#he dgaf anymore. sure. why not. fuck around and find out what happens when you take out the only restraint
one thing that got de-emphasized in ch10 that i sort of wish was bigger is that the entire time he's in jubilife emmet feels like absolute hot garbage. he's been awake for over 24hrs, hasn't had much to eat in that time besides like half a muffin he split with rei, also spent most of that time endurance hiking down a fucking mountain, and also had a breakdown over a hat and you know that feeling after you get done with sobbing and you just feel like shit residually for a while after. the man was running at like 3% and the only reason he didn't keel over was he still couldn't find his FUCKING BROTHER. the fact that he did all of the shit he managed regardless is actually insanely impressive
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 277 SPOILERS
("Fuck off Dad. I'm my own man now." -Shigaraki Tomura 2020)
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Honestly Gran, you should have seen this coming. You of all people should know that Midoriya i-will-break-all-my-bones-if-it-means-i-get-to-save-one-life Izuku is allergic to obeying authority.
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Midoriya said fuck you and my quirk, Aizawa is more important. Speaking of Aizawa he looks stuck somewhere between being touched and absolutely horrified.
Aizawa thinks back to that time he told Midoriya he couldn't be a hero, which honestly wasn't the best first impression, and Bakugou comes in with A.P Shot: Machine Gun which looks really powerful. Except that it's not because Shigaraki literally shrugs off his attack and calls the explosions "little fireworks". If four of my favourite characters weren't in mortal danger right now I would be feeding off of Shiggy's dgaf energy.
(Edit: I am currently feeding off of Shiggy's dgaf energy.)
Midoriya tries to restrain Shiggy with Black Whip and ends up being dragged along for the ride instead. Shiggy says he's not really interested in them right now when Bakugou tries to intercept Shiggy again and it looks like he's about to give Bakugou a bitch slap to heaven but Enji shows up in time to punch Shiggy out of the way. Nice to know you're still trying buddy.
(Edit: I'm only just now noticing the blood coming from Enji's nose and mouth. Eh, he'll be fine.)
Endeavour's first and immediate reaction upon seeing his two trouble making interns is to ask where the fuck his son is and I think that's adorable but I digress.
Midoriya tells him that it's just him and Bakugou and now I'm half expecting Todoroki to just appear out of nowhere. Enji refocuses his attention on Shigaraki, who is already on his feet after being punch, like, 30ft across the ground by fists engulfed in flames but I guess that's just the norm for him now.
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Enji has given up on trying to keep Izuku and Katsuki out of the fight if he was ever trying to begin with and tells them to support Aizawa and tells Bakugou to make sure Izuku doesn't get snatched. Meanwhile, Shiggy's objective has switched to grab Deku and run.
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YO WHAT THE FUCK! Has he gone full on AFO now. How the fuck is Midoriya going to explain this? He's gonna have to tell them. Shiggy looks like what ever thread was holding his fractured mind together just snapped and I feel really bad for him. This isn't even dgaf vibes anymore, it's just insanity and I find myself thinking, not for the first time, that they really should just unplug AFO's life support.
(Edit: Low-key waiting for OFA to take over Izuku's mind too to complete the circle)
Ok nevermind Shiggy hasn't completely lost it yet and both him and Midoriya are very confused by what just happened. Enji uses Hell Spider cause it worked so well the first time while Shiggy not only realises AFO spirit or whatever TOOK OVER HIS MIND FOR A FEW SECONDS, he also takes this opportunity to call AFO out for his MASSIVE ego and straight up tells him not to fuck around with his body and that he has his own reasons for wanting OFA, and I stan that so hard. If only Shiggy wasn't actively trying to kill everyone.
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(Edit: I was joking here but the Madlad actually did it.)
The last time I stanned Shigaraki this hard was the Liberation Army arc. You go Tomura. Be your own man. You don't need that asthma riddled potato head looking ass. Also I like how Hori drew him and AFO together like that. It's like even as he's saying it, AFO is right on top of him.
(Edit: LMFAO)
I really need to keep reading lol. Shiggy says he wants to be better than AFO and then proceeds to DECAY AFO'S IMAGE, permanently cutting ties with him. I think this might be a worse outcome to AFO taking over his body but we'll see.
Gran kicks Shiggy and tells him not to trample on Nana's heart anymore to which Shiggy responds "Who the fuck is Nana?" with the most dazed and confused look I've ever seen in my life. I guess it makes sense since he never found out what her name was. That or he just doesnt remember her. He did decay her and the rest of his family in his weird dreamscape.
Gran thinks back to how defeated AM looked after they found out who Tomura was and comes to the conclusion that Shigaraki breeds pain and suffering where ever he goes, which is a valid assumption to make considering *gestures wildly at the last 10 chapters*.
Gran and Enji charge at Shiggy and Shiggy gets this look of death on his face and it scares me.
Tomura uses jump and avoids them both in favour of going directly after Midoriya instead. Bakugou, of course, expected this and pulls the pin on his gauntlet that's aimed at Shigaraki. I have a bad feeling about this.
