#havent been active on here in a While so if anyone already made a similar poll lmk and i'll delete
harukapologist · 2 months
Considering how little we know so far about the case,
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mattgambler · 5 years
Phoenix Point and why I want it to live
No TLDR this time. I said in the past that I could write pages over pages about this. I guess its time to see how many pages we are actually talking about here. Phoenix Point is currently rather mediocre. From the soundtrack to the many bugs and rather rough implementations, the missing features that were envisioned in the kickstarter campaign, the 5 scheduled DLCS, the epic store exclusivity, the inferior graphical polish in comparison to Firaxis’ XCOM reboot, the inferior complexity in comparison to Longwar, probably even the inferior Idontknow in comparison to the very first XCOM games from way back when, I didnt play those. If you are looking for something to hate in this game, you dont have to look too hard, there is something here for everyone. The reason Ive been a determined defender of Phoenix Point is not simply because I have a different taste in games than the mainstream however, but because I feel there is a way deeper underlying problem at work here. I’ll come back to that later. Btw starting now, when I say XCOM, I mean Firaxis’ XCOM. Personally I want more games like XCOM. More games like Battlebrothers, Mordheim: City of the Damned, Invisible Inc, hell, even Bloodbowl, even though I dont dig the sports angle. Games with permadeath, nameable characters, dynamic overworld systems and missions and situations that are created ideally by circumstance, not by simply playing mission 1, then mission 2, until you reach what the devs decided to be the last one they would make for the game. I thoroughly enjoy that concept of progression and many turnbased strategy titles just dont do it for me because they are too linear, even when they are otherwise nicely crafted experiences. Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest is a nice example of this, the game looks nice, sounds nice and is very well made, but it lacks the one thing I enjoy most in all the games I mentioned earlier. Along comes Phoenix Point and the moment I look at this game I know that it is all about scratching that specific itch. Not only that, it also brings with it a variety of creative features to even improve the established turnbased squad tactics formula. I didnt lie when I said I think that it is in many ways better than XCOM. Just that... WHAT?!?! ...the overall game doesnt compare well if we look at the sum of their parts at the moment. YOU CANT BE SERIOUS!!!!! About Phoenix Point being better in many ways? Sure, let me make a list. 1) Aiming In XCOM you aim, you have an x% chance to hit, you either hit or you dont. While widely accepted because of the quality of the overall games, its a pretty simple system that becomes especially frustrating when your guns model on screen is touching the enemies forehead and you still manage to miss. Or when a flashbanged and suppressed sectoid crits you in full cover after rolling a natural 20. In Phoenix Point bullets get simulated and trace a path from the barrel of your gun to a target that they then either hit or miss. Smaller enemies in Phoenix Point are hard to hit not because the game designers arbitrarily decided so, but because smaller enemies are simply smaller. In comparison, in XCOM you roll dice. 2) Modular enemies Similar to Battlebrothers, Phoenix Point has you encounter the same brigand thug (crabmen) over and over again. The enemy itself doesnt matter as much, its more about the number of different variations you can encounter. Brigant thugs can come equipped with simple helmets and/or armor as well as different weapons that have different abilities. They also have different faces on top of that. They are by far not the only enemy in the game, but even if they were, by the time you encounter the exact same thug a second time you wont be able to tell anymore because you have seen so many others inbetween. The same goes for most enemies in Battlebrothers (with a few exceptions), it becomes way more about your opponents equipment than about his actual type or class. Phoenix Point goes for the very same approach, but falls short because of  a variety of reasons. To name just one, the first time you encounter New Jericho as a faction, you fight four New Jericho soldiers and all four of them have the same armor, the same weapon and even the same face. To hammer it home the mission also always takes place on a variation of the exact same map. It is an absolute travesty. The ambition is there and in random encounters on the map you can see where it is supposed to go, with every enemy type in the game being designed in a way that allows for as many variations as the devs can think of, from paralysis tentacles and bloodsucking arms to mist generators and everything inbetween. The possibilities are endless and from the standard crab to the giant bosses every enemy is designed with this modularity in mind. In XCOM in comparison, you have a variety of different enemies, but for the entirety of the first month (what is that, 3-7 missions?) you only fight the sectoid. Or maybe the drone too, I havent played vanilla in forever. Longwar tries to spice that up by using preexisting models and assigning new abilities to them, making some models bigger and giving others new abilities, but at the end of the day the sectoid looks the way the sectoid looks. I love what it looks like btw. But modular enemies are decidedly cooler. 3) Scale In XCOM you control 4, later up to 6 soldiers at the same time. In Longwar it goes up to 8, or 12 in that one mission. In Phoenix Point you start out the same way, but to my knowledge you can bring as many soldiers to any mission as you can get there via aircraft. Meaning that as soon as you get a second manticore you can theoretically have up to 12 soldiers in a mission, or 18 with a third. Naturally you would probably want to split your forces instead and be in 3 places at the same time (and you can), but this sort of thing being possible, both the 18 soldiers in one mission as well as the 3 different squads doing missions in 3 different places of the planet, is something XCOM simply does not offer.  4) Other features Be it vehicles, giant enemies, diplomacy or the amount of control you get on the overworld map, Phoenix Point does (or attempts to do) a huge number of things that in XCOM are simply nonexistant. In XCOM you dont get to decide were to fly, missions are simply spawned in popup fashion, the skyranger is on autopilot, “diplomacy” is managed by talking to top secret bald guy representing the council and by sometimes fulfilling a councilrequest. The only opposing faction apart from the aliens is EXALT which can be regarded as more of a separate mission type with human enemies and not really as a faction that contributes in any diplomatic way. Dont get me wrong, I dont think XCOM needs diplomacy in order to be good. XCOM is already good, fantastic in fact. But if we compare based on features alone and not the quality of their implementation, then Phoenix Point is doing A LOT of things that XCOM never even touched. This is in no way me trying to trash XCOM. I love XCOM, especially Longwar. However for the sake of an at least somewhat fair comparison the only games we should compare Phoenix Point to at this Point are XCOM Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2, both at launch. Bringing Longwar into the mix is something I do for the sake of providing a third angle, not because I am blind to the fact of how ludacris it would be to compare a newly launched game with an extensive overhaul mod that was in the making for years after the vanilla game and even its expansion were already released. As I was saying, along comes Phoenix Point doing all those very ambitious things. And it gets DESTROYED. To quote Beaglerush, the probably best known XCOM streamer out there: “But honestly, for anyone with experience in the XCOM genre, anyone who likes XCOM games, and anyone particularly who likes XCOM games at a harder difficulty or likes to obviously, like, play well, I do not think it is possible to enjoy this game unless you are getting a big paycheck and you are a good actor.” To be clear, I didnt watch the entire footage that made him come to that conclusion and I dont want to comment too much on what “playing well” means, but i have played Longwar on the highest difficulty in ironmanmode for 2000 hours (without beating it, but also always with Training Roulette active) and I have beaten XCOM 2 on highest difficulty in ironman mode. I do consider Longwar as one of my favourite games of all time and I do consider myself as someone who has experience with the genre, likes games and likes to play them “well”, or at least on highest difficulty. I dont agree with Beagle (duh), but I can of course see where he might be coming from. In its current state Phoenix Point is not finished. Playable, but even for an early access game its still pretty rough, with many mechanics not or only sometimes working (leanout, aim and aimsnapping, end turn, details, you get the point), features missing, performance issues, lackluster soldier customization, lackluster diplomacy options, a rather simple skilltree, questionable balance, etc. Don’t look at me like that, if I wanted to I could jump that hatetrain any time! But if I was to do that, where would that leave us? The XCOM genre, as Beagle calls it, is a niche genre at the best of times. Not only regarding the playerbase but also regarding game developers willing to invest time and money into creating something new. Xenonauts 2 is a year or more behind its originally panned release date with not much news to speak of, Terra Invicta is a distant memory of a game that will maybe one day still be released and Im still waiting for the XCOM 3 announcement and who knows if it will even come. Especially after we, the players, completely demolish Phoenix Point to the point where I would just cancel the 5 planned DLCS right now if I was in charge of the devteam. The main reason I defended Phoenix Point was not because of what the game currently is but because of what the game could be after 5 more DLCs. Ive played every backerbuild of the game and statements like “the game is still what it was 2 years ago” are simply and factually false. Especially between backerbuild 4 and 5 there was a huge jump in quality and between 5 and the release version that same jump has ocurred again - with an entire game that is now playable and completable. Yes, it could have more voiced lines instead of text, yes, it doesnt have the sexy “alerted sectoid” animation sequence when you run into a new enemy pod (pods dont exist in PP but you get me) and sure, the epic exclusive sucks I guess and I dont care much for the soundtrack. But after Backerbuild 5, who knows where the game will be after the next DLC? And the next? If you compare XCOM Enemy Unknown with XCOM Enemy Within, the difference was breathtaking. And here we have a game that has so much work already done, so many assets created, so much code already in place, and we, the players, punch them in the face and shout “NOT GOOD ENOUGH!”. You wanna go back to the drawing board, have somebody else start fresh on something that could be better in a year or two if we are lucky? Ive been looking for a game like XCOM for literally years. Battle Brothers was the closest I found. Tens, if not hundreds of others inbetween failed hard, from “Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus” to “Legends: Viking” to “Wildermyth” and basically everything inbetween. And here we have a game that seems to have the right idea, the right amount of ambition and a good amount of the work already done and we are bitchslapping them left and right just so we can go back to getting hyped about the next mediocre linear story experience. Sure, them releasing already is a shame. But if I was the one to decide, I would give them the same amount of money again and triple it and tell them to finish the job instead of spitting in their face when they come to us and lowkey tell us that they ran out of money. And I would send them flowers and tell them that Im sorry. Anybody can polish a game with extra cash, but getting the core idea right is something that even Firaxis almost failed to do with XCOM 2, as far as Im concerned. I said earlier, that there was a deeper underlying problem here and that I would come back to it and here it is, ladies and gentlemen. Modernday gamers are an ungrateful, hateful bunch of whiny spoiled brats, who think they are entitled to only the best of the best while in fact they “deserve” nothing. The entire concept of a kickstarter campaign is that you provide funds and trust so a bunch of people can try to realize their vision. If you dont like the outcome, then that doesnt mean they betrayed you, it means you have poor judgement. Notice how I say judgement and not taste. You dont have poor judgement because you dont like the outcome, but because you gave them money in the first place. I should maybe add at this point that my anger is mostly directed towards the public reaction and the phoenix point subreddit and not towards my own viewership. (hello) Phoenix Point is not the first game that has had me feel like the entire gaming landscape is slowly spiraling out of control. 5 years ago I thought quality means sales. At this point Im worried that a high marketing budget means sales. And I dread the possibility that 5 years from now I might be convinced that a high marketing budget means quality. Some of the best games this year were literally destroyed by players. Artifact wasn’t only boykotted, but actively brutalized, with people at some point purposefully streaming porn and torture under the Artifact tag on Twitch. Pathologic 2 had the devteam almost go bankrupt after poor sales and unfavourable reviews by people that barely grasped the basics of the game. All the while people feed money to the ginormous immortal that is Magic The Gathering and praise Hideo Kojima for his “unique vision” for Death Stranding. I didnt play Death Stranding and Magic can be pretty fun, but does nobody see the smothering double standards in play here? Im not saying that Phoenix Point has no problems right now in terms of quality. Some of the issues player encounter are in fact inexcusable, at least longterm. But XCOM 2 also had a bumpy launch with long loading times and tons of bugs and then they were fixed and today there are people that think XCOM 2 is better than Longwar. Incomprehensible to me how anyone could think that, but time and some postlaunch fixes did clearly change peoples minds. I think the main reason Phoenix Point got so much hate on launch in comparison to XCOM 2 (which also released 3 DLCs ,or was it more) is because its drastically different and more ambitious in many ways, not because it is half as bad as people make it out to be. XCOM is just like Phoenix Point, just dumbed down I guess. Kappa. (I hate it when people use the term “dumbed down”. This is a joke. Ffs why do I have to explain this)
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lizzodorito · 4 years
quick vent
because i legit have no where else to put this sort of feeling and just.. writing it in a book or a doc just... isnt as cathartic. Hope this just fades into the void, please dont bother reading it.
Hey. screw proper grammar and spelling I just need to get thihis out.
my name is liz and hoenstly fuck this website because last time i actively used it for something other than mandolorian memes or sims mods/cc my ex boyfriend was fucking stalking me on it and catfishing me and comfort me by sending me those ask lists and i... i dunno if im over that. Fuck you Sven.
not the point, just wha t I have to think about every single damned time I find myself here no matter what.
I am so lonely. I dont have many friends at all and the ones I do are out to use me or not Get Into It with me, thouhg fair because im a shit load of a lot to deal with i guess. other friends i have are pretty backstabbing and they refuse to properly grow up and LIVE and THINK FOR OTHERS AND ALSO THINK FOR THEMSELVES WITHOUT IT HAVING TO BE DEFINED BY HOW PROUDLY TERRIBLE THEIR MENTAL HEALTH IS FUCK
And then i get shit for it
love being used guys hell yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah  no i dont i hate it so much literally when was the last time anyone loved me right outside of my family and even so its not like my parents treat me well. mother you may have improved drastically,  but similar to my self esteem, its still very much BELOW PAR and i hate having to witness both.
I am so lonely.
I go so long without saying any word sometimes, its a wonder i stil breath, although sometimes when i was young id forget to.
why is it that i get more depressed when i come back to the family home
does anyone else understand being family oriented to a family that really for the majority doesn’t treat you the same?
The voice in my head wont stop. it wont stop telling me all  the ways i have potentially fucked my budding friendships with my new friends isha and matt 
how am i a person who shares so little yet so much
BUT MY LORD THANK YOU these are people who... who are considerate and are processing what i am saying and are thinking of me
but how fucked up am i
and will that push them away
im often distasteful but all the same complex and layered and so useful and so interesting
and that’s why often enough it seems people dont put in the effort, or frankly, dont give a shit about me once i requrie effort, though their “care” for me beofre then was only for their own benefit.
im exhausted 
One of my best internet friends was raped and i was the one who revealed that to her and she just didnt realize it yet and i havent been able to fall asleep without thinking about it
i have needed to cry for over a week now and i haVent gotten to still i am so sad i am SO SAD
I am so charming yet cannot help being alone no matter how enjoyable i am for others to have around
He makes me question if im asexual
But I am only a human
porbably deifntieyl still asexual
but too much all the same 
Im just lonely and touch starved probably (more than usual to be clear) and want to be hugged and loved and he’s so smart and we talk for hoours and comfortably, for me, occupy eachothers’ space we talk for 
this is becoming poetry.
I feel like i am beginning to sound like a hobo johnson broken record
stop being poetic fuck off liz
he;s so 
I havent been hopeful like this in people for a long time
we went to a museum to support isha (she had to do a project that invovled socializing so ya know the inrovert crew (though i dont know fi matt considers himself one)) and we just were togeter (in rather close proximinity) just speaking in accents, partly hoping to excite the strangers crowding everywhere about “foriegners” being here at the exhibit... but i think it was mostly just for us. for our fun 
because voices is what we like to do
i love voice acitng 
he committed to it, i fell out of it more times than he did and he gets more specific with accents than i do
he likes what i do
he loves the characters and my many talents
he loves my writing
he wants me to join his dnd campaign over the summer with his friends
is it for me?
does he want... me
or just my character maggie that everyone loves
he wants me to join the campign he’s in npw with his friends, as he’s a player character and not a dm as he would be over the summer
he doesn’t quite get how lonely i am
i worry i made him and isha uncomfortable last night... i joked about actually being loved properly
he immediately looked at me strange, me not realizing the joke was taken as truth
“Liz, is there something you need to talk about?”
“Oh! Oh, well, um...” hi i come from an abusive family and you both dont realize how much it meant to me that you wanted me to come and are consitently telling me and thanking me for coming because... you’re telling me im good company and its been so long since i have had real friends or gone out with friends and ACTUALLY FULLY AND COMPLTELY HAD A GOOD TIME OH MY GOSH YOU DONT EVEN KNOW I AM SO SHY ABOUT ALL OF THIS BECAUSE HOLY FUCK I CANT EVEN ASK HOW I BECAME SUCH A BASKET CASE BECAUSE I ALREADY KNOW I ALRWADY KNOW I ALREADY KOW I ALRADY KNOW AND I HAVENT’ GOTTEN TO REALLY TELL ANYONE IN SO LONG WITHOUT THEM LEAVING ME 
its been so long since ive been understood by a peer
(hi my name is liz and i am weepign right now)
“No, not yet at least.”
*isha laughs and it joined by matt soon. I’m smiling comfortably. I genuinely have a soft, contented hope i might get to tell them at least some of it one day.*
“not yet at least! sorry matt you have to be at least a level 4 friend to learn the tragic backstory”
thank you isha for lightening the mood
thank you for making the joke so many people who gave less than a fuck about me got offeneded at and confused when i made it so often years ago.
my comment was laughed off, we continued to watch the critical role espidoe i had missed
soon it was just matt and i. isha was to bed.
just him and i, and i, like id been all night (concious but making the decision to pipe down and trust the people around me), was all curled up, very relaxed and off my posture, sinking into the couch. MAtt was always upright ish. sometimes hed sink a bit or rest his hips on their side curl a little rest his head, but not as intesely as i did
sometimes he’d scoot closer to me, sometimes hed scoot away. sometimes hed move his legs so our knees would touch. i dont mind (not because i was finding it romantic, im not twelve, i just am understadning of the small situation we are in and its a knee for crying out loud) i wonder if i was taking up too much space with the way i’d sit comfortaly. I wonder if he thought so.
i would be lying if i said i didnt imagine us actually having contact with eachother. cuddling platonically.. on multiple occassions.
I have an imagination that thinks of everything and so many scenarios all at once and all the time after all
i was comfortable with the idea but
it would be a bigger lie to say i wasnt absolutely and perfectly content wiht the way it did go.
i dont thiink i will ever know if he was comofrtable on that couch or more so if it was me he was comfortable or uncomfrtoable with. 
I will respect him to tell me.
he;s good at eyecontact and its comfrotable enoguh where i dont have to look away (it’s been a problem i never used to  have recently)
I’d peek up at him when he’d talk to me
i felt young again
when the stream was over he got up to leave.
i dont know if we daudled. dawdled? yep thats the word
i dont know if we did
we made small talk
shitty jokes that he declared wouldn’t be the last thing we said to eachother that evening
i agreed.
the last words that night were goodnights.
me with my raspy evening voice from a day full of talking and him with a look over the shoulder from the hall as the door closed behind him
he was obviosuly very slap happy sleepy as he was talking about the light not being too bright in the hall (to his happiness)
it was a nice night
when was the last time i went to bed so happy? thanking God over and over and praying for my friend i mention way earlier
i didnt even have to drown my insomnia with a youtube video
i just went to sleep
2 am
i hope the weather continues
- jaques cruzio, pink panther
now im just in bed
at the family home
not my dorm
fighting my depression (its been three hours, i was getting exhausted by 9:30 due to it) as i rest
i was curled in a ball, slumped and face planted, arms slumped when i decided i need to talk to someone, or say something mroe than what i vented to my little sister (small bits about how lonely i feel and how i worry ive fucked things up) hours ago
and here we are 
12:14 am
just some broken twenty something asexual with a mind that’s usually over sixty talking about the amazing people i met two weeks ago while in the background i think about the girl i used to be the boss of (online moderator work) and how she’s essentially in love with her idea of me and how i make her feel... and not just for me.
i am mysterious and cool and smart and hot and talented and useful to her.
I want to be complex and dedicated and helpful and pretty and so skilled and hardworking and wanted for me.
i want to  be considered and deserving and im hoping that isha, matt and my other two roommates can help start to fill that hole in my life
because, God, so far they have so much potential for it in my eyes
(so far)
thanks for listening, void.
actually feeling quite a bit better. the misery is still lingering, i wonder if i should cry more. But, i can breathe easier and my eyes dont feel dead. I just am tired and am prepared to enjoy things again.
proabbly will watch claire from BA make jelly beans.
or the Noel Miller guy isha told me about.
I dont know if it’s appropriate if i downloaded matt’s contact into my phone from when isha put us both in a groupchat together and i hope its not weird and i hope maybe he did the same, but by God i dont think i’ll be texting him first.
i like in person better.
with anyone.
always have
i have so much more on my mind
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Episode 1B - “I'm praying to Yoncé I survive and don't get first boot.”-Jess
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no words.
