#haven't decided if i should put this in their main tags or not? i dunno
gatterr-warrs · 2 years
Hello!! Guess who got sucked back into the Gandrew fandom!
My name is Kevin (he/him) and I used to be pretty active in the fandom back in 2018, and I slowly fell out once the squad started breaking up, the drama and backlash started with shane, and content started to die down.
I'm not sure how many people are around from when I started my last blog a few years ago.... but I ran a Gandrew discord server for about a year back in the day and miss this fandom so so much. I can't get back into my old accounts but I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in a Gandrew discord now? Our fandom isn't that big, and I love the idea of having somewhere we can all talk, especially since we're actually maybe getting some real semi-consistent content now??
i've been essentially just ghosting the tags for like three years and im ready to get back into talking about them! tbh i need to talk to someone about them to get these boys out of my HEAD for a single minute LOL.
Anyway, all that to say if someone or anyone is interested let me know! I'm happy to set things up and get them running again. It includes custom emotes if that sweetens the deal!!
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dumb-hat · 1 year
Get to Know Me
Last Song: Old 97's - Timebomb. Just kinda got stuck in my head out of nowhere today, but that's hardly a bad thing. Too Far to Care is an easy top 5 desert island album for me. Correction: I guess that was the last song I had listened to before I started this thing, but now I'm listening to Absolute Lithops Effect by the Mountain Goats. All Hail West Texas might also be a desert island album, actually... and if it's not, it's only because I'm being very careful to pick one album per band and some other tMG album edged it out. Sunset Tree, maybe? Ugh, really hard choice here.
Currently Reading: Exalted: Essence, I guess. I still haven't quite completed a cover-to-cover read yet, but that hasn't stopped me from running it.
Currently Watching: We watched a couple episodes of King of the Hill tonight! That was fun.
Currently Obsessed With: Oh, geez. That's kinda hard to narrow down.
Exalted's a big one right now. I lived and breathed the game from like, '01 - '11 or '12, but 3e didn't really land for me. Essence was just the thing to bring me back. I'm about 15 sessions into a new campaign and it feels really, really good to be running it again. I spend a ton of time thinking about Exalted, prepping the game, making dumb spreadsheets of demons and spells and stuff. Feels like home... Or maybe like falling off the wagon; haven't quite decided yet.
I really, really love making terrariums, but I haven't done one in a while. Despite my initial resistance, it kinda led to me just becoming a house plant guy, so that's me now, I guess. I'm not sure they're all thriving by any measure, but uh... I dunno. I've got the absolute best little string of turtles. Never met a peperomia I didn't love.
I'm really itching to put together a small planted aquarium, but it hasn't happened yet. Nothing huge, but there's logistics to figure out, just the same.
Tagged By: @thefreelanceangel
Tagging: Nope. I'm not gonna do i—wait. Waaaait. Yeah, okay. No. I'm tagging you, whoever you are!
If for some reason you wanna know more, I've got an OOC blog over at @justlikethefish. I probably should have made that my actual main blog, but uh, oops? Anyway, it's mostly me reblogging stuff, but I think a lot about actually writing stuff, so that counts for something, right?
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thegoddesswater · 2 months
Author Questionnaire
tagged by @tc-doherty - Thanks, Lano!
How long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
I've had a separate blog for one of my projects since 2017, but was never all that active on it and haven't done anything with that since 2020. My main account, which is this one (aka a general bit of everything), I think I've had it since 2011.
What led you to create it?
THIS account? It was one of those "all my friends are on this tumblr thing and it seems fun" situations. My other account? I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but I didn't stick with it. I keep thinking that I should maybe go back to using it or something, but I don't have the real drive to currently.
What’s your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
This is an odd question, since I feel like I'm very on the fringes of the writeblr community and don't necessarily interact with it a ton, but I definitely like how encouraging everyone is to each other. It's nice to see.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I don't want them to know anything about me I kid! I kid! I don't actually think I'm all that interesting, though.
I like to talk about my projects and love chatting about my characters. I'm also always down to give my perspective on writing-related questions you've ever got them. Not saying I've got the 'right' answer, but I can be a sounding board if anyone needs one. I think I'm pretty chill, and I'm open to interactions.
Also (unrelated to writing) I can summon deer. Except, apparently, during heatwaves.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Not really. I am very laissez-faire about my dash and I'm hardly gonna tell people what I wish they'd be posting more of.
Which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Mostly Miadhachain Legacy, Heart of a Warrior, Run Runaway, and Blood of Sages at the moment. Those four are pretty much on a random rotation through my brain right now. Talentless/Wild Card is always lurking right beneath the surface though.
How long have you been working on them?
