#having a rough patch mentally but what’s new lolol
xxdark-obsessionxx · 2 months
Hey!! I just wanted to know how you're doing?<3
Hi!! I’m doing ok :D <3. I’ve been going insane over the new Tord clip on the ew twitter. I’ve also reawakened my love for yugioh (s0/the early manga) so i’ve been going down the rabbit hole of reading my old writings and trying to find fanfics similar to what i’ve written
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cosmictulips · 3 years
Good time, it's very nice to know you exist 🍵🛶🏰🪔🍯🍯🍯 I'm 18, T, libra sun, leo moon, cap ris. if u could help, that'd be a big thank you
recently I've been feeling kinda shut off from any type of spirituality, universe, can't trust my own mind because i don't want to make things up and go with a lie, not imagination play - a terrible lie to oneself. so, i can only trust others. been asking for a clear sign that i wouldn't doubt for as long as i can remember, and nothing... am i tryna knock on the door that wasn't meant for me? then i don't understand anything. i feel left out of my own life. i try pulling out any advice, but then, my intuition may be just wishful thinking. nothing i ever do comes as i intend. I've let go of logic, of expectations, but it feels like a one way communication. can't remember dreams. locked out of everything and losing hope. i don't think it's a wall i made. i don't want to make up a voice in my head, it is my biggest fear, i want to actually hear one.
so, one question - why am i being unanswered?
pun unintended
thank you in advance, you're very kind.
have a wonderful weekend, and every weekend some good news
Hey Friend =) I truly hope other people see this ask too because I think your ask is very important.  so I hope you don’t mind that I kind of get personal with you.  Truth be told,  I’ve been feeling the exact same way recently.  it’s happened when I was first starting out with the Craft -as I like to call it -  and it happens from time to time.  even now.  these past two weeks have been a wreck for me and it really feels like I haven’t been heard by the universe.  No, not heard.  I’ve been heard.  but to me, it feels like I’ve been deemed unworthy.   
And especially with divination,  reading for myself has always been wrong.  which is why I no longer trust reading for myself.  and I don’t particularly trust it when people say they read for themselves. because too me, how do you know you’re not lying to yourself? I always, always tell people to be careful because the universe can and WILL tell you what you want to hear.  it’s hard approaching divination with a very unbiased, neutral head.  and it’s kind of why I’ve fought some people over their readings.  people only ever project to others and to the univeres what they want. so if I or you were to tell them otherwise, it’s wrong. 
So you’re right to take a step back if it doesn’t feel right to you.  and here’s where I’m going to start contradicting myself a little bit here.  You need to start trusting yourself.  fully, undoubtedly and ruthlessly.  trust yourself so much that people almost think you’re full of arrogance.  and that’s the key word, almost. Be open minded enough to new ideas and to change the way you think of things.  but always, always trust yourself to know what is best for you. Only YOU are going to know the best route to take for yourself. 
I started being answered when I started trusting the guidance that was coming in for me.  I started to notice the little signs at first.  Notice any repeating numbers?  colors?  any certain phrases you hear too often? read too often?  is there an animal or group of animals that tend to show up at odd places?  slowly start to take notice of these things.   Also,  truly dig deep into what you believe in.  if you want to get into spirituality,  ask yourself why. what is it that you believe that matches that.   I got into it because I felt so alone in a church and no one was listening.  and for awhile, I was thrown in circles the minute I opened myself up to the universe.  but instead of blocking it out,  I kept pushing.  I kept trying to see the pattern, and I kept trying to change it. 
and that could be what’s happening for you.  I know you said that you think it’s not a wall you built. but darling, it is.   I think it comes from a fear you’re not ready to recognize yet.   it could be the fear of the unknown, it could be a fear of failure,  but you’ve built a wall.  
Spirituality is made for everyone.   It’s okay to have blocks,  to doubt your abilities and be unsure of whether or not the universe actually hears you.  the universe brought you to me.  so obviously it hears you.  =) 
but you cannot hear it and I think that’s what needs to change.  
So let me give you some advice on what I do when I begin to feel these blocks. like I have been recently. 
1. I pray to my gods.  you don’t have to be into worshiping gods.  you can simply pray to the universe like I did and still do from time to time.  You’ll know it’s listening when you feel the warmth of the sun, and the gentle breeze of the wind.  perhaps you’ll see an animal or two ;) my sister is a good example of this, she sees dogs everywhere when she’s looking for a sign from the universe lol.  2. I turn to divination.  My readings for myself may not be true but it’s good practice.  I also turn to other forms to try to grow in those skills as well.  Runes, bindrunes, automatic writing,  etc there’s SO MANY divination techniques.  tarot may not be your thing but scrying might be.  look around and see what fits.
