#haven't totally gotten the hang of finding or making a gif or moodboard that really fits the story
fandom-alley · 2 years
Rose Coloured Lenses | Spencer Reid Fanfic
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Summary: Reader cuts her finger while cooking and Spencer bandages her up Pairing: Spencer Reid/Reader Warnings: accidental knife cut, lots of mentions of blood/bleeding, kissing, swear words Category: Fluff Word count: 2k a/n: This is my first reader insert short. Got inspired because it's the 2 year anniversary of me cutting my own finger while cooking lol Also available to be read on AO3
Saturday nights were my designated home cooked meal nights. Even if Spencer was out of town on a case with work, I’d invite a friend or two over to the apartment for dinner. And on the rare occasion that no one was free, I would cook an extravagant meal to myself, playing music and dancing around the kitchen while belting out my favourite Taylor Swift song and hoping one of the neighbours don’t start knocking on the walls to get me to shut up.
Even though we've only lived together a short while, Spencer know’s enough to vacate the kitchen on Saturday nights, letting me take up all the space needed for multiple bowls, cutting boards, pots and pans. So when he arrives home from work a few hours early to see I’m on speaker phone with best friend, hair tied back and sleeves rolled up, mixing my famous meatball recipe, he knows not to get in the way. 
However, even with the rule of staying out of the kitchen, Spencer can’t help himself but to come in and give me a quick kiss hello, which I don’t mind. 
“It already smells amazing.” He say’s while tucking a strand of hair that fell out of my bun back behind my ear. 
“It’s really just onions and garlic right now, but thank you.” I smile at him. “Now get lost, I’ll call you when it’s ready.”
“Hi, Spencer. Bye, Spencer.” My best friend, Becky, say’s through the speaker phone, having heard our interaction. 
“Good evening, Becky.” He turns to leave but thinks better. Stopping to place a hand on my cheek and pull me in for another kiss. It’s sickeningly sweet as he gently rubs his thumb along my cheekbone. I wish my hands were anywhere on his body instead of stuck inside a bowl of ground beef. There’s no way Spencer would let me get away with touching him before washing my hands. 
“Get a room you two!” Becky laughs from the phone. “I can hear you making out.”
“That was definitely not making out. That was just me saying hello to my beautiful girlfriend, whom I missed dearly at work today. And if she wasn’t wrist deep in ground beef and on the phone I would already have her on my bed.” Spencer says with a smirk, leaving me speechless.
“Oh, spicy boy! Where do I find a man like you?” Becky manages to ask through her continued laughter.
“Okay! Spencer, that’s enough of you. I would really like to get my hands out of this bowl, so I’m going to need you to leave so I can finish cooking, please.” I say.
“Of course, sweetheart.” Spencer leans forward for another kiss but I pull my head back as far as my constricted hands will allow.
“Stop trying to distract me! I’ll call you when it’s ready.” I laugh.
Finally, he walks out of the kitchen to grab his work bag. I watch him pull out a new novel and head into the office, where I’m sure he will finish reading it in a few minutes. 
“Alright, now that he’s gone. What were we talking about?” I ask Becky for a reminder. 
“I believe we were chatting about the rising costs of butter, to be honest. Not the most riveting conversation.” Becky laughs out.
“Oh yeah. Didn’t we star out by talking about Justin’s new girlfriend? How did we end up on butter.” I laugh with her. 
As we continue our conversation, I portion and roll out the meat balls. Then I brown them off in a pan before adding the sauce I made prior to Spencer arriving home, turning it down to low so they can simmer. Finally after what feels like hours, I’m able to wash the meat off my hands and gather the ingredients needed for the salad. 
“I should let you go, y/n. It’s getting late and I’ve got to give my mom a call as well and make sure she remembers about our lunch plans tomorrow.” Becky explains while I’m at the sink washing lettuce and carrots. 
“Of course, it was a great chat. What has it been, two hours? We should get coffee soon. Continue the convo in person.” I offer.
“Yes, definitely. Alright, have a good night, I’ll text you tomorrow. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do with Spencer after dinner.” Becky says, and even though I can’t see her I just know she’s wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. 
“Ha ha. Goodnight, Becky.” With Spencer tucked away in his office and Becky officially off the line, I decide to play some music from my phone to fill the silence. “Nothing like some good ol’ Miley Cyrus.” I mumble to myself as I hit shuffle on her new album. 
I make sure it’s not too loud, so as not to disturb whatever Spencer is working on in the next room, and get started on prepping the salad. The lettuce gets chopped and dried, then tossed into the big bamboo salad bowl I convinced Spencer to buy at a market a few weeks back. 
“It’s so pretty and it fits the vibe of the apartment so well. If it doesn’t force us to eat more salads at least it’ll look nice on the kitchen table full of fruit.” I had told him. But I don’t think it were my words that convinced him to buy it. I think it was the look I gave him through my eyelashes, silently trying to convey that buying the bowl wasn’t just for the greens, but as a way for him to show that he really was serious about me moving in and making changes to the apartment he’s lived alone in for so long. 
