#he blocked me on my 42 alt accounts
smartoptionsio · 5 years
[Signals Review] Universal Crypto Signals by Saviour – Cheap as F. and Accurate as Hell!
Oh-oh-oh – one of the other will give me some bad looks for recommending this channel, but I am going to do it anyway, as this one is one of my long kept secret favs. One, which I am a bit afraid to share, but well, this channel just deserves it for its work.
Universal Crypto Signals / BitMEX Saviour has been recommended to us by a reader of our community. He was literally angry at us for having not yet written about them, and yeah, I get it somehow why.  Great Altcoin/Binance signal channels are pretty rare. Binance/Altcoin Signal channels with ultra-high accuracy even more. Extremely accurate altcoin AND BitMEX signals are almost impossible to find (still we located the top channels for you on our site).
Universal Crypto Signals has it all and costs less than taking your girlfriend out to the movies. I mean, yeah when the bulls are at the table, everybody can shine like Warren Buffet and tell you about their God-given talents. These bear times – they are putting the gems from the crap apart. And we with these guys we might significantly increase our stack while dreaming of the next run.
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This article is for educational purposes only. We are no financial advisors. Do not make investment decisions based on this informations. The information provided from Smart Options is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal or financial advice. You should consult with a financial advisor or other professional to find out what may be best for your individual needs and risk tolerance. Please do your own research and let never anyone trade for you. We do not support or advertise "FUND MANAGEMENT", we only review signal providers/analysis/education. Please read this disclaimer and leave the website if you disagree with it.
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Signals Review:
Universal Crypto Signals by Saviour are split into three channels:
Binance / Bittrex Channel (Altcoin Signals)
BitMEX Swings
BitMEX Scalps
Saviour makes use of the Cornix trade replication bot and another API solution for full auto trading. One thing I liked very much about this channel is a thing I observed very often: bad/missing marketing + excellent trader. It is like finding a rough diamond, which most folks would not pay attention to and falsely rate as a glass shard. I observed the troll box for quite some time now and there are quite some gamblers to be found, I assume due to the cheap price. They are trying to push him for more, more. more signals and while Saviour keeps cool like a rock in the sea, he suggest some trades here and there, but never, really never rushes into an “official trade”. People trying to squeeze a signal out of him, get most replies like “wait, not safe now – I cannot enter anything”. What makes Saviour very special is his view on the market. I assume his technical analysis is kept relatively simple, but he does one thing many signal providers do not: his signals consider the entire crypto environment, instead of just what the charts are printing – and this gives him an edge over many other traders. I personally think the main reason for his success is, that he considers the market cap development against the charts. Example:
If, for example, the technical analysis gives him a short signal, but the market cap is increasing, he stays out of the markets until both factors align with each other.
One thing to mention for the Altcoin signals: Depending on the market situation, there is often no stop-loss. This looks pretty dangerous to some, though I had a close look at this one: Saviour makes this depended on the current Bitcoin situation. If Bitcoin gives him the impression that it might drop, he gives a stop loss. If he thinks it is stable and provides a safe environment for alts to develop their price action, he prefers to leave it without. It is a bit of a walk on the edge and surely this gives him a very easy game to generate good looking stats. On the other hand, I can’t say that Saviour doesn’t make use of stop-loss in a loose or unreliable way – it is a dynamic way and his success proofs him, his customers are raving over their growing accounts. I have to pull off some points for risk management here. If stops are given, they come with a very reasonable risk:reward ratio of four to five percent. Difficult to decide. It seems, though, he closes failed signals with the Cornix bot for his customers manually (publishes S/L once sentiment has changed), so the customers likely won’t ride into deep loss.
In January we had 46 Altcoin signals. 42 signals hit at least the first target and 4 got stopped out. They altogether created a possible maximum gain of about 1300% (Always remember that these gain percentages are virtual figures to give an impression about win ranges and have only limited meaning for your real account growth.) Impressive: If you scroll back to the aggressive bear phase of of March/April ’18 you will see a big phat win streak: 178 won signals in a row. ‘-‘
The BitMEX Signals
The post is mainly talking about unleveraged signals for Binance/Bittrex, though he offers two more channels: one for quicker scalps and one for swings with maximum safety. I am not going to review the scalps as we don’t encourage to make use of them as unexperienced trader, based on signal channels. These come with extra risk and you need fast actions – and naturally the hit rate is much lower.
However, the swing channel is very good and provides rare signals. I am with them since January now and am quite flashed about his hit rate here as well. This guy is definitely on fire and only two trades saw stop-loss/ and two breakeven exits since January, which makes a confirmed hit rate of 31/35. Nice.
Signal Example:
Please have a look at this very nice altcoin signal above and how precisely the targets have been defined up front (the last target did not fill for some folks, so he didn’t mark it as cleared in the tracker). This is a great example for a trade where a trailing stop plays out perfectly and enables you to reap the full range of profits. The Cornix bot makes it easy to configure that (well, not that easy, but at least it makes it possible).
The Results
The results shown by this service have been overall very positive. You need some kind of trust into Saviour’s skills sometimes, but he knows what he does. The unleveraged altcoin signals can take some time to develop sometimes, but most of the time they explode very fast and they are there, in front of your eyes, as sharp as in Ultra HD. Most of his signals hit much faster than the signals from other channels, so your capital is not bound too long on one place, though if we wanted to take full profit, we’d need to stay in a trade sometimes for two weeks and more, so the altcoin channel by Saviour is a kinda “patience pays” one if you want to reap the full profit available on each trade. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, it can give the right learnings for the own trading career if just followed and the first targets hit very fast – much faster than other people’s signals.
He surely scans the sea of altcoins and detects early where the money pumps in slow and steady, so the majority won’t recognize. To me, he made unleveraged trading fun again. The only big drawback I see with Universal Crypto Signals is the thing with the stop loss. Risk-averse traders might enter such positions with shivering fingers. For cool guys, that don’t play emotions here, it is a very cool ride with much profits to be made.