ML and Heart of a Warrior are definitely my longest running projects. I started HoaW back in 2005, plugged away at it for a few years and then left it on the back-burner to boil dry for a decade+ hiatus. ML had a similar trajectory, only there were more external forces there that made me shelve that one for a while. Run, Runaway was a 2010s project which (again) was put on hiatus due to lack of interest. (Also, I was mid-degree and I had one of my creative writing profs pretty much call me a talent-less, unoriginal hack so… lots of writing projects stalled around then.) Blood of Sages is new. Like November 2023 new. And it's just something that I'm tinkering with more than a full blown story at the moment. Talentless/Wild Card is another thing that's been around since the late 2000s/early 2010s. Unlike ML and HoaW, it's been getting tinkered with semi-consistently since.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
HoaW, RR, and BoS are all fanfics for the same fandom. HoaW was my first foray into Fanfiction and I had no idea what I was doing, I just wanted to be included. Which is my way of saying I have no idea anymore what exactly inspired me to write that particular story. RR was a weird situation where I'd created a fan OC and my best friend (at the time) absolutely hated him, and said I should never write with him again. So, naturally I decided to write a story centred on him out of sheer spite. The fact that internet strangers seemed to enjoy it only spurred me on (until the aforementioned prof mentioned above). BoS was born from the circumstances of tumbling back into my old fandom, discovering the most ridiculous crackship that made my brain light up in the best way, and seeing someone else's AU and going "Okay, but what do I get if I take this weird pairing + that premise?" The answer is “More than the odd oneshot I’d planned for it to be.”
Miadhachain Legacy is a bit of a rats' nest as far as where that started. Originally, it was essentially an RP turned convoluted novel series between myself and a friend. It's mutated a lot since then.
Talentless/Wild Card was originally a satirical fantasy about a hapless knight who accidentally-ed his way through an adventure and sort of rescued the wrong princess. Other than some character names and concepts, very little of that original version exists in it now.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Like per day? Multiple hours. Usually while I'm supposed to do be doing something else.
When someone asks the dreaded, “what do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"I've got some sci-fi and fantasy that I'm working on at the moment." And then I elaborate if people want to know more. ...Why is there the expectation to treat this like it is the worst question to be asked?
Name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
...how much time have you got, friend? ML alone used to have over 100 named characters and Talentless/Wild Card have a cast to rival that. Enjoy a random smattering of folks instead.
Karn is the oldest character I have that I still write with, and Ripp is a close second.
Zaria is the newest character of ML, having been created to replace her old version, once named Kaen. Her counterpart, Adair, is still getting used to the change, honestly.
Cyri is a minor side character who has been giving me a case of brain weasels lately.
Aerun is someone that I am itching to work with but hasn't fed me any kind of a plot yet, so I don't know what to do with him. …He might be a smuggler…a pirate? I dunno.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Define "unhinged." I mean, probably Valen is the most, but unhinged how?
Voltain and Marmaduke are both pretty bizarre, in completely opposite ways and I'm just realizing now that those two could be read as foils to each other
General Vancil is out of touch with reality
Sleepshine is extremely normal in personality, but unhinged as a concept - he's a talking tortoise the size of...about an SUV. And I love him. Fight me.
Valen is…well, unfortunately, Valen. Poor guy's got a lot going on and some days he's holding himself together with nothing but dental floss and used scotch tape.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Lots of my older characters come pretty easily to me. Maggie and Adair are both very familiar for me. Even if I leave them alone for a while, they're really easy for me to get right back into right mind for. That said, I think Marmaduke deserves some kind of special recognition for the fact that there were years where I could write him on autopilot.
Do you ever cringe at them?
I mean, sometimes, but also no?? Like, sure "Here's a character I created when I was 14 and he's a super cool assassin and in a gang and totally awesome, but also burdened with heaps of trauma" SOUNDS cringey when put like that. But have you considered that I adore him anyway??
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
My characters can all be wilful little shits at times, and I'm mostly okay with that.
I'm always going to think of Rhys as the least cooperative character, though, mostly because he was the first one that just straight up refused to go where I tried to tell him to. He was supposed to end up with this girl, and inherit his mother's shady political empire, and otherwise be fairly unremarkable. Instead of that, he made a dramatic exit from the closet and ran off to get married to the quarterback of his high school football team - whom his girlfriend had kind-of been cheating on him with.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
Absolutely! I'm totally cool with folks asking however they feel comfortable, assuming that they're ever so inclined to ask. I love chatting about my characters.
What makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
Just kinda vibes, I think. Like I said above, I'm on the fringes of the writeblr community, so there's no hard and fast rule for who I follow and who I don't.
What makes you decide against following?
Please see above.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Not really. I'm not opposed to it, I just don't do it much. I don't necessarily directly interact a ton with most of my mutuals either. Sometimes if I'm scoping a writblr and they've got a recent ask game going, I'll drop them some asks for fun.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
...sort of? But considering the ones that I am considering for this answer were dropped into Talentless/Wild Card so long ago that they feel like they were always there, I don't think that's quite what this means.
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