#haven't watched oppenheimer guys im a fraud
boysbellyrubs · 1 year
Caine and Quinn! They are some of my favourite OCs ever, and I'd love another scenario with them. Maybe Quinn as the sickie?
ah i love you for this. i tried to do some onomatopoeia with the vomiting in this one, not much since I'm awkward with it but hopefully it's okay hehe.
Seeing a movie at 8pm was normally quite fun. They could hang out all day, get some food at the theatre and then watch a movie like they were having a night in. Why wouldn’t that be fun? 
You see, after a day of being in public, of eating, of being on your feet, you tend to get a bit tired. This is what was happening to Quinn at this very moment. They were standing in line and he just couldn’t stop himself from swaying and leaning over like he was being suspended from the ceiling. He was exhausted. 
“What’s up, Quinn?” Caine asked. He was upright, perfectly poised. 
Quinn groaned, knocking his head into Caine’s elbow. “I’m so tired. I can’t wait to sit in this movie and just do nothing.” 
Caine laughed, one of his hands coming up to ruffle Quinn’s hair. “Don’t fall asleep just yet, you’ve been looking forward to this movie for ages.” 
They were actually out to see Oppenheimer, and Quinn had been excited for ages but as of right now he would rather be anywhere else. Preferably over a toilet. His stomach had been bothering him ever since they stopped to grab a snack at McDonalds. So far in life he had never been betrayed so badly by them but today was just not his day. 
The line shifted and Caine spoke to the worker, ordering both of them popcorn and some fizzy drinks. Just what Quinn wanted. However, as Caine paid for their overpriced food, he straightened his back and followed Caine quietly through the theatre. Perhaps sitting down for three hours was going to do him some good. The theatre was packed with people wearing pink and loudly talking about the movie they had just watched. 
“Next week we should see Barbie. I’ve got to see Ryan Gosling’s boobs.” Caine said, pointing at the poster in the hall. Quinn hummed. 
They made it to their theatre and the search for their seats began. Caine ducked his head to read the numbers sideways and eventually found their row. Never in Quinn’s life had he thought movie theatre seats were this comfortable. He sank into the leather and quickly put his drink and popcorn down. 
“Ugh, I’m actually going to pass away.” 
“Please don’t.” Caine said. He looked at Quinn a bit closer as he said that. Quinn watched his eyes scrunch up a little. “Are you sure you’re alright? You look a bit pale.” 
Quinn nodded sluggishly. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” He was going for sarcasm, but perhaps he wasn’t so versed in that language as he thought he was because Caine just nodded and sat back in his seat. He munched on his popcorn as they waited and Quinn was only imagining the kernels landing in his own volatile stomach, imagining the taste and feel and the weight of them inside his belly. He groaned quietly as it gurgled. 
A quick peek down at his middle, he noticed his shirt was a little tight and the pressure on his waistband. He ran a curious hand down it and felt the little give of his skin. He was in for a rough night. As his hand moved down, his eyes drifted over to his drink. A simple lemonade, but that was supposed to help upset stomachs right? Plus, it might get some of the air in his belly before the movie began. 
He begrudgingly pulled himself up and grabbed his drink. Taking a small sip, he immediately felt the liquid join the spoiled food in his belly and it made a gross gurgling noise as it did. He winced. 
“Was that your stomach?” Caine was staring at his profile, phone lighting up his face. 
Quinn nodded. “It’s okay, just digesting.” He waved his boyfriend off and continued taking small sips of his drink. The carbonation was helping him feel a little better and he burped quietly into his fist. Thank god the theatre hadn’t filled up just yet. He continued with this strategy until the lights went down and there was a stranger sitting next to him. His popcorn lay untouched throughout. 
With the movie beginning, Quinn let his mind drift away from his sore tummy and onto the movie. He managed about an hour before things took a turn for the worse. He had been drinking his lemonade slowly, and soon enough he needed to piss. There was a moment where it seemed like nothing was happening so he quickly whispered he was going to the bathroom to Caine and slipped out of his seat. His belly sloshed as he stood, full of fizzy and food, and he resisted putting his hand on it. The walk to the bathroom was tortuous, Quinn was holding back burps with every step and the steps weren’t helping. 