I'm praying to Yoncé I survive and don't get first foot. That ain't a cute look xoxox
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i'm already forgetting to search for the idols, i'm already getting paranoid about if i need to start making alliances instead of just enjoying the really cute convos i'm having with ruthie lily and kevin (max is kinda dry and annoying but... we'll try to make it work ig).... and i'm already hating every challenge we do especially this one although i actually really liked the challenge it was so creative and fun, i just hated that i have bad luck and am stupid with the deduction things, HENCE why i havent looked for the idol yet. LOL. so.... tl;dr - things are going perfectly! this hufflepuffle is workin exactly as he should!
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I just wanna say we really are the hufflepuffs. 114 moves in like 5 hours, but we did it.  Really proud of Ruthie, Landen, Kevin, Max, and I! Sending positive vibes to slytherin. Hope they are okay in this madness.
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Yo my tribe? Kinda dope. I think that everyone worked really well together today! I think Joanna kinda took the lead and some of her ideas were... a choice. But! It got us first place! I think that this tribe has a good shot of getting to swap unscathed.
With Slytherin going to tribal, I really hope that someone I don’t know goes, but at the same time I’d be okay with Jess going? I feel like she’s such a sleeper threat in most games I’m in with her and I really just don’t want to compete with that this time around.
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I kind of snapped and got myself an idol good until final 6 teehee.
I knew that the Snape's letter or writing or whatever that freak was up to was SOMETHING. Did I get lucky... hell fucking yeah.
A crackhead like me SHOULD NOT have all this POWER.
I also gave Jacob literally the worst clue ever because we are sharing clues ladies xoxoxo
The clue was:
"Snape is taken aback. “That wouldn’t be any business of yours now would it? I wouldn’t want to find out you are spreading false information. I trust you won’t have any issue with that”. Congrats! You’ve discovered Snape Storyline 2! That’s all for the moment, and will end your search for this round."
BOTH ARE HALF TRUE. Just in case he doesn't put 2 and 2 together and now I went from place to place on purpose. He's gonna think now I gave him something of value and I know he's gonna think "No way someone go an idol on day fucking 3".
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CONFESSIONAL 1.1 — Walking into the Great Hall, I saw a few familiar faces... for not good reasons!
First Jacob, who I know from tengaged. He and I were in a similar friend group for a short period before he left it, but we had a rocky relationship. We flirted a bit (blame 16-year-old Nicholas), but that is in the past.
Secondly, Jess... who I just directly sent home in Eve’s The Challenge: Fresh Meat. She did not have great words to say to me (such as I’m condescending), so I was very wary and, honestly, unhappy with her being here.
But, as Kylie Minogue says, it’s better the devil you know.
Flash forward to the Sorting Ceremony, and I’m so happy to be.. Slytherin? I told Mister Vintage (Sammy) and Mister Heinen (Caeleb) that I’m either a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but I suppose I’ve been lying to myself.
Then, I see my tribe: both Jess and Jacob are present. This is a curse wrapped in a blessing wrapped in an enigma. And, I love it.
I hate, hate, hate conflict and bad vibes, so I directly spoke to both. Jacob did not easily recognize me, but remembered me fondly; so, a successful reacquaintance. Jess, on the other hand, was definitely more apprehensive (as was I), but I made one thing clear: the past is the past, and I am declaring my loyalty.
I have been hurt in previous games by shoving the past aside while the other is still grudgingly aiming for revenge, but I feel Jess is different. She apologized to me about her words, which did hurt, and I apologized to her. What I said was honest, so I’m glad to see a fateful blossoming.
The first reward challenge is revealed, and honestly, I’m really bad at participating in pre-merge competitions, because I do not mind tribal. However, I do want to, since we are such a small tribe, focus on maintaining our numbers in case of a swap. We came in second this reward, and honestly, I’m glad to have eaten cupcakes (although I hate cherry). The fact we all chose a dessert and were privately messaged makes me assume someone received an advantage, but who knows...
What I DO know is that I had two separate relationships, so I wanted to lock a trio down (Me, Jess, Jacob), but I obviously did not want to gamebot this early and make the chat day one. So, naturally, i waited until after immunity.
Speaking of immunity... I took charge, because I like it, but also, I wanted to be able to take blame if we lost. I hate the whole “let’s vote someone out cuz they cost us a virtual challenge” this early in the game, it’s a cheap way to vote. I want to vote on loyalty and activity instead. That’s why I am probably going to target Jessie or Vi, but I‘m unsure as to which will be my vote. On one hand, Vi is much less social, but she also contributed a lot to the challenge. I do not want to judge a book by it’s cover, so I will reach out to her and assess her vibe.
I like going to tribal first, because my philosophy is that it’s better to test loyalties now, rather than guess loyalties later.
Regarding other players, Jules and Juls just played in a mini with me and sheeped the majority alliance to screw me over, so I’m not feeling them right now. Bitterness doesn’t exist in my mind: play well and I respect it; sheep and be stupid, and I will gladly dish out the karma. 
I’m satisfied with the happenings of this game so far, and I hope to make it further!! This is one of my first real orgs so, I’m em definitely excited. x. nick
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Yay we won immunity. Raffy do be carrying our tribe though!
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WELL WELL WELL!!!!!!! as far as my relationships go which is where i left off last round, really nothing much has changed about how i feel about or view my tribemates, but in exciting news... we won immunity!! i am not going to be first boot that is so nice, and im hoping that we can keep winning immunity until a swap so I can feel more secure. I think I could stand a shot if we lost on this tribe but i think if so the vote would split 3-2 i dont think i can get a unanimous vote on anyone unless its myself which is NOT WHAT WERE TRYNA DO HERE !! if anything i feel like i have the best chance to wiggle myself in with the girls (lily and ruthie) Max would probably be my ideal first vote if we ever lose an immunity because I know landen can be useful in challenges, but he YET AGAIN addressed me with a name that does not sit well with me he called me a "challengewhore" yet another reference to TS 2020, so this is not a good sign. Ideally I could get landen out and still be set but i know he has a relationship with juls who i also have a relationship with and wish to continue to have in this game, and us going against each other could make that more stressful than it needs to be because i know landen avenged beck for voting juls out maybe juls would do the same for him? Much to think about, but thankfully i dont have to think about it all that hard because yet again we ARE SAFE !!! woo, anyways thats pretty much it hopefully we can keep winning :D
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Ahhhh safety feels so nice, I’m glad that I’m not in danger of being the first boot. Also I love the fact that ravenclaw won the first challenge with so little moves HAHA!
I want to go far in this thing with lily and with kevin, my goal right now is to get to merge and owen be alive so I can work with him!
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I am very happy to have won this immunity challenge. We barely won, but I managed to pull my tribe to a victory. Emphasis on the "I" part. I am very frustrated with my tribe's lack of challenge activeness and ability. If the time did not work for them, then I do not know why they even suggested doing it at 2 PM. This challenge would have gone faster if I had done everything myself. In the end, though, I hope this helps in me staying in the game because I am a necessity if they want to ever win a challenge in first place. I highly doubt that they could do it without me.
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So I’m currently writing this with one hand because my cat decided to lie on my other one  anyways Nobody is really talking about the vote which means it’s probably me going but I’ll see what I can do to change that
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Here's a breakdown of my first few experiences since I am writing this a few hours before the first tribal council.
FIRST I was cast in this game along with a BUNCH of people that are icons across different formats of Tumblr Survivor - so that's intimidating. Mostly because my play style is kinda vanilla in comparison. I gotta find a way to stand out or I'm going to be thrown out fast.
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SECOND There's a twist that will probably have some major effect at some later point in the game where everyone is added to the Great Hall. I think that it's for convenience of posting things like results and challenges so it only has to be sent to one chat... but also so that we can feel THEMATIC which is a lot of fun.
The game started in the Great Hall and we got sorted into our houses and the implication was that it's random but.. I don't think it's entirely true if I can read into what the hosts said to me once I was sorted into Gryffindor (something about running out of room in Hufflepuff) - because I definitely didn't say Gryffindor in my application.
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THIRD My tribe has the following people: Joshua, Juls, Raffy, Autumn, and myself. 
I do not know how many of theme said Gryffindor when they applied but also did not want to bring it up to them as I am masquerading as a brave idiot. :D
Anyway, I started conversations with all of them and they all seem very sweet!!
I've played in a game before with Raffy where he was super snakey but also a great ally until he tried to snake me. So there's that... he's also an "over the top" type of person so he takes charge a lot of the time and voices his opinions about everything. I hope we can create some sort of working relationship in the game, but I think that he will tell me the truth if he does align against me.
Autumn is super chill and super strategic-minded. She puts lots of thought into all of her decisions and makes calls that benefit her getting to the end while trying to align with the right people. If I can't get to the FTC of this game... TBH I want to make sure she gets there. I played with her in one game and we both were tossed out one after another when the game turned on our "side". I don't think that relationship will factor into this game as it was forever ago and we both kinda play "new" every time we start a game but I'm hoping she will want to try and play with me just because I've seen how great she is at the game.
Juls is a very fun person who seems to always be having a great time! I found out she lives in Texas too and that she was excited to get to know me because we are from the same state. I was like.. do I know you? Because when she messaged me the way she did implied that she knew who I was and I was thinking OH NO what have people said.
Joshua seems really sweet. He hasn't added incredibly much to conversations so far with him but he has contributed some fun things. I love that he tries to be entertaining, but as I see it so far he's the first person I'd be willing to vote out if it came to our tribe going to council... though of course, having said that I bet they've all declared me their first choice.
FOURTH The reward challenge was the Letter plus Number challenge so as predicted...
I did terribly and earned 0 points for our tribe and was SO happy it was not for immunity.
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The immunity challenge was a Choose Your Own Adventure Puzzle.
We got a slow start in that I feel like everyone was afraid to make a move because that would put a target on whoever "failed for the team". Then me and Raffy kind of got things rolling with him taking the main leader role and me taking on a secondary role either agreeing with his suggestions or contributing a suggestion for what we should do.
There was a misunderstanding with the competition and we ended up making a whole bunch of extra moves because it was unclear to us that the letters we found at a later part of the challenge were able to be changed into numbers at a lockbox so we did a bunch of extra stuff... and I was resigned to the fact we were going to the first tribal when we go surprised that Slytherin... DID WORSE!!! O_O
Anyway... I still have no alliances or confirmed "working game" relationships and I really don't feel like starting those conversations at the moment so if I am out of the ones established or on the bottom of one that will add me to "pick me up" for later votes then I blame myself for not trying hard enough in that category.
FIFTH I definitely didn't just now search for the idol and waste two days that I could have searched other times. Nope! Not me!! :)
Anyway I went on a trip to Hagrid's Hut because I love me some Hagrid and I figured he'd let me in since I"m a Gryffindor and he loves us the best (you know, like a reverse Snape)... I dug through all of his junk and found his umbrella. Apparently I liked that it was pink and then left his hut. 
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To be honest, I probably should have taken his dragon's egg and turned him in... maybe could have gotten him fired.
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Someone finally got me to come out of retirement- can you believe it
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It's been cute so far and I have no complaints, probably cause the hosts wisely put me, Owen, and Dan in separate corners lmao. Yooo if we all make it to merge?? Hell hath no fury. But we will cross that bridge when we get there! And for now I enjoy the calm before the storm. I deadass forgot how to be an org so I need all the time I can get to socialize and reacclimate. Me checking Skype more than once a year? Don't remember ever doing that. I love Raffy, it's always good to see Chips, I think I like Juls, and I'm not sure how I feel about Joshua but it's fine. I like Gryffindor cause we have no beef and I hope it stays that way.
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ok so my tribe lost :( big sad. but im def ok bc jess is soooo close to me and we made a threesome with nick so. i think jessie is an easy first boot bc shes not around as much as vi. but really its our decision at the end of the day!
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here’s the hot goss.. i’m a little upset i didn’t get anyone i Know on my house/tribe but also grateful HSBSNSNN all i know is that so far i’ve been doing pretty solid in securing relationships with those on my team (at least.. i hope so :flushed:) and i’m hoping they all like me hehe. kinda praying to just mist my way to merge where i can be united with people who like me enough to keep me around still.. >:D 
0 notes
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“its week ONE. why is everyone being so cracked i hate it here i absolutely hate it here someone take me out with a sniper rifle” - aria 
HOH: Jev UPSIDE DOWN: Jacob & Gina NOMINEES: Kiki & Nash POV: Nash FINAL NOMINEES: Kiki & Mo EVICTED: Mo (14-1)
WOO holy shit this cast is filled with such insane personalities, and I cannot WAIT to play this game!
tell me why i'm already nervous
waits patiently for mo to pick another damn person to infect
skghkdgljhgdlj BRAIN HURTY,, sm people to talk to and everyone is so so nice! just glad I'm not winning hoh
alternative title: im very mean for 20 minutes
so far the cast seems very sweet! a little quiet so far but otherwise im really enjoying talking to them!! and i think the twist is a cool idea but could be dangerous.... maybe a little too easy to expose alliances
I really like this cast! I'm actually really good friends with Aria (but we keeping that a secret) and I recognize Joshua from other orgs! Also, this twist seems super fun!
okay,,,,okay,,,ok,,,k my brain is struggling to complie everything ive learned today i am STRUGGLING!!!!
So!! Lets make a tier list
We're working together (didnt even need to discuss)
Asked to work together
Implied we're working togther but lower tier
-Josh C
Super Sweet & Nice
Sweet but i want a response
So thats what i've gathered for today mostly, Jacob-Joey-Jev-Joshua all seem to really want to work close with me and we've talked a bit of game ( ITS ALL THE Js HELP) and seem super open while the girls seem more closed off as of now, kinda worried gina isnt gonna be active enough but idk, oh also everyone is noticing bri is CHAOS and that nick is talkative/assertive. more to update in a bit but heres a trust ranking for night one, one more thing jev said he doesnt like nathan or nick :OO and someone else mentioned nick being overbearing
1.Gina (i love her to the moon and back)
2. Nathan( the charisma SNAPPED this game go off sir!!)
3. Josh C (they're also charismatic but they're hecking hilarious and our view are pretty similar) 
4.Jev (they cared about me!! and im nice to them and this is just really wholesome)
5.Jacob (LOVE him but we havent talked enough beyond "we're winning this game")
6.Joshua (super fun to talk to, same og community king)
7.Bri (they wont keep info to themselves but shes SO sweet pls take my heart)
8. Joey (hes kinda sketching me out tbh but also he wants to work with me so)
9.Nick (they wouldnt put me up and thats all i could ask for)
10.Monty (PLEASE trust me i need ur braincells)
13.Mo (existential dread buddies <3)
14.Dem(approached game w/ me,,,but on the first message so might be doing that w/ everyone)
15.Nash (kate protection gang!!!)
16.Saira (we loVE DOGS! and thats it)
17.Emma (feel better soon,,,then pls talk to me k thanks)
18.Aria (dont trust anyone,,,not even yourself)
If alliances have been made already, I am gonna have some QUALMS... This cast is very cute, I love meeting new people, let's see we have
Aria - an ANGEL we've been talking about SIX the musical and slime tutorials
Brianna - The first person to recognize me using a Carole & Tuesday song in any of my videos. I'm v grateful.
Dem - He kinda jokes like a mom... 
Emma - I'm friends with Emma outside of the game and she is such a chaotic sweetheart. We been in the house a day and she plays Lois Griffon singing Doja Cat... for what...
Gina - I have not talked with her, I just said hi.
Jacob - Jacob is nice. I think I've yet to have a super positive ORG experience with him tho. So. Yeah.
Can I do the rest tomorrow cus I'm tired and just not in the mood. Okay thank you.
I was a little surprised by the amount of people dming me but they all seemed pretty nice! The twist sounds cool, I'm excited to see how it plays out
i definitely did NOT expect to win the first hoh but here we are, i have no idea what i'm gonna do but i need sleep so that's tomorrows problem
HELLO! it's your boy josh coming to give you some thoughts on the cast. coming into this game, the only person i know of beforehand is.. JACOB who has managed to snake me in both games we've played together so that's cute. i don't really have a choice but to trust him for now bc that's my only outside connection so we'll see how it goes. he's fun to talk to so i don't really mind but my eyes are PEELED for it going south.
my favorites just from the first night are probably aria, kiki, nathan, and saira. for no REAL reasons other than i just feel like i've had the best conversations with them and they were more fun than the rest of the cast. i'm not sure if those will stay the same but that's HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW!!
i've reached out to everyone and heard back from everyone (other than nash.. dunno what that's about so i'll just let it sit there. i don't REALLY mind bc it's good if i win HOH because it's a good reason to throw someone up there). everyone is cute enough, though i think i've connected LEAST with brianna, dem, joey, and monty? just haven't gotten a lot of energy back from them but i'm hoping that was just FIRST NIGHT jitters of people not putting in their full effort into their social game.
i'm going to spend today just chatting with people so i have a base relationship with them and that way if jev goes the route of asking people who they'd him to nominate -- i'm not someone they name simply for not knowing who i am. trying to be a little SOCIAL QUEEN. fun and funky so let's hope it pays off.
for the twist, i'm not really sure how to play this. i don't think the first round is going to have the BEST power hidden in it but it'd be nice to know that i for sure won't be first boot. (though i'm feeling OKAY enough that jev won't kill me bc we've talked at least). i think i'm going to wait a minute before i ask someone to send me in, or someone just sends me in on their own accord. that way people don't look at me for having a secret power bc it'll be really easy to narrow down who has one and that's just such an unnecessary way to get a target on your back. i like the twist, it's just hard to figure out how to play it and maybe i should just wait until someone does it for me or i'm one of the later people to get it so i get safety when there are less people in the house and it'll be harder to survive.
xoxo gossip josh
He's here, he's queer... and oddly enough starting off by not doing a Video DR; however, I think when making an initial first impression/trust list this method seems to go a little smoother... First off, coming right off of Big Brother Pasio and thrown into this game has made my head hurt more than it should. I forgot how annoying and tiresome the initial conversations are with everybody. With that said, I have begun to kinda pick out a path that may be suitable for me this season. In Pasio, my goal was to lay low, not be seen, and form connections. That strategy is going to be partially active this time around as well. I'm a big personality, and while that's fun and cute, I learned by keeping a low profile in the beginning portion while remaining social it does wonders. I don't need to be a Skinny Nick character and be talking in the house call and house chat at every ounce I get. With that being said, this season is full of Pasio players... some in which I had both good and bad experiences with. However, pushing that aside I really have my eyes set and locked on Aria. I have a feeling that the other Pasio alumni may see her for how she played in Pasio and I do as well, but I want to make sure her and I are on as good as terms as possible. She did NOT like me in Pasio, so rekindling that flame is ultra important. Alongside Aria, I get to play with both Monty and Jacob who I've had rocky relationships with in the past, but have grown to become great friends outside this. Working with them is going to be vital, but keeping them too close is suicide. With that being said, here's my initial trust ranking:
1. Aria
2. Jacob 
3. Nash
4. Jev
5. Josh
6. Monty
7. Joey
8. Nick
- - -
okay, well nominations just came out and i can't say i'm too surprised that nash got nominated for eviction considering she hasn't responded to me yet and most everyone else is saying the same. i can't really imagine anyone using the veto on her unless she has a complete social turn around in the next 24 hours but that seems like.. a stretch. just gotta hope she doesn't win! we love an easy first week boot!
i'm a little sad about kiki getting nominated because i've really hit it off with them, but i think it's a good way to secure some trust with them and spark off a relationship. i've been trying to already be like YOU GOT THIS, YOU'RE STAYING! NASH DOESN'T TALK TO ANYONE! and i think they're being receptive. i like that i can joke around with them, so i'm hoping they enjoy me as much as i enjoy them.
i've also had aria and jake come talk to me about noms which means they trust me and that's GOOD. i want to try to secure something with them soon because i think they're both people that would want to work with me and i know that jake doesn't have a lot of connections already so being an early ally of his would be BIG.
just trying to focus on being a cute little social presence so people don't really focus on targeting me early on. i think this is a game full of half social players and some.. not so exciting people so it'll be easy to just slip through by not being the most boring person around. i don't want to promise TOO many people loyalty just yet but i think building a small core for myself will be important to keep me safe and i'm hoping that can come with jake/aria/kiki/jacob(?)
chile............. where the fuck am i?
i dont know what dimension i'm in right now with these people but i am ready to show them what i am made of!! so far i've felt..... on the outs of most of what is going on so im just gonna give my perspective on things so far!! 