To be fair, I have to mention that the BitMEX signals came always with a defined stop-loss and he would never let his customers become liquidated.
The BitMEX signals are not behind his Altcoin services, so I want to mention them as well. They also show juicy profits and his positions can be found on the right side of the trade most often. The scalp signals often shoot pretty fast, so sometimes it might not be possible to get in with a limit order. Personally, I prefer to wait for the rare but very safe swings.
The Support
The support is provided in a separate chat room by Saviour. Especially as I observed much rude talk recently in other chats, I was happy to see how calm and friendly he kept with his customers. He is constantly working to advertise the right trading attitude and gives interesting insights into his view on the charts (and additional information he uses to source the signal). However, don’t expect advanced trading courses and the big bells and whistles here. He provides a good support for his trades, updates his community with current support and resistance levels and gives insights in his trading style from time to time.
Critical Notes
Saviour knows how to navigate his followers through the wild waters. His signals are very well – this both bullet points have been covered to exhaustion now. What we did not like was the way to market his channel on the free channel. Surely, he provides some of his valuable signals there as well for free, but you will face cross promotions and have the look and feel of the classic pump and dump channels like from 1-2 years ago. I assume he just doesn’t know it better – and at first, it really turned me off and I left the channels as per our quality guidelines. However, his picks have been outstanding over a long course of time, so I went back to observe the language in the chat he uses etc . to get a better impression. He really seems like an honest person to me, who is not super hungry for membership fees. My personal guess is, he designs the stuff as he sees it with other channels – and this puts him into a bad light without a reason. My suggestion: no cross-promotion, less hype, and big words – that would make a much better impression.
End of SmartOptions.io Review
Customer Review
As you know, your trust is everything for us, hence we started to pull in customer reviews where we grant access to the reviewed channel to one of our Telegram channel readers. For this free review opportunity, we have chosen the user “DRE“, and you find his summarized experience of a test period here:
“Every trader is different: different risk management strategies, different goals for profit targets and length to be in trades. I tracked the January results for Premium Universal Crypto Signals and found the following (screenshot included) results for Binance Altcoins.
**Approximate 80% win rate (a few trades were on Bittrex so I didn’t track their W/L but included in the Loss/Open group) [ Customer results, likely taken only a part of the signals ]
**20+% of trades hit T2, average time in trades to T1 target 2.59 days (several hit same day or next day)**Assuming absolute worst case scenario (meaning ALL entries were at the top of the entry zone, all Losses were at their suggested 7.5% below the lowest entry zone AND ALL profits were taken at T1 to be conservative) the overall % ROE was 55%. Obviously, getting in at a lower entry, taking partial profits at T1 and leaving some for T2 and T3 could increase that return. As being said, 55% return was the worst case scenario.
Overall, I like the ease of use for this channel, especially if you are a fairly new trader. They offer signals you can follow with a bot which makes days like Feb 7, where 8 trades were posted, easier to follow and track. Signals are clear:
Standard Signal Example
Crypto Signal with Auto Trade Option
Results Tracking; provided by the Bot
Pros and cons based on my conservative trading style. I definitely prefer to use a moving target stop strategy as they do hit T2 and T3 on occasion.
Customer Conclusion:
I was originally skeptical of Premium Universal Crypto Signals claim that they had 95% accuracy. Being that Jan was a rough month and they achieved 80+% [Customer results, likely taken only a part of the signals], I do think it’s possible. I also think the very loose use of stop losses helps to achieve high accuracy. Overall, I would definitely recommend this channel. They really appear to strive for high quality signals and do have great accuracy.  I would also suggest looking into their Premium Bitmex channel as well.
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Please contact @cryptosaviour by Telegram to enroll. Discount code: Use the discount code SMARTSAVIOUR for 5%.
Website:  In Progress
Telegram Contact: t.me/team_ucs1 and t.me/cryptosaviour
Discount Code: SMARTSAVIOUR (5% off)
Daily 1-5 HIGHLY ACCURATE signals as per market conditions
VIP chat group for members
Portfolio advise and Personal Support
Crypto News, Special Information
Trading Strategies
Hidden Gems
Short, Mid, Long Term Signals
Semi-automated and Fully Automated Trading
Dedicated BitMEX Premium Channel with great accuracy ( separate Channel)
BitMEX Dedicated Premium channels for Swing and Scalp Trades and All Trades with great Risk Management
Upcoming Features: 1. Margin Trading on all alts available on binance 2. Confidential report
Pricing and Plans:
Plan A. Semi-automated Altcoin Premium Price: 1. $66 one month | 2. $171 three months | 3. $306 Six Months | 4. $540 one year
Plan B. Fully Automated Altcoin Premium Price: Plan A + $234/year ($25 per month)
Plan C. Semi-automated Margin Trading Premium Price: 1. $81 one month | 2. $199 three months | 3. $351 Six Months | 4. $621 one year
Plan D. Fully Automated Margin Premium Price: Plan C + $270/year ($30 per month)
Plan E. Semi-automated Altcoin + Margin Premium Price: 1. $120 one month | 2. $295 three months | 3. $484 six months | 4. $900 one year Plan F. Fully Automated Altcoin + Margin Premium Price: Plan E + $300/year ($35 per month)
Auto Trader: Semi-automated + Fully Automated Both (Binance, Bittrex, Bitfinex, BitMEX)
Special Features / What makes the channel unique: High Accuracy, Fast Target Achievement, Automated Trading on Binance/Bittrex, Fully Personal assistance and learning activities through VIP Trollbox, Hidden Gem Signals
Exchanges: Binance, Bittrex, IdEx , Huobi, Kucoin, and some Hidden Gems on other exchanges.  Also Dedicated Premium channel For BitMEX signals with high accuracy
Results Tracking: Altcoin results https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Rqi3CUHusccoHBMl0tSXZC6Q7tGt7kJDRiGhv1fxi0k/edit?usp=sharing BitMEX results https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Av2pxJT8zXKKxqG57ylrQzXGjvTb57WTqhtebtf981k/edit?usp=sharing
Signals with technical analysis (for manual entries): Yes on Demand. Full Support about Analysis and Educational activities in Chatbox/Trollbox
Trading Timezones:  24 hours
Free Channels: t.me/universalcryptosignals (Warning: Cross Promotions!) and t.me/bitmexsaviours
How the paid signals channel looks like:
Please contact @cryptosaviour by Telegram to enroll. Discount code: Use the discount code SMARTSAVIOUR for 5%.
