#he frets like a first time parent and it makes lawrence's heart so so soft and goopy
marc--chilton · 1 month
(mgv) adam is a natural with kids and doesn't even realize it. he frets about taking care of diana on his own because he's so convinced he'll mess her up so bad -- and he's so aware of her trauma with zep, a stranger who hurt her and her family, and how soon adam melded into the gordons' lives directly after all that. it's not even a "i hope my boyfriend's kid likes me" because adam's been nervous about fucking up around her since the moment he and lawrence moved in together and diana was cleared to visit on weekends. and while lawrence admits he would have never considered adam for a babysitter before, he has, frankly, a generous amount of faith that adam is worrying over nothing.
but he doesn't think twice about cutting the crusts off her sandwiches when she asks, reassures her when she admits she wants a nightlight even though she's a big girl, he even swallows his own fear to check every closet for her when she's scared the Bad Man will come back. he lets her crawl in his lap while she reads her book, he purrs his obscenely loud, rough, engine-like purr just because it makes her laugh, complains with her about homework because, like, i know right? multiplication tables? gross.
then diana goes back to alison and adam heaves a huge sigh, having tried so hard but still not convinced he does right by her.
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
((As kids)) the polks let Sammy live with them after being abandoned by his parents. At first he’s rude to them but then he gets straighten out. Maybe he helps around there farm/ work?
Reworked a few things here to fit the prompt considering Samuel Sr. wasn't the best person or parent, but he he wouldn't just abandon his child, and the fact my Norman is 20 years older than Sammy in the canon compliant verse.
Summary: Sammy was a weird kid. Norman thought he must have been a major brat to get thrown out, and the blond spitfire never tried to disprove it. Then he got wiser.
Everyone in their area knew the Polks. They were a quaint little family that owned an equally quaint little farm out near New Orleans. Nothing too fancy, just a few sugar cane plantations, and a bit of cotton on the side. Enough to get food on the table, pay for studies, and even support a few hobbies . It was a comfy lifestyle for a tight-knit family.
Those who were aware of the Polks also knew what they tended to do when not tending to their crops.
Despite a few shady (and sadly true) rumours about dear old Poppop Polk, the military background of a few of the Polk men, and the sheer physically intimidating bulk that they often grew into (even the women) due to years of hard work, the only hardened part of them were the muscles. In truth the Polks were the kindest most soft-hearted folk in Louisiana. As such they were suckers for a sad tale, second chances and what not. This tended to lead into them bringging in strays...
The most recent, much to a young Norman's displeasure, being a bit of a sour crumb.
Sammy Lawrence was this pale tiny boy with a shock of curly blond hair and eyes that weren't a color Norman couldn't quite name. Something in between a soft brown and a flicker of green.
He was a skinny sort, no more intimidating than a little fuzzy newborn chick, with knees marked by bruises and scratches (from climbing trees and skinning his knees on gravel) and unevenly cut nails that looked like they'd been bitten until they were short (a nervous tick).
But, most notably, the kid was a snake. One with venom in his eyes, and words that bit into flesh like a snapping turtle out for the kill.
Now Norman's mama always told him never to judge a book by its cover, but surely the saying couldn't apply if he judged the contents, right?
The kid was just... Mean-spirited...
Yelled, had tantrums like the devil himself made him whacky, and honestly watching his mama fret over him and try to make him more comfortable staying at the farm was like watching a trip for biscuits. Completely pointless.
Sammy was a weird kid. And Norman thought he must have been a major brat (because obviously he was) to get thrown out by his parents.
To his credit the blond spitfire never tried to disprove it or give any logical reason to be there. Instead he resorted to verbally attacking him and his older siblings at every chance he got.
Norman didn't much care for those wordy insults of his. The kid thought he was smarter than him, so fine let him believe that. But the moment he told his sister she looked like a little ugly ape, Norman's composure snapped like a twig.