the cast....... ill just do an assessment
dem: said maybe three words to me since we've started... so there's that
saira: seems like a queen! i def need to talk to her more i've been sleeping on her and i think we'll get along well
joey: girl sometimes idk what this man is saying to me but we're rolling w it..
nash: her "sick" ass hasnt responded to my message from yesterday so bye
joshua: oh he can work! hes fun to talk to and i def see some potential to working with him. hes only 16 so yung so pure i remember those days </3
nathan: hes so hot god i literally want to eat his entire ass but i dont wanna be creepy so im trying to subtly flirt with him SDLKJFSKF he seems to be a sneaky player to me but hopefully thats not the case and we can be a showmance later on hehe
emma: LEGEND. QUEEN! PUT SOME RESPECT ON HER NAMEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my ride or die in this thing <3
jev: oh jevfrey my angel im so happy he's here!!! he's a loyal guy from what i remember and ill def be working with him ESPECIALLY now that hes the first hoh ayyyyY!!!! i feel completely safe with him
kiki: oh i LOVE THEMMMM we had a great connection from the jump and i have a soft spot for them for sure. theyre sadly nominated this week i did not know why jev made that decision but i will make sure they stay know THAT
monty: monty left me on read :( we had a kinda awk convo so idk how monty feels about me right now?? i def dont think he trusts me and ugh i hate the tension!!!!!!!! i hope we can resolve it all and be friends again
josh: KDJKFG i love this man... hes not entire truthful and is def playing me a bit but i think he's great and hopefully he doesnt turn out to be the snake i think he has the potential to be
gina: idk what to think of this girl she doesn't reply much to me and we haven't really spoken much for me to really get a good read of her. i infected her and idk if she'll take that a certain way i came to her with the explanation that we just havent talked as much. idk shes fine?
mo: hahhaha hes a cutie too and i think hes not much of a talker so i think hes nice for the most part it's just kinda hard talking to him sometimes
brianna: um....... yeah we haven't spoken yet and she infected me so idk how to feel about her yet. she claims it was this number system but do i fully believe thats what she based it on? not really.. so ill def have to talk to her more
aria: NOW THIS........ THIS IS ELEGANCE. THIS IS CLASS. THIS IS EXPENSIVE. THIS IS TASTE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! this 15 year old girl has me shaking to my god damn core with her social game within a 20 minute conversation ive already devoted my entire game to her and our "attention whores" alliance. iM GAGGGEDDDD i really like her and i know shes a big threat but if shes with me then we can do some damage together hehe
skinny nick: SKINNYYYYY i dont have much to say about nick i think they're well connected in this game so i have to make sure i'm good with them a little more. our convos are a little dry hopefully that'll change as the game goes on
jacob: a sweetie.. i really like jacob as a person but as a player he scares the shit out of me DSLKFGFKJ he lied to me like every round in BBHOS9 so i dont rly know if i can trust him. he def has other friends in this community hes playing with so ill have to sus out who exactly that is...
and......... yeah! kiki and nash are nommed. gina n jacob went to the down under. i think jacob will def get whatever power is down there he is one lucky man so i wouldn't be surprised if it's something good. oh well hopefully when i go i get whatever the best thing is a dpov mayhaps!.......
i hope the next hoh is something i can win because i want these people to TALK TO MEEEE tell me where their heads are at for god's sake! me on day 2: why arent you telling me all your alliances? dFGKLF i feel like im okay just gotta talk to some said people more and try to make sure they dont hate me!
I thought Jev was nice but I'll have to go back on that because he absolutely is not fooling a single person, I thought we'd be allies but he's been acting sus all day so he can choke on rat piss. Joey and nick literally aren't talking to me at awl so... they can choke and die too. Aria is talking to me a lot but I know she talks to everyone a lot sjdkjds queen of big brother pasio... but I trust her for now I guess. Other than that I'm not super like concerned with anyone else I mean brianna kiki gina mo are nice I guess.. mo is a little hard to talk to though so :( anyway glad to be here but my social is kind of rocky skjdjskdj : ( ( ( ( ( 
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trying to hint to dem that I’m not okay... wonder if it’s working
its week one. its week ONE. why is everyone being so cracked i hate it here i absolutely hate it here someone take me out with a sniper rifle im sick of this, but its fine im gonna try to do my best to explain EVERYTHING bc whew is there a lot..
First off lets start with the fact ive been talking with everyone from the moment i woke up and my fingers hurt so much but also now people like me and thats all i need in life so heck yes!! So when it was nash vs kiki i start planting seeds to keep kiki with people and then nash wins veto so thats thrown out the window yayyyy- 
Things start happening after jev renoms Mo. First off i get a call with crack kills (joey bri me) and we discuss the vote a little bit with Joey leaning towards keeping Mo and Me/Bri wanting to keep Kiki, joey leaves and me and bri talk about the alliance we were invited to (jacob josh jake kiki us) and then i notice theres a house vc which i then go and join alone.
It was silent for a bit before they mentioned they were talking about votes and were being kinda secretive about names but i asked directly so Mo tells me that dem told him that there was 5 confirmed votes against Mo (nash Jacob Nick Joshua/Jacob(dont remember which) and Josh c) he said the names really fast so i mightve missed a few and nathan interjects about my notes and like??? shut up nathan???? anyways i act all shook about an alliance and we talk about votes and apparently when mo campaigned to bri she just sent "hugs" and im caCKLIGN FDSGFDSH anyways that confirmed 5 votes is gonna make people nervous and cause people to keep Mo which like, im not totally against but i just want a unan vote please. Also i think dem & emma dont really trust me which is big ughhh idk if one of the pregame girlies (any of the names from that list) win hoh next week ill throw one of them utb easy peasy 
So then i start asking around to gina and she ghosts me??? gina NEVER ghosts me so im sketched out there and Mo is asking for my help when i already told kiki i would save her its such a messsss. So if i had to guess the sides i would say 
PREGAME GIRLIES: Nash Jacob Jake Joshua Josh c kiki
Whomst: Saira Jev Monty Nick Gina Bri
Help: Aria
So, where do i go from here? How do i make sure this vote comes out hecking even,,, im not sure. nvm i am sure because Mo just told me they want to give up HFBHJBSDFS MO MY SAVIOR ILL NEVER FORGET YOU KING <<<<3333333 okay nvm hes not fully giving up but im giving him an avenue that would make my life much easier where im telling him to have good convos with people so they connect more and if anyone feels moved theyll come to me and ill get the ball rolling with a easy peasy unan vote hopefully. But i think i might be able to manipulate this situation to my advantage WHEW im hyped now!!
So lets say mo leaves the thought of those "five confirmed votes" is still gonna be in peoples heads mainly dem/joey/emma/nathan which might form into a side and go hard for hoh taking out some big social player and then we have two sides going after each other which would be cute.
I would make trust rankings but i trust no one fbhsafd and thats on pewiod
WHEW!!!!!!!!!!! im not the first boot :~) let's celebrate that.... 
but i'm not too thrilled about these noms...... im happy nash won POV she started talking to me more and shes actually really cool so i wanted her to stay. i am sad kiki is nominated i don't want them to go at all..... and mo being the replacement nominee was a shock to everyone i think..... 
i don't have a problem with mo leaving cuz we have a weak connection i just thought dem was going up based on my prior conversations with jev. he says dem started talking to him more but i just wish jev would talk to me and emma about his decisions if we're "aligned"?? like whats the point of having an alliance if we don't have any say in your decisions?
today i woke up to a message from josh asking me what i think about being in an alliance with jacob brianna aria and kiki........ and im just like wtf where this come from and he said that jacob is making it and its just his fave ppl??? im like ok like im not one to turn down an alliance but i let him know that i dont rly trust jacob n brianna as much as the others in the alliance. hopefully this makes him feel close to me and not blab his mouth to jacob ab that! 
brianna has yet to speak to me and jacob is just someone im always gonna have a hard time trusting sooo if i have to nominate them down the line i won't hesitate unless this alliance is genuine and helping me in the game.
i really only trust emma so far with aria being my secret spy and big meat shield im gonna need in this game. aria's super well connected and im hoping she'll be able to provide me w the information i need to take bitches down later on. 
i think i'd be worried about brianna winning bc we've never talked but at least we have this alliance possibly in the works?? and i dont know if nick would nominate me we haven't talked much..
but i want to win the next hoh so people actually talk to me LOL praying i can win
0 notes
survivenovascotia · 4 years
Episode 1 - I have no idea what I'm doing. - Eric
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Everyone’s pretty active. Certain people know each other and I’m pretty much a newborn deer in the ORG community. Chrissa says “I’ve added pretty much everyone” as a contact but didn’t add me. So then I added a few people and no response or people added me back. Like my god I could go home for being a newbie. No hun.
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I have no idea what I'm doing. It's honestly been so long I'm just trying to talk to everybody and get to know them. I don't remember when the time to start alliances are and other things and it's a whole mess but we are working with it!!
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Russell deserves all the wins
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So I think Austin and I may have started an alliance. He seems pretty nice and I believe that he wants to be loyal especially since it's only be 2 hours since the game started. I'm hoping tomorrow us two can find some other people to make a larger alliance. I get good vibes from Heather and Chips specifically. Chips I knew before I left the community a while back, and I know he has a lot of passion for ORGs which I think is very valuable in an ally. I also really like Heather because we are very similar people. We are both starting college, both just returned to ORGs. It just kind of felt meant to be. Obviously I have to listen to who Austin likes too. I think when I played orgs in the past, my errors were both not making the alliances soon enough, and also trying to control them. If I want to win, I have to play differently.
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Im BACK. Imma make this quick. Welcome to Cast First Night Impression Vibes Coco~ Havent Spoken to him too much yet since it was 4AM when things came out for him. Seems sweet. Says he played on tengaged and zwooper. Stephen~ We played in the past. I think 2 games, one where I was completely against him and one where I tried to be on his side then everyone voted him out early. I think both were atomic games. He messaged me right away since he knew I took a long boi break which was nice. Gotta talk to him a bit more. Austin~ Seems pretty chill, we had convo about horror stuff and atm talking about Winners at War (I'm not gonna spoil anything. Don't yall worry) I can definitely see potentially working with him. Livingston~ Talked for a little bit. Shared a little bit of theatre stuff with each other since he does a lot of tech for his school where as I do onstage and offstage things. There is potential. Dylan~ We talked a bit. Im vibing. I hope he is too. talked more music tastes and all. POTENTIAL Eric~ Eric and I are one. We were talking and realized we are the same person and are the voices in each others head. I definitely want to work with him the most out of anyone so far. Splat/Evan~ Pretty chill tried talking to him. I feel a connection but like not like the biggest. I think things could definitely look up in the future tho Chips~ CHIIIIIIIPS. I love Chips. I didn't talk to him as much as I should have my previous game with him like 2 YEARS AGO. We talked a lot today and I think this game I can possibly work with him. Glo~ We played a big brother org together toward the beginning of my break, which was a rough time in my life and why I stick to survivor games. She messaged me and I messaged back, but I have yet to get another message from her yet. We will see in the morning. FOR IDOL SEARCHES: I checked an I am gonna write down the paths I take. I got a deadend this time.
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GLO GLO is spilling the tea . I have only done live chat with DYLAN so far but OMG we connected and he reminded me of two players I loved and do to this day one for over 10 year the other for 5 years who are close to me to this day. Me and Dylan connected talked about life game laughed shared stories and somehow FINAL 2 has evolved and I am super happy about this.
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Ok this is the most social I’ve ever been at the start of a game I called Gloria since we’re both I Love Money alumni & we hella bonded ??????? She’s so sweet 🥰🥺🥰🥺 we literally talked for two full hours on cast reveal day, wow. I would love to work with her far into this game, maybe even to the end 🤭 if we could do that Stephen is cool, I’d like to work with him. He’s loyal & smart & good at challenges so ✌🏻 Eric & I had a very interesting dynamic in middle earth, but I think we were able to smooth over that together Evan also seems really cool, I just met him but we’ve already switched friend codes so it’s getting pretty serious also glo was like ‘You better not betray me for a man you have a crush on’ and I was like uhhh I’m emotionally unavailable don’t worry glo you’re safe
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I feel less stressed atm. Chatted to a couple people. Nothing major, no alliances made (or if add production to it). I hope I can continue manoeuvre my way to find a footing in this alliance otherwise I’ll be the first boot and be annoyed at myself. Just worried about past connections and my no connections.
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Heyyy, first confessional of the season!! So the tribe seems pretty chill, no one i hate, a few i know. Dylan and Heather might be an issue if they hold grudges? But i doubt it. What I’m really looking for healre is a solid group of 4, I could see chips and heather being a part of that as they arent goats, but who knows. The idea is to group with people who will play and take the heat off me, instead of goats who might gang up on me at end game
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Personally coming into this game as a new player, one of my biggest concerns were past relationships. So I talked with my secret alliance member Choo about who he has played with in the past, and he mentions Austin. After doing that, I ask Austin who he has played with in the past, and he tells me that he has never played with anyone before. Immediately I knew he was bullsh*tting. However, I really need to keep my mouth shut that Austin lied about this to me, but when the time comes, I'll be sure to expose his ass.
My strategy in this game is to create as many options for me to take as possible to get to the end. The way I'm doing that is by playing the "clueless 16 year old" card so that people see me as naive, when in reality, I'm probably just as ready to backstab, lie, cheat, steal just as much as any of these people are, if not more. So far it seems to be working and I sense that a lot of people feel as though they can trust me. But I will take the option that best suits me.
Immediately I was able to create a secret alliance with Coco, due to a mutual friend, being Evanw919. Evan is one of my best friends irl and was actually the person that introduced me to this game. After talking to Coco a lot, I feel as though he is someone I can trust, and I do intend to go as far as I can with him... unless it's in my best interest to take him out if necessary. I may intend on trusting him, but I don't intend to let friendships impact my decision making.
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First day went great I feel ! Everyone is super nice so far and I hope we can win a few challenges together.  COCO IS HERE! I love coco and hope we can go far together already . I have trusted him before and it turned out really good for me.  Glo is a sweetheart and gotta love her. Livingston is nice and so is chips tho I feel they may need to go down the road.  Stephen and me have talked a lil in the community so I feel I can maybe trust him . I'm excited and nervous to be playing again but ready to go ! 
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I like this cast and like the people on my tribe i hope they are not too annoyed hearing about my internet but they have to know what they might be dealing with obviously it only happens at certain times depending how many people are on the internet with rogers, so if i get voted out cause of it i won't be mad, but also i am hoping for a lockdown end sooner than later so we can switch providers. as John Coffey said it's a very bad time to be having these internet problems.
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Okay! The season is officially on! Not much to report about yet but I want to make a confessional right now just in case I forget to do it later. Gotta avoid those strikes! So far all I know about my tribe is that John Coffey and I briefly played together in a previous game, though we weren’t ever on the same tribe, and Chrissa and I played together at some point though I can’t remember anything about when we did. I’m looking forward to the challenge and I hope we can crush it!
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I have managed to talk to everyone on my tribe and I definitely feel good vibes from most apart from maybe Livingston who doesn't really seem interested in talking to me. What is interesting that Evan asked me if I had known anyone from previous game(s) and I told him I knew Austin and Livingston BUT Austin told him that he knew NONE. So now Evan doesn't trust him but trusts me. I really like  Evan,Eric, Heather, Austin and also Glo and Dylan. I'd like to work with them but mostly with Evan, Eric, Heather and Austin.
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Right now what I'm trying to do is to get these people caught in a lie, but I intend to save the lie to expose them when the time is right. People say one of the worst mistakes you can make in survivor is playing too hard too fast. However, playing hard quickly can be gotten away with if you are sneaky about it and don't get caught. I'm trying to get these people to think I'm incompetent as they aren't even aware they are being manipulated
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2ND Confessional OK so far my 2 favorites I have talked to are Dylan and if the truth is being told we are in 2 man alliance. @nd I have messaged with most is CoCo real name David. He said he is knew to orgs and is afraid of alliances happening which probably is true. Dylan and I both like CoCo so we are bring him in as our 3rd hopeful in a possible alliance. CoCo actually said he wanted to work with me so hopefully I have him and Dylan watching my back as I will them if they stay loyal but if they run their mouth goodbye quick if needed. So far I am happy with these two and have no idea what other two I hope to round up. Both Dylan and I agree about getting CoCo with us and hope it don't backfire with a new player to orgs.
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I’ve chatted to Kevin and acted like I’m paranoid (I am a wee bit but I’m definitely adding spice) and he’s like “If I hear your name I’ll let you know” which is what I’m looking for. If I can play a ditzy “I’m just happy to be here!” act I think it’ll make the more strategic players come to me and make them act like I’m a pawn in their chess game. (I have good episode title material Yass). Also I’m gay.
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I love music video challenges, but everyone seems to not like them so I am a bit nervous. I got closer to Coco and I love him!! I definitely wanna work with him and he said he feels comfortable with me Austin and Eric, which same so I right now feel good but its only been a day. I hope we get a good score, although we already know one person who would prefer to not be in it oof.
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The idol hunt, love the idea. Me and Darcy are working together and telling each other where we went. My first way was a flop, not helpful. Darcy’s first route was T2, R, L, R, R and went out and my first route was shorter. I think if we keep going this way we’ll get to the idol soon. I told Darcy to go T2, R, L, R, L, L as I think that will bring us closer.
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They voted Call Me Maybe. I want to die but I want to win more so HEY I JUST MET YOU
Have I confessed too much in the past few hours? Nah. So Coco and I are planning to work together and we seem to be on the same wavelength and he seems to trust me. He shared about his idol hunt and I think we are gonna try and map out together different tunnels. I mentioned how I dont think anyone would have the idol yet, but I could be wrong.  We also talked about hoping to get Austin and Eric in to potentially work together, which I am down for as long as we can get the numbers. I do think I have to feel out more before I do anything drastic as we LITERALLY HAVENT DONE A CHALLENGE YET. Any who, I think I am having a decent social game at the moment, but you know thats just my point of view. I hope no one hates me yet (thats for later). I wanna do a tribe call but Im lowkey nervous that chaos will ensue or it will be too quiet for some reason. I mainly want it to form more bonds with people, and possibly play a jackbox game of fibbage to see who the best liar is (it is a science).
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Looking at my options for a four-man super-team power-rangers/voltron alliance, my instinct is to team up with Chips, Heather, and Dylan. While one benefit is I have some prior experience with each of these guys, the main reason is that each of these have made a consistent effort to talk to me and we have some form of rapport. Glo has also tried to talk to me but like, I know nothing about her? Its been hard to have a clear conversation. The others are fine, we’ll see how we go.
should i aim for chips-heather-dylan for a 4 alliance? or chips-heather-eric?? i know its early but this kind of alliance should be i think, at the same time though being pushy can lead to being seen as a threat... maybe i should wait to see if we loose immunity
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The tea is that today Evan told me he had formed a secret alliance called "Florida" w Heather. I am okay w it because I trust both of them! We made an agreement that Evan would check tunnel 1, I would do 2 and Heather would check 3 for the idol. I hope I managed to put myself in a decent position. That's all for now I guess.
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So last night we decided to pick Call Me Maybe as our song for the Lip Sync challenge which is iconic and the pretty people tribe will win!! Today was a little bit more lowkey. I spent a majority of the day finishing off my persuasive speech assignment. Towards the afternoon though, Heather talked to me about how we could work together in the game and I was REALLY glad for that. I was intending on talking to her anyway about starting an alliance with her. Earlier, Austin and I confirmed our strategical bond by making an alliance and talking about who we would want to join us. I said Heather and Austin said Coco. I really like both so I'm glad. Heather told me that she was told about the 4, so it's nice to see that everyone's on the same page. Hopefully we win the challenge, but at the moment I feel good about the group that's beginning to form.
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My one fear in this challenge (aside from public humiliation) is that I think our songs a little basic and too over done? We’ll find out how the judges feel I guess
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I don’t have much new to report other than Mac saying he wants to work with me in the game. So I’ve got that going. John’s a fantastic guy and I’d love to get something going with him too. That’s a far cry from a majority in this game but it’s a start. I’m hoping we can pull through and win this challenge so we don’t have to worry at all about going to tribal first. I’m not confident enough in my position in the game right now that I’d be able to survive a tribal.
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Soooooo a alliance finally started with me eric , evan, heather,and coco which I'm 100% down for with the time being . I really like everyone tho so I hope we win this first challenge . Even tho I really hate music videos . I'm awkward and never know what to do . Hopefully my tribe can carry me by with this one .
