#he basically just looks like the Vero sprite but no giant gold chain
skybrightpixie · 1 year
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Auriga is an ex-Meteor "Knight" who was personally trained up (and in the loosest definition, raised from when he was a young teen) by Sirius because he showed exceptional prowess as a Pokemon trainer.
More info under the cut!
Sirius disallowed Auriga from getting friendly with anybody and treated him with little patience. He never even called his protégé by his birth name, solely referring to him by his Meteor code name (which caused Auriga to only identify with his code name instead of his birth name which he hardly remembers). He trained him to become a cold-hearted and powerful trainer, though he was never allowed his own team—he was given rental Pokemon for missions, instead.
Sirius, Solaris, and Elias routinely drilled into Auriga’s head that Team Meteor was his family and he owed them for everything; therefore, he was expected to be completely loyal without question. However, the few times he spoke to Taka or Luna, plus Luna escaping and running away, one day, had him question this loyalty, and eventually added up to him defecting from Team Meteor and running from the Reborn region, for a little while.
Soon, though, he returned, determined to stop Team Meteor from carrying out their plans and ending them for good. From the moment he set foot within the region, he worked restlessly to fight Team Meteor at every corner, sometimes to his own self destruction. He uses prior knowledge and his own wit to maneuver through his journey.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t know who he is without Team Meteor, either. He can’t confidently describe what it means to be family, he hates to be left to his own time when he’s not chasing Meteors or training to defeat them, and has difficulty talking to others who aren’t/weren't part of the organization.
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