#he did check and corrected kal's behavior by beating scorch feels disappointed in vau but... why?
cienie-isengardu · 2 years
My RepCom Musing: Vau’s cover up story
"Sergeant Vau!" he barked. No Walon, then. "What in the name of the Force happened to Skirata? I've just passed him."
Vau was the only being Scorch had ever seen who could come to a halt grudgingly. "He's fine."
"He is not fine. He's badly injured. He can't even stand up straight."
Vau inhaled slowly. "We were having a philosophical discussion, as Mandalorians often do, and I asserted that the only demonstrable reality was individual consciousness, but he insisted on the existence of a priori moral values that transcended free will. So I hit him."
Zey didn't even blink. "You think you're so witty."
"No, I think you should stay out of Mando clan business. It's for your own good. Now, do you want a report, or not?"
Zey gestured Vau into a side lobby. So the old chakaar really had been spying on Skirata. Scorch was actually surprised, and even a little disappointed but Zey had a point; and it was an inarguable order. Scorch stood to one side, trying to look-and feel-as if he wasn't listening intently.
"I see that arrests have been swift," Zey said.
"Some stupid clerk, General," said Vau. "So Skirata is not your traitor, even though he is a light-fingered little scumbag who'd steal your teeth if you smiled at him. But I don't think you'll see a continuation of his dishonest habits, because he now understands the error of his ways."
Scorch translated into plain language. So Vau had given Skirata a good hiding for causing trouble, and made him swear not to rip off Republic funds and kit again. That was . . . unexpected. Scorch had always had Skirata down as the alpha Mando, even if he had to stand on a box to head-butt Vau.
"I'm relieved." Zey nodded shoulders relaxing visibly. "I didn't want to think I was that far misguided about his motives."
Republic Commando: Order 66
One of reasons why I love Vau so much is because the man is so witty. But also the way he solves problems is worth of notice. Like in the fragment above. Walon made a story to cover up what happened between Darman and Kal. Which is 2 in 1... or maybe even 3 in 1 type of solution, come to think about that. One, saving Darman’s ass for assault of the higher rank, as sergeant Skirata is in fact his superior first and foremost in military hierarchy then a father (if even this could be acknowledged by non-Mandalorian personnel and GAR bureaucracy, as the clones do not have civil rights and they are property of Republic, so how one could adopt them in the light of legal laws?). Because of Vau’s story, Darman won’t be held responsible and thus, Etain’s relationship with clone commando and their child is not put into picture, as there will be no investigation that could dig up so far into Darman’s reasoning for assault. And lastly but no less important, Vau’s story made Zey - and Scorch - to think it was him who beat Kal for breaking rules thus he cleared Kal of charges, since it was Zey who asked Vau to keep an eye on Skirata to make sure he isn’t working against the best interest of Republic. By Vau taking all the blame, he made Kal, Darman, Etain and little Kad safe for time being and Zey to be reassured  everything is now ok-ish.
However the one big complain I have about this scene is
partially about
why the hell Scorch would think Kal is the alpha Mando and call Vau the chakaar?  And yes, this word was used through the story as general insult even if its at the core a term for thief, grave robber [as was explained in Triple Zero’s little dictionary added at the end of book]. This word here does not sound right for me.  Calling Vau an old bastard? Sure, bastard always fits. Old Psycho? Vau was called this one too. But chakaar? Geez, Mando language is supposed to be full of “insults” but we operate all the time on the same, worn out terms. And worse, Scorch even being disappointed a bit by Vau “checking out” what his fellow buddy is doing? When TC and O66 made it pretty clear Deltas aren’t even sure if Kal and his precious Nulls are still on their side? Disappointed that Vau “solved” a problematic Kal’s behavior without dragging outsiders (and Deltas) into this if Skirata presumably stole GAR stuff intended for clones to use during missions? And even if the money were meant for clones’ best interest, Skirata’s illegal activities placed Deltas and other commandos in an awkward position. So.. Do we really need Deltas/Scorch being such a fan of Kal's when they weren’t his boys and had plenty of doubt about the man’s loyalty in the first place? How that even makes sense, I wonder...?
and partially
why the hell the books have this weird notion of Alpha Mando (Skirata), Alpha between Nulls (Ordo), Alpha Female (Besany). Like, really? Who even looks at people and puts them into such categories? Okay, one character’s fine, a specific way of said person. But at least three different POVs / narratives (four, if we count Ordo’s POV about himself and Kal) went with True Colors, Order 66 and Imperial Commando: 501 and I totally hate those kinds of terms.  
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