#hayden y would u do nthis to m
peachychip85000 · 6 years
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*cries at how long this is going to be* @punk-rock-pixie
1. Name? Surname?
Iris Ortensia
Giselle ???
Timothy ???
2. Any family?
Iris has a mother and 3 older sisters
Giselle has no known family members
Timothy has both parents, a (slightly) older twin sister, and a younger sister and brother. His younger brother, Aaron, is @balancedpluto‘s apprentice, Aaron (who is romancing Asra)
3. Any familiar?
Iris: A pale purple kittyh with light blue points, and a pink crescent shape on her forehead. Her name is Iridescence.
Giselle: A glittery, white chameleon named Crystal.
Timothy: A sugar glider named SweetPea.
4. Asra, Nadia or Julian?
Iris: Julian
Giselle: ASra
Timothy: Nadia
5. Best strength in magic?
Iris: Potion brewing
Giselle: Uses her magic to heal plants and talk to animals.
Timothy: Trying to become a cryomancer, or someone who manipulates ice with magic.
6. Favorite color?
Iris: Lavender
Giselle: Light Green
Timothy: Periwinkle
7. Favorite number?
8. Sexuality?
they’re all bi/pan
9. Weird hobby?
nothing weird lol
10. Favorite season?
Iris: Autumn
Giselle: Spring
Timothy: Winter
11. Favorite weather?
Iris: Rain
Giselle: Bright and sunny
Timothy: Cold/Snowy
12. Favorite place in Vesuvia?
Iris: Portia’s cottage. Pepi is there.
Giselle: The forest, when its not haunted by dead count goat ghost
Timothy: The palace, because Nadia’s there
13. How do their laught sounds like?
Iris snorts
Giselle giggles
Timothy asgdfjsdhfkj
14. How do they look like when they cry?
ghibli tears
15. What do they like to wear?
Iris: Loose corsets and flowy skirts
Giselle: Flowy dresses
Timothy: Comfortable things, but if its any shade of blue, its in his wardrobe.
16. What are their fears?
Iris: Something happening to Julian. Also spiders.
Giselle: Lucio
Timothy: Being alone
17. What do they like to do Friday night?
They all like to spend time with loved ones, getting food, and playing games.
18. Do they use makeup?
19. Favorite food?
Iris: Cheesy fettuccine alfredo with chicken
Giselle: Victoria sandwich
20. Favorite drink?
Iris: Strawberry lemonade
Giselle: Green tea
Timothy: Peppermint hot cocoa
21. Zodiac sign?
Iris: Libra
Giselle: Aries
Timothy: Sagittarius
22. Day of birth?
Iris: October 15th
Giselle: April 3rd
Timothy: December 12th
23. Favorite movie?
Iris: Barbie Island Princess/Rapunzel/Princess and the Pauper and Tangel, because she relates to Rapunzel a LOT.
Giselle: Ferngully and Don Bluth’s Thumbelina
Timothy: Star Wars, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Cats Don’t Dance
24. Favorite music genre?
Iris: Everything, but especially Pop and 80s music.
Giselle: New Age (Enya/Celtice Woman/etc...) 
Timothy: As a music enthusiast he loves everything, but Big Points if it sounds electronic and/or 80s.
They all love musical and movie soundtracks.
25. Favorite song?
Iris: Moonlight by Ariana Grande
Giselle: May it be by Enya
Timothy: He can’t choose a SONG but his favourite video game soundtracks are Undertale, Mega Man 2, and Kingdom Hearts.
26. Favorite tv show?
Iris: Parks and Rec, Chopped, other baking shows.
Giselle: Cosmos, Round Planet
Timothy: Mystery Science Theater 3000, Twilight Zone, and Stranger Things
27. What is their style?
Is this for, a Modern AU? If so then...
Iris: Hyper feminine and geeky
Giselle: Feminine and hippie/hipster. Lots of dresses and floral print.
Timothy: Cozy. He likes hoodies though.
28. Any mental health issues?
Iris’s MH started to decline when her father passed away. Her mother was never the most nurturing, especially towards Iris, who is the youngest of 4. She developed a lot of self worth issues, anxiety, and depression due to her mother’s verbal and emotional abuse.
