#he disregarded the sign bc it said only dia
dianitesbooty · 7 years
Getting to know each other
Summary: Now that Mot was back in his world, Dianite didn’t want him out of his sight. Mot likes his privacy. When: After Mot comes back from RoM, mostly after Mot and Tom’s picnic date ———–
Dianite slept, in a weird sort of way.  He kept this information private from his newly returned champion but it didn’t take long for him to question what his god did when everyone else went to bed. Dianite tried to evade the topic but Mot knew him too well to let it go. It was briefly explained that even spirits needed to rest and that he shouldn’t worry about it.
Truthfully, Mot didn’t care about the how or why his lord now had to rest, but he did care about the fact that he suddenly had a few hours of freedom from the nether spirits supervision. He hated the feeling of being watched and Dianite knew which only made him feel even more creeped out. He loved having his god back but this was getting ridiculous.
At first he used the extra time to write or engage in other ‘hobbies’ that he didn’t want anyone watching. He quickly got bored trying to stay awake just for the few extra hours but even as he went back to his usual sleep schedule, he kept the information in the back of his mind.
Mot had attempted to talk to his alternate a few times and failed a few times. Every time they got talking he simply couldn’t stand the knowledge that everything they said was being heard. After the two of them had a heavily censored picnic, Mot had slipped a note card into Tom’s pocket.
Unsurprisingly, Tom showed a late. Although he had reassured Tom that he had a right being there as Mot was given a room, Tom still felt the need to break into the priest’s house. Tom seemed to not even be trying to be sneaky considering Mot had been watching him walk around for a few minutes from the front window. After Mot took a few pictures he walked out and turned the porch light on. Tom jumped and dropped the crowbar he was holding.
“Just saying, I could have gotten in my own way!” Tom said as he entered behind Mot. “Sure you could’ve.” The older man muttered.
Tom followed Mot’s shadowed figure down the halls and into his temporary room. Tom ignored the sign and walked in behind him. After Mot turned the lamp on they sat down on opposite sides of the bed, facing each other, both analyzing their alternate. Tom broke his gaze and focused his eyes on his hands, thinking.
“So, why did you bring me here?”Tom said, lifting his head to look around the room once more. ‘He won’t look at me’ Mot noted. It didn’t take him long to figure out why.
“Don’t worry, I don’t want to fuck you.” Tom froze, a blush growing on his cheeks. Mot discreetly rolled his eyes now that he had conformation that Tom had assumed all the wrong things.
“I want to get to know you. Our lord keeps stalking us and I don’t know about you mate, but I don’t like it!” Mot stated matter of factly. Tom was quiet for a second and chuckled.
“You don’t like it? Weren’t you two together before he died? You over ‘im?” Tom joked. Mot raised his eyebrow, understanding what Tom was saying.
“Not together, just…” Mot scoured his brain for a nicer term for ‘fuck buddy’. Tom smiled, remembering the awkward walks of shame he partook in.
“Friends with benefits?” Mot chuckled and nodded.
“Anyways, we aren’t here to talk about my non existent sex life, we’re here to get to know each other.” Tom was about quip that his sex life was included in ‘getting to know each other’ but the older man gave him a jokingly stern glare that quieted him.
Mot informed the other man that Dianite was ‘sleeping’ and two comfortably talked about themselves without the possibility of interruption. They went over the basics such as where they were from, hobbies, friends, and how often they jerked off.  When they exhausted those topics they went deeper into their pasts. Mot skipped over most of the details of his time in the streets and tried to explain things the best he could without having a panic attack. His memories after the age of 14 and before Dianite were a blur. After that age he was rarely not high on whatever drugs the old men gave him before they used him or the ones he took so he didn’t have to remember. He often found himself awoken in alleyways and empty drug houses after who knows how long with money in his pocket. Tom ignored the pauses and inconsistencies in Mot’s story and didn’t question why most of his teenage years were skipped over.
Tom pieced together memories of a family he barely remembered anymore yet still yearned to meet. He talked about his last memories of them, and how he awoke on a new land with his distant friend. Mot smiled as Tom recalled the other Mianite as he had to deal with him as well. While Mot was in the other world he never bothered to learn about the other Dianite so Tom went over him as well.  While they never had what Mot and this world’s Dianite had, they still felt something for each other and they weren’t afraid to admit it. Tom confessed that while yes, this place was great, he just wanted to go home and see his Dianite again.
After obligatory backstories were shared, they told each other of the adventures and ‘death defying’ stunts that they pulled. If Mot hadn’t seen the salt shaker above the other man’s house then he doubted he would believe it. Tom had no trouble envisioning his alternate getting chased around by Steve’s perpetually irritated roosters though.
After personal questions were asked dick jokes were made, one of them finally noticed the time.
“3:48? How the fuck did this happen?” Tom said in disbelief.
“Well you did show up at midnight…” Mot huffed. They both walked out to the front door, neither of them having grown tired. They stood out for a good minute or two and enjoyed the sight of a deer and her babies sleeping.
“So, same time next week? I still want to know you got away with attempting to poison Mianite!” Mot held back a laugh and watched as Tom turned away walked off. He was grateful that it was assumed they would meet again as he didn’t want to ask and force Tom to listen to his sob stories. It made him feel slightly better that Tom was there voluntarily.
Nobody could figure out exactly when the duo had become so friendly. Their friendship had blossomed in the next weeks despite nobody seeing them interact, save for the occasional spar. Martha was happy that they were getting along as it meant Mot could force Tom to be nicer to her and maybe not steal her stuff all the time. The Mianitee’s weren’t too happy that their frenemy had an ally but they dealt with it. Dianite? He liked Mot's influence. Mot was turning Tom into a valuable asset and he was kinda getting attached to the dumbass. The only thing he had to do now was beg (not really, because he’s a god and gods don’t beg!) for Mot’s forgiveness for the extreme friendzoning he pulled back then.
While most people were silently celebrating the friendship, someone was getting more and more annoyed by the week. The priest. He was getting tired of finding crowbars in front of his house.
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