#he could learn by watching Wataru cook......
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
There is exactly one good cook in fine and it's Wataru. Tori has never prepared a full meal on his own in his life he has servants to do that. Same goes for Eichi. And while Yuzuru can cook just fine it tastes bland and the main objective isn't to taste good, it's to fill the quotum of nutrition and calories. So unless Yuzuru actually tries to season his food he'll forever be place 2 on the fine fine cook ranking
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imagineyourstars · 7 years
Aaa may I ask for a matchup? I'm a girl who's 4'11" (people often tease me for my height) and I really enjoy video games (almost addicted to it) & art. I'm very shy + it takes time for me to open up to people, but once I'm close I talk a lot (especially if I have similar interests). I can be very lazy most of the time but when I want to get something done my productivity just goes 100% til it's finished. Big events like parties aren't really my thing + I prefer staying at home > going outside.
of course you may ! ♥ also don’t worry i saw you sent another ask lmao ! i hope you’ll like your matchup~ - mod mademoiselle
Your match is Yuzuru Fushimi !
You don’t have to worry about being shy : thanks tohis job, Yuzuru’s an expert mood reader and knows exactly what to say and whenhe should say it to break the ice. Besides, he’s really kind and will respectyour boundaries, so opening up to him shouldn’t be too hard ! In that schoolfull of pushy and over-excited people, he was your beacon of light and hope :he’s helpful, nice, calm, respectful… An angel sent from heavens, really. Counton him to even get you to open up to him fairly easily.
The two of you partly bonded over all the time youspent together training. You learnt it the hard way, but Fine trainings aren’texactly a piece of cake. Eichi’s not here half of the time because of healthproblems, Tori’s whining in a corner and Wataru is just doing as he pleases.Your only support was Yuzuru, really, who helped you deal with the situation acountless number of times. Besides, he’s always here in case you need help, nomatter whether or not it’s related to idol work ! He’s also down to help youwith homework, especially if you forgot about it and realized it just beforeit’s due, or if you’re lost in that ridiculously huge school. So of course, thetwo of you quickly became friends. Besides, it’s nice to hang out with him :he’s good at small talk, always polite and seems to be very interested inwhatever you may say. He’s always asking about your family or pets every timehe meets you, and you found that pretty sweet.
You also bonded over one of your mutual passions : art! You were surprised to learn he’s the artsy type, since he usually lookspretty serious…  But he is absolutely inlove with art under all its forms, and was overjoyed to learn you share hispassion ! If you draw yourself, he’d love to see your drawings and he’d alwaysfind something good about them ! He draws too, but he’d be unusually shy aboutshowing you his own drawings. He’d insist they’re not that good, and if youkeep asking him he’ll eventually show you, anxiously waiting for your reaction.To be fair, his drawings are… abstract art ? It’s really hard to figure outwhat it’s supposed to be, but he pours his heart and soul in these, so youusually try to encourage him as well as you can ! Yuzuru knows a lot about art and will offer to go to a museum with you on aweekend ! He’s so well-read about art and will give you tidbits of trivia andinformation about your favorite paintings and statues, much to your enjoyment !Really, going out with him is so much fun and you decided together you shoulddo that more often.
As your friend, Yuzuru is the helpful andunderstanding type. He knows you well, including the fact you can be lazy, sohe loves how hardworking you can get when there’s something you need to do.He’ll often lend a hand too, no matter if you’re busy overlooking thepreparations for a Dreamfes, if you’re baking cookies for everyone or if you’rejust cleaning up. Everything gets done three times as fast if he’s here to help! He’s also the type of friend to cook lunch for you, to bring you medicine ifyou feel sick and to call you everyday during holidays to ask how you’re going.You could get used to being pampered like that !Well, you did wonder if he really only considered you as a friend though. Hesometimes says pretty ambiguous things, or he’ll let his fingers linger onesecond too long on your waist, or maybe that’s the intense way he sometimeslooks at you… ? You weren’t quite sure, but you felt there may be somethingmore. Besides, you were getting pretty flustered around him too : he’spractically the perfect boyfriend, and people already thought the two of youwere dating due to how considerate he was of you. And there was also the matterof your growing crush on him… Fortunately, he’s the type who does things fastand efficiently himself, so he’ll be the one to make a move on you and admit helikes you more than as a friend.  Youdidn’t have time to worry : everything went perfect, just like in movies, andyour crush somehow became your boyfriend !
To be honest, you’re really glad he confronted youabout his feelings on that day, because he’s a great boyfriend. He takes yourpreferences into account and won’t do anything you might not like. You know heloves going out on dates, but he won’t usually take you out since he knowsyou’re an indoor person. He’s content just staying with you at your place,watching a movie while cuddling on the couch. He’ll often cook dinner for youtoo, which is always quite something since his cooking is amazing ! He mightalso clean up for you while he’s at it, then claim it’s just a reflex. Well,not that you mind him washing the dishes…His favorite thing is just talking with you, no matter where you are or whatyou’re doing. He’ll often hold your hand through it, and he’ll listen to youwith a smile. He loves how talkative you can get and will be happy to talk withyou about anything and everything. He’s also good at giving advice, somehow,maybe that’s his butlery magic… ?
He also tried to get into your other hobby, that is,video games. He knows you love them to the point of being almost addicted tothem, but he doesn’t mind as long as it doesn’t put your health at risk. Expecthim to come and check on you if you’re playing a new game, worried you might strainyourself too much or forget to eat or sleep. He likes playing with you inmultiplayer too, although he’s relatively new to games. He’ll spend hoursstudying the commands and manual, though, so you’d better be prepared. He’ssurprisingly not that bad at games, although he lacks the training andknowledge you have about them. But what he likes about games is that he canplay with you, so he doesn’t mind whether he wins or loses : what matters tohim is that you’re spending quality time together ! He’d even queue with you onthe day of the release of a game you greatly anticipated. Your hobbies reallymatter to him !
Really, Yuzuru is a very devoted and passionateboyfriend. You’re pretty sure he’d do anything for you, and he absolutely lovesjust spending time with you. You make him so relaxed and happy, and he’s readyto do whatever it takes to make you feel the same !
Other possible match : Makoto
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