#he changed it in the online schedule but. im not regularly checking that schedule for a class i have at the exact same time every week yknow
spiderziege · 10 months
apparently my professor decided to reschedule our class to two hours earlier but didnt like. send an email about it or something. thanks dude
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briggsz · 4 years
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* LUCY BOYNTON, CIS WOMAN + SHE/HER  | you know DECIMA MARNIE BRIGGS, right? they’re TWENTY-SIX, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, THEIR WHOLE LIFE ON & OFF? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to STARS ARE BLIND by PARIS HILTON like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole MUFFLED SCREAMS INTO SILK PILLOWS, GOING NUMB AFTER ICE BATHS & THE BELLYACHE YOU FEEL COMING IN SECOND PLACE thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is SEPTEMBER 15TH, so they’re a VIRGO, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( b, twenty-two, gmt +3, she/her )
hellur...im back with My second baby . do i hav the brain cells 2 write them both ? no <3 bt im delusional n sexy like tht . here’s her . awful pinterest board ! hmu here or on discord if you’d like to plot . u want to plot bc u love me n decima so much . ( gentle godmod )
the much needed update: basically decima is an ex Olympic athlete tryna change her whole life n become an influencer / youtuber bc it’s all she cn do at the moment. everything she does, she gives her 110% .. doesn’t mean she succeeds either. struggles w the change bc shes so used to Living one way ( waking up @ 4 am , practicing fr 8 hrs a day , etc. ) 
ok so decima’s a new muse n if i fuck up . no i don’t <3 i’ll figure her out eventually pls dnt leave skjdhfj i lit rally tried to write this intro 3 times n i hated it each time so this is probably the Worst out of 3 bt here u go.
inspo: rachel reid (the wilds), kendall roy (succession), astrid sloan (the politician), monica geller (friends), haley keller (crawl), kat baker (spinning out), gracie hart (miss congeniality)
ok mr briggs is an ex pro-athlete n he’s the coach fr the town’s .. sports team i dont know Shit abt sports so u nod n look away 
he n his wife, alana adopted decima when she was 13 . she has two younger siblings . always felt like she cldn’t be the Responsible older sister bc had Hard time adjusting to the briggs household. not because she wasn’t welcomed, no, because she was simply trying Too damn hard. 
her life before briggs fam .. she never talks abt it , involves a deadbeat father n a teenage mother. cried for three hrs when she first called alana mom . 
thought sports would be the best way to connect with her dad, so she joined every sports club until she settled on skating . 
juggling school work n such a consuming , competitive activity .. yea ... she started to crumble under the Pressure bt asking for help ? with Tht much virgo on her chart ? nt happening </3
isolated herself from her friends n peers bc the path 2 glory is lonely .. so she thot .. 
channelled her 110% to figure skating, but something was .. missing. she no longer enjoyed skating, only did it to prove herself she cld, because her family expected her to be perfect . delusional . her parents only wanted her to be happy bt she was blinded by her ambition rip .
21, no uni degree, still skating, she met archie while on nationals.
they hit it off , for a while decima ws doing really good bc it was healthy , she had a life outside her practices , made new friends .. didn’t last for long : ) 
the highs were high n the lows .. they were . bad . ABUSE TW: he was mentally n physically abusive , decima started 2 skate more bc she just needed an escape and didn’t think of breaking up . why wld she ? she loved him , and he loved her .  : /
stayed with archie for almost 3 years, on & off. anyone cld see the damage except her .. until their last argument before The most important night of her life . TW END
she made a rookie mistake and fell while performing a quad toe loop, which was her way to the olympics. 
ironically, the death of her dream opened her eyes. she broke up with archie while she was still at the hospital, recovering from her fall
still skates , got her teaching certificate bt irving isn’t the best place to do so sdhjfk
is an influencer / youtuber . posts abt literally nothing important bt she’s using her pretty priviledge so shush
UhMMmM high pitched screams i cnt write it anymore i hate it here This makes no sense im so sorry
PERSONALITY WISE.....ok so . shes the Opposite of frederica </3 hard 2 please. finicky. aloof bt like ??? actually really warm n welcoming jst doesn’t know how to Present herself the best way .