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0 notes
homepictures · 5 years
Seven Benefits Of Decor Home Designs That May Change Your Perspective | decor home designs
After an absolute active plant, there are few things that activate up a anteroom or board like a well-loved mug. Your assignment mug is one of the easiest means to add some personality to an contrarily antiseptic environment, and it’s apparently the aboriginal affair anybody brings from home to a new job. If you appetite to activity some vibes, a design-forward mug is a acceptable abode to start. To advice acquaint your abutting purchase, we asked a agglomeration of mug-loving artistic admiral to acquaint us what they currently accept on their desks and what they appetite to add to their collections.
Interior Design Trends: Dazzling 23s Inspired Art Deco Home Decor – decor home designs | decor home designs
Both Kyle Garner, architect of Sit and Read, and Deva Pardue, artistic administrator of The Wing, told us about their adulation of archetypal Heller mugs. “The Lela and Massimo Vignelli Heller mug is a admired for work,” says Garner. “I adulation the adventure in the Lella and Massimo Vignelli documentary about the aboriginal architecture for this mug and how it bare to be afflicted back they brought it over to the U.S. bazaar because asinine Americans were bushing their mugs to the top and spilling. Would adulation to acquisition one of the originals someday!”
Massimo Vignelli Rainbow Mugs
$60 at Houzz
Rich Damiani, accessory artistic administrator at Highsnobiety, best addition archetypal by a architecture giant: Michael Graves. “This one looks actual air-conditioned and actual anatomic at the aforementioned time.”
Alessi Michael Graves Mug
$78 at Amazon
Another museum-quality mug advocacy came from Joanna Godard of A Cup of Jo, who’s had her eye on the positive-vibes New Museum mug for her brother. “I’d get my little brother this ‘Hell, yes!’ mug for his board at his new job.”
Hell Yes! Mug
$16 at New Museum Store
Garner consistently has added than one mug on his board at a time. But they’re not aloof for coffee. “I accept three mugs in my appointment actually! I accept a McCoy Smile mug on my board with a bulb in it, a activate mug for tea, and a blush Heller mug with pens in it.”
McCoy Smiley Face Mug
$45 for 4 at Etsy
For addition cartoon-face mug that doubles accurately as a board planter, accede this vintage-inspired Snoopy-head mug.
Snoopy Head Mug
$24 at Urban Outfitters
Lamp, Shade, Light, Lampshade, Interior – decor home designs | decor home designs
Garner’s third mug (mentioned above) is additionally a classic, this time from Vermont-based Bennington Potters. “I accept a bendable atom for Bennington. Their commonsensical architecture is unmatched. I’ve had my activate mug for a decade at least. I anticipate I bought my aboriginal one at a flea bazaar for $5.”
Bennington Pottery Activate Mug
$18 at Bennington Potters
“I’ve calm a agglomeration of these over the years. They’re the best,” he says.
Bennington Potters Vermont Agate Morning Glory Dejected Activate Mugs
$20 for 2 at Etsy
Damiani additionally recommended a atramentous and white marble mug from the father-daughter duo abaft 1882 Ltd. “My admired mug is the 1882 x Queensbury Hunt Slick Additions mug, because it represents able adroitness and supports a ancestors business, all while actuality priced appealing reasonably.”
$29 at End
If you like the marble aftereffect aloft you ability additionally like this ombré anesthetized mug from Brooklyn-based potter Helen Levi.
Helen Levi Traditional Ceramic Ombre Mug
$48 at Need Supply
Or the layered speckling and drips on this brace of Uzumati mugs.
Uzumati Mugs
$55 at Huckberry
Interior, Living Room, Furniture, Room – decor home designs | decor home designs
Kristen Morabito, artistic administrator at Mohinders, chose a analogously “imperfect”-looking tumbler. “I’m one of those bodies who consistently has four beverages aggregate about my desk! Coffee from our neighbors Andytown, chai fabricated with my beloved mix One Stripe Chai, auto water, kombucha … all at once.”
Crackle Aerialist
$36 at Earthen
Pardue currently uses a mug advised by her aggregation at The Wing, which she says is abundant for morning coffee and for befitting hydrated throughout the day. But her added admired appropriate now is this “okay”-sign mug from Wolves Within. “It’s air-conditioned beautiful and has comfortable earth-tone vibes, absolute for a cup of tea.”
Okie Dokie handmade mug
$42 at Wolves Within
For article with a affiliated aerial and absorbing vibe, we like these handmade mugs from ABCV.
ABCV mug
$52 at ABC Carpet & Home
Sean Santiago, art administrator of Out annual and the founding editor of Cakeboy, had a few favorites to share. “At work, I accept the Large Mug from Heath Ceramics in white.”
Heath Ceramics Large Mug
$36 at Heath Ceramics
“I aloof best up LGS Studio’s Backbone Cup in Temmoku at A/D/O boutique aftermost week,” says Santiago. “I adulation it because it’s actual Bauhaus; it feels like it should be harder to alcohol from than it is? But the backbone is absolutely affectionate of brilliant?”