3. I play hertz music.  I find that music really helps me out lol.  hertz is juts frequency waves set to a certain wave length so parts of ... our... ... so like our energy can pick up on it.  there’s a better explanation for it but for me, it really helps lol  4. I keep pushing.  even when it feels like I’m not being answered, and sometimes you won’t be answered. that’s the thing.  the universe wants you to better yourself. and to grow.  and sometimes that means trusting yourself to know where to go because it won’t give you an answer.  be brave, and go forward. 
I’ll go more into what I want you to do, but let me pull out your cards first so you finally have a reading lolol.  
So for you I pulled the Lovers, Strength, The Sun and the Knight of Pentacles. with the Ace of Cups as the overall energy. 
so it’s really what I’ve been saying lol.  The knight of pentacles here is telling me to move slowly.  it’s okay that things don’t make sense to you right off the bat.  Patience is a virtue here.   Going into your craft, your practice,  it’s okay to question things.  spirituality is a lot different than most religions so coming from a different place and settling into a new one can be tough.  it requires a lot of change.  and that tends to scare some people.  Ya know?  we’re all so used to hearing different things -mostly bad-  about sprituality and how it’s all “fake”  but darling,  dipping your toes in and slowly breaking the surface is how everyone starts out.  Once you get comfortable with the idea and with your own intuition the fun will begin. 
Next you have the Lovers, Strength and the Sun.  This is telling me you need to let yourself love.  bring courage and strength into this.  It’s going to take you loving yourself,  being confident in yourself and going forth even if it seems fake.  does that make sense?  You might have a mental illness. I’ve got some strong anxiety that borders on paranoia.   Okay,  but in my heart of hearts I knew this was the call for me because I’ve seen too much shit to not believe spirituality wasn’t my path.  so I forced myself to be more confident in my abilities.  I forced myself to be open to the universe even if it felt like I was talking to a wall.  I forced myself to sit down and learn divination and kept a dream journal even if most nights there was nothing but darkness.
and you need to bring that to yourself.  if you are serious about this,  learn to open yourself to the universe.  In the beginning I had to lie to myself.  it’s just what it is.  but the more I connected to the universe,  and the more I began to trust my intuition,  the more the lying ceased to happen.  because suddenly it was true.  suddenly those signs told me I was on the right path.  and suddenly everything I was studying made sense.  given time it will make sense for you as well. 
People, including me,  are telling you what you already know.  You just don’t trust yourself to hold onto those words.  you don’t trust yourself enough to put that same love into you and out into the universe.  and maybe you’re afraid of getting hurt.  being vulnerable to the universe does mean that sometimes we go through rough patches.  we have to break old cycles for new ones to begin. but much like the Lovers,  once you make that choice to love and be loved,  you will shine. 
The ace of cups tells me there is something new coming for you.  but you have to choose to let it happen okay?  you have to stop thinking you’re not good enough and that you’re not being heard.  because you are... because you’re here talking to me ;)   the universe wouldn’t have sent you to me if that wasn’t the case.  and I think a part of you knows that. 
so here’s what I want you to do.  Take the first steps.  Start keeping a dream journal.  the only way we as humans can recall our dreams is if we’re actively thinking of them when we first wake up.  that means no media ;)  lay there and think about what you dreamed.  Like last night I had a dream I set the house on fire and was crying that I lost a textbook.  idk, it was weird lol.  dreams don’t have to make sense.   write them down.�� keep a glass of water by your bed. for some reason it helps. 
If you’re gonna sit there and tell me but you’ve tried everything, try again ;) try it from a new perspective.  instead of going in all “this is going to fail”  think of it as “this has already worked once and I’m doing it again to better myself”  
let your confidence shine.  I had to lie to myself everyday until I finally believed I was a decent human being.  I still struggle with it but damn have I gotten noticed by more people who tell me that I literally shine like the sun.  people notice your changes.  some of us just won’t say it ;) that being said, be prepared to fight for your beliefs. 
Learn what your beliefs are. Learn to defend them.  because the universe does not take this journey lightly.  the minute you start to doubt that you’re ever made for this, is going to be the second it closes on you until you force yourself to try again.  much like how we’re both in this spot now ;) trust and KNOW that the universe wants what is best for you.  
Tap into your higher self and your shadow self.  work on what needs to be healed and what your higher self wants for you to do.  this could literally be anything from getting therapy, to doing art, to listening to music, to talking to people who have hurt you.  like it’s endless but it helps.  