v disciplined n sometimes feels weird abt it . as a skater it ws necessary bt now she’s only vlogging herself n posting shit online so ?? ?? cant balance idk . omg miss congeniality vibes . 
volatile .. i think .. tries 2 be nice n calm bt one off remark n she loses her shit
extremely ambitious n feels like a failure 99.9% the time rip
wears elaborate make up looks .
my body is my temple <3 vibes .... my ass
the Mom friend
cnt hold her drink . one beer n shes out
has her schedule n doesn’t like being late .
p much in l*ve with the idea of l*ve
ok so basically shes a mixture of babydoll n the jock if tht makes any sense if it doesnt . same
i hate it here
bt love her song and yes she listens to it regularly . paris follows on her insta . her biggest achievement .
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majorasnightmare · 5 years
Please help me and my partner, @dantemoore0 , two queer trans/nonbinary 22 yr olds, find a place to live in 30 days.
Posted September 5th, 2019
I've neve made a donation post before so I'll just explain everything here
TLDR: Me and my partner, @dantemoore0 , both live with his mother in her apartment. After asking us to go unemployed for several months to avoid scheduling conflicts for things she wanted to do, she is now requiring us to both submit job applications and be hired by the end of today. We have 30 days to save money from that job before we are forced to move out. We have no money, no credit, and no friends nearby to live with, and the job she wants us to work at is one im incapable of doing so, due to symptoms of my mental illnesses. She is demanding we leave in 1 hour as of this post to apply at our McDonald's where she expects them to hire us on the spot and for us to begin working that job tomorrow.
Please, we need money to do literally anything about this situation. I'll put my paypal link under this paragraph. All money will be kept in paypal so that if the situation changes i can send it back to any donors without having to wait several days for my bank to process the transfers. Note: my paypal uses my legal name, one I'm normally loathe to put online, but emergency circumstances require it.
This morning, we were woken by @dantemoore0's mother, who gave us the news that we had to start working today and then move out in 30 days. Until this point, we had both been unemployed for several months, experiencing verbal abuse from her as she ignored our mental health issues and chronic fatigue and demanded we continously clean up her apartment, and regardless of how much we cleaned, we would be yelled at afterwards for not doing enough and for the house looking filthy anyways. She had been out of town the past 24 hours and we spent that time cleaning, and we didn't finish until 6 in the morning. My body is in so much pain I can barely walk, and I am incapable of standing for longer than a few seconds.
I am autistic, as confirmed by my mother, without any diagnosis paperwork as she declined so that it wouldn't show on my records and interfere with my future. I'm incredibly sensitive to touch and texture, and preparing food on the regular, quickly, is not something I am capable of doing. I am also in a massive amount of pain, and my anxiety is spiralling out of control to the extent that I uncontrollably spasm during panic attacks, which happen often now. These new symptoms are terrifying to me, and I've been regularly suicidal, which she claims makes me a selfish and disrespectful person to her. I have been continously going into shutdowns that render me completely non-verbal
I have $5 in my savings account, and $.83 cents in my checking, I have no credit card or any kind of credit history at all, and @dantemoore0 is deep in student loan debt he's been unable to make payments on, causing his credit to drop. He no longer qualifies for her previous credit union after being disowned from his formerly adopted family and has spent the past several years without a bank account.
We have 3 cats to take care of, which his mother got us after feeling guilty about the amount of stress she causes us, and we are almost solely responsible for their care and maintenance. We haven't been able to take them to the vet even once, and as such they haven't been spayed or neutered. Two of the cats are in heat and must be kept seperate from their male sibling, and one of those cats has a medical condition (we think) where she will remain in heat until she is bred or spayed.