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Eric tells me about this 5 person alliance plan, with himself, Austin, Heather, Coco, and myself. What I tell him, is that I am completely comfortable going with his plan and that I feel blessed to be a part of the group. However, what Eric doesn't know, is that I was the one who initially created this plan. There's a core secret 3 person alliance here with Coco, Heather and myself, along with two semi-trustworthy guys in Eric and Austin. The best part about this, is that Eric and Austin have no idea that they are on the bottom of the alliance. In fact, they think they were the ones to instigate it.
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So tis' 10:53 PM on a april 12th night and the alliance between myself, Heather, coco, austin and evan is official. Coco really wanted evan involved and honestly evan is really cool and kind of a mini-me so I'm fine with him being involved. Austin and Heather also like evan so everything's good. I hope we win the challenge because I like the whole tribe but the others haven't talked with me quite as much. Glo is nice but when she dms she, she explains herself like Im silently disproving of her which is weird because she can do whatever she wants idc she's a queen. Chips is nice and we talked the most out the other 4, but sometimes I don't understand what he's saying. I don't think that's a bad thing necessarily, but I just feel more comfortable around the other 4. Stephen and Dylan are nice as well and I think they are cool, but we just haven't really got to talk that much. I really hope we win the challenge because I don't want to vote anyone out but we will see.
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Wow ok Im in an alliance. Me like that. I named us the prettier people because we call our tribe the pretty people tribe. I really like the people in it as it includes Austin, Eric, Evan and Coco. Evan wants to make Coco Evan and I the core 3 in the group, however, I feel closest to Coco and Eric as of right now. Lets hope we need to talk game more LATER since I want to win the challenge rather than vote someone off. Im hoping I can somehow get alliances with the Eric Austin side, making us a core 3, and the Coco Evan side making us a core 3.
Oop Stephen is trying to form a tight 3 person alliance, today is the rise of the game play
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So i decided on forming an alliance of three instead, smaller but a bit less intimidating, and I let Heather choose the third for diplomacy, she chose austin who wouldnt be my first choice but still good. Hopefully this is a good first step.
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Alliance 1: The Prettier People: Me, Coco, Austin, Eric, Evan Alliance 2: The Chatty Trio: Me, Austin, Stephen (Stephen mentioned sides with Livingston and Chips as well so Id say they are affiliations) Alliance 3: Unnamed as of right now and yet to form a chat: Me, Coco, Evan I guess Austin sees us working well together so Id say that's definitely a plus so woo This happened very quickly. It has been quite an Easter in Canada
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Sunshine and myself had a nice long Skype call last night getting to know each other! Darcy was there for much of it as well but it was mainly Sunshine talking. It feels really good to build a bond early on and I’m hoping we can keep that up and work together in this game. Right now Jessie seems to be the least active person on the tribe. She doesn’t really speak much in tribe chat and I’ve only had a brief conversation with her in PMs.
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WE WON! Call me maybe more like Call us the winners BABY WOOOOOOOOO
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Hey so I just got off an almost hour long call with Glo... and she is terrifying!!! Seriously if it wasn’t for the fact I’m 80% sure I couldn’t do it I’d want her out first. HOWEVER We Won!!!!! party party. While early tribals can be good I feel like I’m doing well enough in the bonding not to need it.
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WE WON WOOOO. I was so worried!! We can all live in peace for a day Bless Up
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Russell deserves to win
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Well we lost the first immunity challenge which is a huge hit to morale. My only goal for the next 24 hours is to just convince people to not write my name down. I don’t feel like I’ve bonded as much as I should have with some people but I think I can keep my name off the block. I’ve already spoken with Mac, Darcy and Kevin and they’ve all agreed to work with me. So that’s 4 of the 5 majority there. I had a long call with Sunshine last night so I think I can get him on my side as well. I should be okay. But things can change so quickly in this game. As for who I’d like to vote out. Jessie has been the least active in tribe chat. But Dan is who I’ve spoken with the least out of everyone. Kevin being on exile island makes this vote both easier and more difficult. There can’t be a rock draw. Someone is getting straight up voted out.
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I asked the chat if anyone had animal crossing & Evan was like ‘chip does’ literally WHAT how close are y’all ?? Evan said this was his first ever ORG. Also he straight up asked me who I knew already & who was trustworthy. Like HUH. We played smash bro’s together tho after that so I think we’re chill Anyways, I like everyone on the tribe. Glo wants to form a threesome w us & Coco which I am down for. Heather & Eric both scare me 😟 I always get so paranoid at the start of orgs I’m So glad we won that challenge bc I would be so scared of going home 🥺🥺
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in alliance with Dylan who stole that video and challenge we won. My power went out and neighborhood destroyed with storm all I could do was in house by window scene and was worried I wouldn't get anything submitted but I did get something in thank goodness but I sucked. I have talked to Stephen and have talked to Chips and like both of them. I like Coco also but time difference is killing us trying to chat live but we will make it happen. I am proud of Dylan in that video so much. I want to talk live with Austin cause I have a feeling I will like  him but time will tell. Glad did not have to vote anyone out and i was scared it might have been me. We only won by a point so that was close call for sure. I still try to message and reach people but getting some to talk live is hell. Only one I talk game with is Dylan and nothing heavy yet. lol
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At the immunity challenge today, I believe I did a very good job staying in the middle in terms of how much work got done. I didn't do all the work, but I did enough so that I wouldn't get targeted for doing nothing
There's no denying that online survivor attempts to be fairly similar to how survivor is on T.V. However, there are still some very key differences between the two. One very important distinction is how much easier it is to get away with lying. This is because for one, they can't read your face, and two, the person lying has time to think about what they want to say before they say it. These two factors can make it much easier to lie compared to real life. Right now I'm lying to almost everyone except for Coco, who I feel would likely be a goat who I can take to the end. Don't get me wrong, I am ready to play this game very hard and do what it takes to win, regardless of if my tribe mates see that or not.
Gloria is lowkey weirding me out a little bit. Why does this old lady want to video chat with a 16 year old boy that she's never had a SINGLE conversation with? Why is she consistent continuing to ask about it? These are questions I do have, but in the game of survivor, sometimes you can't always know the answer. If I did ask, I could potentially find myself in hot water and cause bad vibes from her, so as of now I just need to keep declining her requests to video chat until I send her old ass home.
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So coming into this game, I see Kevin and Darcy on my tribe, and I have a relatively okay history with them. However, Kevin is the only one that is really talking to me right now other than Sunshine. Sunshine is sooo TALKATIVE AND ANNOYING!!!!! OMFG HE WONT SHUT UP! However he is good in challenges, so he needs to stick around. honestly I have had no game talk with anyone as of yet, so I dont have much to write about.
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Hey sis, not much has happened which is worrying. Me and Darcy haven’t found the idol which is annoying. I talked to a couple people about the vote and some hadn’t made their mind and I said Chrissa or Jessie as the vote. The lack of people talking is scary tbqh.
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I hate losing cause judges are blind they are wrong anyway on a personal note if i am still in the game at this point my internet should be running better cause my mom finally gave in and called bell to switch. But i am gonna be real no one has messaged me so idk how safe i feel.
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Me being able to get Chrissa out first vote. WOW COME ON NEWBIE! Snakes, they like to stay hidden. Blend in. If a person sees a snake slithering around hissing all the time, people will react negatively to the snake. But if the snake has been blending into it’s surroundings, the person wont realise. I don’t know if I’d call myself a villain or anti-hero. The reason why I want Chrissa out is because she has a bad social game and I want to keep around people who I’ve bonded with. (I swear I’m kind in real life!)
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It’s certainly looking like the vote is going to be Chrissa tonight. I’m a little sad at that since she’s a genuinely wonderful person. Something about this game is just making me super depressed. Everyone’s been so nice and friendly. Everyone has put effort into the game. But Chrissa’s name was the first one thrown out and it’s just sticking. I can’t even think of another name to throw out instead. This game is going to be rough to play I think. Usually I’m not so invested in my other tribe mates but I would truly like for all of us to win this game.
0 notes
survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 8: “#StayLowAndGoGoGo” - Tom
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okay and thoughts. so evan went byebye, which was what needed to happen, super sweet, but him leaking stuff was really a mess. Merge is so exciting, I already love Caeleb, Jones & Mo, three legends already yay!
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I am sorry Evan, we did 100% throw this challenge but hey ajdjdjf even tho we threw this challenge it was a freaking 5-4 points LOL thank god I didn’t do more than just put Marcus Lehman.
Let’s go merge, thank god I didn’t turned into pre merge flop!!
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IM REUNITED WITH ALI!!!!!!!! KING!!!!!!!!! im so excited omg so we had a HUGE catch up told each other all the tea of each others tribes
He suspected I was the flipper but doesn't care LOL so yay!!! Ugh I have missed him its so great to have him back as someone I can fully trust and rant to about everything! I also had Jones queen to help get me thru the tribe, just wish she replied more lol! ily guacamole . mitch also great, so glad he survived the budva decimation that I caused oops
I don't think anyone suspects me n ali are close, and everyone thinks Julia/ian/Jason are a trio and either ian or Jason have the idol LMAO this is so funny. I was even on call w the tribe and we were discussing it im thinking lolllll ik ali has it and no one else rlly does wowow
we think alex has durmitor idol bc . apparently it was not found pre swap, caeleb claims he made the end but it was gone, jones and mo don't seem active enough to guess
reunited w ian king aswell hes great, gonna meet some new ones like jules aka almia queen and tom the Australian he was cool on the call so its good ik everyone so far on this tribe except 2 ppl really, while 8 people on the tribe have not meet 4 others so I hope im connected well?
I honestly don't know what will happen from here . like is it og vs og tribe? swapped tribes? something new? IDK! All ik is my top 3 allies are ali jones mitch and I want to try get us far !! but idk how to do that so...… stay tuned
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Still can’t get over that I made merge AHHHH
But wait...
Anyway I got in touch with Mitch and Benj. I talked with Mitch first then I learned it was Benj who flipped during the Noah vote. I mean I honestly thought it was Mitch ahsjdjd but I guess the talk I had with Benj about rocks/ties back then was an omen. Anyway Mitch tells me he forgives Benj so I guess that’s something? Julia confirms to me that Mitch is saying the same thing to her so ok. I then chatted with Benj and he did tell me he was the one who flipped because he was not close enough with Noah to go to rocks for him which is understandable but I’m still weary on Benj.
Tom then tells me Mo and Caeleb are grilling him for JJ and Evan’s demise. Right now Tom feels that Mo/Caeleb/Alex/Jones are a thing and that they’re just using Benj. That’s kinda a good info to use to get benj on our side??
Anyways I don’t know if this is alarming or what but on the tribe call Tom told Mitch and Benj he knew about the Budva idol being found because Julia told JJ and then told everybody. I think Mitch and Benj were shocked that Tom knows? Idk I maybe paranoid but let’s see
Right now me, Julia, Jason and Ali are trying to hide the fact from Benj and Mitch that we made sort of a pact with Tom and Jules to vote together come merge. I trust Tom to know that I think he will vote with us but idk about Jules. Tho Julia and Jason seem to trust her so I hope she sticks with us!!
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Last minute additions -
I got a vote cover from the choosing thing!! Drew didn’t really tell me what it did but if I had to guess what it was I’d say it’d be like,, a dark week thing where votes won’t be revealed? Who knows tbfh
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SO I KNOW I'M TERRIBLE WITH WRITING CONFESSIONALS, but this is my first Survivor game, I'm not used to using Skype and it's weird having to type it to a whole other window just to get a confessional but WHATEVER ILL TRY TO DO AT LEAST ONE A DAY. Even if it's just like about random shit! Even it's just an astrology lesson! Anyways JJ, I mean, Alex is coming at me saying he thinks it's 6v6 now and i'm like......who's gonna tell him. BECAUSE EVEN IF IT'S ME NOT DOWN FOR OG DURMITOR ( i love them but game wise idk if i can hang with them ) I DAMN WELL KNOW other people might not be down for that. I'm just tired of the assumptions though I know Alex means well I'm just TIRED ugh he's a pisces moon too so he'll sense it from me so I better act NOT ANNOYED but I can't help it UGH. Did I miss the people from OG Durmitor? YES! Did I miss the gameplay and none of them calling out JJ on his shit and being surprised that JJ got out for being a crackhead? NO. NOT AT ALL.
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okay so merge and I have lots of thoughts, i am gonna do it person by person so i cover it all ahh.
Alex C: Okay he lowkey terrifies me ahh. Like he is quite gamey, and both Mitch & Jules have said he is kinda leadery and potentially a bit pushy? I see him as an early merge boot (ideally), because I think he'll get a lot of attention on himself? He is fun though, and I like talking to him - we will see, maybe if idk Jones/Mo/Caeleb goes he will be a more workable ally from an underdog spot?
Ali: trash, disgusting, send him home, I never want to see that mess...
Benj: a KING, I have missed Benj so MUCH. He is such a, SUCH A KING, i love him, I'm so happy we are back together. I think he could be a great duo for me, since us two being close can be kept quite lowkey ha! We will figure it out, but he is going NOWHERE on my watch
Caeleb: Okay he is like... one of the only other newbies left in the game, and is potentially quite lowkey, so I'd like him to stick around for a while I think ahh! He seems super sweet, and could be someone to go to the end with if my faves go bye bye.
Ian: I've said it since round two, and I will continue to say it. Ian is the biggest threat in the game, I've been knew and I'm not dropping it. I will not allow him to go far, like he is super nice, but also... we are not allowing a threat like Ian to walk to the end.
Jason: Similar to Ian, I'm really feeling duo vibes with him and Ian, maybe even a trio with Julia I'm not sure? He scares me less than Ian, and I'd probs want Ian out first versus Ian? He still is also a king tho, even though I always get vibes that he doesn't like me eeeek
Jones: A legend! I can tell already, I fully get legendary vibes from her. But like... it makes me upsetti spaghetti that I really don't think I can let her get too far, like she... is someone I could see as a season winner, so she might need to go sooner rather than later, although getting her out might be easier said than done tbh
Jules: Okay an icon. Jules we LOVE in this house. I literally stan Jules with my 100% full heart, they know ALL and on my watch? they go NOWHERE. my clout is being used to keep an eye on Jules, even tho they are a much better player than me, and they will be able to watch their own back and go super far
Julia: Witch queen. I want her to go really far too tbh, like I love her and am so happy we have actually been able to work together this season. She told me about her self-vote thing she got from the merge feast, which is a big trust display. I think if I can get her woke about Ian/Jason, she could be a big ally and super important about my game long term. I think if we can get Alex C out particularly (since apparently they have history), then maybe she will be more willing to FINALLY make a move on them.
Mitch: I'm always sketched out by him KASDFA. Like I think he would work with me for sure, but I also like... don't know sometimes, like... he knows I was gonna vote him out premerge, can that go away? I think he could be a good ally moving forwards though , we will have to see.
Mo: MY SON. I MISS HIM. I'M SO HAPPY HE DOESN'T HATE, I THOUGHT HE DID. Its super exciting and like I said before, he is doing super good this season and I'm super proud of him. I wanna go far with him, but I think not being on a tribe with him till merge could be an obstacle to that ahh :(
Tom: Tom is a mega-cracked king. Like he is SO entertaining, and on a personal level I really vibe with him. I will not do him dirty, and I wanna go to the end of this game with him. We will see what happens, would love to be a juror voting for him at the end.
So overall final thoughts. I have a dream F4 alliance of 'The Flippers and the Flop' aka me, Tom, Jules & Benj, since those three flipped on their original tribe and I'm a flop. So I want that as F4, Julia at F5 (but maybe further, I love her too), and then for the rest:
6th: Mo 7th: Caeleb 8th: Mitch 9th: Jones 10th: Jason 11th: Ian 12th: Alex C.
We will see and figure it out and be flexible. Its gonna be a mess, but we will see. I just wanna make confirmed jury, then I just wanna play a bomb game, like finalist-schminalist, i just wanna end the season and my game not being an actual joke KASDFLAS.
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hi i just wanted an idol
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Okay so i dont know like when the last time i did one of these was but lets just start at last tribal council; I am lowkey so glad that evan is gone and we didnt try anything too fancy he really would've made merge that bit messier. But uhm also why the heck did he have to vote me grrr i wanted to try to not get any votes for a really long time but oh well cant have everything good happen in life.
M E R G E!!!!!!!! Yesssss finally merge has happened the playing field is even and i am ready to rumble. Bit nervous to see where abouts i stand in the tribe because i didnt feel very included in the original durmitor tribe and there are two people i havent met in benj and mitch.
Okay so like wtf is going on right now, sure say hello and all that shit but why is Mo, Alex and Caeleb like proper interviewing me, who do you think you are ELLEN? No youre not please stop investigating on what happened between jj and evan vote offs like i do not owe y'all anything..... i was probably going next if we didnt have that first swap! I am more than happy to tell them like what happened just it will be altered in favour of myself and they wont get the full indepth explanation.
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Sorry I don’t have a vid confessional today laid ease
But um ya I think I’m getting TARGETTEEEEEEEEED or at least someone within the durmitor dominators group is. WHich is SKETCHY!! Idk it just feels really obvious since that core group of 4 literally,,, tag teamed all 4 of us first ,,, hello??? Mam?? I get we just met like 2 days ago but you could be a lil more discreet ab everything 😤
But ik we can’t just assume based on that,, If we’re just going by that logic then their hitlist is Alex, Caeleb, myself, then Mo. but idt it could be that,,, concrete?? They could just be playing us like Noah/Michael/Mitch TRIED to do before,, but we got them so ya 🥰 anyways,,
If we can somehow get a plan out of them or at least a name then we’ll be ok,,, that way we’ll at least know what’s going on for SOME PART. Mitch and julia seem kiiiind if close? So hopefully she’ll tell him some shit and come back to me ab it - if I have to play the idol then,,,, I guess,,, I will,,, but I don’t want to. Like let me save it for when IM in trouble at least sksksk who knows,, maybe I AM in trouble and I’m just a crackhead 🤷🏻‍♀️
But ya that’s my rant I’ll be back soon laid ease mwah
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Okau so like woo! i won the first immunity of the season how bloody exciting! I honestly was confident going into the challenge however i didnt know whether or not i was going to win. I love the fact that i got shot 0 times so i literally could've gone asleep and potentially still won lol. But at this point my mission of staying low and go go go'ing has to be intact i cannot seem like a big threat in this game it doesnt get me far. So im telling everyone that im surprised and that it was really just based on luck and based on nothing so my target does not grow! So glad to have immunity in this game honestly first merge boot probably wasnt going to be BUT i know this round can get fucking messy so anything could've changed #StayLowAndGoGoGo
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okay this is a grr grr angry confessional. WHY IS EVERYONE BEING DUMB AND JUST BEING ATTACHED TO TRIBE LINES. Like I messaged Jones, Mo and Alex about it yesterday, and Jones my meme queen gave like a good response, but Mo particularly I was like... wut?
Like Mo is my org son from all the way back in Azores, so I always have his back... but like... when someone messages you about being uncomfortable with tribe lines and not wanting to stick to them, giving the HEAVIEST HINT POSSIBLE that I'm not attached to like Ian and Jason, your response should not be 'I'm just accepting my fate'... Like that is such a red flag to me, no player should just... be resigned to stuff? Like Mo PLEATHE.
In other other news, we love Jules still. Tom is being weird recently, I think he doesn't trust me anymore, so I think my dream at the moment is a F3 of Jules and Benj, Tom 4th and Julia 5th? Mitch terrifies me (and he knows I shot him, which caused even more distrust), Alex is super nice but is like... evidently not trusting of me, Mo is my son but I wanna SHAKE HIM, Jones is my fave I love her already, really like Caeleb too he is so nice.
I'm just frustrated, I feel like.. people aren't willing to do enough and its making me frustrated I just wanna scream. Like at this point, I expect to go midjury, like 9th, and I'm thinking who I'd vote. I would vote Jules, because they are always on the ball and their read is unmatched, I'd vote Ian because he has playing smart since round one, I'd vote Benj because he is one of the few that has his head screwed up about not blindly sticking to tribe lines.
Of the rest? I'd like to vote for Tom/Jones, but would probs need to see more gamey game from both. I could respect Mitch's story to get to the end, but don't necessarily see myself voting him. I could vote Julia or Jason. The one who is currently least likely to get my vote is probably Mo, I am just... frustrated with him. Like he could do SO GOOD, I just wanna give his head a proper wobble, like.... LISTEN TO ME. I am telling you I would flip just READ KSALDFA.
