#he doesnt trust medic to give him top surgery
selfshipmlm · 4 years
Medic With A Blood Kink HCs
cw; nsfw, blood, general degeneracy
since hes around blood almost 24/7 he doesn't get immediately turned on by it
his body and the top of his head just gets tingly and he gets excited and more energetic when he sees and touches it
he loves the warmth of blood on his hands, which is why he doesn't wear gloves during surgery
takes any opportunity to do an open surgery and get blood on his hands
"oops! i touched my glasses with dirty hands- i hope it doesn't get on my face >;)" little rascal
you bring up this fascination with blood with him one night and he openly admits he loves blood
he doesnt say its a sexual thing ((hes tried it and does admit blood 'works' for him)) but you know its a sexual thing
from then on you begin to slowly implement blood in your daily interactions
it would start with "accidentally" cutting your finger while cooking or practicing with melee and asking medic to suck the blood off
he would object to that because "its unsanitary" but if you persist enough he will do it
he actually objects because he knows it would turn him on. he wouldnt admit it at this point so he doesnt want you to see the obvious effect it has
then it would progress to you getting gorey kills and OOPS now youre covered in blood! who could've seen THIS coming?
you arent normally one for gorey kills so medic gets suspicious when you suddenly start coming to him with 10 points of health gone and youre covered in blood. no real injury, just need a quick heal
finally, you would complain about internal pain so medic would have to do surgery to find out whats going on
at this point he knows youre doing it to turn him on, but hes enjoying it so.. why resist?
and it certainly works, too
it all culminates in him fucking you on the examination table during surgery
hes fascinated seeing his dick bulge through the inside of your body
thanks to the medigun you feel none of it. the beams heightening the good feelings and numbing the bad ones
he likes having the free reign to play with the blood however he wants
definitely puts blood on his dick in some way at some time
after that you two find a way to incorporate blood into your sex lives often
medic's knowledge of where to and not to cut really help
the medigun leaves tiny, faint scars where the cuts were so they arent noticable at first
but the team starts to get worried when they notices significantly more scarring than usual
engie asks first, being the gentleman he is, and youre apprehensive to tell him until he says hes worried about abuse
hes very flustered when you give him a hint about the scars
heavy trusts medic to not be an asshole, so he doesnt ask at first
he notices engie asking and gets the scoop off of him
he is also very flustered
he also requests medic wear gloves during surgery from then on
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jadenvargen · 7 years
umm i hope im not being annoying w asking a fandom questioon but!! why do you see naoto as a trans boy?? IM NOT...I OBV SEE WHY I MEA IM TRANS TOO but hmmm.. i alwasy thought i wasnt allowed to think of naoto as trans bc they seemed ok being gendered as either male or female...OFC ID LOVE TO.. HAVE THAT TRANS NAOTO CANON but i thought ppl would argue with me that "she was just crossdressing to avoid sexism in work"
:I its not annoying but its like... he's clearly trans but handled awfully and i DON'T want to open up that discussion cuz i know the entire fandom is like nuh uh... but ill get into it. itll be long and im PISSED OFF ABT IT CUZ NAOTO IS CANON TRANS BUT THE GAME TREATS HIM LIKE SHIT!!! i dont care abt cis peoples opinions on this btw so if any cis tries to  answer like “naoto is cis-” shut up. 
his whole ark was centered around wanting to transition but being unsure+the societal pressure to transition. literally his whole dungeon was just medical transition equipment and conversations... then his friends(one of whom is a raging homophobe) forced him to "accept himself" so in the end he "accepted" he didnt want to become a man. literally every friend he has got is pressuring him, the moment they found out he was afab everyone ganged up by going “oh so youre a girl huh girl youre a girl”.
also if he was “crossdressing to avoid sexism” honestly i doubt his lab would’ve been as transition based as it was, with LITERAL explicit talk of medical bottom and top surgery. if this was the story they wanted to tell, they failed miserably cause if so they “borrowed” so many elements from trans people’s-specifically trans men’s- stories just to serve aesthetic purposes, but didnt realise the implications. which are clear. naoto shirogane is transmasculine, he doesnt identify as a woman but his friends are unaccepting and basically convinced him not to transition.
it was basically the story equivalent of one coming out as trans and all your friends who you thought u could trust ganging up on u saying "r u sure?" "r u sure?" "r u sure u just arent a sad girl?" and in the end you just give in, which is what naoto did if you see how unhappy and uncomfortable he is for the rest of the game. it's awful, and it’s basically the game’s way of saying “trans people aren’t real, they’re delusional”. they did the same to kanji, who is gay, but his friends forced him to swallow this and just “you just like girly things you arent gay!” and he just “...ok?” 
basically persona 4 handles lgbt characters worse than most games ive seen ever but it doesnt matter cuz naoto is a trans man and hes right there and kanji is a gay guy... like, whatever the game writes for them, those are the characters theyve written, imo. so i tend to... pluck them gently(along with rise... oh god my poor rise they handled her equally bad) from the franchise and let them have a nice day together also kanj and naoto are boyfriends. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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