LGS Studios Backbone Cup
$42 at LGS Studios
House Designs Ideas, Inspiration, Photos – Trendir – decor home designs | decor home designs
“If I were to buy addition new mug on some array of new-mug arcade spree,” Santiago continued, “I’d absolutely bounce for Natalie Weinberger’s Pleat Mug. And I’d accept her custom-make me the coaster she showed it with during market.”
Natalie Weinberger Pleat Mug Dark Blooming
$44 at The Primary Essentials
“I adulation my antic blush mug,” says Godard. “The colossal handle looks beeline out of Wallace and Gromit, the British adobe action series. I feel like I’m in a animation back I’m bubbler from it.” (The dejected adaptation is additionally fun.)
Workaday Handmade abbreviate mug
$45 at Garmentory
For arcade or gift-giving on a budget, these beefy blooming mugs from Hearth & Hand are a above deal.
Hearth & Hand Stoneware Mug
$8 for 2 at Target
Chris Kaufman, co-founder and arch architecture administrator of StockX, recommends Detroit-based cast Corbé. “Corbé marries the attention of technology with the appearance of handmade wares, so it’s alone applicable they’re based in Detroit, a burghal with a acclaimed ancestry of accomplishment and craftsmanship. I acknowledge their use of clean, simple curve and curves which are afflicted by 1940s avant-garde design. The Charlevoix mug is accessible in a array of finishes, but my admired is pewter, a satin-matte blah accomplishment with a cool, avant-garde vibe.”
$38 at Corbé
This Maruhiro mug is agnate acknowledgment to its angled handle, but has a bold affectionate of cafeteria feel, and it comes in several befuddled colors.
Maruhiro Block Mug in Orange
$30 at Need Supply
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homedevises · 5 years
16 Things You Didn’t Know About Home Design Store | home design store
After an absolute active plant, there are few things that activate up a anteroom or board like a well-loved mug. Your assignment mug is one of the easiest means to add some personality to an contrarily antiseptic environment, and it’s apparently the aboriginal affair anybody brings from home to a new job. If you appetite to activity some vibes, a design-forward mug is a acceptable abode to start. To advice acquaint your abutting purchase, we asked a agglomeration of mug-loving artistic admiral to acquaint us what they currently accept on their desks and what they appetite to add to their collections.
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Both Kyle Garner, architect of Sit and Read, and Deva Pardue, artistic administrator of The Wing, told us about their adulation of archetypal Heller mugs. “The Lela and Massimo Vignelli Heller mug is a admired for work,” says Garner. “I adulation the adventure in the Lella and Massimo Vignelli documentary about the aboriginal architecture for this mug and how it bare to be afflicted back they brought it over to the U.S. bazaar because asinine Americans were bushing their mugs to the top and spilling. Would adulation to acquisition one of the originals someday!”
Massimo Vignelli Rainbow Mugs
$60 at Houzz
Rich Damiani, accessory artistic administrator at Highsnobiety, best addition archetypal by a architecture giant: Michael Graves. “This one looks actual air-conditioned and actual anatomic at the aforementioned time.”
Alessi Michael Graves Mug
$78 at Amazon
Another museum-quality mug advocacy came from Joanna Godard of A Cup of Jo, who’s had her eye on the positive-vibes New Museum mug for her brother. “I’d get my little brother this ‘Hell, yes!’ mug for his board at his new job.”
Hell Yes! Mug
$16 at New Museum Store
Garner consistently has added than one mug on his board at a time. But they’re not aloof for coffee. “I accept three mugs in my appointment actually! I accept a McCoy Smile mug on my board with a bulb in it, a activate mug for tea, and a blush Heller mug with pens in it.”
McCoy Smiley Face Mug
$45 for 4 at Etsy
For addition cartoon-face mug that doubles accurately as a board planter, accede this vintage-inspired Snoopy-head mug.
Snoopy Head Mug
$24 at Urban Outfitters
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Garner’s third mug (mentioned above) is additionally a classic, this time from Vermont-based Bennington Potters. “I accept a bendable atom for Bennington. Their commonsensical architecture is unmatched. I’ve had my activate mug for a decade at least. I anticipate I bought my aboriginal one at a flea bazaar for $5.”
Bennington Pottery Activate Mug
$18 at Bennington Potters
“I’ve calm a agglomeration of these over the years. They’re the best,” he says.
Bennington Potters Vermont Agate Morning Glory Dejected Activate Mugs
$20 for 2 at Etsy
Damiani additionally recommended a atramentous and white marble mug from the father-daughter duo abaft 1882 Ltd. “My admired mug is the 1882 x Queensbury Hunt Slick Additions mug, because it represents able adroitness and supports a ancestors business, all while actuality priced appealing reasonably.”
$29 at End
If you like the marble aftereffect aloft you ability additionally like this ombré anesthetized mug from Brooklyn-based potter Helen Levi.
Helen Levi Traditional Ceramic Ombre Mug
$48 at Need Supply
Or the layered speckling and drips on this brace of Uzumati mugs.
Uzumati Mugs
$55 at Huckberry
Delicious Designs of Hingham, Massachusetts with Interior Design … – home design store | home design store
Kristen Morabito, artistic administrator at Mohinders, chose a analogously “imperfect”-looking tumbler. “I’m one of those bodies who consistently has four beverages aggregate about my desk! Coffee from our neighbors Andytown, chai fabricated with my beloved mix One Stripe Chai, auto water, kombucha … all at once.”
Crackle Aerialist
$36 at Earthen
Pardue currently uses a mug advised by her aggregation at The Wing, which she says is abundant for morning coffee and for befitting hydrated throughout the day. But her added admired appropriate now is this “okay”-sign mug from Wolves Within. “It’s air-conditioned beautiful and has comfortable earth-tone vibes, absolute for a cup of tea.”