With all the lettuce in the bowl, I move on to cutting the carrots into cubes. As I’m working away, Miley’s song Flowers starts playing from my phone. I refrain from singing along, to spare Spencer and the neighbours of the noise, but I can’t help moving my hips to the beat. It’s easy to get carried away dancing to this song, which I do. So much so that I forget I have a sharp knife in my hand.
The inevitable happens. As the song reaches the chorus, I start to hop up and down to the beat and my knife slips off the carrot and into the side of my ring finger. 
“Shit!” I drop the knife onto the counter and grab my injured hand with the other, bringing them to my chest as I squeeze my eyes closed. I can feel the wetness as blood pools out of my finger. I breath in through my nose and out through my mouth, trying to calm my already racing heartbeat. Knowing I need to assess the wound, I slowly bring my hands away from my chest and peak my eyes open. I barely move my uninjured hand away before I catch sight of the blood.
“Fuck.” I say, shutting my eyes and closing my hands together again. The sight make’s me feel nauseous and I end up crouching to the floor of the kitchen, unable to stand up any longer for fear of passing out. The initial adrenaline starts to ware off as my heart rate returns to normal and I can feel pulsing in the finger that I cut. 
After a few more seconds of sitting, I give in and lay fully onto the kitchen floor as I call out for Spencer. The sound of his office door opening is a relief. 
“Y/n?” I hear his footsteps come towards the kitchen. “Where are you?”
“Down here.” I groan from the floor behind the kitchen island. I don’t see Spencer come around the corner because my eyes are still squeezed shut, but I hear him. He rushes to me and kneels down to my side.
  “What happened? Are you okay?” His hands are on mine, gently trying to pry them apart to see the injury, but I don’t let him.
“I cut my finger.” I cry to him.
“Okay. Did you fall? Can you sit up?” He speaks softly, gently wiping a tear off my cheek that I didn’t know was there.
“I was starting to feel like I was going to throw up so I came down here. I didn’t fall, but I don’t think I can sit up yet.” I explain to him.
“That’s alright. That’s good that you didn’t fall. No head injuries to attend to. Okay give me a second, I’ll be right back I just need to grab the first aid kit from the bathroom.” Spencer says and I hear him run off down the hall
When he returns I hear the first aid kit hit the ground beside me and feel him sit down next to my chest, where I’m still clutching my hands together. I gasp and open my eyes when something cold is placed on my forehead.
“Sorry, should have warned you.” Spencer says when I look at him. “It’s just a cold cloth to help sooth you.”
“Thank you.” I breath out. 
“Of course.” Spencer’s eyes are soft on me. He caresses my cheek, making me sigh in delight. “Can I take a look?”
“Yeah.” I close my eyes again so I don’t catch sight of it, then open my hands for him. He gently takes them into his own and I feel him inspecting them.
“There’s quite a bit of blood but from what I can see it’s not that big of a cut. Do you think you can make it to the sink so we can wash it off?” He asks gently.
“Um, yeah. I think so.” 
  Spencer helps me up with an arm behind my back, then holds onto me as we walk over to the sink. He tests the water until it reaches a warm temperature then gently pulls my hands under the stream. I open my eyes to take a peak and all I see is red washing down the drain.
“Oh, gross.” I groan and put my head down onto the counter. 
“I didn’t know you were this bad with blood.” Spencer says as he helps me into a chair after rinsing my hands.
“Neither did I. I’ve never cut myself with a knife before. How do you deal at work? I’m sure you’ve seen more blood in one day on the field than I’ll see in my lifetime.” 
Now that there’s no blood all over my hands, Spencer brings my injured hand close to his face to inspect the cut. He’s very gentle, but as his fingers grab the one that I cut, I can’t help but to gasp out in pain. It’s so tender.
“Sorry.” He apologizes. “It took a while to get used to. I guess I might not even be that used to it. But it’s part of the job and we try our best to not get attached to the scenes, makes it a little easier to sleep at night.”
“Wow. I don’t know how you do it.” I say.
“It helps that I have you to come home to now.” He says sweetly. “Well, I don’t think you need stitches. Just some good gauze wrap and maybe an Advil if it’s still hurting.” Spencer says. I watch him intently as he wraps the gauze around my finger, securing it with a little piece of medical tape. When he’s finished he brings my hand to his mouth to kiss my fingers.
“Thank you, doctor.” 
“It was my pleasure.” 
“I didn’t get to finish dinner. I still need to make the pasta.” I sigh, making a move to stand up but Spencer pushes me back down from the shoulders.
“I’ll finish up dinner, you go sit on the couch.” He says.
“Are you sure? Saturday nights are my home cooked meal night.” 
“I’m sure. It’s still going to be home cooked even if it’s me cooking it.” He laughs.
“Thank you. I love you.” I pull him into a hug and he tucks me under his chin, holding me tight.
“I love you, too.” He says with a kiss to my forehead. 
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