khalilhassan · 1 year
location — farmer's market.
character — @hcnayun
The buzzing market was one of the few places he could go when he needed to clear his head. Between the Cranes, the pregnancy of the woman he'd nearly married, and the stressors of his current relationship, he needed a break. A break from the constant worry of what would come next. Sample for sample, he bounced between vendors like someone was paying him to taste everything from jams to cheeses. He'd even stumbled upon one vendor to wash it all down with a bit of berry flavored wine. After all, what said stress free like a few ounces of wine before noon? In need of a pick me up and not in the form of alcohol, Khalil paused by a coffee stand that he didn't recognize. Dark hues scanned over the menu, but was pulled aside by an interesting poster. Ironic. Painfully so, considering he'd only just spewed his order when he ghosted over a woman he'd once known. Well, had assumed he'd known before finding out that he knew nothing at all. "Make that two," he corrected, the matcha latte having been one of her go-to orders back in New York. Maybe that had been a sham too. "You lost? Colorado is a long way from the Big Apple."
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ingridlczano · 1 year
location: the sweet spot
character: @hcnayun​​ & ingrid.
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As the enticing aroma of freshly baked goods wafted through the air, Ingrid gracefully glided around the bakery, meticulously arranging the latest batch in the display. With Ver entrusting her with increased responsibilities, the brunette eagerly poured her heart into ensuring that her boss's faith in her wasn't misplaced. At the pleasant jingle of the bell signaling a new arrival, Ingrid's face lit up with a welcoming smile as she approached the young woman. "Good morning -- how can I help you today?"
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cjwelford-archive · 1 year
CJ: what do u think it feels like 2 be microwaved CJ:like do u think on a scale from ahhhhhh burning fire 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥 2 like one of those sunbeds that smell like electricity at the tanning salons where wud it fall CJ: also did u no u can microwave pop tarts???
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atlaswilliams · 1 year
location — open mic night, deja brew.
character — @hcnayun
Order coffee was the easy part, but picking out sweets? That was where he ran into complications. On one hand, the danish options were to die for, but on the other, the muffins were massive and every chocolate chip called to him. It didn't help that he kept getting distracted by the tune of a pretty guitar rift. If only he'd had a shot of something stronger, he would have offered the crowd a twist that few would have expected from him. "If you're here to pick out something from the case, let me tell you, it's impossible. I mean, look at those strawberries on that danish and then," he paused, shifting to point towards the biggest muffin in the case, "look at that. How do you pick? Chocolate seems like the obvious winner, but come on, danishes are underrated."
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verdadurmaz · 9 months
location — ski resort & lodge.
character — @hcnayun
Nothing good could come from bottomless spiked hot chocolates, especially in the hands of two women who'd never quite understood a boundary. "How hard could it be? I've watched the same person go up and come down three, maybe four times now. I mean," she paused, gaze dragging from the bottom of the slopes and over to her friend, "we could do it, yeah?" Her confidence, misplaced and liquor induced, wasn't budging. "Are you a skis or a snowboard kind of person?" It was perhaps the one thing they hadn't tried to together and when in Rome, right? "I vote we do it. Let's grab a board, or skis and just... do it." She beamed a smile back towards the slopes, all snowy and gorgeous for their taking. "Plus, if we hate it, we can just ride the chairlift a thousand times to make up for the attempt."
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parkerlcwis · 10 months
location — parker's place, bighorn hills.
character — @hcnayun
How a full day had came and gone, the park ranger would never understand. One minute, they'd been rolling onto the paved road from her gravel driveway, the next, they were turning back onto it with a backseat full of takeout, a few drink options, and purchases they'd made. "If we missed anything, I might have someone who can make a run for us, but I think we're good." Only time would tell if a text to a certain someone would be sent in request for whatever they needed, but a text would be sent no matter what. "Don't you dare grab anything. You're a guest, which means you get to make yourself at home," she directed before pushing open the driver's side door and making the short trek to the front door to unlock it. "Drinks are in the fridge if you want something other than what I picked up. Seriously, I mean it, make yourself at home. It won't take me long to haul the stuff inside." Before giving the woman a chance to argue, Parker dipped back out into the chill of the night to collect the bags they'd gotten throughout the day. By trip number three, she'd kicked the door shut behind her. "Remind me, how much stuff did we end up buying today?" She plucked one bag from the bunch, the intoxicating smell of freshly boxed food filling the space. "Living room or kitchen?"