Okie Dokie handmade mug
$42 at Wolves Within
For article with a affiliated aerial and absorbing vibe, we like these handmade mugs from ABCV.
ABCV mug
$52 at ABC Carpet & Home
Sean Santiago, art administrator of Out annual and the founding editor of Cakeboy, had a few favorites to share. “At work, I accept the Large Mug from Heath Ceramics in white.”
Heath Ceramics Large Mug
$36 at Heath Ceramics
“I aloof best up LGS Studio’s Backbone Cup in Temmoku at A/D/O boutique aftermost week,” says Santiago. “I adulation it because it’s actual Bauhaus; it feels like it should be harder to alcohol from than it is? But the backbone is absolutely affectionate of brilliant?”
LGS Studios Backbone Cup
$42 at LGS Studios
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“If I were to buy addition new mug on some array of new-mug arcade spree,” Santiago continued, “I’d absolutely bounce for Natalie Weinberger’s Pleat Mug. And I’d accept her custom-make me the coaster she showed it with during market.”
Natalie Weinberger Pleat Mug Dark Blooming
$44 at The Primary Essentials
“I adulation my antic blush mug,” says Godard. “The colossal handle looks beeline out of Wallace and Gromit, the British adobe action series. I feel like I’m in a animation back I’m bubbler from it.” (The dejected adaptation is additionally fun.)
Workaday Handmade abbreviate mug
$45 at Garmentory
For arcade or gift-giving on a budget, these beefy blooming mugs from Hearth & Hand are a above deal.
Hearth & Hand Stoneware Mug
$8 for 2 at Target
Chris Kaufman, co-founder and arch architecture administrator of StockX, recommends Detroit-based cast Corbé. “Corbé marries the attention of technology with the appearance of handmade wares, so it’s alone applicable they’re based in Detroit, a burghal with a acclaimed ancestry of accomplishment and craftsmanship. I acknowledge their use of clean, simple curve and curves which are afflicted by 1940s avant-garde design. The Charlevoix mug is accessible in a array of finishes, but my admired is pewter, a satin-matte blah accomplishment with a cool, avant-garde vibe.”
$38 at Corbé
This Maruhiro mug is agnate acknowledgment to its angled handle, but has a bold affectionate of cafeteria feel, and it comes in several befuddled colors.
Maruhiro Block Mug in Orange
$30 at Need Supply
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toptecharena · 6 years
AY is going to block you on social media if you insult him and he isn't bothered of you think that makes him a proud person.
AY has come out to say that when celebrities block people on social media, it doesn’t mean that they are proud.
The multi-talented comedian made this known on his Instagram page on Wednesday, August 15, 2018. According to him, the reward for insulting someone on his Instagram page is to get blocked.
“Abi them no dey know say you fit block them? I don’t like blocking. I don’t like shutting down avenues of communication. But if you’ve gone out of your way to insult me or my family over the things you cannot proof or defend, I will not give you the room to make me consider jumping into 3rd Mainland Bridge as an option in life.
  “Blocking you only ensures I won’t have to accommodate any form of depression coming from someone who doesn’t care about how I feel. It’s as simple as getting up from your bed at night to put off the AC when you realise that you are beginning to catch cold. This has nothing to do with being a proud celebrity. it’s more about you knowing that I am equally human too,” he wrote.
  AY might be making a lot of sense and at the same time, some people might be of the opinion that as celebrities and public figures, you should be ready to take anything. Apart from blocking people on social media some celebrities have lately complained about some fans begging for financial assistance.
ALSO READ: See celebrities who have helped kids back to school in 2018
“Stop begging me for money, it is beginning to piss me” -Annie Idibia warns
  Less than 24 hours ago, Annie Idibia sent a warning to those fans and followers who keep begging her for money on social media as it is beginning to piss her off.
The actress made this known on her Instagram stories on Thursday, August 16, 2018. According to her, in a series of post on her Instagram stories, she said she also has her own issues and struggles and is fed up with followers sending her messages asking for financial assistance.
“Please, I beg you stop asking me for money! It is beginning to really piss me off…n, worse are the people who constantly insult me if I don’t respond or say I don’t have.
“This is to every single person sending me account numbers, begging for money every sec of the day!!! Me sef I be human being oooo!!! I have my own issues and struggles!!! We are all fighting the same battle ooo I have my own issues and problems,” she said.
Uti says Instagram wasn’t created for begging
  Uti Nwachukwu who was a former winner of Big Brother Africa has a message for those who use Instagram as a platform to beg, saying it wasn’t created for that purpose.
The actor and model took his frustrations to his Instagram page on Tuesday, June 26, 2018, where he blasted those who take every single opportunity to beg and request for things.
Go to Source Author: Odion E. Okonofua AY: Comedian says blocking people on social media has nothing to do with being proud AY is going to block you on social media if you insult him and he isn't bothered of you think that makes him a proud person.
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garancefranke-ruta · 7 years
American Jews hear the footsteps of white nationalists and worry
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Chanting “White lives matter! You will not replace us! and Jews will not replace us!,” several hundred white nationalists and white supremacists carrying torches marched in a parade through the University of Virginia campus. (Photo: Evelyn Hockstein/For The Washington Post via Getty Images)
WASHINGTON — The day after the election in 2016, Nancy Goldstein, a 55-year-old Brooklyn writer and academic who has never been to Israel, opened up her computer and began the process of applying for Israeli citizenship.
In Washington, D.C., 49-year-old entrepreneur David Bennahum began the complex process of moving his family and startup business to Montreal, finally establishing all four of them and the company there in July.
The one thing they had in common: They are both Jewish. And both had looked at the campaign of Donald J. Trump and decided they would be safer as Jews and as liberals if they had an exit strategy from America.