Eventually, he made it and in the privacy of the bathroom he let himself burp louder. Belches sounded around the echoey walls of the bathroom and he rubbed his belly as he let them up. It was still extremely bloated, it seemed his scheme hadn’t worked out in his favour. The nausea wasn’t so bad anymore, but it was uncomfortable to deal with a stomach so swollen he looked like he was with child. His entire stomach was tight, top to bottom, whatever was inside him was wrecking carnage on his insides. 
A rippling cramp shot through his middle. He bent over and let out a grunt. He didn’t know how he was going to continue for another two hours. However, having spent enough time in the bathroom he washed his hands and returned to the theatre. Quinn almost tripped over his own feet walking back in, and having to bend over to not get in the way of the film felt like he was going to explode. 
He flopped down into his seat. A mistake. As he landed, it disrupted a pocket of gas and it rocketed up his throat and out his mouth. He clapped a hand over his mouth, mumbling a quick ‘excuse me’ and burrowed into his chair. His whole body was on fire. 
Caine leaned over to him. “Are you alright?” 
Quinn nodded, lips pressed tightly together. He wasn’t risking opening his mouth again. As both Caine and the strangers got back into the movie, Quinn sat suffering in his seat. His belly was full on gurgling now, bringing up burps that he kept in his mouth, and increasing the pain across his stomach. He needed to go home immediately. 
Somehow, Quinn had managed to sit through more of the movie. When the 30 seconds of silence hit, it wasn’t anything but. Quinn’s stomach chose the perfect moment to whine and grumble at him the loudest then, and he put his hand over his stomach, sucking it in to try and muffle the sounds at least a little. It didn’t work, of course and Caine was immediately on to him. 
“Is your stomach okay? It doesn’t sound like just digestion now, sweetheart.” Quinn was close to whimpering. It was so embarrassing, and the gurgles were only getting wetter. He sank down into his seat, almost horizontal. 
“I…I really don’t feel good. My stomach won’t shut up.” He whispered as quietly as he could. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the loudest noise he had ever heard in his entire life sounded and the room lit up. The noise had finally began again. 
Caine had jumped away from him but his attention went back to Quinn as soon as the scare died off. “Is it bad enough that we need to leave? Are you gonna puke?” 
Quinn shook his head. It was a half-truth, it was bad but he didn’t need to puke. Yet. He knew he was probably going to eventually. Caine raised his eyebrow. 
“Are you sure? You look unwell.” His hand softly came up to touch his forehead. “You’re not very warm.” 
“I know. It’s something I ate.” 
Caine’s eyes widened a little. He looked back at the screen and decided that there was no movie more important than his boyfriend’s health. He quickly packed up his things, picking up Quinn’s untouched popcorn along the way and ducked out of his seat. Quinn was hurt for a second until he saw Caine’s shadow return, holding his now empty hands out. 
“Come on, I’m taking you home.” He waved to the people beside them and mouthed a ‘sorry’ before swiftly pulling Quinn out of the theatre. 
Being upright again was not something Quinn was prepared for. He felt his tummy slosh and begin churning. He groaned as he wrapped his arm around his middle. Caine’s arm was tightly around his shoulders. 
“Are you sure you’re not gonna puke? We can make a quick detour to the bathroom.” 
“I’m sure. I just want to go home.” Quinn mumbled. 
Unfortunately, the car was parked quite a while away. It was dark, cold and far too busy for a Wednesday night. They walked as quick as Quinn was able to. 
They managed to make a fair bit before Quinn’s belly jumped into his throat. He stopped so suddenly Caine almost tripped over his feet. He turned around to stand in front of Quinn, bracing his hands on Quinn’s shoulders. 
“Hey, are you about to throw up?” 
Quinn nodded, hands covering his mouth tightly. He felt his throat lurch and a wet burp gurgled in his mouth. He moaned. 
“Alright, alright, just hold it in for a minute, babe.” Caine frantically searched for a bin or a dark corner, but there was nothing. He grimaced and led Quinn to the wall of a closed shop. “Okay, I’m so sorry, Quinn but you’re just gonna have to puke right here. It’s okay I’ll hide you.” 