I ranked who I'd vote for in FTC if I was a juror so far and its currently:
Jules > Ian > Benj > Mitch > Julia > Tom > Jason > Jones > Alex C. > Caeleb > Mo
And the order in which I trust people is:
Jules/Benj > Julia > Tom > Ian > Jason > Caeleb > Jones > Mo > Alex C. > Mitch
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I have thoughts. I know its been a hot sec since I have sent one in but I have been just busyyy. So this one might be long and it'll have all my thoughts post-merge.
My first thought: Being reconnected with old tribemate (Jules and Tom). I love Jules. She's so kind and wonderful, might be hard to reach occasionally but when she messages its always full and heartfelt. I think that can go a long way in this game as she's fun to talk to and makes you feel like she's with you. So that also mean shes very dangerous of course. Tom is less so fun. He's kinda sarcastic kinda hard to read kinda edgy. He always acts like he's a little too busy for things. But he is fun and he has fed me a lot of information about Budva post swap, so thank him for that. BUT I'm like lowkey really annoyed with him. Losing that last challenge on purpose was dumb as hell. I know Evan is deceitful and hard to work with, but like hell keep that in your head and get him off as an easy vote right after merge. Because If they hadn't lost and instead we had gone to tribal (Durmitor), then we hopefully would've lost Mitch, secured the dynamic as 7 OG Durmitor vs. the 5 OG Budva, and it would have been much harder for Tom and Jules to chose the Budva members over the numbers. Obviously this works best for me and OG Durmitor but that just means that I don't know what Tom and Jules are thinking and overall that means I can't really trust them.
Second thought: That challenge was actually really fun. It put this merge into perspective and CLEARLY showed where people are at right now. The fact that OG Budva was so organized in their slaughter and got out Alex like hella fast and then me before we got out any of them was so showing. They are tight and they will remain to be tight. The fact that they were able to be so coordinated seems scary as well. AS it might mean that Tom or Jules or even Mitch or Benj is actually working with them to make sure we didn't win that immunity. Plus Tom won it and that is scary to me because I already was wary about trusting him in the first place. Putting thought one and two together makes me wary overall, because that means that together Tom and Jules and Mitch and Benj might be choosing to work with old Budva (I mean Tom and Jules don't have any inhibitions about voting out old tribemembers so) and old Durmitor might just be screwed.
Third thought: Annoyed that I was shot and destroyed second. I thought I was making a good impression with everyone. Maybe its not a good indication but also sad face.
Fourth thought: New tribe members! I love them all to an extent. Ali seems to be fun to talk to and likes chatting back and forth. But also he did say he was surprised I was out so early and since I know that Alex didn't shoot Julia then he was definitely shooting me. So I don't think I trust that all too much and he might be too sneaky. Jason seems nice. Not much to say our conversation has been pleasant but only so. The same with Ian tbh. They seem cool but thats it. Julia is fun and her background makes her seem like a total bad ass and a really cool lady, but she's been soooo hella dismissive of me. I don't like the way she's playing the game. I think she's putting on an act and playing a character to throw people off. I heard she was like sad or crying(?) that someone shot her and Tom confronted me about it. And sure I shot her but like hell thats the game. I'm 90 percent sure she was shooting me. I'm annoyed, and people seem to love her which just makes me think she's being dismissive to me because she thinks I won't be around too much longer and she doesn't have to put in the effort. And that's dumb, like if I do go I really hope this is the start of the Jury because I will have something spicy to say to her in the event she makes it to Final Tribal. Or maybe things will change and I will learn to really like her and stuff.
Fifth Thought: Game plan for tomorrow. My strategy going forward is simply to be not targeted tomorrow. That is truly the crux of it, because at this point I think I might get votes. I know that apparently I have a habit of getting votes in a new tribe (David and then Noah) so honestly I can see it happening, especially if they are worried about Alex having an idol and they got him out of the challenge first just to vote me. But if I can survive then I think I can go a little farther. The power struggle right now is 3 groups of 4 battling. There's the total Budva members, the total Durmitor members, and then the middle ground (Jules, Tom, Benj, and Mitch). I asked Tom who was more important the original tribes or the new ones and he said he wants it to be old but most likely will be new which basically means that he will vote with Budva. So in the event I survive with numbers I'll ride that until I need Alex (and his idol that I'm prettttty sure that he has but I can't be sure) out and will try to rally that we need him to be gone. If I survive but I'm not on the side of the numbers I wanna create a good bond with Ali and Jules as were all newbies and work that until we can start eating Budva from the inside. I'll see though DKSDSKDSK. I don't think it would be wise to concrete that before this first vote because their reasons for voting off JJ and Evan was apparently that they were making alliances with everyone. I don't want them to see me that way.
Sixth Thought: Okay another Idol Bridge BIG OOF. Those are hard as hell, and I am so confident that both tribe idols are gone which means there might be 3 idols out there pretty soon which is scary as hell. Durmitor Dominators are hoping to work together to get it and maybe we can actually use that together rather than having it hidden like this time. (Which I really think that Alex has it but whatev). If I'm idoled out imma be so sad but like also okay thats an okay way to go.
Have fun with this. Feel free to chop it up into mini confessionals or use it in its entirety. Up to you! Love ya hosts ur beautiful
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okay a gamey and a dumb update.
julia proper wants to flip on ian and jason which iconic... its truly time. I wasn't necessarily going to vote them out first, but if that's what is gonna happen, that is what's gonna happen.
in a memey update, JJ just got cast in another game and it reminded me of a JJ-ism I never confessed about. JJ was on call and showing me... a pet in a glass box, but i didn't know what the pet was or what it was supposed to be, because I couldn't see it. but he was like wow isn't it cute, so i fully called a stick which was the only thing i could see, cute. a STICK.
anyway so like.... back to game. i think the merge boot will be ian or jason which dun dun dun! its probs overdue and will happen, or it'll be me! we will see anyway
why am i drinking white wine with julia on call at 3am, we are truly the wine mum duo drinking our way till the end
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I think I'm in the middle of everything atm, which is a weird place for me to be. I'm not in the center, I'm not looking from the outside in, I'm not really a part of anything major or in any alliances and it's an odd feeling. I know I need to do something to secure myself in something but everything in this game just feels up in the air, it's odd. I don't know if it's just how Survivor is, but it's a very strange feeling not having a proper grasp on what's going on with EVERYONE. I have ideas but not a lot of real confirmation for much besides Jason/Ian, Mo/Jones, etc. Anyways. IDK WHAT ELSE TO SAY OKAY I'm boring AF this game
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Ok so for starters the immunity challenge ended after 2 hours of its posting adhgfjgs Tom won so big woo for him.
The Budva baes agreed to target Alex/Mo/Caeleb/Jones in this challenge and we got Mitch, Tom and Jules to work with us. Well kinda because the four (Me, Ali, Julia and Jason) of us were the ones who did most of the shooting to eliminate the Durmitor four and we just like went back and forth eliminating one another. I was the first to die in my group so big yikes!! I don't know if that's an omen idk but I do know that I was killed by grandma jones. So I killed grandma too oops!
Anyway, fast forward to today. I got an idol clue from the Hamburger but idk if this will help me get the idol hfjhsgf. So I shared it to Budva Baes and with Tom. Who knows we might get it idk.
In other news, on call Jules flipped because of an earthquake jgfjshgf
A tribe call happened that had almost everyone except Jones and Benj join which lasted about like 3-4 hours?? Anyway, me, julia, jules, jason, ali, mitch and alex played cards against humanity so that was fun!
After Alex and Jules left the call, the five of us who remained then proceeded to plan for the vote. As of now I think we're gonna throw our votes towards Caeleb because apparently he doesn't talk to them that much? I do talk with Caeleb but nothing game related so I guess I'm on board with that. We're not gonna target Alex rn because Julia mentioned that Alex might wanna work with budva people? or that maybe just a ploy, either way Julia and Mitch thinks Alex has the durmitor idol so that's something to be weary.
If I had my way I want to target Jones because during the call, Mitch and Julia expressed how they want her to stay and how they insta love her and to me that's kinda dangerous. But rn I don't think the numbers are their for me to go after Jones. Another hot topic on the call we had was Benj. I'm really becoming more weary of Benj because umm idk even tho we talk I feel like he's hiding something.
So far, the plan is for Julia to approach Jules about voting Caeleb. Jules is important for this vote because she's like in the middle rn and we need numbers. Also ghasgdd julia got a freaking auto-vote on herself for this incoming tribal council so we are screwed if they vote for Julia. Tom is also important but me and Jason have an alliance with him that Ali and Julia are not aware of so he's good hopefully.
Anyways as of now, the plan is Caeleb (which kinda sucks because I kinda like him) but who knows whats gonna happen. Just hope things go in my favor for this vote.
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Apparently I’m a secondary target for the vote, but I’m like oddly at peace? Maybe it’s because I’m super tired but being anxious is never fun so I’m relieved that I’m so calm.
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This tribal is so freakin messy. Literally everybody be crackheads and I am a freakin crackhead. I knew Mitch was gonna do me in again, I am sad that JJ blew up chances with Tom working with us, and I can't trust Jules because she's right in the middle. I think Benj is still with us. But gosh they'll vote me tonight and I wannnnna survive. If only I could like strongarm whoever has this freakin idol into playing it for me.
Anyways, I love Grandma's boys. They're all sweet and nice and wonderful and I want us to get this to work out. I hope Alex can work his magic, but also I hate that this has turned me into someone who is just riding the coattails at this point. Maybe I need to do some FREAKIN crackheadidness but hell we'll freakin see.
Jones has the IDOL OOOOOOOOOO. I think she might play it for me if things are looking bad. Literally my grandma is the most amazing I love her. Things be crazy and cracked here in Podgorica but the spice is nice.
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okay this confessional is a call out post, to basically the entire cast except for jules and benj. like its negative and mean, so I'm gonna scream, and then write some actually strategy and smart stuff KLDSAFAS.
Julia. I LOVE YOU WITH MY WHOLE HEART, but. You have got us into such a pickle and are playing the middle too aggressively, dragging me kicking and screaming with you. Why would you make a Budva chat yesterday, to flip on it TODAY, that is such, SUCH a quick turn around
Alex. You are so sweet, and I really enjoyed the call yesterday, but you are already terrifying as an ally and are giving off JJ game vibes. This 'alliance' I'm in, of Jules/Julia/Me/Alex/Mo/Jones... terrifies me, WHY IS NOBODY TALKING. And then I love how Alex was like 'lets vote out someone from each side across two rounds' and then like... suggests Jason, a) one name b) one vote. And then it's like... he goes okay maybe Mitch the following round? Another OG Budva? I have to laugh, I have to LAUGH, this alliance is so fake askdlfaf. I love everyone in this alliance as people, but as allies I'm not feeling it.
Jones. You are a legend, and naming my plants was so fun, but you go so crickets its really scary, like it just looks SO sus. I wish you were more open gamey, I really wanna work with you grrrr.
Mo. Mo is my son, and I love him, but oh. my. god. is he frustrating to play with JLSAKDFAF. I have never played with someone who is so passive and who literally... does not say anything. Like on calls, he is so fun because he is the sweetest and a great guy, but his only comments and contributions have been 'I think I am going' and 'I have accepted my fate'. mo, MO, you can't be doing this and pulling these shenanigans, you are so likable just... give it a go and play the game HNNNGH.
okay that was mean and negative but I fully needed to scream. To clarify my situation, last night Julia made a chat of all the Budvas - Benj after the call, and we settled on voting Caeleb? But Julia wants to flip, and formed this group with Alex of them two, me, Jones, Jules & Mo. Like Julia, I get playing the middle, but this is playing. the. middle. I didn't want to be in such a middle position I hate this so much SKADLFASF.
It's really frustrating. I want Ian/Jason/Alex out because they all terrify me on a game level. But Julia has put us in the middle in a way that we are gonna have NO NUMBERS TO MAKE A MOVE UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Like I just wish she ASKED me before she made a group with Alex that I got dragged into.
I feel like me and Jules have to just... get in with Mitch. Its the only way. And Caeleb too I guess? Like I think the alliance I'm going to need is like... Me/Tom/Jules/Caeleb/Benj/Mitch... like that's a 6, and with Julia might be the numbers we need going forward.
I'm like... not gonna win this season I know it already. Jason is gonna be furious with me, as is Ian. And then I'm gonna have to flip BACK in two rounds. This is literally the exact game I've played before that hasn't worked.
Having said that, the main thing I did wrong before was that I didn't own my moves. So I need to own it, when I vote out Jason I need to talk to Ian and pull me in, so we can just... remove Alex. I just want everyone gone already askdlfa, its so so so tiring.
Here is what I want to happen now:
Ian > Alex > Jason > Mo > Jones > Mitch > Caeleb > Julia > Tom > F3: Me/Jules/Benj
but like... its just... im in such a bad mood about all this, its really... just enough.
Also for the funsies, if I was a juror, at FTC from most to least, this is who I'd vote for so far:
Jules > Benj > Mitch > Ian > Julia > Jason > Tom > Caeleb > Alex > Jones > Mo
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So this tribal is shaping up in our favor... hopefully. I think Jason's for sure going now at least. It should be a 9-3 vote if everyone's telling the truth... which would make it so easy to split the votes because I'm pretty sure Jason or Ian have the idol. The most we can hope for is make them think Caeleb is going home for sure.
Pray for me. I don't wanna be a merge boot. I feel like I have a lot more game to play.
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im about to save jason and fix all my problems.
i'm gonna push the vote onto ian, saying jason is very nervous and seems like he will play an idol, pushing the vote onto ian. Then I will tell Jason before/after (to be decided) the vote that I saved him, thereby securing his trust so that we can make a move on Alex next round.
I have NEVER played so aggressively, and tried to take control so much in the vote, but Julia put me in a crap situation. But I'm not gonna like... sit here and have it happen, I am here to play a good game, I said so in my application.
I think this is the way of ensuring minimal blood on my hands, and I've wanted Ian out since round two KLASDFA.
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Mitch told him? Like what the hell is happening???! I talked with Alex and he says he’s ok with Caeleb which is really weird??
Tom then goes online and tells me Alex has been going around telling people different names and he told Caeleb my name >.>
I am gonna get voted!! I can feel it ahsjdiff so much for my never voted out status :(((
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50 minutes till tribal and the plan is to vote out Jason but make Jason think it’s Ian or Caeleb? Unless I’m getting blindsided which in that case, well done. I’m really tired and I just want some Mac and cheese and a nap.
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why is the one time alex and jones pip up to squash my beautiful plan. like go back to being crickets at all signs of game talk thank you very much.
alternatively... tom and jules could come in clutch, flipping caeleb to vote out alex that works too.
i'm annoyed with jones/mo/alex they can go. like i've wanted jason and ian out as a duo for ninety-five years, but maybe i wanna keep them around.
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Jones is fuckinf PISSED
If Jason idols himself, I’m idoling Caeleb and I’m gonna gonna kill someone
If Jason idols Ian and we get Jason out I’m laughing my ass off
If Jason idols himself and I idol Caeleb and I’m SOMEHOW IDOLED OUT then fuck that shit I’ll literally kill someone
I just wanna tell these Budva in space jam then it’ll be ok
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me flipping my vote to make it a 5-4-3-1 sending Ian out... I'm either the second coming of Natalie Anderson or 11th place.
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The moment Mitch, Julia and Ali stopped responding to me and Jason I felt it. That we were being bamboozled and it looks like we did.
Tom and Jason were true to me and the end and I love them for that. Screw snake Julia because she really fucking played me like a fiddle lol and fuck Ali, mitch and benj hahahahahahahahaahahahahahHaha Because it really hurts! Alex is a scheming lying bitch and at least Mo half lied to me oof
At least my vacation is saved. I love the hosts, Drew, Seamus, Johnny and Asya for having me. I stan Nicole G forever. Bora Bora will always be my home. Goodbye tumblr survivor!
0 notes
fluffi · 3 years
so should i reply in tiny font or just regular font?
hybe should do better in spreading out the comebacks of the groups under them :/ they're already at a huge advantage, might as well use it strategically. AHA streaming mvs is so convenient for a multi. the filler vids i could use in between could be mvs from the other groups that i stan. also you know what, i still haven't watched a single final performance bc im waiting for a friend to watch with me :D
i have a chinese movie recommendation in case you want something to cry over. i still love its ost and it's been months since i watched it. i'm not sure if you watched it already but more than blue. i've never cried over a movie as much as i cried for that one. the angst *chef's kiss*. i'd do anything to wipe my memory of it and watch it again for the first time.
also sungchan is mc-ing in inkigayo every sunday! and honestly, what the hell is nct hollywood :D but a part of me thinks it's just going to be a bunch of asians living in america like johnny that'll be a part of it. just a hunch tho. imagine having all 4 units coming back in a year with like 1 unit per quarter of the year. i'm not sure if sm even has the money to do this, especially when they filed bankruptcy recently.
and i've seen a lot of twitter memes saying taro's ghosted stans T_T alexa play ghosting by txt T_T sm come on give him smth to do, you're wasting talent.
the mall didn't burn down entirely (like from the outside it looked fine). the ventilation system caught fire so it was more internal—ceilings and all that. covered things with soot(?) and ashes so the entire mall was closed for nearly 2 years. and hey, i've experienced a school fire too back when i was younger. i, too, thought it was nothing but a fire drill until i saw the charred remains of the buildings behind our school : D thankfully, no one died.
the new nct track is for a samsung commercial AHAHA it's funny because nearly everyone uses apple TT_TT and the mv screams neo culture tech tho (well as it should lmao). yes, i was talking about that part in hot sauce but yes, it grew on me too.
ateez really know how to do a performance. they put the standard so high for me when it came to performing. their facial expressions and overall stage presence just impresses me. it's been a while since i've seen idols draw me to them by those standards.
ah, the long stan list! good luck in getting through it and i hope you do have fun as you go :] (also you can check out aurora by ateez and whiplash by tbz. the songs popped up in my head as i was typing this reply, you might like them)
ohhhh, what was the pd48 scandal? i don't watch survival shows so i don't know any of the stuff going on. would you care to elaborate? about their disbandment :(( i hope you're okay now tho! are the other girls still debuting in new groups? anyone eyeing an acting career instead of being an idol?