I have no shoes to work in, because all I own are sandals that were gifts from friends to avoid overheating in the heatwave, and boots that were christmas presents from family. My last pair of work shoes was thrown out by her, and my partner's shoes are several sizes too big for me to wear
On top of this, our cats are running out of food. She refuses to get the kind of wet food they eat, and then, because they aren't eating the kind she does get, stated that she isn't going to get them more food because she's sick of the cats "wasting her food and money".
We have several tote boxes of belongings from when we moved in together that we have no place to store. We have no luggage for our things, and no dresser for our clothes, and no way to transport any of our belongings because neither of us has a license or a car.
We have a bug infestation thats from a combination of living above a Public Storage rental space (where she gets housing through her job), and my previous abusive family. As such, she made us throw away 90% of our furniture including our dressers and most tables and boxes. Most of our belongings now are expensive presents from friends and family over the years that, on top of being financially valuable, provide some of the only sources of emotional reprieve we have. If we continue living with her, she has said we would be required to throw those away for fears of bug infestation. These include both our TV's, all of our gaming consoles (2 PS4's, a PS3, a PS2, and a WiiU, all gifts) and most of our video games and DVDs.
We have no Wi Fi/Internet at our house, and rely solely on our mobile data to communicate and do things. We can only put in job applications on the rare times she can drive us to our college campus, where only one of us can apply at a time due to me no longer having my login info, because application websites crash on our phone even when using the desktop version.
My physical health is deteriorating rapidly. Both mine and my partner's mental health are going to hell.
Even after all that, I feel like I'm forgetting info. If i remember anything more, I'll edit this post, and put it under an Edits header, and date it.
For anyone who read this whole way and doesnt want to scroll again, I'll repost the link here. Again, all donations will be kept in PayPal until they need to be used, where I'll make a post to inform everyone that the money was spent and what it was spent on (with receipts as proof when possible). I want to be as reliable as possible on this
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felixdgreen · 7 years
The Future of Facebook for Bloggers
Have you noticed a decline in your Facebook engagement over the years?
Are you concerned about what the future of Facebook looks like for bloggers?
In this episode, I share my thoughts on the future of Facebook and how we, as bloggers can take advantage of where Facebook is going.
Listen to This Episode
The Facebook Algorithm
Do you remember the Facebook glory days when you could just post something on Facebook and get tons of traffic?
Well, those days are gone, and the algorithm has taken over.
Facebook Algorithm
If you think about it, it really does make sense. There are over 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook as of June 27, 2017.
According to the best data I could find, the average person on Facebook has 338 friends (and I’m sure that number is way higher now).
If we were to see everything that our friends (or the pages we like) post on Facebook, we’d be more overwhelmed than we already are.
As a result, Facebook has implemented their fancy algorithm with the hopes of serving you with the content that is most relevant to you.
As a result, we have seen a decline in organic reach.
In 2012, it was reported that only 16.5 of the people who like your page see what you post.
Then there were reports in 2014 that that number was as low as 4.5%, and since then – we’ve seen even lower numbers.
Organic reach is almost negligible and the glory days are gone.
So the big questions are:
Does it still make sense to focus on Facebook?
What does the future hold for bloggers?
My General Thoughts
YES, it still makes sense to focus on Facebook, but you can’t do it in the same way you did 5 years ago.
Facebook has changed, and we’ll see even more changes in the future. The smart thing for bloggers to do is to position yourself where Facebook is going.
Here’s what you have to realize. Facebook is a business and has a very specific objective – to make more money.
I know they talk a lot about bringing the world together, forming community, etc. But a HUGE part of their decisions center around what makes the most money.
They make money by getting our attention, because that’s something they can sell.
If your actions align with the goal of making them money, they are more likely to promote what you do.
So let’s talk about the future of Facebook.
The Future of Facebook is Video
It has become obvious that Facebook is making a shift towards video. In an interview with BuzzFeed last year, Mark Zuckerburg made the following statement:
“We’re entering this new golden age of video . . . I wouldn’t be surprised if you fast-forward five years and most of the content that people see on Facebook and are sharing on a day-to-day basis is video.”