He slipped his jacket off and opened it up, hunching over his already hunched boyfriend. Quinn was gagging into his hands as this was happening, feeling everything inside him splashing up and back down his oesophagus. He whined as he felt his mouth fill with saliva and he had no choice but to open his mouth and let it drip onto the footpath. 
Caine’s chin was resting on his back. The contact was good, it kept Quinn from face planting into his own sick. He heard his stomach gurgle and he rolled forward with the force of his gag. His cheeks ballooned out and the first splash of vomit landed on the concrete. He wasn’t given a chance to breathe as another heave attacked him, bringing up more chunks of food and fizzy lemonade. His nose burned. 
His mouth stayed open and his blood was rushing in his ears. He had his eyes squeezed shut unconsciously as another heavy gag pushed its way up his throat. Quinn coughed aggressively and another burp brought up more vomit. 
He vaguely heard some dudes laughing, probably thought he was wasted. Quinn was so glad Caine was covering his face. He felt his stomach jump again, but he felt the relief that indicated he could stand up and leave. He needed a shower. 
“Done for now?” Caine asked, his hand rubbing up and down Quinn’s back. Quinn himself wiped his mouth and nose, still hunched over his stomach. It hurt like fuck, and he was so excited for a hot shower and bed. 
Caine kept his jacket off and wrapped it around Quinn’s shaking shoulders. “My prince.” Quinn joked, voice a hoarse whisper. Caine chuckled. 
“Glad to see you still have a sense of humour. Let’s get you home, hmm?” 
The view of their car was glorious and Quinn sank into his seat. He kept his right hand resting on his belly, feeling all the little gurgles and jumps that were happening inside of him. 
“I’ll drive extra carefully, love. Just relax.” Caine’s low voice startled him a little, but he just shut his eyes and let the world drift away for a few minutes. 
Caine kept up with his promise and drove extra carefully, however it didn’t do much for Quinn’s stomach. Throughout the entire trip his stomach was only swelling back up again with gas and he was constantly holding his hand over his mouth as a precaution for the particular wet burps. He moaned as his belly cramped. His pants were digging into his stomach. His head was spinning so much it felt like he was drunk. He just needed to be put down at this point. 
“God, I feel awful, Caine. Mmhh.” He whined. 
There was a little moment of silence from his boyfriend, no doubt he was trying to calm himself down from that, but he quickly snapped back into it and helped Quinn out of the car. Quinn was leaning all of his weight on Caine, stumbling over his feet and suppressing gurgling belches under his breath. Shit, he felt sick. 
He beelined for the bathroom and all but fell to his knees. The motion caused a splash of puke to fall into the water and he wrapped his arms around his middle. It was hell inside him. Caine joined him soon after, kneeling gently beside him and touching his sweaty back. 
“You’re okay, love, just take a deep breath.” He knew all the right words to say. Quinn was able to completely let go, AKA able to puke up everything that was plaguing his stomach. 
“Cai-hmm-hLKK…fuckk.” He squeezed his middle. “Fuck, my stomach. Kill me-hURKK-mghh.” 
Quinn sat there puking for probably ten minutes and then suddenly fell into Caine���s arms, sweaty limbs curling inwards onto Caine’s lap. He whined as he shoved his face into his boyfriend’s neck. 
“God, I hate this. How could McDonalds betray me like this…urrp.” 
Caine rubbed up and down his back. “I don’t know, babe. Are you feeling any more stable?” 
Quinn shook his head, a hand resting on his lower belly. He burped again. “My belly is all messed up. It hurts but it feels so empty.” He whined, digging his fingers into the skin. Quinn decided to flip around and lay his head down on Caine’s legs, opening up his stomach to Caine’s hands. 
“Yes?” He teased. 
“Mghhm- Please rub.” 
Caine laughed and began to rub his belly, starting at the highest point and venturing down to where Quinn’s hand was. He applied the perfect amount of pressure and Quinn was left a burping mess in his lap. His belly slowly got softer and the pain became more bearable. He would forever thank god he got Caine as his boyfriend. 
“I can tell you feel better.” Caine said with laughter in his words. 
Quinn nodded tiredly. “Urp-heaps better. Thank you.” 
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