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max-cortez · 10 months
location — a touch of ink.
character — @hcnayun
"I tried one of those green drinks you were telling me about the last time you were in," he tapered off, a breath of amusement rising in his throat as a crooked grin pulled at the corner of his mouth. He'd taken three long drinks in an attempt to avoid being wasteful and health benefits be damned, he had no intention of ever doing it again. "You forgot to mention a thing or two," he added in an airy, lighthearted pitch. Other than the miss of acquired taste, the shop itself had been everything she'd said it was. "Nice place though." The tattoo artist tore his gaze from the piece he'd been working on, his uncapped pen now resting atop the wooden workspace he'd claimed as his own. "I wasn't sure I'd be seeing you around again anytime soon, but I'm glad you're here." It was one thing putting a piece on a newcomer, but nothing was more satisfying than having a repeat customer rolling through. Especially one he'd come to find an unlikely comfort in. Max shifted atop his stool, his dark hues and warm smile landing on the woman he was eager to ink. "You want anything? We don't have any of those green drinks of yours, but we've got water, some sodas. Hell, might even have a beer or two if that's more your speed."
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dallasxcartwright · 11 months
[ DALLAS ] What are you doing tonight? [ DALLAS ] And more importantly, what are you dressed up as? [ DALLAS ] Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get to see you dressed up TWICE in one week????
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rominaxxmunoz · 1 year
Time: Afternoon Place: Romina's office Who: Romina & @hcnayun
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[TEXT] Romina: 2:30. The Cafe on 4th. I promise, no work talk. 
Romina locked her phone. The black screen accompanied by the usual chime that went with it. Her eyes wandered around her deck, before finally retrieving her purse behind a stack of papers. Although Romina wasn’t against taking a break alone, simply with her thoughts, she was more in the mood for some company. She fished around for a few more items to place in her bag before she headed to the cafe listed. Even if Hana didn’t show up, she still could have used a chai latte to power her through the rest of the afternoon. 
As Romina arrived, a small grimace erupted as she realized how crowded it was. Her arms crossed over her chest once in the line, standing there in her form fitting black dress. To be completely fair, she was early, as the walk had taken less time than expected. Romina’s head tilted back, her dark locks falling over her shoulder.It wasn’t that she didn’t like crowds, the opposite was probably true. But what she truly lacked was patience. Finally it was her turn to order, smiling as best she could at the barista. "One second. I'm waiting for someone," she trailed off. Normally she wouldn't have made such a request, but since there was no one behind her she didn't mind making the barista wait a few extra seconds.
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dtorres · 10 months
》 ( @hcnayun) at humming bee
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The yoga studio buzzed with the melody of a sitar as the class approached its conclusion. Daniel stayed on his mat of his knee injury reminding him to be cautious while he observed others rolling up their mats and exchanging smiles. Then he caught sight of Hana. As the last students departed Daniel approached her with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension in his steps.
"Hey! It feels like it's been ages," he greeted her his voice blending with the stillness that remained after everyone else had left. "I thought it was time to catch up. Plus I could use some rehabilitation for this bum ass knee of mine," he added with a touch of self deprecating humor.
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jeanieprabhakar · 11 months
location: high rollers, october 24th 2023
status: closed ( @hcnayun )
In hindsight, the olive costume had been a bad idea for skating, however she thought it was a testament to her crafting skills that nothing had broken from her numerous falls yet (the papier mâché ovoid that encased her body was surprisingly sturdy). Instead she'd simply just landed on her back like a flipped turtle, arms and legs helpless as she tried awkwardly to roll over and get up. She'd had CJ helping her the last couple of times, but he'd left the rink to grab a drink. It was starting to get a little embarrassing. "Hey, could you help me up?" She asked desperately as a pair of skates skidded to halt by her head. "I'm kinda stuck."