YES, A PATTERN IN THE BIASES (if you count an analysis of two ppl as a pattern, that is.) because it's the same pattern i have for my biaswreckers :D jake & seungmin, not only do they have the same animal to represent them, they have the same 'golden retriever' type of personality that just makes you go all soft. ygwim ;n; i wish i could elaborate but both boys just devastate me in the same level and my friends pointed out that they were quite similar in some aspects.
jaemin used to send really long bbl messages :< like if there was anything he loved most it was nctzens and it was obv in his messages. speaking of dream, album repackage news today! idk what to feel bc my hot sauce albums haven't even arrived yet :D + i'm dead br0ke.
how do you even manage to read 30k TT__TT i cant handle long fics bc of my attention span :D also, yes, i found the user now, i'll check if i'll like their works soon. <33
YES YOU SHOULDVE BEEN THERE T_T what a day that was. i think seungmin is still sweet and active in bbl. not a single cent goes to waste with him. also i think i'll post the drabble some time this month.
and oml seungmin vs jake :o let's see how that goes O.O XDD
clickity-clackity AHAH do you have a mechanical keyboard? :c i wanted one too but i haven't got around to saving up for one. but yes indeed, typing asmr v relaxing \m/
sunny hyuck day, fullsun sunday, fullsunday T_T feels were very strong that day. i kept seeing edits on my twt tl and i would just s o b : D i've only stanned nct for a year but i've seen him grow so much i just wanted to crie i love him sm :') yk my mom didn't cook spaghetti for my birthday, but she cooked for hyuck's? : D
and i checked ur recs blog and indeed, full of nct T_T
also have i mentioned that your desktop thing amuses me so much HAHAH i got confused for a sec if i had twt opened or tumblr. plus, i've been wanting to mention that i noticed that our mobile themes are opposites. black and red, white and blue. it's cute XDD <3
help, people have been telling me that our asks are long but i highkey love it. i added a ‘keep reading’ for the mobile users though, sorry in advance hh.
honestly, both works. tiny font saves space but regular font does more justice for my poor eyes haha. its your call!
hybe comebacks :( yeah enhypen got lucky because they came back right before cb season so they got three wins (yay)! on the bright side, txt just got their first win and bts has six wins, so it all works out i guess. omg yes, the streaming thing is perfect. i stan like 20 groups so i have a never-ending cycle of filler mvs and its always so helpful. ooh for the final performances - you wont regret watching any of them! literally wild, kingdom's budget and talent are wild.
ooh, I don't watch any cdramas lmao. i want to but i can barely finish kdramas. if its a movie ill watch it! ive never heard of more than blue but ill check it out <3 where can i watch it?
yes yes i have just realized that sungchan is yujin's co-mc! i watched their special stage (which is literally adorable) and was today years old when i realized that the dude is sungchan pls. nct hollywood was so unexpected and i still have mixed feelings about it now. LMAO JUST ASIANS LIVING IN AMERICA...help. that would be interesting (?) but the concept reminds me of those horrendous awesomeness tv shows. lets hope sm pulls this off well and proves me wrong. lmao all 4 units coming back would probably happen, but i hope none of them get overworked :( i constantly feel like mork lee has four clones :'( also...sm filed bankcruptcy??? dang, what happened?
ugh omg yeah shotaros talent is seriously being wasted in the basement right now. as for fires, scary T-T i wasnt that fazed by them until the australia wildfires happened, and i learned about the consequences of fire and got really scared. its good that the entire mall didnt burn down though! although its weird that no one is opening it :( schools really need to tell us the difference between drills though, it might be dangerous for those rebellious kids.
yeah i just realized that the nct track is an endorsement which partly explains why i cant listen to it. the mv's visuals are stunning!! the set and people are so gorgeous aa i cant
oh yeah im not an atiny but i have acknowledged since 2020 that they have one of the best, if not the best stage presence and expressions on stage for 4th gen. i think their only worthy competitor would be stray kids actually. theyre truly one of a kind and all of them are cute especially that yeosang guy. i will definitely check out your song recommendations though!
oof the pd48 scandal is extremely complicated. to condense it in a few statements: all of the girls' rankings have been rigged since the very beginning and it was rumored that they already had their end group before the show even started. it was like this for pf48 and pdx101 (group x1) which was why x1 disbanded within a month of debuting, and izone were on hiatus for like 4 months. im not the best at explaining stuff like this haha, but i think you get it. you can check out yt or search up 'pd48 scandal', a ton of articles and videos. as for new groups, nothing has been made clear yet. theyve only made instagram handles for now and appeared on variety shows haha. as for acting career, hyewon was supposed to do acting but was forced to join pd48 so maybe she'll continue acting afterwards? nothing is confirmed yet!
lmao two similarities, its okay it counts. ah, true, i can see their similarities now that youve mentioned it, as well as how jeno is kind of like that. however, i am currently attached to jaemin so we'll see what happens from there hehe. i swerve easily.
jaemin on bubble grr, that would be a whole experience. from the bare minimum of vidoes ive seen for him wbk jaemin is so whipped for czennies. ah yes repackage! i saw the post on instagram and went to the comments to see everything screaming ‘iM bROke!’ and it was lowkey hilarious lmao. kpop is really trying to suck our money T-T.
ope the longest fic ive read is like...40k words i think? and it was by jeonginks. ill read anything eiko produces lmao, theres always so much substance in her work. ooh, tell me what you think of luvdsc’s stuff, i just finished binging their entire masterlist lmao.
seungmin vs jake yeah, i havent been catching up on skz enha content because im still obsessing over the dreamies but when that saga is over then im going to focus on my ults lmao (which might include dream soon, hehe).
yes yes i have a mechanical bluetooth keyboard that i use to connect to my computer! it literally sounds amazing lmao, its only 10am here but i feel like im going to doze off from the clickity clackitys already. i cant wait for you to get one! tell me when you do, we can match hehe.
hyuck is an aodrable brat please. hes like the best comedian of nct at this point, so hilarious and filled with variety i love him. he rose up my bias list pretty fast too. LMAO YOUR MOM IS SO COOL I LOVE HER ALREADY. if only my mom would cook for my ults’ borndays.
yes my rec blog is a mess right now, ill organize it soon haha.
omg thank you and yes my website theme is one-of-a-kind. even i get confused when i open it or edit it, and i constantly get comments about it. also i just realized our opposing theme colors and i love it! its adorable.
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rhinointherain · 4 years
the high hasn’t really hit me yet (its been a few minutes so yeah kind of weird, longer than usual probably, but also not that weird for me bc both i and a***** have noticed that it takes a lot longer for weed to affect me than it does for the average person, i think it is starting to kick in anyway), but i wanted to say first of all that earlier today even though i hadnt smoked at all i noticed myself having some thoughts on the similar type of abstract ideas that i get while high and thinking I should journal them, i didnt because i’m starting to come down firmer on the decision that i will only make any of these types of entries after having smoked at least once that “day” (as in since waking up in the morning, not like a 24 hour period), considering i did smoke twice yesterday and not being a very little physically active person it might have to do with thc still being in my body, but it also might be that doing these journal entries has made me more eager and better equipped to engage with those abstract ideas which i think is cool (although it is important to ask the question of whether it actually has made any tangible difference in how and why i interact with those ideas or whether i just want there to be one), but it also might be that i was reading that terence mckenna book
((actually it was all three of these reasons and also the infinite reaches of every other infinite reason that put me in this specific “multiverse”/version of existence, those three were just the main ones i at first subconsciously perceived to be important enough to type and then after typing them consciously evaluated to be important enough that i would not delete them and instead elaborate on them further. but i feel like I’ve discussed this enough by now that this is readily apparent)
what were those abstract thoughts i wanted to write down is another question because when i decided not to write them down i thought ok well then ill be sure to remember what they were and pick up my phone and write all this immediately after i smoke but the problem is that it takes a little while to type it all up and i forgot them before i had finished writing all that introduction
i should explain better the path that my thoughts have been taking from my mind to their final written form so far in these journal entries but first i want to talk about something else
which is that
(include something explaining why you feel the need to inject these sad excuses of teenage tumblr poetry in between the actual interesting shit you usually like to focus on in these entries)
okay do i still want to write about what i was about to say? also maybe it would be more productive to wait until sober to explain the processes in which these entries are formatted
yeah i do bc one of the reasons i do these lame ones is that they can act for me as a healthy emotional release okay so anyway i wanna be, and this is coming straight from the pathos slash animalistic sensory-propelled part of my brain not anywhere near the rational thought-propelled one, i right now wanna be like a a girl in a movie or story about some like lame emo dude who smokes cigarettes and the movie is just a bunch of slow panning over like a rainy city and theres shoegaze in the background (im thinking about like lost in translation or something BUT EXCEPT the dude isnt bill murray the dudes like a young guy who only someone like me would find attractive (but there are a lot of people like me) who like reads proust or some shit i dont know) and MANIC PIXIE DREAM GIRL fuck that’s what i’m trying to say i didn’t actually need to type all this shit i just forgot that that term existed for a sec well anyway yeah thats what i want to be, seeing as this concept and the importance of attaining it as a woman has been drilled into my head by media which my brain had been heavily impressed with during its most impressionable ages (that being my adolescence), where and how did that impression happen ie was it absorbed into the deep subconscious reaches and now resides with the animal/sensory part of my brain who has classed the desire to fulfill this idealized image as a sensory/survival need, or does it come in from the opposite side and instead its like a desire that comes from higher conscious and or subconscious cognitive understanding formed from the human brains complex analysis of every input it gets through the web of social norms and evaluations and memories and everything that makes up what the brain understands everything to be. how are the two even different. they arent because nothing is different everything is just one infinity inside of itself and i write this same thought down a lot because of its essentiality but i havent been conveying it in a well thought out enough way for sober me to fully grasp its importance. eventually i should dedicate more effort to this particular idea but thats a big undertaking and i have been too lazy to attempt it so far
fuck like i just want the guy to be like standing by himself at the weird french new wave club or something thinking about how disconnected he is from society or whatever the fuck and then he sees me whos like 100 lbs and i have an unconventional haircut and either im like dancing uninhibitedly (representing the innocent and childlike perspective our jaded protagonist needs to offset his disillusionment with society) or im also standing all alone smoking a cig and maybe even reading like [first 20th century philosopher that comes up under suggested results when you type proust’s name into google] ha ha ha im so funny do you see what im doing here im deconstructing the stereotypical indie movie that people on the internet make fun of because genuinely liking it had become too mainstream im sure no one has ever thought of this before as a comedic bit anyway i had this whole other thing about it too like she goes in his car with him and they smoke and exchange like 4 sentences but u can still tell shes the perfect for him bc shes sexy and has pink hair or something i dont know anyway i was just thinking about how i wanna be that.
like wouldnt it be nice to not actually have any thoughts in your head your whole job is to be pretty but not know that youre pretty because apparently you dont fit the societal convention of beauty except you pretty much do in every way except that you like have green eyes instead of blue and you dont wear high heels or something and thats all you have to do you only exist to fulfill some dudes fantasy and if you fulfill that fantasy you’ve reached the ultimate purpose in life and don’t have to worry about accomplishing anything else or pleasing anyone else, maybe thats why some people become super religious because isn’t it pretty much the same exact concept like your ultimate goal is to become jesus’s manic pixie dream girl, or buddha’s maybe i don’t know i am embarrassingly uninformed about eastern religions
i’m already not really very high anymore that’s disappointing bc i finally actually took a bong rip by myself in what felt like the correct way to do it eg it didnt make me cough but i guess it wasn’t the correct way after all i guess me not coughing just meant i didnt get enough in my lungs godsh damn it
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
California changin ‘: three heads assure biography be replicated in state’s primary
Exclusive: on the day of the Golden States vote, we hear from Jerry Brown, Gray Davis and Pete Wilson, three living governors who could have been president
Jerry Brown sat beside a glittering swimming pool at the governors mansion, having exactly browsed a batch of California newspapers in the spring sunshine.
The articles were now folded and stacked on a table. The superintendent searched a little bored. History isnt a big topic in the majority newspapers, he said.
Brown is a big thinker, never willingly constrained by the borders of his regime.
During an interview at his Sacramento residence that lasted close to an hour, he testified more interest in issues that reside chairwomen than ministers: climate change, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, the buildup of Nato units along the Russian margin, the global economy.
Look at Brazil, Chile, France, Ukraine, Poland theres a lot of miserable folk out there, he supposed. Weve had a period of wealth. A mint of beings are well-situated. But a lot of other people arent. Therein is the debate. Can the center accommodate? Can leader rise to the opportunity?
Brown is one of three living California governors, including his predecessors Gray Davis and Pete Wilson, who once had a shot at occupying the White House.( Arnold Schwarzenegger, a naturalized citizen, is not eligible to operate; George Deukmejian evidenced minimal those who are interested in national bureau .)
In extended sit-downs with the Guardian, Brown, Davis and Wilson offered sharply vying perceptions of the challenges facing California and the presidential candidates who have been crisscrossing the Golden State in the lead-up to the states presidential primary on Tuesday.
Yet both Brown and his two predecessors exposed, in different ways, an feeling about the tempo of change in the position they determined, collectively, for four decades.
The objections that face Californias heads eclipse those of heads of state of many countries. Major a matter that baffle world policymakers are decanted to their quintessence here: income inequality, climate change, globalization, technological disturbance.
The state has a population bigger than Canadas and an economy among the top 10 in “the worlds” up there with Japan, the UK, Germany and India thrust forward by a relentless thirst for innovation.
The state is always off balance, elongating itself precariously, improvising, seeking to run the speedies of periodic tidal waves of movement, historian Carey McWilliams wrote in California: The Great Exception.
McWilliams work was published in 1949, but it is just like it could have come out just last week.
Jerry Brown: two seconds shot at participating in the state
Jerry Brown began his first two consecutive expressions as a 36 -year-old in 1975. His second two words in bureau will finish in 2019, when he is 80. Photograph: Max Whittaker for the Guardian
No one alive in California today can claim to have a better understanding of the states recent wander, its ebbs and its overflows, than Brown, its longest-serving governor.
He began his first two consecutive periods as a 36 -year-old in 1975. His second two periods in bureau will finish in 2019, when he is 80.
I have this experience of sitting in the same room, with the same openings, looking out at the place there in the Capital Park, and the retention of what was relevant then, he said.
All of which can lead to a certain deja vu.
Asked about the idea of having rendering all citizens an unconditional, universal income a thought currently in vogue in Silicon Valley, where it is taken for granted that robots will render most activities defunct Brown looked a little weary.
Thats called a demi-grant, he responded. Thats what George McGovern proposed in the 1972 expedition. It didnt go over very well.
When it comes to financial affairs, Browns prudence is well established. No historic hertz appears to irked him more than Californias habit of lurching from economic good times to bad, from boom to bust.
After evidencing how economic catastrophes delivered down predecessors such as Davis and Schwarzenegger, Brown has made the prudent stewardship of state commerces his hallmark.
Jerry Brown is affirmed in as California governor on 6 January 1975. Photograph: AP
Through a combination of spending sections, good fortune and levy grows, Brown has obliterated the $27 bn lack. He has done so while determining drastic goals to reduce Californias carbon emissions and is enjoying notoriety ratings that are the envy of many rival ministers.
I think our success is a refutation of the individuals who announce climate change investments retard their own economies, he answered.
Now the books are balanced, and legislators in his own Democratic party are calling for more spending on social programs.
But the minister, who recently signed a constitution that will increase Californias minimum wage to $15 an hour in six years old, is counselling limited. He argues that a recent immerse in tax revenues underscores the need to prepare for what could be another economic downturn.
When youre at the end of a business repetition, theres a great deal of money, and youve had a record of a lot of money so youre exceedingly acclimated to having coin, so it is very hard to say in the middle of that Oh, halt, gives slow down, makes save, he remarked, justifying the reluctance of his adversaries. It doesnt feel right.
Brown claimed to be unaware of the chorus of headache among venture capitalists and analysts in Silicon Valley. They worry that 16 years after the first dotcom bubble burst, the tech economy, the modern machine of proliferation in California, is once again contracting.
I havent heard often about it but it wouldnt surprised to see me, he said.
Brown urges fortitude when it comes to the two major infrastructure projects he hopes will define his gift tunnels to convey irrigate to agricultural parts of the state parched by drought, and an ambitious high-speed rail line.
He seemed unfazed by PayPal billionaire Elon Musks proposed Hyperloop a pneumatic tube to ferry fares between San Francisco and Los Angeles for a tenth of the cost of a high-speed rail system
Thats vaporware, Brown did, utilizing tech shorthand for a commodity that isnt “re ready for” public consumption. And by the way, theyre different things: arent you in a little thing “goin ” a vacuum tube? Thats not the same as gazing out the window, socializing with your neighbour, is it?
Brown strove the Democratic nomination for chairman three times in his career in 1976, 1980 and 1992 and was mooted as a formidable candidate this year, too.
His most successful move was against Bill Clinton, although it famously descended into bitterness.
His populist, grassroots expedition railed against commerce copes such as Nafta, called for a living wage and promised reform of a debase expedition investment system.
Sounds familiar, doesnt it? Brown supposed, alluding to Bernie Sanders leftwing range, which has ignited a radical basi of voters. I reckon I even said the 1 %.
Brown had not endorsed potential candidates in the Democratic primary when he was interviewed by the Guardian last-place month.
But last week, he opted to endorse Hillary Clinton.
It was a subdued blurb, following a private meeting with his former adversary, Bill Clinton. He prepared the bulletin in an open letter to Democrats that praised Sanders as much as Clinton, and portrayed his decision as training exercises in political pragmatism rather than any attraction for the Democratic frontrunner.
Governor Brown endorsed Clinton for the 2016 election in an open letter to Democrat. Image: Max Whittaker for the Guardian
This is no time for Democrat to save pushing one another, Brown wrote, after please explain how insurmountable Clintons precede was and warning of the consequences of a Donald Trump presidency. The general election has already begun.
Brown argues that Trumps political candidacy repeats the narrative of his TV prove The Apprentice.
Only this time the real estate baron says youre burnt not to a rival, Brown alleges, but to the the fail status quo, in Washington, in the economy, in the world.
The experience of an unconventional nominee with fame plead erupting the populist barrage is not a brand-new one for Brown. Both of his stints as California governor identified him oust actors-turned-politicians Reagan in 1975 and Schwarzenegger in 2011.
People emphatically like performers, Brown pronounced. After Pat Brown, people choose Ronald Reagan After Davis was remembered, they opt for Arnold People like a good show.
Gray Davis: The troubles are far more severe now
Gray Davis is a strong benefactor of Hillary Clintons presidential attempt. Image: Dan Tuffs for the Guardian
Until this years expected contest between Clinton and Trump, it has been hard to find two candidates as different from each other as Gray Davis and Arnold Hasta la vista, newborn Schwarzenegger.
Davis is punishment and moderate, cautious and exceedingly low-key. After stints as commonwealth controller and lieutenant minister, he was viewed, in the words of San Jose Mercury News political writer Phil Trounstine, as perhaps the best trained governor-in-waiting that California has ever produced.
As one California columnist placed it in a piece about possible presidential candidates to post up against the then chairperson George W Bush: Dont be surprised if, sometime in early 2003, Democratic seeings turn to Sacramento. Gray Davis is as conceivable successful candidates as anyone.
But the special poll break short Davis second expression, stillness all talk of a 2004 presidential bid and throw a Hollywood action star in its term of office. Davis became the second largest superintendent in American history to be recalled.
The main similarity between 2003 and 2016, Davis said, is anger.
Voters who support Sanders and Trump are ferocious at an oblivious political class and an economy that has helped the few while leaving the many behind. Thirteen years ago, Californians seethed over a $38 bn country budget deficit and an electricity crisis that dimmed illuminates while helping Enron.
We had some plan topics, Davis said with characteristic understatement during a 90 -minute interview in his Century City office. We had the energy crisis. I envision people were disappointed. But that kind of sallows in comparison with what I guess Americas going through now.
The state unemployment rate when Davis was governor peaked at 7 %. As the Great Recession ended, it crested 12% before drooping to a preliminary reading of 5. 3% this past April. Although millions of people are back to work in California and throughout the country, the gap between rich and poor has enlarged, and good, middle-class undertakings are hard to find.
I think the problems are far more severe now because of technology dislocating enterprises, in part because of busines agreements, Davis said. There are more and more Americans, be they college developed or not, they cant find fulfilling handiwork. And that is a big problem.
Gray Davis impounds two handgun during a 1999 press conference where he reaffirmed support for legislation that would rehabilitated the country disallow on military-style assault artilleries. Photograph: Nick Ut/ AP
Finding meaningful engaging for those craving work is among the biggest challenges facing California, tells the soft-spoken 73 -year-old. Another one? Moving sure those jobseekers are equipped to survive in a rapidly changing world.
Were the dwelling of Silicon Valley, and a lot of this technological change flows from our district, Davis said. So I think we have an obligation as national societies Silicon Valley is under the obligation, as well as state and federal government to figure out, OK, if we employ beings out of work, what is it they can do? And how can we be part of helping them?
Effective vocational training is the first phase, Davis said, but it cant be some rinky-dinky program, unless it leads to a undertaking thats meaningful.
Virginia is one possible representation. Ninth-graders in the Old Dominion are told early in the school year what occupations are available in their region and what courses they should take to be hired, he remarked. High school juniors and seniors are linked up with prospective employers.
So even if you dont going to see college, “youre seeing”, Im graduating and maybe theres a home I can go, Davis said. Even the most sophisticated business have computers and machines which are required to be serviced. Those are about $90,000, $100,000[ a year] jobs.
Among those he has lobbied, often, is Hillary Clinton, whom he describes as being in total agreement.
Davis is a strong backer of Clintons presidential offer. She might not be the worlds best activist, he acknowledges, an honor that goes to her husband. But she is as qualified a person as has ever run for the presidency.
There they are in a framed photo on the wall of his very nifty role: Davis to the left, his “hairs-breadth” a little more blond than grey-haired, Clinton in the middle and Univision chairman Haim Saban to the right. The photo dates from 2008 when the former head and the billionaire mega donor backed her first run for the Oval Office. Both are in her reces again.
Pete Wilson: We have been losing tasks at a ghastly frequency for a very long time
Pete Wilson tells demographics are largely to blame for the shrinking California GOP. Picture: Dan Tuffs for the Guardian
Many point to Pete Wilson and Proposition 187 to explain the collapse of the California Republican party.
When he was elected head in 1990, the GOP claimed 39% of the states registered voters. That illustration has removed more than 11 percentage points since.
But the 82 -year-old Republican calls such a characterization the myth that has been promoted aggressively by the people who are for illegal migration, and Im not talking about the immigrants. Im talking about the smart pols and the people they employed to promote that.
Proposition 187, which sought to barroom undocumented immigrants from services such as education and non-emergency medical aid, guided with 59% of the voting in 1994, Wilson greenbacks, a feat that could not have occurred without the support of registered Democrats. It was later tossed out by a federal adjudicator.