Lastly,  understand that these things take time.  You have some major energy wanting to work with you.  you need to start trusting yourself more, and letting down that wall. you built it, you can destroy it.  
I don’t hear a voice telling me which way to go.  I get feelings.  very strong ones.  that I’ve had to learn are different from my anxiety.  In the beginning that meant I had to pretend to ignore the feeling to see what the reaction would be.  when something happened and I knew it was going to happen,  I knew what I had felt was my intuition. 
Learn to recognize what is your instinct and what is your intuition. my instinct is that my hands get a little shaky and I can’t stop moving around.  my intuition keeps me still.  it’s quick and alert.  for you it could be something different.  you might actually hear a voice.  
I’m willing to work with you if you want me to.  I’ve been in that exact same situation and form time to time I feel the same way.  it’s never about the destination, it’s always the journey.
You’ve got this.  You know you do.  break down the wall,  and come join us ;) I hope this helps sorry for the long.... long post lmao If you ever need anything, please reach out =) 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What’s the name of a song you’ve listened to a lot recently? Prepare for another Hayley answer folks. I’ve been listening to nothing but Petals For Armor this whole week – even lo-fi got a break :o – and Dead Horse is very easily my favorite track so that’s been racking up plays.
Are you texting anyone at this moment? No. I currently have a conversation with Gab on Messenger but replies on both ends are choppy because we’re doing our own thing.
Recently, who in your house has gotten on your nerves the most? It’d be a surprise if someone still doesn’t know the answer to this, but it’s my mom. We just have very different personalities and traits, and that is mostly because I have made it my life’s mission to not end up like her.
Think of the most recent time that you went out to eat with someone, who ended up paying? We split the bill, as we always do. That last time was in my favorite ramen place I now realize :( I miss the outside worldddddd.
Is there anything that’s been weighing on your mind as far as a decision your contemplating whether to act on or not? Explain. Everyday it’s always a mental battle whether I’m touching my thesis or not for that day. It’s such a big deal for me and there’s so much pressure to produce an excellent one that I’m always too scared to look at it, even if it is MY work.
What all has pissed you off today, if anything at all? My mom was making unbelievable statements about ABSCBN (the major network that the government pettily hates and demanded to shut down) and how they deserve the ordeal they’ve been going through...fucking unbelievable. I wasn’t going to let her slide so I offered up my arguments, but I felt her cowering and my suspicions were confirmed when she changed the topic. 
How often do you talk to the person you currently have feelings for? Well I’m already with her, so we talk pretty often throughout the day. It’ll decrease if we’re both super busy, but when it’s one of those days we make sure we at least talk when we wake up and before we go to bed.
When was the last time you couldn’t stop laughing? A Tiktok Angela shared with me. Holy shit it was so funny - it was of a girl going through Twilight and reading every single time Stephenie Meyer used the word ‘chuckled’ with a hilarious voice filter.
Out of all of your friends who have you gotten in the worst fight with? Explain what happened. I super hate having conflicts with people I’m close to, so I honestly can’t tell you an argument I’ve had with a friend even if I try racking my brain for one.
If you had $100 dollars, how would you spend it? I’d rather save it till I’ll have to go job-hunting. I’ll spend the money on gas to go to job interviews.
What’s something you would love to have happen right now? I just want the reassurance that I’ll end up in a good job eventually. This whole period waiting for graduation with nothing happening isn’t good for me, and with the lockdown still in place I’ll have to also wait till I can start legit applying for jobs, so these days I’m essentially just living with double the amount of anxiety I’d normally have.
You were given the opportunity to get a new cellular device, what do you choose? iPhone 11 Pro Max.
Which of your classes in school is most capable of killing a good mood for you? Business reporting. Before the quarantine, that class absolutely ruined my Fridays which used to be my favorite day of the week. I had a great teacher who opened every avenue possible to help us because it was objectively a difficult class, but that’s all I saw it as – difficult. All my other classes were okay.
How nice of a person are you, honestly? I’m super nice and am always that way with everyone. Though if I encounter someone with a behavior that I don’t like, like being a lousy co-worker or if they support the government lolol, I’ll be less nice but like still not an asshole. It’s a waste of time being a shitty person to other people.
What good things have happened today? My dad bought Pringles yesterday so I got to have them today and holy shit, they are so so good. It also wasn’t that hot today - weather was still awful of course, but at least I didn’t sweat through my shirt or have to breathe heavily, which is good enough for me.
Can you honestly say that at this point and time you’re happy with the way things are going in your life? Not yet, but I’ll get there.
Is there anyone of your preferred sex who tends to mess with your head? I don’t have a preferred sex.