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khalilhassan · 8 months
location — hana's apartment.
character — @hcnayun
Coffee cups warmed each of his palms as the elevator dinged upwards, making a premature stop due to the inaccuracy of using his elbow to poke at the number he'd pressed too many times to count. It was a much lower floor than the one she'd had in New York, but the short ride left plenty of time for the male to rake over every thought he'd been stirring on since he'd snapped the watch onto his wrist. He glanced downwards at the familiar face, knowing well what engraving rested against his skin. One final ding anchored him to the elevator. A smile pulled faintly on his mouth as the distance between himself and the doorway was eliminated. A breath lodged in his throat, his grip on the cups tightening. Khalil shifted his weight from one foot to the other and without another moment's thought, he carefully swung his elbow into the wooden frame two times. "It's me," he added smoothly, though a bitter taste coated his tongue at the thought of who else could've been knocking. When the door swung open, the federal agent extended the cup of her favorite brew, his gaze sweeping over her before settling on eyes he'd once saw forever in. "They say you should never stop by empty handed, so I brought you something. Just how you like it. Are you busy? I was hoping I could come in for a minute." A nervous hum fell from his mouth, but the half hung smile remained, as did the jitters in the pit of his stomach.
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emelinecormier · 11 months
— hana yun post-wedding brunch, amelie's, downtown.
The rush of the wedding was over. She did it. She stood in front of a whole bunch of people and promised Verda she wouldn't break her heart for as long as they both lived and that was that. She did it. Basking in the glow of keeping the most important commitment she'd ever made lasted throughout the night of the wedding and if she were completely honest, it hadn't quite worn off even as the sun peaked into the next day and the clocked turned to noon. Instead, she approached the brunch buffet staff had set out in her restaurant, reaching out to settle a gentle hand on another's shoulder. "Hana!" Emmy greeted, realizing the volume of her greeting, littered with the glow she was still feeling from the night before, was just a bit too loud for the otherwise quiet, hushed brunch. "I, uh, never had the chance to thank you properly last night... for being a part of the wedding. Mainly, being there for Ver." Her dark gaze flitted to the woman in question and she would have sworn her heart skipped two beats at the sight of her. Her attention returning to Hana, after lingering for a second too long, she gave the other a soft smile and continued, "I know it meant a lot to her."
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cjwelford-archive · 1 year
location: the boat, 4th of july (saloon) 
status: closed for @hcnayun
The sun had set long ago now, a crisp chill in the air which led a lot people into the cabin area of the boat, filling up the galley and the saloon. CJ had been sent to find some blankets to hand out to those who wanted to stay on the decks. During his travels, he had discovered a lot of different things on the boat, but had forgotten about it until he saw Hana in the saloon area, holding tight to his stack of blankets as he made his way over. “I saw like, a ton of yoga mats when getting these blankets. Is it like, normal to do yoga on a boat?”
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atlaswilliams · 9 months
location — the humming bee.
character — @hcnayun
The new year meant tying for a better version of himself, which meant trading out the booze for something more... productive? His routine at the gym, while still out of sorts, was slowly coming together. It was exhausting to say the least, but there was a hope that the more he pushed, the easier it would get. The decent decision making journey had ended the moment he'd stepped foot in the yoga studio. Like always, he felt the wandering eyes of various attendees sweeping over him, their curiosity well placed. His vertically gifted frame didn't allow for much movement in the ways yoga required, but he never failed to give it his best and surprisingly enough, his best wasn't half bad. He'd found himself in the instruction room perched against the wall when the instructor slowly crept to the front. A toothy grin was etched onto his mouth as he pushed up from the wall, his mat already in place towards the front. It was a dangerous move, but he knew once she'd spotted him, the back would only make him more of a target. "Surprise. Your favorite student signed up last minute. Had to sweet talk your receptionist to let me in." A half truth spilled as he crossed an arm over his chest before switching sides to do the other. "Stretching is the most important part, right?"
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verdadurmaz · 11 months
location — saturday night, october 28, wedding reception.
character — @hcnayun
"You know, I should be mad that you stole some of my thunder standing up there looking like that," she playfully huffed as arms curled over her chest. Her entire being was still buzzing from the excitement of the vow exchange and heated kiss that had been broken apart by some outside force. Thankfully, no one had seemed to notice, or perhaps they had and just didn't know what to say. Every teasing line aside, the baker was thankful to have had someone like Hana by her side while she caught glimpses of Emmy's choice out of the corner of her eye. "Thank you, Hana. For everything. For standing up there with me, and for putting up with me while I got ready. It means a lot to me and if I say anything else, I'll cry, so..." she trailed off, bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she sucked in a steady breath. "Drinks?"
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