actually wanted to date her brother, then maybe you would've thought about your answer more carefully. She drew a smile on her lips "Yeah, sure" she said, chewing on her popcorn "And I'm the Queen of England" "Hey, it's true" you said, defending yourself. "Look, I don't know if it's true or not" she said, now looking at you instead of the tv screen "But friends or not, I have never seen Jack so in love with any girl. Any. And Jack has been with lots, lots of girls" You hoped the red on your cheeks wasn't giving away your hidden feelings "Jack's not in love with me" was all you could say. And all you had heard. She chuckled "Yeah, right, of course not" she said in a sarcastic voice. You raised your eyebrow "Time will prove me right, Y/N" And it did. A year and a little over two months later, you started dating Jack Maynard. When you thought about how it happened, it was all a blur. It had all started with a wild night out, you, as always, trying to get rid of your feelings by intoxicating yourself with tequila and Diet Coke. You had seen Jack with another girl around, and you couldn't take it anymore. You had tried to hide your feelings for too long, but there was no point in denying now that it didn't bother you that your best friend was doing other girls, when he should be doing you. He had seen you across the club, of course. He had always kept an eye out for you, to check if you were alright. When he saw you on your third tequila drink, he immediately knew you weren't alright. He excused himself, making the girl he was with scoff in annoyance. He couldn't care less. He had stopped your arm as you had lifted it so your lips could taste the dizzying feeling of your drink once more "What the fuck are you doing?" You mid-shouted at him, as he put your glass down and walked you out of the club. You weren't drunk, you were just sad. So when he asked you what was wrong with you, you collapsed. You weren't one for crying, but you just didn't care about anything anymore. And so it happened. It was all a beautiful blur, how he had talked to you and you had opened up to him, and how he had taken your face on his hands and had pressed your lips together. And how you laced your fingers together as you kissed while the elevator made its way to his floor, and how you wrapped your legs around his waist as he nibbled on your neck. And the rest was history. A media explosion took place when you announced you were together. Announced as in pictures of you holding hands and kissing around London were leaked. Your friends had gone insane. You had gotten texts from Conor, Oli, Mikey, Anna, and basically everyone else. Suddenly you found out they had always thought you would be perfect for each other, and for the first time you realized that sometimes, your friends could actually be right. From that moment on, it all went uphill. Life as Jack's girlfriend was far more interesting than life as Jack's best friend, although they only thing you had added to your relationship was kissing, and sex. You would be lying if you said you had never imagined yourself in Jack's bed even back when you were just friends, your arms holding him tight as he worked his way inside you. Reality was far better than expectations. Years of travels, parties, some little fights, premieres, events and meaningful moments passed by far too quickly. You had moved in together after one year of relationship, in a big flat near the center of London. It had been big enough for the two of you for the past five years, but now, it wasn't anymore. "Jack, baby, can you pass me my phone?" You asked him as he was making his way out of the kitchen, pointing in the direction of your bag. You found yourself in Brighton, visiting the Maynards for Conor's birthday. He had brought his 3-year-girlfriend, Leah, and she was currently chatting lively with him and his dad. Anna was sitting on the other sofa with her new boyfriend, Hugo, whom surprisingly Jack approved of. And as for you, you were carefully stroking Jack's cat's back as you chatted with his mum on the sofa, placing a hand on your stomach from time to time. Jack gave you your phone before planting a kiss on the top of your head and sitting down next to you, holding you "What are you ladies going on about?" He asked, carefully hugging your tummy to pet his cat who was on the other side. "Your mum was just telling me about labour pain and how I'd want to kill you with all my soul" you casually told him, as he flinched and put a hand over his heart. "That hurt, mum" he joked, only to earn an eye roll from his mother. "Well, that's true" she said before turning back to you "But you're just five months pregnant, love, you've got time to worry about giving birth. It'll be alright" she assured you, and you calmed down. Do you know how they say a man doesn't really become a father until his child his born? Well, that wasn't the case for Jack. He became a total dad the same day he found out you were pregnant. He went out to buy some books, and learned everything you both needed to do when the baby was born to then teach it to you. You had expected him to be excited, but not like that. "How are my favorite girls doing?" Jack asked you, placing a hand on your stomach and rubbing it. His cat had jumped from the sofa to the coffee table in front of it, and was observing you carefully. "I'm alright now" you said "She, however..." "Okay, okay" Conor appeared in front of you with his hands up in the air "I'll sing for my niece, if that's what she wants" he said before laughing at his own comment. You laughed, amused by Conor's presence in general. The fraternal love you felt for that man was too intense. You then placed a hand on your stomach, sitting back on the couch "I can't wait until she's born" you commented "Im already exhausted" you said, and Jack's mum laughed, making you assume that five months into pregnancy was nothing compared to what was in store for you. "Me too" Jack agreed "I want to hold her" he smiled, rubbing your stomach again. "I would never have thought you were going to be the first sibling to have a baby" his mum casually commented "Or to have a baby at all" you laughed, thinking how true that was. When you first met Jack, he seemed nothing like the I-want-kids type. However, you were lucky enough to find out that he was in fact a kid at heart himself, and that he was indeed an impecable babysitter. "I owe it all to you" his mum told you, making you blush slightly "Thank you for turning my son into an actual sensible human being, Y/N" she joked, but you knew deep down she meant it. You both laughed. Looking around, you saw Conor joking around with his dad and his girlfriend, and Anna and Hugo laughing and being cute in the sofa across from you. Jack's arm was around you, as his mum started telling you those embarrassing stories of Jack you loved so much from when he was a teen, and you instantly knew. That definitely was the happy environment you wanted your little girl to grow in.
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