What have you recently gotten the most compliments on? Honestly nothing. I haven’t been on social media lately because the country is shit and citizens are always saying stupid shit, so I haven’t talked to that many people lately.
When you get to go shopping for new clothes, where do you go to find your clothes? Feliz.
How do you feel about inter-racial couples? You do you. I don’t see anything wrong with it and besides, Filipinos marrying foreigners has always been a common sight.
Have you ever thought you were in love, and then realized later on that your feelings weren’t as strong as you had thought? No.
When will be the next time you travel out of state, where will you be going? I have no clue. All travel plans have been put on hold for a while, so I’ll have to wait until that eases out.
If I were to see you face to face, who would you more than likely be with? My dog.
What is one assumption people make of you, by just seeing you? That I’m grumpy. It’s not inaccurate at all, I definitely have a bit of a short fuse.
When deciding the significance of someone in your life, what is an important deciding factor? How much I can trust them, if we’ve had memorable times together, and if they have the ability to make me feel better when I’m down.
What is something that you have come to realize doesn’t work for you? Trying to have a rational disagreement with my mom. She will always handle conflict immaturely. I will always wonder why she has lasted this long without anyone calling her out on such a poor behavior.
Have you ever grown apart from someone, and then over time you came back into each others lives? Yeah dude, Gabie. I lost her for a while after our first breakup, which was technically two losses for me because she’s also my best friend. We grew apart for around four months but after that we reconnected, patched things up, and realized being friends wasn’t gonna cut it so we ended up dating again haha.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how shy are you? 12 for people I’m not close to, maybe a 6 for those I know well already.
Chose one quality of yours that has caused you problems, explain one situation where the quality was apparent. Mmm when I’m anxious or not having a good day overall, I tend to ignore everyone. I will open messages but not reply to anyone of them, and on the worst days I won’t reply even to the work-related messages. And if anyone asks me if I’m ok or not, it’s going to be seenzoned; if anyone sends me a meme, it’s going to be seenzoned, you get the idea.
I was having a rough time the other day when JM asked me to take over a task for the org, and while I had every intention of doing it, I a) didn’t reply to him, and b) didn’t feel like doing the task until after dinner. When I opened my laptop to get on the job, I already got a message from JM apologizing and saying he had to overstep and do the work himself because he didn’t get a reply from me and because I haven’t done the task yet. I can honestly that’s never happened before and as a perfectionist I was super disappointed in myself and I must’ve apologized to him a thousand times.
Is there something you should be doing right now, besides this survey? Taking a shower.
When was the last time you turned down making plans with someone, why did you? I think it was just that party with Rita’s sister’s DJ friend. I don’t normally turn down plans because I’m always game for anything lol.
Who did you last confide in, what did it involve? I was telling Gabie how much I hate the Mother’s Day posts from everyone on Facebook. I didn’t use Facebook last Sunday precisely because I wanted to avoid seeing any of them, but when I loaded my feed now they were still all over my timeline. I had had enough of waiting for them to go away, so I vented to her.
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dailymemori · 6 years
lolol how can you still ship memori after that
man I was just gonna answer this with a meme but then like the amount of Bad Takes I’ve seen regarding memori lately had me all worked up earlier so. sorry for,,, all of this.
disclaimer: as far as shipping them goes? I’ll be first in line to say that where they’re at right now is not a healthy place to be in a romantic relationship, so I have no issue with them not being together atm. do I still love these two characters? do I still enjoy when they have scenes together? do I still have hope for their relationship in the future? YES. but I also recognize that they have a lot of shit to work out first.
with THAT out of the way, let’s get ready to suffer.
so the question is- how can I ship memori after “that”? I’m assuming “that” is the latest episode, and probably That One Scene in particular, which people have had a lot of strong opinions about, especially re: emori. and I’m sorry if I’m totally misreading your ask, anon, but it definitely comes across as “how can you still ship memori after emori did that”
because a lot of people are reading that scene as her only loving murphy when he’s strong and not when he’s weak which is….. a leap. to me that wasn’t about her not loving him when he’s weak- that was about her loving him even when he’s falling apart and putting her down, but also knowing that she deserves better than that, and that he needs to work on himself before their relationship can work.
i see people saying that she just wants him to hurry up and get better, that she isn’t trying to help him through his low points, or that she’s tearing him down instead of building him up. which, aside from having a slight “broken boy needs a girl to put up with his shitty behavior and ”“fix”“ him” vibe to it, it’s also just…. not accurate imo?
