fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
♱  DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Ryuuto | Maniac 02  ♱
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⌜ Scene: Yui’s Balcony ⌟
ー Footsteps approach Yui. ー
Ryuuto: I thought I would find you out here.
Yui: … …
Ryuuto: You have been cooped up in your room for a while now. I must say, I applaud your attempt to conceal yourself away.
If I weren’t a Vampire, the drawn curtains would have fooled me; I never would have thought you were hiding out on your balcony.
Yui: ( Gosh... It’s that person. )
( Since I was bitten, I’ve tried to keep myself away from him at all costs while the wound heals… He really frightened me that night… )
( And… what he said to me. “Love”... )
Ryuuto: …Though, I’m afraid your little rebellious stand ー whatever it was for ー will need to be put on hold for now. It is almost time for school.
Yui: ( I suppose I can’t keep this up forever… )
( School is the one time I get to properly stretch my legs and meet people. )
( For the sake of my own wellbeing, I should try to get past this... )
Alright. I’ll comーー
ー Yui’s stomach suddenly growls. ー
Yui: …!
Ryuuto: Fufu, it seems all this fierce defiance has you working up an appetite, no? I wasn’t lying when I said you’d been in here for a while.
Yui: How long has it been?
Ryuuto: Since noon yesterday; You completely ignored my summons for breakfast.
Yui: It’s been that long!?
( That’s what he came by earlier for? I just covered my ears and pretended to be asleep so he would leave me alone… )
Ryuuto: I hope you don’t intend on wasting any more time tonight before school. So, be sure to change into your uniform soon.
Yui: W-Wait…!
Before we go… Do you think I will have time to have a small meal?
Ryuuto: Oh? Now you have decided to accept my hospitality, have you? After such an impressive display of stubbornness?
Yui: ( Touché. I feel really embarrassed about asking since I completely disregarded his offer for it this morning. )
Uu… How about I make something for the both of us, instead?
Ryuuto: …In that case, I think I have the perfect recipe in mind.
━─┉┈◈ Time Skip ◈┈┉─━
⌜ Scene: Kitchen ⌟
ー Yui places the tray down. ー
Yui: As promised, cinnamon rolls! Ta~daa~!
They’ve turned out pretty good for my first ever attempt, don’t you think?
Ryuuto: Don’t get ahead of yourself. You have yet to taste them.
Yui: Let’s dig in then, while they’re still warm! Bon Appétit!
Ryuuto: Feed me.
Yui: E-Eh…!?
Ryuuto: You’ve already gotten your hands sticky with that roll there. Why make me do the same when you can just feed me, instead?
━─┉┈◈ Selection ◈┈┉─━
  ❈  This is a trick!
Yui: …You think I’d fall for that?
I only made these for you because I’d become the snack otherwise. This is just another reason to bite me again…!
Ryuuto: Good grief, you think I’d stoop as low as that? To deceive you?
I could bite you anytime, and you think I’d choose right now to do so? When you’ve just prepared my favourite food?
Yui: ( He has a point. Maybe I was a little too harsh to suspect him… )
  ❈  Feed each other ⎨❤︎⎬
Yui: …How about you feed me while I feed you〜?
I already went the effort of baking them in the first place, after all. This is the fairest thing to do.
Ryuuto: The fairest thing? Fufu, I’m sparing you another sucking this soon after in exchange for these rolls and you think it’s unfair?
Or are you trying to come onto me again, I wonder?
Yui: …!
( My attempt at teasing him in return backfired on me! )
Yui: ( Uu… I guess I have no choice. )
ー She picks up a roll. ー
Okay, Ryuuto-san… Say “aaah”.
Ryuuto: … …
Yui: ( He’s closing his eyes in anticipation…! )
( Like this, I can get a better look at his face… He’s actually really handsome. )
ー He suddenly grasps her wrist. ー
Ryuuto: …Heh.
Yui: Wha…!
Ryuuto: You know… I made a promise to myself to hold back on you until your neck had healed from my fangs.
ー Ryuuto pulls her close. ー
However, the scent coming from your wound is almost irresistible.
Yui: St-Stop…!
( This was a ploy for my blood after all! )
( His face! It’s too close! )
Yui: Stay away…!
ー Ryuuto kisses her. ー
Ryuuto: Mmn…
Yui: Aah…!?
( He… kissed me! )
( My first kiss… )
Ryuuto: Fufu. I’m a man of my word, so do relax.
Although, I don’t mind seeing you on edge like this every so often. Perhaps being overly cautious isn’t the worst thing you can do.
ー He takes a bite from the roll. ー
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