The question of living as a Jew in America under Trump has provoked varying degrees of anxiety in the year since he tweeted out an anti-Semitic meme about Hillary Clinton — the infamous Star of David tweet — and then sought to defend it as a “Sheriff’s Star.” That’s when I first started to hear the half-panicked, half-joking conversations about exit strategies if Trump won and considerations about where to go if America were ever to become unsafe. A friend whose grandparents had fled Germany talked to her mother about going back there. A half-Jewish, half-Australian friend decided to pursue — and ultimately secured — dual citizenship and an Australian passport.
Contemplating worst-case scenarios is something practically encoded in the Jewish DNA, a legacy of 2,000 years of persecution culminating in the slaughter of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust less than a century ago. And given that most American Jews are Democrats and political progressives, the sense of foreboding that Trump has provoked has been compounded by his actions and rhetoric against other groups Jews have stood in solidarity with in America: refugees, immigrants, religious minorities, people fighting for civil rights.
Now the events in Charlottesville, Va., have triggered more difficult historical memories, and forced some Jews to freshly confront troubling questions about their personal and community safety. And it’s forcing many of them to weigh how much they trust America against how much they trust their own fears about where their country is going under Trump.
“What happened last Shabbat was terrifying. Seeing Nazis marching with torches on American soil touches our deepest vulnerability, our collective trauma. Hearing the leader of our country refuse to take a stand against them reminds us of so many closed borders, so many who turned away when our parents and grandparents were running for their lives,” Rabbi Rachel Timoner of Congregation Beth Elohim wrote in a letter to her Brooklyn, N.Y., congregation urging them to not feel alone in their fears, and to stand with in the wake of the Charlottesville car attack.
Three days after Charlottesville, Eran Greenberg, a 42-year-old doctor who works in Northern Virginia, had a different response: He retook possession of the gun he’d bought years ago but kept stored outside his home. “Seeing this up three blocks from my house set me off,” he said, sharing a photo of an Identity Evropa poster proclaiming “Our destiny is ours” on a lamppost in Old Town, Alexandria, Va. Identity Evropa is an American white supremacist group, and the offices of “alt-right” leader Richard Spencer are in Alexandria, making the city a hub of white nationalist activity.
“Every Jewish person I know feels pretty much exactly the same way. And it’s this sort of sense of dread because we don’t know when we’re being unnecessarily frightened and when to take it seriously. It’s the question that’s been asked by Jews around the world: When is it time to go? When is it time to leave? And when is it too late?” asked Kaili Joy Gray, 39, a D.C.-based senior editor at Share Blue media, who unspooled a Twitter thread asking similar questions after Charlottesville.
“Most of the time for American Jews, now, in 2017, we feel pretty safe. We don’t necessarily stand out. We don’t necessarily get a lot of attention, and we are used to thinking about the horrible things that have happened throughout our history as historical things. And in the last few days we’ve seen Nazis, saluting Trump and saying ‘Heil Trump’ and it stirs anger and frustration and fear and makes you realize it’s not history, it’s right now and this movement — this hatred — is being fueled by the president of the United States and that’s terrifying,” she said.
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The Ku Klux Klan protested on July 8, 2017 in Charlottesville, Va. (Photo: Chet Strange/Getty Images)
D.C.-area residents, like New Yorkers, have since Sept. 11 been urged to develop evacuation plans in the event of a terrorist attack, and many work in offices that continue to hand out emergency kits with items such as whistles and face masks. The fact that so many Jews live in communities that have already been on high alert or targeted by al-Qaeda doubtless contributes to the conversations about exit strategies and escape routes, along with the political environment and recent worries about a conflict with a nuclear North Korea. But mainly it’s Trump.
“My husband and I have talked about [having to leave] only since Trump took office. In the last half-year, we’ve said, you know it’s a possibility,” said Maia, 40, a business development specialist in Washington, D.C., who asked that I not to use her last name or place of employment.
“Thank God there’s an Israel and we have property there,” she added, noting that that would be the couple’s destination if they ever felt truly threatened in America. Israel, of course, routinely comes under rocket fire from armed militias and has been subjected to waves of terrorist attacks that dwarf anything seen in America.
“Personally, it’s not as threatening to me as 9/11,” Maia said of the neo-Nazi marchers. “That felt more like an assault. This feels like a lot of empty rhetoric without a lot of planning. I hope that this can bring us together like 9/11.”
Bennahum’s reasons for moving to Canada were more complex than just the attentiveness to politics that comes with being a son of a Jew who survived World War II in Nazi-occupied Romania. There were serious business incentives, such as not having to pay healthcare costs for his employees, thanks to Canada’s single-payer system. And he speaks French.
“What opened the deal was the election and then what closed it was the incentives offered by the federal government and the Quebec government to companies like mine to relocate engineers and resources,” he said.
But he also has a dark theory about what’s happening in America, where he sees a democracy that has been under assault since the 1994 Gingrich revolution. The “deeply bad” Bush v. Gore decision, the “nihilistic Republican Congress from 2010 forward,” and Clinton’s loss of the White House despite winning the popular vote are, along with Gingrich’s move to polarize Congress, “four sequential fundamental battering rams to the social norms of the republic” that have helped weaken the American project, he said.
“I put the chances at one in three that the republic is over. Full stop. That the grand American experiment, the world’s oldest continuous democracy — 240 years young — I put it at a one in three shot that it’s out. If Republicans hold Congress in 2018, it goes to one in two. And I think if Trump is reelected with a Republican Congress in 2020, it’s one in one. It is over. … It’s all going to be decided in the next, what, 41 months,” he said. “If I’m wrong, great, then I’ll come back. It’s not complicated. If I’m right, I’m really sorry.”
“I think everyone needs an exit strategy. It doesn’t mean you have to exit right away. But if you have not executed on your path out, you’re naive. If your plan is just to wait and see, that’s not a good story. We know how that ends. That ends in tears, at best,” he said.