in 5x06 we had a whole conversation that explained that emori only ended things with murphy after he pushed her away “again and again and again” until she had no choice. to me, that doesn’t sound like someone who just gave up on him as soon as he hit a rough patch. that doesn’t sound like someone who doesn’t care about him at his worst. that sounds like someone who tried, repeatedly, over and over and over, to stick with him through his bad days and understand why he was acting the way he was. but he wasn’t letting her. and that probably came from his own misplaced feelings that she didn’t need him anymore, that she was somehow better off without him, which is what made him push her away. and eventually, emori had enough. she put her own well being first, which does not make her the Bad Guy here.
you can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved. isn’t that a “thing” on this show? idk sounds familiar to me. emori can’t single handedly “fix” murphy if he continues to push her away, and especially if he doesn’t make any effort to change. I don’t want anyone to think I’m unsympathetic to murphy’s struggles this season. I GET IT, I really do. mental health issues and self esteem issues can cause all kinds of shit in relationships. I’m not saying murphy is wrong or weak for being affected by that. the problem is when people try to use that as an excuse, instead of as an explanation. and on the flip side, love can help and love can heal, but love isn’t a magic cure. the idea that emori didn’t love him enough to fix him is ridiculous.
even in this episode, murphy wasn’t trying to work on himself, he was just trying to make things go back to the way they were before, to be the “old” murphy that emori fell in love with. i get it, that boy was doing the MOST. he was checking all the boxes. they were pulling a con in the woods. they were gonna be a team again. they were going to save raven, which is something he knows emori wants so badly. instead of insulting her new skills or being bitter about them, he’s making those skills an integral part of the plan. he just saw that drawing of the rocket scene, where some of emori’s (potentially) last words to him were “survive, please.” so he’s throws that into conversation as well. did you HEAR the way he says “survive” in that scene?? he’s trying so hard to remind her, to say “see?? remember?? us surviving together??” they even do their “okay? okay.“ thing.
but she doesn’t bite.
she’s in for his plan, but not for anything beyond it.
and a surprisingly large part of fandom hates her for that. I think a little part of it is that weird concept that if man is interested in a woman, then she should at least "give him a chance”, regardless of whether or not she’s interested in him. which is bullshit but also unfortunately part of society. so I guess it’s actually not surprising to me that people are all over emori for not immediately taking him back. people read that as “oh she’s only in love with the "old” john or the “strong” john or she only wants him when he’s fighting. he’s obviously trying to be that way again, so why is she still acting like a bitch???“
thing is, he’s not acting like the old fighting-to-survive john because he’s made a decision to do that for himself, but because he thinks that’s what emori wants him to do. he even says it. "I thought this is what you wanted.”  he’s being the “old” john again. he’s trying to survive. why isn’t that enough?
the point is, he can’t be “old” john again. emori may have fallen in love with that “old” version of john, but that isn’t the john that’s standing in front her in that moment. and she’s not the same person she was then either. in the words of literally every cast member, six years is a LONG TIME. they’re both different people than they were back in those “its us against the world” days. and while murphy seems to think that if he acts a certain way and does certain things, then they can go back to that… emori isn’t falling for it. she’s grown beyond that codependency and he resents/is jealous of that. that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want him anymore, because there’s clearly still attraction there, but she’s not going to put herself and their relationship through this cycle again.
she can’t just pretend that him acting like the old john again is going to fix everything. things between them have changed. there’s trust that’s been broken there. “old” john didn’t put down her skills, or insult her, or push her away, or break her heart, or punish her for having a life outside of him. that’s the “new” john. that’s the john she’s facing in this scene. she knows that he needs to work on himself, that he needs to want to be better for HIMSELF, not for her, or he’s just going to fall apart again after this fight. she doesn’t see there being a change in that cycle. and no matter how much they still love each other, he can’t be dependent on her for his own stability, and she shouldn’t have to be that sole source for him.
can they still get back to a place where being together is healthy for them? i certainly think and hope so. but there’s a lot that needs to happen first, and right now they’re not at that point.
trust me I could go on and on about this subject because there are SO MANY MORE LAYERS to this situation and I didn’t even come close to fully breaking down any of it really but hopefully this made,,, at least a little bit of sense. obviously this is just how I’m viewing the whole situation so like, I’m not trying to say this is the only way or the “right” way to interpret it. everyone has their own experiences that shape how they view stories like this and that’s absolutely valid.
ANYWAY I’m… so sorry…. this turned into a ridiculously long ramble about the way fandom is treating this arc/memori in general and not an answer to the original question, which was…… how can I still ship memori after all that?
well, the Deep, Intellectual, Eloquent, Morally Correct reason is….
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