#he assumes it's the delinquent thing but it's Thena being jealous
softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Some awkward moments in 10 things au💕
"What is the delinquent doing here?"
"Isn't he Thena's situationship?"
"He's kinda cute, though."
Thena did her best to ignore her teammates. None of what they said was true. Well, it wasn't, but she looked over and Gilgamesh was indeed seating himself on the bleachers overlooking the soccer field. She blinked.
He waved.
Thena gripped her water bottle even tighter. What was he doing here?
"You should go talk to him."
Her teammates were far more social, all of them with multiple friend groups, different niches they could jump into and out of per the situation.
"No, you!"
"Ask him if he's going to the party tonight!"
Thena had no clue how there were so many parties in one school year. They were all in the same position: on the cusp of graduating, preparing to move on in life. Did they not have any schoolwork to do?
"He drives, right? Ask him for a ride!"
Thena dropped her water bottle into her bag on her way past the bench.
"Hey Princess," he greeted her as if he had laid a trap simply by sitting there. He leaned back in his posture, resting his palm on the bench, "how's practice?"
"What are you doing here?" she stared down at him from the back of the seats in front of him. Most would be frozen solid from that look.
"Just thought I'd walk around a bit after school, y'know," he shrugged, seeming so casual about it.
"I thought we said we wouldn't do this," she growled at him, her ponytail swaying from the upward tilt of her head.
"Uh," Gilgamesh looked down at his hoodie, toying with the string of it, "you said."
"Maybe you said we wouldn't do this kinda thing," he muttered through somewhat pursed lips, pouting and sulking in broad daylight.
Thena sighed, relaxing her - possibly overly - confrontational stance. She looked down at the cleats on her feet. "Are you really here just to watch?"
"Well," he shrugged, "uh, what are you doing after practice?"
"I see," she scoffed, but the look on Gil's face made her want to snatch the words back as soon as she said them. She looked away, guilt washing over her, maybe even shame. Gil wasn't like that, and she damn well he wasn't. "I...I didn't have anything planned."
"Oh," he looked up at her again. "Well, I heard there was this-"
"Party," she cut him off, and then felt unnerved by it, looking away again. "I heard."
Thena shifted on her feet.
"Look," Gil began, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. "I know you don't wanna do the whole 'couple' thing."
And he did. He did, and he told her, and let it show in his actions. He did that at every opportunity, and she was the one constantly dodging and deflecting his desire to be more romantic.
"But we can, like, hangout," he finished rather lamely, "right?"
He was right. She was the one being childish, and for what? To avoid looking for too long at the man whose lips had been on hers? Whose tongue had been in her mouth...and other places.
She blushed.
Gil sighed, moving his feet to stand. "Okay, this was a mistake-"
Thena put her hand on his shoulder, preventing him from standing fully. She pushed with her fingertips to lower him back to the bench. "No."
"No?" he looked up at her, still poised to get up and leave but not pushing against her. "No, it's not a mistake? Or no, you're not going?"
Thena just barely glanced back at the team. They weren't even trying to seem like they weren't watching them with intrigue. She sighed, trying to ignore it. "It wasn't a mistake."
Gil relaxed his shoulder against her touch. He really was ridiculously well built for someone their age. She was well aware of what it felt like to dig her nails into those shoulders.
"I'll go," she murmured, feeling the warmth in her cheeks worsen, "if you do."
Now she really was being childish.
But Gilgamesh smiled up at her eagerly, "yeah, I was planning on going. Do you want a ride?"
She longed for her water bottle, just for something to occupy her idle hands. Her fingers flexed on her hips. "I'll probably drive Sersi, so... "
"Right," he nodded.
"I'll meet you there," she added, then seeing there was no need. She toyed with some hair that had slipped from her ponytail, "out front?"
"Okay sweetheart," he grinned, back to being his usual cocky self. He did stand now, leaning closer to her, "you got yourself a deal."
She pursed her lips, "it wasn't a business proposal."
He just chuckled, slipping his hands into the pockets of his hoodie again, "you leave the proposing to me, your ladyship."
She rolled her eyes.
"I'll wait for you, Thena," he promised, and it came out so heartfelt she really felt it. He leaned even closer, "for as long as it takes."
Thena leaned just her head back faintly. He wasn't going to kiss her, right?--here and now?!
"Just say the word," he chuckled, leaning even closer.
She didn't lean back. And then he leaned in and kissed her! The bastard really kissed her, in front of the whole team! And he was still a good kisser (fuck). And she kissed him back (just a little).
"Relax, they can't see from this angle, it just looks like I'm being a jerk," he leaned back to laugh more loudly.
Thena kept quiet, mostly unable to come up with a reply to that amidst her fluster.
"See you tonight, Princess," he gave her one last little wave before stepping back more visibly. He waved to the team, "keep it up, ladies!"
Thena huffed, trying to collect some breath before going back to the team. She watched Gilgamesh strolling slowly to the stairs, like he was god's gift to women. Specifically, her.
"All right girls, get back out there."
Thena jogged past the bench and back onto the field, falling back into the fold of her teammates.
"Ooh, Thena talked to her boyfriend!"
"He's not my boyfriend!" she snarled.
"Oh, so I can ask him out?"
Thena deliberately changed course, bumping shoulders on the way to her position front and center, "I didn't say that, either."
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