All the pros watch in mild horror as Bakugou proceeds to release a bigass explosion right on top of Shigaraki. Bit the real question is: Did it work?
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I don't even know why I'm surprised, Hori's been pulling this shit for weeks. I should be used to it by now.
Alright, let's see how much shit they're in now.
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Well shit.
Imma be completely honest with you, I completely forgot about Mt. Lady. I was honestly expecting everyone to be trampled.
I also noticed the Giganto is trying to head in the same direction my children are in and I don't really appreciate that. I like that you sorta make out what's left of the league on Giganto's back. They look like little beans (>w<).
Anyway, show of hands all those who think Bakugou's explosion actually did anything besides blocking Aizawa's line of sight. No one? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Until next time.
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madigabz · 7 years
Alan Gouze :) the name of the man that has had my heart for a quarter of my whole life!!! Wow, and he adores me even tho I am 100% a clumsy, forgetful, emotional HOT mess...I'm reading your letter and responding back as I go. Even though my feelings were a little hurt that you said I'd be sexier if I didn't get emotional, I understand. Alan I am a little mentally broke, but I'm different. And thankful for that. Bc even if depression, OCD, ADD, insomnia, all of my health problems, pain, overthinking overcasts me; I still shine. Tyler said something to me at Applebee's when I saw him. He told me that one day someone will come into my life and tell me that my hair, eyes & smile glow. I radiate in the sunshine, and I'll know what they mean by it when that day comes. I am so hard on myself but I've had a handful of people- strangers and close friends tell me this. And I know it's true. I know there is more to me than usual. I still smile, I still shine. And I thank fucking whatever god is out there that my glow stays. My friend Angel that did reiki on me told me I've been carrying something since I was a child and that's the reason for my anger. It's someone else's burden that I have put on myself & the woman who read my tarot cards said something similar too. I really do have a little bit of poison in me but something in my soul, or even beyond my own existence, has given me this gift. As I get older, I become more and more scared that the reality of the world will take away my light. I smoke so much I can't even remember shit anymore. "Lose you." That's the song you told me to listen to and I'm sorry that I forgot but you bet your sweet ass the next day I bought it on iTunes and listened to it :) I'm sorry I float through life to avoid realism and pain. I don't mean to forget everything just the bad stuff but I can't pick and choose what my poor memory holds... Emperors new groove. Idr if I've mentioned it before this, but I saw it on the shelf in my room today. (I gotta take some pics of the apartment for you). I remember coming over right after all of the Jackie shit & finding out about your mom. Trying to overdose. You cried on my chest & you were so emotionally exhausted. I believe your mom was still in the hospital and we put a movie on in her bed. Emperors new groove :) it was snowing outside and it was the first time my mom blatantly was bitching about me staying the night w you bc her crazy ass drove by and saw my car at auburn hills, when I told her I was staying at Courtney's. I never felt so close to you like you let your guard down and let me feel your pain for once. Selfish of me to say but it was honestly beautiful to finally feel you so deeply. Connected and so raw. I feel like I use that word too much, raw, trying to explain myself to you but nothing fits better than it. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Speaking of the past. Alan at this point in my life idk and idc what was true and what wasn't when we were together before db (that's vals name for now on-dumb bitch.) but one thing I'm holding you to is honesty. I care too much about you and this relationship to see it as a joke where it's okay to lie to each other. Like you said that was the one thing you kept consistent of so please don't lose it. I respect you for your honesty. It isn't a trait people carry anymore. Good or bad, through manipulation, brainwashing, reverse psychology, mind games, everything that come with this fucking sick generation..I do not want to be apart of. I much rather be in the 50's than this day in age. I don't belong here. Mostly I belong in the water ;) can't say that it doesn't kill me a little everytime you talk about threesomes, fucking other women, having a 2nd gf. You need to stop with it. You take away my dignity little by little everytime you say some fucked up shit like that. Gotta admit, you were right tho. Out of FUN and fairness I'm sure one day in the future you can get my happy ass all buzzed up and in bed with another chick. Just don't give her all/special attention bc it'll strain our relationship for forever after that. This does not mean I am actually cool w an open relationship, you having another gf, or having sex with anyone else without me. Starting a new chapter. "Everything will be ok." "No one should ever see you crumbling"...that's the thing, trust me no one besides you sees me crumble. I don't talk about myself to anyone. I feel this void most of the days and I don't want to put a damper on anyone's mood. I never open mssgs or get back to ppl bc they dgaf about me or what I'm going through, think, feel. None of it. And I crave meaning too much, in everything, to be stuck in a one way friendship. I have wasted so much time and energy into ppl who are rotten eggs. They'll never be anything besides selfish i and I can't surround myself in that type of environment anymore. I'm killing myself slowly by not meeting my potential in life rn. I need more meaning. Not to make things more complex but the opposite. To feel full and complete by understanding shit all of the way. And ofc to make it through this terrible generation I was born into. I do see what you see baby...well for the most part. And I don't see the good in everything :p I know I won't always have someone to tell me life gets better. It has always been this way. I have taught myself this. Overthinking just kills me so much! Being a Virgo doesn't doesn't help that I overanalyze either! Fricken OCD-.