Future of Facebook – Video
A Facebook commissioned study by Kantar Media has shown that people watch video five times longer than static content.
But in addition to that, people watch live videos on Facebook three times as long as non-live video.
Facebook has also recently rolled out Facebook Watch both on mobile and desktop.
This is a new section of Facebook devoted exclusively to video consumption.
In the episode, I share a few areas that Facebook want content creators to focus in order to do well on their platform.
If you want to take advantage of Facebook’s video push, here’s what I would recommend:
You have to create a video strategy. If video is what Facebook wants and what holds people’s attention on Facebook, get over your video creation fears and go all in.
Consider doing live video. This is the one form of content that Facebook will actually send instant notification about. Take advantage of this and grow your engagement.
Perfect your video creation skills – Video creation is a craft, and while it has become very easy to put video out there, if you want to be in this for the long haul, I would recommend investing in getting better at the craft of video creation.
Be consistent. When it comes to content creation, consistency is so important. You want to get your growing audience used to coming for your content on a regular schedule. That will help to give you the momentum that’s necessary to grow at a faster pace.
Collaborate with other video creators. When you do this, everyone benefits. Content creation gets easier and you get exposure to a brand new audience.
Master Facebook Ads and Grow your Business
Have you ever looked for something on Amazon only to realize that that product follows you over to Facebook in the form of ads?
Master Facebook Ads and Grow your Business
Facebook has mastered the advertising game and as a result. You can now target people based on what they’ve demonstrated that they care about.
Here’s the beautiful part – this targeting ability will continue to improve. Smart bloggers who use Facebook will get better at targeting and remarketing and use these strategies to grow their blogs.
If you want to take advantage of where this is going, here’s what I recommend:
If you do nothing else, make sure to install the new Facebook pixel. This will set you up to do all kinds of advanced targeting. Even if you don’t start running ads immediately, you will be building custom audiences passively.
Start studying up on Facebook ads and remarketing. This is a skill that will pay off over and over.
Learn about custom audiences. This one tactic is the secret to getting the right audience to take the actions you want them to take.
When you’re somewhat comfortable with Facebook ads, start experimenting. This will be an ongoing experiment and the more you test, the better you become.
Messenger Bots – The Next Big Platform
When email marketing services came on the scene, this revolutionized email marketing.
No longer did marketers have to manually send emails to a bunch of individual email addresses. Automation made our lives MUCH easier.
Messenger Bots – The Next Big Platform
In the early days of email automation, open and click through rates were ridiculously high.
Well this same transformation is now happening with messaging.
There are platforms like ManyChat that allow you to create bots that function somewhat similar to autoresponders.
However, they also allow for immediate interaction, and this is game-changing.
People who are using messenger bots are currently seeing open rates of over 90%. That’s CRAZY.
If you want to take advantage of where messenger bots are going, here’s what I recommend:
Sign up for Manychat and start experimenting. The best way to get your feet wet is by diving in and checking out what the platform has to offer.
Check out bot examples at Botlist. This is an easy way of seeing what others are doing. Not to copy them outright, but to get some ideas for how you can use messenger bots.
Create your first bot.
Inside the episode, I also talk about how you can create a comprehensive strategy for taking advantage of where Facebook is going.
Make sure to have a listen.
Question for you:
Which of these Facebook developments are you most excited about? Leave a comment below and let me know.
Resources Mentioned
Interview with Mark Zuckerberg on Buzzfeed last year where he made a statement on Facebook's obvious shift towards Facebook.
Kantar Media biometric analysis – Results of Facebook IQ commissioned analysis of  people who regularly watch short-form videos online.
Facebook Watch – a new section of Facebook devoted exclusively to video consumption.
ManyChat – a platform that allow you to create bots that function somewhat similar to autoresponders.
Botlist – has some good examples of how to use messenger bots.
The post The Future of Facebook for Bloggers appeared first on Become A Blogger by Leslie Samuel.
from IM News And Tips http://www.becomeablogger.com/25378/future-of-facebook-for-bloggers/
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