Not everyone is so apocalyptic about the future for Jews in America.
“Give me a country and I will tell you we are a lot better off than that country in the Jewish community,” said Ira Forman, the former special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism at the U.S. State Department. “I’d much prefer being a Jew in the United States in terms of anti-Semitic threats than even Canada, France or the U.K.”
“Anti-Semitism in the U.S. has been almost qualitatively different from what we see overseas,” he said. “We are not in the ’30s, and we are not the German Jewish community in the 1930s. It is sure as heck not that. But we can’t be complacent.”
Fighting anti-Semitism is hard, and some of the most obvious approaches, such as taking down Twitter and Facebook accounts of white supremacists, don’t do as much to solve the problem as people might hope. What works best, what is most powerful, Forman said, is the power of social opprobrium.
“One thing we know a fair amount about is civil society speaking out. Heads of churches, civic leaders, business leaders, even common people — when people speak out and the haters pay a social cost, that’s a very powerful tool. We need a lot of folks to speak out. Not just political leaders. We need civil society to rise up,” he said. “It’s got to be consistent, it’s got to be long term and it’s got to be a lot of people.”
The Jews I’ve spoken with are less afraid that the U.S. government will turn on them with the organized ferocity of the Third Reich than that independent armed bands of anti-Semites and white supremacists will gain enough strength and engage in enough acts of terrorism, harassment and negative propaganda to bring what has been the golden age of America for Jews to an end.
Fear of civilian anti-Semitism and mob violence, and not just official state actions, is deeply grounded in the Jewish experience of non-state actors being the vanguard of anti-Semitic violence when egged on by government officials.
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Toppled and damaged headstones rest on the ground at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Philadelphia. Pa., on Feb. 27, 2017. The Anti-Defamation League found an increase in cases of anti-Semitic intimidation and vandalism in 2016, evidence that anti-Jewish bias intensified during the election. (Photo: Jacqueline Larma/AP)
“The ‘very fine people’ comment sent shivers down my spine, because the Latvian man who led the murder of my grandfather’s family and the rest of the inhabitants of his tiny village ended up immigrating to Canada after World War II. He settled in Toronto, where I grew up, and in fact lived in the same suburb as I did, not far from my house,” said Lavi Soloway, 50, an immigration lawyer in Los Angeles who in 2004 became a U.S. citizen. “Why am I afraid? I know that ordinary people, patriotic nationalists, people with hatred for the other, specifically hatred for Jews, can be driven to insane acts of violence.”
“Those Charlottesville marchers are a danger to us all. And I cannot simply write them off as a small band of loonies, not with the president giving them succor,” he said.
And then there is the deep pain caused by watching elders taking note of the new anti-Semitism in their waning days.
“When the Nazis invaded [my grandmother’s] hometown of Lodz, Poland, she was 18 years old. She watched as her parents and all the members of her family were killed. She survived three years in the Lodz Ghetto and internment in Auschwitz, Hainichen and Theresienstadt concentration camps,” said Soloway.
“She has lived a remarkable life, and thus it is so monstrously unjust that after having succeeded to rebuild and raise a family, and see her grandchildren grow to adulthood and start families of their own, she is now confronted with the rise of racist nationalism and anti-Semitism, not just in the U.S. but certainly in Europe as well.”
Children too have been frightened in a way that hurts. “Yesterday my 9 year-old saw some footage from Charlottesville. Then she asked me if there would be a second Holocaust,”  tweeted writer Peter Beinart on Friday.
Younger Jews in general are having trouble reconciling the idea of Nazi marches in America with how they think about this country, said Michael Uram, executive director and campus rabbi at the University of Pennsylvania, Trump’s alma mater.  A lot of students, particularly those at large universities in major cities who grew up on the coasts, “think of anti-Semitism as something that existed for their grandparents and parents.”
To confront it as something they too might have to fight is jarring. “There was an incredible sense of shock and disorientation that all this bubbled up,” he said. “They have not felt marginalized or prohibited from doing anything — and yet the story of anti-Semitism is coming up. It’s very hard for students on campus to integrate, to understand how it fits into their Jewish story.”
Some scoff at the idea that Americans would ever turn against Jews in a threatening way. Jewish Americans are, by and large, well assimilated, educated and successful. Trump’s own daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner, one of the president’s most trusted advisers. The public views Jews more warmly than any other religious faith, according  to a Pew Research Center study from 2014, although the numbers are higher among older Americans than those under 30. As well, “Jews receive their most positive ratings from whites,” according to Pew, demonstrating that there is a deep well of good faith toward Jews among the population from which white supremacists seek to recruit.
The widespread public condemnations of the marchers in Charlottesville and the rejection of the president by business, arts and charity leaders since his widely panned remarks Tuesday has been heartening to opponents of white nationalism. In Boston on Saturday, thousands of anti-white-supremacy marchers — the official police estimate was 40,000 — turned out to counter a “Free Speech” rally by Trump supporters and white supremacists that drew fewer than 100 attendees.
But fear is visceral, not rational. “Rationally, the reaction to Charlottesville by everyone in America who isn’t Trump is reassuring — it suggests there is no significant constituency for anti-Semitism in America. Irrationally, I’ve been thinking about the mechanics of leaving the country and even of last-ditch resistance, ever since last November,” said Adam Kirsch, a poet and literary critic in New York City.
Jews make up only 2.2 percent of the U.S. population, so even if only a tiny minority of white Christians choose to agitate against them, it could be felt profoundly given the broader demographics of the country. The Ku Klux Klan at its peak in the 1920s had a membership that constituted roughly 4 percent of Americans and was able to wield terror against African-Americans throughout the South.
The increasingly bitter polarization of U.S. politics is also a troublesome turn for Jews, in that they overwhelming vote for only one political party: The Democrats, now out of power at every level of national government. Of all the measured religions, Jews voted for Clinton at the highest percent, casting nearly three-quarters of their ballots for her and 24 percent for Trump, according to Pew . By comparison, only 16 percent of white, born-again Evangelical Christians voted for Clinton.