The measure, a cornerstone of his re-election campaign, facilitated Wilson win a come-from-behind race. At the time, he pledged to serve his full second period. When he announced in 1995 that he had a duty to run for chairman, he angered many of his loyal donors. After merely six months, he lowered out of the hasten, his safarus$ 1m in debt.
When Pete Wilson was elected in 1990 the GOP claimed 39% of the states registered voters. That has descent more than 11 percentage points. Photograph: Gary Stewart/ AP
The vote for 187 greatly surpassed the Republican registration, Wilson alleged. And, in fact, when[ then chairperson Bill] Clinton and[ then vice-president Al] Gore came here and were being very righteous, I spoke, Well, if “youve been” think thats true, I have to remind you of something. The be voting in favour of 187 enormously outperformed the vote for Clinton-Gore. And I dont think it was a cluster of Republicans voting for Clinton-Gore.
The way Wilson sees it, demographics are primarily to blame for the wince California GOP , not Prop 187.
In 1990, the population stands at merely under 30 million, with 57% of inhabitants white-hot and 25% Latino. By 1 July 2014, Latinos had officially hummed out lily-whites as the most significant ethnic group in California; out of 38.8 million people at the time, 14.99 million were Latino and 14.92 million were white.
In addition, Wilson told, a lot of beings have moved out of California who were Republicans. They have moved to Montana, Texas. Theyve moved into Nevada Part of “its by” people left when their jobs left. And “weve been” losing errands at a afraid frequency for a very long time.
The former marine said that when he flip his support behind 187, “hes taking” the greatest agony not to be misconstrue about its own position. The evaluate is not about race, he said then and reiterates now, but preferably about the principles of the rule of statute. Those who come to this generous nation legally should enjoy its benefits; those who crack the laws and regulations should not.
Wilson backings Trumps plan to build a wall along the Mexican borderline but says that it should be part physical structure, component sensory technology, persona beefed up law enforcement personnel. Until such a wall is completed, he enunciated, there should be no mass evictions of undocumented people.
Pete Wilson does push-ups while actor Arnold Schwarzenegger claps him on during a 1991 trip to promote physical fitness to school children. Image: Rich Pedroncelli/ AP
The problem of illegal immigration highlights what Wilson views as one of Californias most serious problems: the influence of labor unions.
Youve get those who live in the darkness, he said in a wide-ranging interview that lasted more than two hours. And it has been encouraged, frankly, by the Democratic party and, God knows, by the public employee solidarities, who see that as a source of new membership, brand-new dues and be retained in superpower politically, indefinitely, with a permanent majority of illegal immigrants.
Unions, he mentioned, are behind yet another challenge facing California resurrecting the public institutions organization which we have been dumbing down for years.
Despite Trumps tough talk on immigration, the billionaire was not Wilsons choice for Republican presidential nominee. He was third, behind Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who submitted out precisely three days after Wilson endorsed him.
Cruzs departure rendered Trump the presumptive GOP nominee, a fact that left many establishment Republicans like Wilson bewildered.
I have to laugh to keep from crying, he said.
That is a damning reaction to the presumptive Republican nominee and his takeover of the GOP. Still, Wilson “ve never” sat out a presidential election, and he doesnt plan to start now.
Asked if he would endorse Trump, Wilson responded: I think so The stakes are simply too high.
The post California changin ‘: three heads assure biography be replicated in state’s primary appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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tumblunni · 7 years
Oh mannnn Rune Factory why are you so good at making friendships feel so genuine with fictional characters Like, it legit is good therapy when you’re lonely! It just leaves you with this contented feeling. And they somehow managed to achieve it through doing like basically nothing?? Its so good because they leave the options open for you to form your own fanficcy thoughts! There is SO MUCH of that! The characters’s AI wandering around the town doing random stuff and occasionally bumping into each other and having a short emoticon conversation like in the sims. That’s just so weirdly theraputic to watch, its like watching an aquarium?? And so many fanfic ideas when the ‘conversation’ is something interesting with an interesting combination of characters. What would happen if Porcoline flirted with Leon! What exactly was forte doing carrying that melon? SO MANY IDEAS!! And then like... i DO wish that you could do more stuff with the characters when you’re paired up, but its still really cute and friendshippy to just be paired up while doing everything, even the characters never aknowledge it or join in. You can imagine what would happen if they did, cos they have such well-developed personalities! It feels like having a fun afternoon with two of your friends doing [insert thing here], and then when you pair up with just one character you kinda somehow feel its a bit more intimate and wanna impress them?? like, I know now that characters dont gain any friendship points for fighting together even though fighting together is the one thing they actually can do together. But I still just HAVE to go find my two faves and fight together with them! Every time! Whether its a plot event or exploring together or collecting items together! porcoline, help me go pick mushrooms, u is the chef~! It would be so cool if they got given passive skills that had bonuses to certain things and levelled up as their friendship increases!! Like Porcoline actually does increase the probability of food items dropping from monsters. And just AAAAAA why do I have to go grab a character and pair up before I do work, even when I know the game doesnt aknowledge anything thats happening with gameplay. You give me the opportunity to put anyone in my party when their schedule is free, and even if there is ABSOLUTELY NO BOON TO THIS CTION I still wanna sit outside arthur’s office like a lovesick puppy waiting to give him his morning packed lunch and then take him with me to till the farm and craft eyeglasses. And I wanna take Dylas to go fishing!! I was so lucky once that I arrived at the beach when his Daily Randomized Action actually was fishing, and I could pretend we were fishing together with friendship~! He doesnt fish too when he’s in your party when you fish :P And then the only actual interaction that they do have is sometimes giving you gifts when you talk to them, same as when you talk to them when theyre sitting as static npcs in their house. But AGAIN it just makes me fanfic and roleplay that me and this character are having a fun day doing [action] and then what silly antics would occur if they gave me [randomized present] at this moment! And sometimes the choice of dialogue and present clashes hilariously, and sometimes it works so well to make it extra heartwarming! like Porcoline gave me a present on HIS OWN BIRTHDAY! i came along and gave him is present and he gave me one back, its like NOOOOO U R TOO NICE THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS!! And i know it was just randomized chance but it was so in-character that it made me smile! Also I know that any extra presents you give them after the first present don’t make any difference to your friendship points, but I felt so bad that I didn’t have anything Doug likes for his birthday so I gave him like five neutral gifts. And AGAIN the game doesnt actually aknowledge when you give someone a weapon you’ve fully built up to level 10 but I always feel so happy doing that with my main weapon when i gain a new one, i have to give it to someone else who could use it. Porco had my super strong gale edge that I won from the first harvest competition and used for half the game, and its so neat that they actually do use the weapon you give them! WE STRONGE DUAL BLADE BUDDIES BEING STRONGE! (tho then I managed to craft the leek blades that are super good for porco so now he’s got those) And BTW its so funny cute that Porcoline has a self-healing ‘spell’ that’s literally just him eating a sandwich mid-battle. As far as I know he’s the only npc who can mimic the player’s item-using animation, nobody has an actual inventory when theyre travelling with you. Oh and Clorica can do the same but different! She can mimic the player’s sleeping action and fall asleep on the ground to recover her HP. I love in-character npc-only variants of skills, thats such a cute idea! Tho I kinda wish I could hack them onto my character to replace the default Cure, lol! Oh and AAAAA I like.. skipped the entirety of Fall?? I hit 8 hearts with Arthur at the beginning and didn’t realise that the game glitches out and won’t let you confess if the character is part of a Town Event. Arthur had one dialogue line in Forte’s quest to ride an elephant, so he didnt show up when he asked to meet me and I thought I’d been stood up but then he acted like I’D stood him up?? And he was stuck in a dialogue loop of ‘I have something to tell you now- I CANT TALK RIGHT NOW’ and then when the town event ws over he was mad at me and wouldnt accept a second confession until he hit 9 hearts. So I literally did nothing every day for a month but hang with arthur and hug him and give him gifts, blazing through to 9 hearts at ridiculous stubborn speed! i felt so bad that all the other characters are sad you havent talked to them in 15 days :P But I was happy that I finally got a second chance to confess PRECISELY on the 1st of Winter, and we had heartwarming cuddles in the freshly fallen snow. And then i was too tired from staying up all night romancing a fictional taxkeeper so I saved the game and passed out. OH, but not until after I added Arthur to my party and just skipped around the snowy town with him for ten minutes! I gave him an umbrella and pretended the two characters were having a romantic walk underneath it. I AM SO ON THE SHIPPING TRAIN, MY GUYS! I cant believe I came here for the two monster boys and got attatched to mr normal nerdman prince before I even had a chance to see either of their events :P I wanted to maybe try seeing all the relationship events with all the batchelors but I just felt so guilty like I was cheating on arthur, cos he was the one I picked first... Man, i shoulda saved picking a boyfriend til the endgame and then made three savefiles to see them all :P BUT I AM STILL HAPPY WITH ARTHUR!!! soft man, walking hug nerd in a snuggie my character’s dream boy When a game can provoke such attatchment to the love interests in a completely asexual player then u kno u done rite NOBODY IS SEXY BUT EVERYBODY IS SOMEONE I WANNA SEE SMILING Let me resolve your plotline arthur I want you to have a happy marriage You can hug all my pet monsters and i’ll make you turnip stew every morning and AAAAAA I love learning what everyone loves, i love that arthur is one of the ones with many different fave presents. He likes turnips and new spectacles and cute fluffy things! And Dylas likes fish and carrots and milk he has THREE FAVOURITE FOODS, what a cutie!! And Dolce likes tea and sweets and hot chocolate aka THE PERFECT FUSION OF BOTH. And also she’s started liking medicine and doctor-related gifts after being adopted by the cute doctor couple, its so sweet she’s aspiring to be like them!! And porcoline eats literally all my cooking crafting successes and I wouldnt have it any other way!! and AAAA you can give people HATS and they WEAR YOUR HATS so you can see arthur actually change glasses when you give him new ones and porco wears ribbons on his hat that already exists and these two have been my party for LIKE FOREVER and I love them and i totally headcanon arthur seeing porcoline like a dad since they started working together! He has sad dialogues about how he had a bad relationship with the king and how he was raised entirely by servants, so porcoline reminds him of that. And cute stories like how when he was working late at night he walked outside his door and there was a mysterious homecooked meal out of nowhere. yeah porcoline TOTALLY made a midnight snack and just forgot not to eat it, suuuuure! porco is always trying to trick him into taking care of himself, its so damn sweet!! And you get similar dialogues from everyone else working at the restaurant and just GAHHH forever headcanoning arthur and dylas as Official Adopted Members Of The De Saint-Coquille Noble Bloodline. I wish they had more interactions together tho, even if they arent like brothers its odd that two people working together each day dont talk much about each other. BUT SERIOUSLY porco is like.. he adopted a friggin horse monster and THE PRINCE OF THE COUNTRY. Sorry king u messed up dadding, he is mine now. Also: the wild wilderness of a monster temple is no place for a young boy. U come gain some employment as a well-paid waiter and also my son! I ain’t care that you’re slightly a unicorn! THEYRE ALL JUST SUCH NICE PEOPLE AAA I wanna be like ‘plz let me marry your son’ to porcoline, i wanna join the fam as a daughter in law. I’m not REMOTELY interested in being the princess, I just wanna be a new member of the restaurant peoples!! Aaaaa I cant stop rambling about how much i love this game and these characters!! And I;ve only even really started befriending this small chunk of the characters, who knows if I’ll get even more rambley about the others!!!! I just love love love that you can put them in your party at any time and drag them along to do everything and PRETEND WE ARE HAVING FAMILY BONDING ACTIVITIES BECAUSE I ADORE YOU ALL
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
California changin ‘: three heads assure biography be replicated in state’s primary
Exclusive: on the day of the Golden States vote, we hear from Jerry Brown, Gray Davis and Pete Wilson, three living governors who could have been president
Jerry Brown sat beside a glittering swimming pool at the governors mansion, having exactly browsed a batch of California newspapers in the spring sunshine.
The articles were now folded and stacked on a table. The superintendent searched a little bored. History isnt a big topic in the majority newspapers, he said.
Brown is a big thinker, never willingly constrained by the borders of his regime.
During an interview at his Sacramento residence that lasted close to an hour, he testified more interest in issues that reside chairwomen than ministers: climate change, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, the buildup of Nato units along the Russian margin, the global economy.
Look at Brazil, Chile, France, Ukraine, Poland theres a lot of miserable folk out there, he supposed. Weve had a period of wealth. A mint of beings are well-situated. But a lot of other people arent. Therein is the debate. Can the center accommodate? Can leader rise to the opportunity?
Brown is one of three living California governors, including his predecessors Gray Davis and Pete Wilson, who once had a shot at occupying the White House.( Arnold Schwarzenegger, a naturalized citizen, is not eligible to operate; George Deukmejian evidenced minimal those who are interested in national bureau .)
In extended sit-downs with the Guardian, Brown, Davis and Wilson offered sharply vying perceptions of the challenges facing California and the presidential candidates who have been crisscrossing the Golden State in the lead-up to the states presidential primary on Tuesday.
Yet both Brown and his two predecessors exposed, in different ways, an feeling about the tempo of change in the position they determined, collectively, for four decades.
The objections that face Californias heads eclipse those of heads of state of many countries. Major a matter that baffle world policymakers are decanted to their quintessence here: income inequality, climate change, globalization, technological disturbance.
The state has a population bigger than Canadas and an economy among the top 10 in “the worlds” up there with Japan, the UK, Germany and India thrust forward by a relentless thirst for innovation.
The state is always off balance, elongating itself precariously, improvising, seeking to run the speedies of periodic tidal waves of movement, historian Carey McWilliams wrote in California: The Great Exception.
McWilliams work was published in 1949, but it is just like it could have come out just last week.
Jerry Brown: two seconds shot at participating in the state
Jerry Brown began his first two consecutive expressions as a 36 -year-old in 1975. His second two words in bureau will finish in 2019, when he is 80. Photograph: Max Whittaker for the Guardian
No one alive in California today can claim to have a better understanding of the states recent wander, its ebbs and its overflows, than Brown, its longest-serving governor.
He began his first two consecutive periods as a 36 -year-old in 1975. His second two periods in bureau will finish in 2019, when he is 80.
I have this experience of sitting in the same room, with the same openings, looking out at the place there in the Capital Park, and the retention of what was relevant then, he said.
All of which can lead to a certain deja vu.
Asked about the idea of having rendering all citizens an unconditional, universal income a thought currently in vogue in Silicon Valley, where it is taken for granted that robots will render most activities defunct Brown looked a little weary.
Thats called a demi-grant, he responded. Thats what George McGovern proposed in the 1972 expedition. It didnt go over very well.
When it comes to financial affairs, Browns prudence is well established. No historic hertz appears to irked him more than Californias habit of lurching from economic good times to bad, from boom to bust.
After evidencing how economic catastrophes delivered down predecessors such as Davis and Schwarzenegger, Brown has made the prudent stewardship of state commerces his hallmark.
Jerry Brown is affirmed in as California governor on 6 January 1975. Photograph: AP
Through a combination of spending sections, good fortune and levy grows, Brown has obliterated the $27 bn lack. He has done so while determining drastic goals to reduce Californias carbon emissions and is enjoying notoriety ratings that are the envy of many rival ministers.
I think our success is a refutation of the individuals who announce climate change investments retard their own economies, he answered.
Now the books are balanced, and legislators in his own Democratic party are calling for more spending on social programs.
But the minister, who recently signed a constitution that will increase Californias minimum wage to $15 an hour in six years old, is counselling limited. He argues that a recent immerse in tax revenues underscores the need to prepare for what could be another economic downturn.
When youre at the end of a business repetition, theres a great deal of money, and youve had a record of a lot of money so youre exceedingly acclimated to having coin, so it is very hard to say in the middle of that Oh, halt, gives slow down, makes save, he remarked, justifying the reluctance of his adversaries. It doesnt feel right.
Brown claimed to be unaware of the chorus of headache among venture capitalists and analysts in Silicon Valley. They worry that 16 years after the first dotcom bubble burst, the tech economy, the modern machine of proliferation in California, is once again contracting.
I havent heard often about it but it wouldnt surprised to see me, he said.
Brown urges fortitude when it comes to the two major infrastructure projects he hopes will define his gift tunnels to convey irrigate to agricultural parts of the state parched by drought, and an ambitious high-speed rail line.
He seemed unfazed by PayPal billionaire Elon Musks proposed Hyperloop a pneumatic tube to ferry fares between San Francisco and Los Angeles for a tenth of the cost of a high-speed rail system
Thats vaporware, Brown did, utilizing tech shorthand for a commodity that isnt “re ready for” public consumption. And by the way, theyre different things: arent you in a little thing “goin ” a vacuum tube? Thats not the same as gazing out the window, socializing with your neighbour, is it?
Brown strove the Democratic nomination for chairman three times in his career in 1976, 1980 and 1992 and was mooted as a formidable candidate this year, too.
His most successful move was against Bill Clinton, although it famously descended into bitterness.
His populist, grassroots expedition railed against commerce copes such as Nafta, called for a living wage and promised reform of a debase expedition investment system.
Sounds familiar, doesnt it? Brown supposed, alluding to Bernie Sanders leftwing range, which has ignited a radical basi of voters. I reckon I even said the 1 %.
Brown had not endorsed potential candidates in the Democratic primary when he was interviewed by the Guardian last-place month.
But last week, he opted to endorse Hillary Clinton.
It was a subdued blurb, following a private meeting with his former adversary, Bill Clinton. He prepared the bulletin in an open letter to Democrats that praised Sanders as much as Clinton, and portrayed his decision as training exercises in political pragmatism rather than any attraction for the Democratic frontrunner.
Governor Brown endorsed Clinton for the 2016 election in an open letter to Democrat. Image: Max Whittaker for the Guardian
This is no time for Democrat to save pushing one another, Brown wrote, after please explain how insurmountable Clintons precede was and warning of the consequences of a Donald Trump presidency. The general election has already begun.
Brown argues that Trumps political candidacy repeats the narrative of his TV prove The Apprentice.
Only this time the real estate baron says youre burnt not to a rival, Brown alleges, but to the the fail status quo, in Washington, in the economy, in the world.
The experience of an unconventional nominee with fame plead erupting the populist barrage is not a brand-new one for Brown. Both of his stints as California governor identified him oust actors-turned-politicians Reagan in 1975 and Schwarzenegger in 2011.
People emphatically like performers, Brown pronounced. After Pat Brown, people choose Ronald Reagan After Davis was remembered, they opt for Arnold People like a good show.
Gray Davis: The troubles are far more severe now
Gray Davis is a strong benefactor of Hillary Clintons presidential attempt. Image: Dan Tuffs for the Guardian
Until this years expected contest between Clinton and Trump, it has been hard to find two candidates as different from each other as Gray Davis and Arnold Hasta la vista, newborn Schwarzenegger.
Davis is punishment and moderate, cautious and exceedingly low-key. After stints as commonwealth controller and lieutenant minister, he was viewed, in the words of San Jose Mercury News political writer Phil Trounstine, as perhaps the best trained governor-in-waiting that California has ever produced.
As one California columnist placed it in a piece about possible presidential candidates to post up against the then chairperson George W Bush: Dont be surprised if, sometime in early 2003, Democratic seeings turn to Sacramento. Gray Davis is as conceivable successful candidates as anyone.
But the special poll break short Davis second expression, stillness all talk of a 2004 presidential bid and throw a Hollywood action star in its term of office. Davis became the second largest superintendent in American history to be recalled.
The main similarity between 2003 and 2016, Davis said, is anger.
Voters who support Sanders and Trump are ferocious at an oblivious political class and an economy that has helped the few while leaving the many behind. Thirteen years ago, Californians seethed over a $38 bn country budget deficit and an electricity crisis that dimmed illuminates while helping Enron.
We had some plan topics, Davis said with characteristic understatement during a 90 -minute interview in his Century City office. We had the energy crisis. I envision people were disappointed. But that kind of sallows in comparison with what I guess Americas going through now.
The state unemployment rate when Davis was governor peaked at 7 %. As the Great Recession ended, it crested 12% before drooping to a preliminary reading of 5. 3% this past April. Although millions of people are back to work in California and throughout the country, the gap between rich and poor has enlarged, and good, middle-class undertakings are hard to find.
I think the problems are far more severe now because of technology dislocating enterprises, in part because of busines agreements, Davis said. There are more and more Americans, be they college developed or not, they cant find fulfilling handiwork. And that is a big problem.