- my brain sees & thinks things way differently than most ppl. Soul gotta be like 300:) I know you think differently too. I love my nerds ;) so sexy to me. Maybe that's why our souls just click. I am sorry I was quiet the other day. You knew I had something to say and I didn't say it. It wasn't the right time but it isn't a big deal so o don't want you worrying about it baby. Was I really that quiet and meh that you could tell? Or is it just bc you know everything about me?..-.- blessing a curse that you do! But I wouldn't want another man to try and understand me anyway bc I know he couldn't. It's time to stop living life for other ppl you say...idk if it's your 20's or what but I feel like I'm redefining my life again. Rediscovering who the hell I really am down to my core. I love YOU inside and out & to death!!!!!:,( pouty face. This is the most settling and amazing letter I have gotten so far. Thank you for these words I really needed it. I love you all the way through your tough skin and down to your beating heart Alan. Changing my diet is the least of my worries and it's awesome bc I'm going to get sexy af!:) I've been gluten free before. Not having cheese just breaks my lil heart tho lol. Yes my parents have fucked me up. But I workdue with it and try to overcome the shiftiness they make me feel. Ik I'm a pussy. But my dad has definitely fucked w my head and has never made me feel good enough. Maybe that's what I feed off of you and why I want you so bad. My mom is just an emotional crazy lady w multiple personality disorder lol. But at least they didn't hit me. Just verbally f*cked my shit up. "Do everything your heart desires" "even if I get out and we can't stay together 1 yr isn't shit to wait" do you understand how absolutely fucking amazing it is for me to see you say that? You're right everything happens for a reason and it'll all collide during the time it's suppose to. The stories held in the fate of the stars ;) "before we know it we'll be 30 looking back laughing." Nothing has sounded more fulfilling than that small, little sentence. I am studying finally! And I hope the pain fades away w my diet too:( my poor locked up bf has to tell me everything is going to be okay. I can't even say anything to compare to this last letter. You were too smooth with your words, and I can't tell you how refreshing it is for you to be away from me through out a whole year and wanting to stay faithful. We were blessed with each other . Keifer was right, never could stay away from each other. You will always have me too baby. I can't tell you how bad I need to hear this. You have helped me more times than I count. And for sure more than I have helped you. I can't say thank you enough for making me feel so much better . You're the wind beneath my wings <3 & the cheese to my cake. Thank you for loving me for who I am. I reread our letters last night an I am so proud of the man you are becoming. You'll have me sitting passenger cruising in your vehicle in no time toots. A place, school, income, a dog :), happiness, prosper, feeling complete. Taking care of each other, midnight runs grocery shopping. I love you with all that I got, every ounce of my being. And I hope I WILL always have you. You are stronger than so much of the race around this world. I am glad you are all mine. Love you always my sweet, handsome man. I never mentioned anything about the pics I sent. The picture after the 2012 one was when I went fishing w Anthony and t the other day. I'm pretty sure I took some pics of the water for you, I'll have to look. Ofc next one is me omw to see you. I put a wonderful alnatural big tshirt mirror pic on there for you since you're all about natural beauty:p speaking of I'm getting all new make up bc I bet that's why women age faster as they get older! We get words looking you guys get better and we carry your children wtf lol. The black dress is what I wore to Josis party, I sent the one and only picture I took at her party. Does exhaustion look sexy on me baby?:b. The last pic is from the gas station I went to after seeing you. The sky was soo overwhelming in red. There a w a double rainbow and it looked to rad & gleaming from the sky. It was beautiful!! I also wanted to show you my red robe that I have two of(: silky and comforting af, I can't wait to wearing matching robes with you:) lol do yoga, face masks, spoil or ourselves and one another as well. I can't wait to run my hands all over your body and give you a massage. Rob made me Nutella and strawberries tn, made me think about how bad I want to lick Nutella off of your body right now. I got wet from just thinking about it..mmm I'll take some sexy pictures tmmrw night for you. Happy I'm coming to stay for a whole weekend next week. You're my kryptonite and I love everything about you. Give me time so I can give you a kick ass amazing, inspiring letter next!!!! You rule my world. Forever and always sugs, you are my forever and always<3 3 am and time to crash. Hope you're having a kinky dream About it rn;) just ordered that vibrator off of amazon and metal kegel balls bc I guess they feel amazing. I can't wait to be with you. Like we always say, sex and a real bed. It'll be so soon sweetheart and I will have money for us to get a place as soon as you get out. Thank you for telling me to go wherever you astound me but life is just not the same without my other half. You're my soulmate I'd do anything for you. Being in southern michigan doesn't effect me as long as I'm there with you. You're my sunshine..goodnight love.
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