“The Jewish community has learned to live with the fact that one of the parties nominated — and White House came to be inhabited by — someone whose most fervent supporters are white nationalists racists and anti-Semites and those are the supporters he takes care not to alienate,” said Yehudah Mirsky, associate professor of the practice of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University in Boston.
“Does [Charlottesville] make Jews feel more threatened in America? It can’t not,” he said. That said, he added: “I don’t think American Jews have reason to be terrified. American society and American democracy are strong and healthy in all sorts of ways, but there are disturbing currents around, and president of the United States takes every opportunity to fan the flames.”
“Jews with historical memories always have their passports up to date, that’s just a matter of course,” Mirsky said. But “this isn’t France, where a Jew can’t walk around with his yarmulke on his head without fear of being beaten up.”
“Frankly one reason we don’t have that in America, is that as far as I can tell American Muslims are not anti-Semites,” he added.
Indeed Benjamin Sax, 42, a scholar at the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies in Maryland, said his group has found that Jews, with their refugee experiences, and Muslims, currently fighting Trump’s ban on refugees and Muslims, have been coming together since the election to build bridges around opposition to the president. Rather than fueling anti-Semitism, he sees Muslims in America making common cause with Jews.
“One silver lining is that my organization has responded to numerous requests, mostly by Jewish and Muslim women, looking to connect, so that’s actually been a pretty amazing community. And allies who wouldn’t normally align are finding their ways to our organization.”
“I live in Baltimore so I don’t feel at all under siege,” says Sax, but he too has felt compelled to consider over the past year to consider where he would go if he couldn’t stay in America. “I wouldn’t move to Israel, I lived there for five years. I thought about Germany. And I know that there’s a strange irony in that, but my wife grew up in Europe.” Denmark, which they visited on a recent trip, also looked attractive. “It’s very easy to get swept away in a European culture and ignore the demons that are in their closets,” though, he noted.
There is also the option that many Jews are taking for now, to stay and fight. Build the self-styled resistance movement. Protest, organize and trust in America. “As the white Jewish mother of a black teen, I deal with my ‘Jewish anxiety and safety concerns’ by teaching marshaling for demonstrations and nonviolent civil disobedience and by helping to organize fierce, disruptive but peaceful protests of varying sizes. Building resistant, defiant, loud community is my jam,” Alexis Danzig, a member of the anti-Trump group Rise and Resist said, quoting from my query.
“And then I lie awake at night wondering how to get my kid out of the country.”
Seven months into Trump’s first term, Goldstein has completed all the paperwork and been approved for Israeli citizenship upon completing one week of residency there, but it’s a step so fraught, she is still hesitant to take it.
The president’s reaction to Charlottesville wasn’t a wake-up call for her but an example of what she feared and expected from his presidency. What she really wants, though, is to feel safe here again, not to leave America.
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toptecharena · 6 years
Ogundipe was arrested and detained by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Abuja on Tuesday, August 14, 2018.
The Nigerian Police Force has secretly arraigned Premium Times reporter, Samuel Ogundipe in court.
Ogundipe was arraigned before a Magistrate Court in Kubwa on Wednesday August 15, 2018, without giving him access to his lawyer.
The reporter was charged with criminal trespass and theft of police document, according to Premium Times.
The report said the daily’s Editor-In-Chief, Musikilu Mojeed was at Special Anti-robbery Squad (SARS) detention facility on Wednesday morning around 10:00 am with lawyers.
They were briefed by the Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of the case, Sani Ahmadu, who told them to leave, and return by 4:00pm.
Premium Times reports that by 4:00 pm, Mojeed received a call from Ogundipe who told him that he has been taken to court and secretly tried despite his plea to allow him see his lawyer.
The daily also reported that the police, in the charge which it presented before the magistrate, did not add that the accused person is a journalist.
Ogundipe said the magistrate ordered the police to hold him till August 20, 2018, and allowed him to make a phone call.
He also said that the police accused him of violating section 352, 288 and 319 of the penal code.
However, Premium Times said “A review of the sections however indicate that they are not related to the charges but are about sexual assault and attempted murder.”
Narrating his ordeal, the reporter said “They brought me to a magistrate court in Kubwa where they arraigned me. The magistrate said they should detain me for five days.
“They accused me of criminal trespass. They said I stole secret documents. The magistrate does not know the details, because they did not include in the charge that I am a journalist. I was not allowed to contact my lawyers.
“They also did not allow me to call anyone until the magistrate ordered them to let me make one call. I am currently using the registrar’s phone to make this call and they are collecting it.”
It is our duty
In his reaction, Premium Times Editor-In-Chief, said the his organisation has a duty to inform Nigerians.
He said  “Each day, the police continue to behave in ways that embarrass this country. PREMIUM TIMES has a constitutional duty to inform the Nigerian people and hold public officials to account. It will neither be intimidated nor cowed by the filthy antics of the police.”
Ogundipe was arrested and detained by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Abuja on Tuesday, August 14, 2018.
According to Premium Times, he was arrested because he published the Inspector-General of Police, Ibrahim Idris’ report on the National Assembly siege which he presented to Acting President Osinbajo.
ALSO READ: IGP overhauls SARS hours after Osinbajo’s order
The police also blocked the reporters bank account after he was arrested and reportedly forced to give up how he got the report.
Fayose reacts
Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti state has condemned Samuel Ogundipe’s arrest.
He also called on Nigerians to call for the Premium Times reporter’s release.
Go to Source Author: Chika Ebuzor Samuel Ogundipe: Police arraign Premium Times reporter secretly without lawyer Ogundipe was arrested and detained by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Abuja on Tuesday, August 14, 2018.
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