Gray Davis impounds two handgun during a 1999 press conference where he reaffirmed support for legislation that would rehabilitated the country disallow on military-style assault artilleries. Photograph: Nick Ut/ AP
Finding meaningful engaging for those craving work is among the biggest challenges facing California, tells the soft-spoken 73 -year-old. Another one? Moving sure those jobseekers are equipped to survive in a rapidly changing world.
Were the dwelling of Silicon Valley, and a lot of this technological change flows from our district, Davis said. So I think we have an obligation as national societies Silicon Valley is under the obligation, as well as state and federal government to figure out, OK, if we employ beings out of work, what is it they can do? And how can we be part of helping them?
Effective vocational training is the first phase, Davis said, but it cant be some rinky-dinky program, unless it leads to a undertaking thats meaningful.
Virginia is one possible representation. Ninth-graders in the Old Dominion are told early in the school year what occupations are available in their region and what courses they should take to be hired, he remarked. High school juniors and seniors are linked up with prospective employers.
So even if you dont going to see college, “youre seeing”, Im graduating and maybe theres a home I can go, Davis said. Even the most sophisticated business have computers and machines which are required to be serviced. Those are about $90,000, $100,000[ a year] jobs.
Among those he has lobbied, often, is Hillary Clinton, whom he describes as being in total agreement.
Davis is a strong backer of Clintons presidential offer. She might not be the worlds best activist, he acknowledges, an honor that goes to her husband. But she is as qualified a person as has ever run for the presidency.
There they are in a framed photo on the wall of his very nifty role: Davis to the left, his “hairs-breadth” a little more blond than grey-haired, Clinton in the middle and Univision chairman Haim Saban to the right. The photo dates from 2008 when the former head and the billionaire mega donor backed her first run for the Oval Office. Both are in her reces again.
Pete Wilson: We have been losing tasks at a ghastly frequency for a very long time
Pete Wilson tells demographics are largely to blame for the shrinking California GOP. Picture: Dan Tuffs for the Guardian
Many point to Pete Wilson and Proposition 187 to explain the collapse of the California Republican party.
When he was elected head in 1990, the GOP claimed 39% of the states registered voters. That illustration has removed more than 11 percentage points since.
But the 82 -year-old Republican calls such a characterization the myth that has been promoted aggressively by the people who are for illegal migration, and Im not talking about the immigrants. Im talking about the smart pols and the people they employed to promote that.
Proposition 187, which sought to barroom undocumented immigrants from services such as education and non-emergency medical aid, guided with 59% of the voting in 1994, Wilson greenbacks, a feat that could not have occurred without the support of registered Democrats. It was later tossed out by a federal adjudicator.
The measure, a cornerstone of his re-election campaign, facilitated Wilson win a come-from-behind race. At the time, he pledged to serve his full second period. When he announced in 1995 that he had a duty to run for chairman, he angered many of his loyal donors. After merely six months, he lowered out of the hasten, his safarus$ 1m in debt.
When Pete Wilson was elected in 1990 the GOP claimed 39% of the states registered voters. That has descent more than 11 percentage points. Photograph: Gary Stewart/ AP
The vote for 187 greatly surpassed the Republican registration, Wilson alleged. And, in fact, when[ then chairperson Bill] Clinton and[ then vice-president Al] Gore came here and were being very righteous, I spoke, Well, if “youve been” think thats true, I have to remind you of something. The be voting in favour of 187 enormously outperformed the vote for Clinton-Gore. And I dont think it was a cluster of Republicans voting for Clinton-Gore.
The way Wilson sees it, demographics are primarily to blame for the wince California GOP , not Prop 187.
In 1990, the population stands at merely under 30 million, with 57% of inhabitants white-hot and 25% Latino. By 1 July 2014, Latinos had officially hummed out lily-whites as the most significant ethnic group in California; out of 38.8 million people at the time, 14.99 million were Latino and 14.92 million were white.
In addition, Wilson told, a lot of beings have moved out of California who were Republicans. They have moved to Montana, Texas. Theyve moved into Nevada Part of “its by” people left when their jobs left. And “weve been” losing errands at a afraid frequency for a very long time.
The former marine said that when he flip his support behind 187, “hes taking” the greatest agony not to be misconstrue about its own position. The evaluate is not about race, he said then and reiterates now, but preferably about the principles of the rule of statute. Those who come to this generous nation legally should enjoy its benefits; those who crack the laws and regulations should not.
Wilson backings Trumps plan to build a wall along the Mexican borderline but says that it should be part physical structure, component sensory technology, persona beefed up law enforcement personnel. Until such a wall is completed, he enunciated, there should be no mass evictions of undocumented people.
Pete Wilson does push-ups while actor Arnold Schwarzenegger claps him on during a 1991 trip to promote physical fitness to school children. Image: Rich Pedroncelli/ AP
The problem of illegal immigration highlights what Wilson views as one of Californias most serious problems: the influence of labor unions.
Youve get those who live in the darkness, he said in a wide-ranging interview that lasted more than two hours. And it has been encouraged, frankly, by the Democratic party and, God knows, by the public employee solidarities, who see that as a source of new membership, brand-new dues and be retained in superpower politically, indefinitely, with a permanent majority of illegal immigrants.
Unions, he mentioned, are behind yet another challenge facing California resurrecting the public institutions organization which we have been dumbing down for years.
Despite Trumps tough talk on immigration, the billionaire was not Wilsons choice for Republican presidential nominee. He was third, behind Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who submitted out precisely three days after Wilson endorsed him.
Cruzs departure rendered Trump the presumptive GOP nominee, a fact that left many establishment Republicans like Wilson bewildered.
I have to laugh to keep from crying, he said.
That is a damning reaction to the presumptive Republican nominee and his takeover of the GOP. Still, Wilson “ve never” sat out a presidential election, and he doesnt plan to start now.
Asked if he would endorse Trump, Wilson responded: I think so The stakes are simply too high.
The post California changin ‘: three heads assure biography be replicated in state’s primary appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
California changin ‘: three heads assure biography be replicated in state’s primary
Exclusive: on the day of the Golden States vote, we hear from Jerry Brown, Gray Davis and Pete Wilson, three living governors who could have been president
Jerry Brown sat beside a glittering swimming pool at the governors mansion, having exactly browsed a batch of California newspapers in the spring sunshine.
The articles were now folded and stacked on a table. The superintendent searched a little bored. History isnt a big topic in the majority newspapers, he said.
Brown is a big thinker, never willingly constrained by the borders of his regime.
During an interview at his Sacramento residence that lasted close to an hour, he testified more interest in issues that reside chairwomen than ministers: climate change, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, the buildup of Nato units along the Russian margin, the global economy.
Look at Brazil, Chile, France, Ukraine, Poland theres a lot of miserable folk out there, he supposed. Weve had a period of wealth. A mint of beings are well-situated. But a lot of other people arent. Therein is the debate. Can the center accommodate? Can leader rise to the opportunity?
Brown is one of three living California governors, including his predecessors Gray Davis and Pete Wilson, who once had a shot at occupying the White House.( Arnold Schwarzenegger, a naturalized citizen, is not eligible to operate; George Deukmejian evidenced minimal those who are interested in national bureau .)
In extended sit-downs with the Guardian, Brown, Davis and Wilson offered sharply vying perceptions of the challenges facing California and the presidential candidates who have been crisscrossing the Golden State in the lead-up to the states presidential primary on Tuesday.
Yet both Brown and his two predecessors exposed, in different ways, an feeling about the tempo of change in the position they determined, collectively, for four decades.
The objections that face Californias heads eclipse those of heads of state of many countries. Major a matter that baffle world policymakers are decanted to their quintessence here: income inequality, climate change, globalization, technological disturbance.
The state has a population bigger than Canadas and an economy among the top 10 in “the worlds” up there with Japan, the UK, Germany and India thrust forward by a relentless thirst for innovation.
The state is always off balance, elongating itself precariously, improvising, seeking to run the speedies of periodic tidal waves of movement, historian Carey McWilliams wrote in California: The Great Exception.
McWilliams work was published in 1949, but it is just like it could have come out just last week.
Jerry Brown: two seconds shot at participating in the state
Jerry Brown began his first two consecutive expressions as a 36 -year-old in 1975. His second two words in bureau will finish in 2019, when he is 80. Photograph: Max Whittaker for the Guardian
No one alive in California today can claim to have a better understanding of the states recent wander, its ebbs and its overflows, than Brown, its longest-serving governor.
He began his first two consecutive periods as a 36 -year-old in 1975. His second two periods in bureau will finish in 2019, when he is 80.
I have this experience of sitting in the same room, with the same openings, looking out at the place there in the Capital Park, and the retention of what was relevant then, he said.
All of which can lead to a certain deja vu.
Asked about the idea of having rendering all citizens an unconditional, universal income a thought currently in vogue in Silicon Valley, where it is taken for granted that robots will render most activities defunct Brown looked a little weary.
Thats called a demi-grant, he responded. Thats what George McGovern proposed in the 1972 expedition. It didnt go over very well.
When it comes to financial affairs, Browns prudence is well established. No historic hertz appears to irked him more than Californias habit of lurching from economic good times to bad, from boom to bust.
After evidencing how economic catastrophes delivered down predecessors such as Davis and Schwarzenegger, Brown has made the prudent stewardship of state commerces his hallmark.
Jerry Brown is affirmed in as California governor on 6 January 1975. Photograph: AP
Through a combination of spending sections, good fortune and levy grows, Brown has obliterated the $27 bn lack. He has done so while determining drastic goals to reduce Californias carbon emissions and is enjoying notoriety ratings that are the envy of many rival ministers.
I think our success is a refutation of the individuals who announce climate change investments retard their own economies, he answered.
Now the books are balanced, and legislators in his own Democratic party are calling for more spending on social programs.
But the minister, who recently signed a constitution that will increase Californias minimum wage to $15 an hour in six years old, is counselling limited. He argues that a recent immerse in tax revenues underscores the need to prepare for what could be another economic downturn.
When youre at the end of a business repetition, theres a great deal of money, and youve had a record of a lot of money so youre exceedingly acclimated to having coin, so it is very hard to say in the middle of that Oh, halt, gives slow down, makes save, he remarked, justifying the reluctance of his adversaries. It doesnt feel right.
Brown claimed to be unaware of the chorus of headache among venture capitalists and analysts in Silicon Valley. They worry that 16 years after the first dotcom bubble burst, the tech economy, the modern machine of proliferation in California, is once again contracting.
I havent heard often about it but it wouldnt surprised to see me, he said.
Brown urges fortitude when it comes to the two major infrastructure projects he hopes will define his gift tunnels to convey irrigate to agricultural parts of the state parched by drought, and an ambitious high-speed rail line.
He seemed unfazed by PayPal billionaire Elon Musks proposed Hyperloop a pneumatic tube to ferry fares between San Francisco and Los Angeles for a tenth of the cost of a high-speed rail system
Thats vaporware, Brown did, utilizing tech shorthand for a commodity that isnt “re ready for” public consumption. And by the way, theyre different things: arent you in a little thing “goin ” a vacuum tube? Thats not the same as gazing out the window, socializing with your neighbour, is it?
Brown strove the Democratic nomination for chairman three times in his career in 1976, 1980 and 1992 and was mooted as a formidable candidate this year, too.
His most successful move was against Bill Clinton, although it famously descended into bitterness.
His populist, grassroots expedition railed against commerce copes such as Nafta, called for a living wage and promised reform of a debase expedition investment system.
Sounds familiar, doesnt it? Brown supposed, alluding to Bernie Sanders leftwing range, which has ignited a radical basi of voters. I reckon I even said the 1 %.
Brown had not endorsed potential candidates in the Democratic primary when he was interviewed by the Guardian last-place month.
But last week, he opted to endorse Hillary Clinton.
It was a subdued blurb, following a private meeting with his former adversary, Bill Clinton. He prepared the bulletin in an open letter to Democrats that praised Sanders as much as Clinton, and portrayed his decision as training exercises in political pragmatism rather than any attraction for the Democratic frontrunner.
Governor Brown endorsed Clinton for the 2016 election in an open letter to Democrat. Image: Max Whittaker for the Guardian
This is no time for Democrat to save pushing one another, Brown wrote, after please explain how insurmountable Clintons precede was and warning of the consequences of a Donald Trump presidency. The general election has already begun.
Brown argues that Trumps political candidacy repeats the narrative of his TV prove The Apprentice.
Only this time the real estate baron says youre burnt not to a rival, Brown alleges, but to the the fail status quo, in Washington, in the economy, in the world.
The experience of an unconventional nominee with fame plead erupting the populist barrage is not a brand-new one for Brown. Both of his stints as California governor identified him oust actors-turned-politicians Reagan in 1975 and Schwarzenegger in 2011.
People emphatically like performers, Brown pronounced. After Pat Brown, people choose Ronald Reagan After Davis was remembered, they opt for Arnold People like a good show.
Gray Davis: The troubles are far more severe now
Gray Davis is a strong benefactor of Hillary Clintons presidential attempt. Image: Dan Tuffs for the Guardian
Until this years expected contest between Clinton and Trump, it has been hard to find two candidates as different from each other as Gray Davis and Arnold Hasta la vista, newborn Schwarzenegger.
Davis is punishment and moderate, cautious and exceedingly low-key. After stints as commonwealth controller and lieutenant minister, he was viewed, in the words of San Jose Mercury News political writer Phil Trounstine, as perhaps the best trained governor-in-waiting that California has ever produced.
As one California columnist placed it in a piece about possible presidential candidates to post up against the then chairperson George W Bush: Dont be surprised if, sometime in early 2003, Democratic seeings turn to Sacramento. Gray Davis is as conceivable successful candidates as anyone.
But the special poll break short Davis second expression, stillness all talk of a 2004 presidential bid and throw a Hollywood action star in its term of office. Davis became the second largest superintendent in American history to be recalled.
The main similarity between 2003 and 2016, Davis said, is anger.
Voters who support Sanders and Trump are ferocious at an oblivious political class and an economy that has helped the few while leaving the many behind. Thirteen years ago, Californians seethed over a $38 bn country budget deficit and an electricity crisis that dimmed illuminates while helping Enron.
We had some plan topics, Davis said with characteristic understatement during a 90 -minute interview in his Century City office. We had the energy crisis. I envision people were disappointed. But that kind of sallows in comparison with what I guess Americas going through now.
The state unemployment rate when Davis was governor peaked at 7 %. As the Great Recession ended, it crested 12% before drooping to a preliminary reading of 5. 3% this past April. Although millions of people are back to work in California and throughout the country, the gap between rich and poor has enlarged, and good, middle-class undertakings are hard to find.
I think the problems are far more severe now because of technology dislocating enterprises, in part because of busines agreements, Davis said. There are more and more Americans, be they college developed or not, they cant find fulfilling handiwork. And that is a big problem.
Gray Davis impounds two handgun during a 1999 press conference where he reaffirmed support for legislation that would rehabilitated the country disallow on military-style assault artilleries. Photograph: Nick Ut/ AP
Finding meaningful engaging for those craving work is among the biggest challenges facing California, tells the soft-spoken 73 -year-old. Another one? Moving sure those jobseekers are equipped to survive in a rapidly changing world.
Were the dwelling of Silicon Valley, and a lot of this technological change flows from our district, Davis said. So I think we have an obligation as national societies Silicon Valley is under the obligation, as well as state and federal government to figure out, OK, if we employ beings out of work, what is it they can do? And how can we be part of helping them?
Effective vocational training is the first phase, Davis said, but it cant be some rinky-dinky program, unless it leads to a undertaking thats meaningful.
Virginia is one possible representation. Ninth-graders in the Old Dominion are told early in the school year what occupations are available in their region and what courses they should take to be hired, he remarked. High school juniors and seniors are linked up with prospective employers.
So even if you dont going to see college, “youre seeing”, Im graduating and maybe theres a home I can go, Davis said. Even the most sophisticated business have computers and machines which are required to be serviced. Those are about $90,000, $100,000[ a year] jobs.
Among those he has lobbied, often, is Hillary Clinton, whom he describes as being in total agreement.
Davis is a strong backer of Clintons presidential offer. She might not be the worlds best activist, he acknowledges, an honor that goes to her husband. But she is as qualified a person as has ever run for the presidency.
There they are in a framed photo on the wall of his very nifty role: Davis to the left, his “hairs-breadth” a little more blond than grey-haired, Clinton in the middle and Univision chairman Haim Saban to the right. The photo dates from 2008 when the former head and the billionaire mega donor backed her first run for the Oval Office. Both are in her reces again.
Pete Wilson: We have been losing tasks at a ghastly frequency for a very long time
Pete Wilson tells demographics are largely to blame for the shrinking California GOP. Picture: Dan Tuffs for the Guardian
Many point to Pete Wilson and Proposition 187 to explain the collapse of the California Republican party.
When he was elected head in 1990, the GOP claimed 39% of the states registered voters. That illustration has removed more than 11 percentage points since.
But the 82 -year-old Republican calls such a characterization the myth that has been promoted aggressively by the people who are for illegal migration, and Im not talking about the immigrants. Im talking about the smart pols and the people they employed to promote that.
Proposition 187, which sought to barroom undocumented immigrants from services such as education and non-emergency medical aid, guided with 59% of the voting in 1994, Wilson greenbacks, a feat that could not have occurred without the support of registered Democrats. It was later tossed out by a federal adjudicator.
The measure, a cornerstone of his re-election campaign, facilitated Wilson win a come-from-behind race. At the time, he pledged to serve his full second period. When he announced in 1995 that he had a duty to run for chairman, he angered many of his loyal donors. After merely six months, he lowered out of the hasten, his safarus$ 1m in debt.
When Pete Wilson was elected in 1990 the GOP claimed 39% of the states registered voters. That has descent more than 11 percentage points. Photograph: Gary Stewart/ AP
The vote for 187 greatly surpassed the Republican registration, Wilson alleged. And, in fact, when[ then chairperson Bill] Clinton and[ then vice-president Al] Gore came here and were being very righteous, I spoke, Well, if “youve been” think thats true, I have to remind you of something. The be voting in favour of 187 enormously outperformed the vote for Clinton-Gore. And I dont think it was a cluster of Republicans voting for Clinton-Gore.
The way Wilson sees it, demographics are primarily to blame for the wince California GOP , not Prop 187.
In 1990, the population stands at merely under 30 million, with 57% of inhabitants white-hot and 25% Latino. By 1 July 2014, Latinos had officially hummed out lily-whites as the most significant ethnic group in California; out of 38.8 million people at the time, 14.99 million were Latino and 14.92 million were white.
In addition, Wilson told, a lot of beings have moved out of California who were Republicans. They have moved to Montana, Texas. Theyve moved into Nevada Part of “its by” people left when their jobs left. And “weve been” losing errands at a afraid frequency for a very long time.
The former marine said that when he flip his support behind 187, “hes taking” the greatest agony not to be misconstrue about its own position. The evaluate is not about race, he said then and reiterates now, but preferably about the principles of the rule of statute. Those who come to this generous nation legally should enjoy its benefits; those who crack the laws and regulations should not.
Wilson backings Trumps plan to build a wall along the Mexican borderline but says that it should be part physical structure, component sensory technology, persona beefed up law enforcement personnel. Until such a wall is completed, he enunciated, there should be no mass evictions of undocumented people.
Pete Wilson does push-ups while actor Arnold Schwarzenegger claps him on during a 1991 trip to promote physical fitness to school children. Image: Rich Pedroncelli/ AP
The problem of illegal immigration highlights what Wilson views as one of Californias most serious problems: the influence of labor unions.
Youve get those who live in the darkness, he said in a wide-ranging interview that lasted more than two hours. And it has been encouraged, frankly, by the Democratic party and, God knows, by the public employee solidarities, who see that as a source of new membership, brand-new dues and be retained in superpower politically, indefinitely, with a permanent majority of illegal immigrants.
Unions, he mentioned, are behind yet another challenge facing California resurrecting the public institutions organization which we have been dumbing down for years.
Despite Trumps tough talk on immigration, the billionaire was not Wilsons choice for Republican presidential nominee. He was third, behind Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who submitted out precisely three days after Wilson endorsed him.
Cruzs departure rendered Trump the presumptive GOP nominee, a fact that left many establishment Republicans like Wilson bewildered.
I have to laugh to keep from crying, he said.
That is a damning reaction to the presumptive Republican nominee and his takeover of the GOP. Still, Wilson “ve never” sat out a presidential election, and he doesnt plan to start now.
Asked if he would endorse Trump, Wilson responded: I think so The stakes are simply too high.
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