"Yous thinks yous plenty rugged uh? Spoutin' all them nonsense fancy words like ta rest o' us don't get what yous sayin'?" He'd spat out twice as venomously, with a hint of fury over little Jolene's tears cutting his heart deep. "What sorta wet sock goes 'round throwin' crust at little girls?!"
"None of your business you slobbering cyclops!" The little shit had his fists balled like he thought he could take on someone who brawled with two much larger siblings. He may not be able to beat Franny and Carol in a fight but damn, Phineas couldn't tear them off him either and he was 16!
At 12 Norman wasn't stocky but he put up a fight. This 10 year old egg would go down easily. "She started it!
"She's 5! I bet this why you ended up here. So dang mean not even your parents could love yous!"
"Nomie!" Jolene protested, but the damage was done.
The little blond stared wide eyed with his mouth hanging open, before his face went red with rage. Like the devil possessed him.
Shrieking loudly the brat lunged and both he and Norman went rolling downhill into the creak.
On Jolene's account, both of them were in trouble for saying and doing bad things (his one regret was not biting the kid harder when he tried to go for his neck). She also got a light spanking for something she'd said.
Much to Norman's embarrassment, matters parteining his behavior were taken up to his Great Nanna. And boy did she look angry...
"Bárbara told me yous went and said some evil things to that poor boy." The burn of her gaze made his cheeks hot with shame. But also a little bit of resentment.
"Not like he a saint Nanna! He called Jolene a monkey, she was just playin'!"
"She also insulted him to his face, cuzz you boys drilled it into her head that it's fine ta go around making fun o' people you don't know as long as you ain't caught doin' so." Nanna pointed out. "Now why'd ya go an' tell him what yous did?"
"Ain't it obvious? Kids out here for SOME reason... And his attitude sure makes it seem like he gots thrown out with the rest o' the trash."
Norman yelped in fright as his great grandmother pointed her long crooked finger at him and began laying down the law. You did NOT piss off Nanna.
"You do NOT get to say such evil things in this household! You don't know nothin' 'bout why that poor boy is out here, and goin' bout saying such booshwash will get your hide tanner than a leather belt!" She spat as she went, her toothless sneer a great sign of her displeasure. "That boy just 'bout went and lost his poor mother, and his father is in hospital sick as a dog, so you best go out and 'pologize to that frightened child before I get half a mind to drag you there by the ear and spank your butt in front o' the whole family 'til the only words comin' out that crude mouth a'yours are words a regret!"
"Y-yes Nanna!"
"Go on then! Git!" She pushed him out the door. "Apologize!"
His Nanna was crazy scary when she wanted to be. Her promises were also always kept.
He shakily apologized as soon as he caught sight of Sammy, and he must have well and truly looked shaken up because the kid took it without so much as putting up a fuss.
At dinner things simmered down, and the little blond didn't put up a fight about staying or eating "slop" like he'd his memaw's cooking before.
According to Phineas, their pops had sat the kid down and layed it out just as hard as Nanna had done to Norman.
Either behave or risk getting sent somewhere less friendly. His pops also called in for extra drills the next morning, as punishment for their bad influence on Jolene. Sammy would participate, as his father thought such exercise routines were good for later on in life.
You never know.
Through following the same routine as everyone else, Sammy seemed to overall mellow out. He was less aggressive towards everyone else, actually did a decent job, wasn't too bothered about the farm work (apparently his dad owned a cattle ranch), and he actually started playing with the other kids as well. It took time for him to get comfortable, but heck if he wasn't fun to brawl with! Least now Norman had a chance to win!
Sammy Lawrence's stay wasn't a long one though. A month and a half.
As soon as Mr. Lawrence got out of the hospital he'd practically floored it all the way down to their farm to get his boy as far away from the black folk (no wonder the kid was such a ball of bad manners, his old man was one of THOSE people) as quickly as possible.
Must of thought they'd tainted the kid or something...
No skin off Norman's nose. He may have been in the wrong about why Sammy lashed out the way he did, or about the kid being a crumb, but that didn't stop the little shit from being a weirdo.
Hopefully he'd grow out of the superiority complex.
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