Giselle has anxiety, but if she has any other issues she’s very good at hising them
Timothy has a lot of body image issues, as he’s considered short (5′5) and is also very lanky.
29. Any health issues in general?
Timothy is anemic and underweight.
30. Are they human?
yeah dude
31. Favorite book?
Iris: Ella Enchanted
Giselle: Harry Potter
Timothy: King Killer Chronicles
They all love Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit as well
32. Favorite book genre?
If you couldn’t guess they all love fantasy, but Timothy also loves sci-fi as well.
33. Favorite time of the day?
Iris: Dusk/Twilight
Giselle: Mid Day
Timothy: Night time
34. If they weren’t magician, who would they be?
Iris: Pastry chef
Giselle: Zoo Keeper or someone that help at animal sanctuaries.
Timothy: Musician/Composer.
35. Do they believe in ghosts?
36. Do they believe in aliens?
Iris wants to believe they’re real
Giselle doesn’’t, but she likes the idea of them
Timothy does, yes.
37. Do they like sport?
Neither of them “Sport” except for Iris, who does ballet.
38. How do they look like?
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39. What is their biggest motivation to solve the Lucio’s killer mystery?
Iris: Wants to clear Julian’s name
Giselle: She was asked to, and became more curious as the case progressed.
Timothy: It’s important to Nadia, so it’s important to him.
40. What do they think of Lucio so far?
41. What do they think of Nadia so far?
They all love and respect her. Timothy thinks she’s a goddess and has Heart Eyes.
42. What do they think of Asra so far?
Iris: Close and trusted friend
Giselle: *blushy face*
Timothy: Very good friend. Considers him like a brother, considering his brother is going out with him.
43. What do they think of Julian so far?
Iris: im love my dumb husband
Giselle: He’s funny!
Timothy: hello??? if i was straight before I am Not Now.
44. What do they think of Portia so far?
Iris: Future sister in law and best friends
Giselle: She’s a sweetpea and I love her
Timothy: She’s cute and important to NAdia. Wants to get to know her better.
45. What do they think of Muriel so far?
46. Do they like animals?
47. Are they allergic to anything?
Timothy is allergic to grass and shellfish
48. Do they have any talents (except magic)?
Iris: Cooks, bakes, dances, and as been known to sing well.
Giselle: Jewelry making and making flower crowns
Timothy: Plays numerous instruments and can sing.
49. Do they get drunken easily?
They are all lightweights!!! Giselle doesn’t like alcohol, and Iris and Timothy are picky about their drinks. They like sweet drinks.
50. What is their personality type?
Its hard to answer this question because none of them fall under a certain archetype.
51. What is their worst negative quality?
Iris: Crybaby and hyper sensitive.
Giselle: Extremely naive.
Timothy: Empathetic and generous to a fault
52. What is their best positive quality?
I think for all of them its their willingness to help and caring nature.
53. What is their position to fall asleep?
Curl like a kitten
54. The most uncomfortable moment they ever experienced?
Iris: Telling her mother she was moving to Vesuvia.
Timothy: Finding out his brother and Asra were banging, to which Aaron responds with “well why are you banging the Countess?” Fair point.
55. Their happiest memory?
Spoiler the most recent update: Iris: Finding Julian alive and well.
Giselle: Finding her familiar, Crystal. They’ve been inseparable ever since. 
Timothy: Nadia having feelings for him as well. He’s not confident in himslef, and having someone like Nadia even look at him makes him smile.
56. Do they blush?
57. Are they clumsy?
58. Do they like jokes?
everyone likes jokes
59. How do they flirt?
Iris: Compliments Julian until he’s a blushy mess
Giselle: Makes flower crowns, or bracelets for Asra
Timothy: Nervously makes jokes. Nadia see’s he’s trying tho and finds it charming.
60. Favorite fruit?
Iris: Strawberries
Giselle: Apples
Timothy, through tears: What do you mean blue raspberries aren’t a real fruit???
Note: I had to redo this bc my laptop shut off on me right as I finished it the first time!! ; 0;
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