#he gets the hubba bubba rolled up tape gum or whatever it's called
cocoacake · 1 year
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thank god he’s stocked up on kickass AND bubblegum 
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goldenscript · 7 years
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adachi yuto, japanese exchange student and baseball player extraordinaire
his pitch is insane,,, latest record was 89.5 mph but he might’ve upped it (he did and he’s still aiming to surpass the best recorded speed of 105.1) since the school’s newspaper last interviewed him,,, nervously
he may be a well-known around school for being one of the top-ranking baseball players but he’s actually really intimidating 
equipped with a brooding look and an almost always resting bitch face a lot of people find him,,,, hard to approach and he likes that
being in a new country is tough - getting to know the language and the customs is like being a little kid in elementary school and it’s because of this very reason that he really hates people trying to belittle him or look down on him
it certainly doesn’t help that just by going there has made other people treat him like an actual child but if there’s yet another thing about yuto then it’s the fact that he has this need to prove others wrong about him
there was a kid in like fifth grade who totally ragged on him,, really made yuto feel like he wouldn’t amount to anything especially in baseball and ok sure he was a pretty scrawny kid at the time, a bit of a late bloomer in the puberty department but y’know everyone matures at their own pace physically and mentally
and anyway, it’s this very kid that has just driven yuto to do the very best that he can even if that means overworking himself and only really putting baseball first
because of that, his grades are pretty mediocre which is funny because he just about calculates and figure just how much he can get away with slacking over just to do the bare minimum
it works though,,, his teachers can’t complain since he is putting in effort and his coaches don’t mind so long as he’s getting the required gpa and coming to practice (which he does almost religiously)
and it’s just really remarkable that this sole drive just to prove someone wrong and get back at them for really doubting him drives him that much
his life has always been shrouded in doubt and insecurity and lots of belittlement and out of everything,,, baseball has always offered some kind of comfort to him
he’ll just stand on that field, whether it’s turf or actual grass, and finds peace in all the screaming because the moment he takes his pitcher’s stance it’s like there’s this silence and everything goes still even during his wind-up and suddenly all this power is thrown into a measly pitch and it has people roaring over him
they didn’t care if he was too foreign or too scrawny or too whatever, they were there and they appreciated his skill and i think that’s all he’s ever really wanted as he grew up into the man he is now
instead of sticking to japan, he decided to take up a full-ride scholarship to south korea and when they announced that at the sports banquet he couldn’t help but feel this swell of pride even if that one kid couldn’t see it happen
it’s a rare sight but it made him smile that day because for once he was acknowledged y’know?
anyway, coming to south korea was almost a culture shock (not by a grand scale but enough that it threw him off balance for a while)
it brought on a dry spell for him because he didn’t have friends or anyone to really be there for him to lean on because he was literally alone and not even with someone he could properly communicate with
it was frustrating on the largest scale and it made him feel even more hesitant and angry to deal with anyone other than his roommate, wooseok, who (bless his soul) is a sweetheart and always invites him to hang or play videogames,,,, sometimes he humors the giant
it took time for yuto to get acquainted with the other eight boys in wooseok’s friend circle but it worked out in weird ways
although yuto can’t exactly socialize in a huge gathering, he would spend one on one time with each of them and found comfortable niches with each so he does have a soft spot somewhere behind all his hostility
he won’t admit it a lot either but he’s more of a shower than a teller
but ok, anyway, even tho his first half of the year in south korea has been a huge struggle, he’s used it to push himself athletically and that’s why he’s getting noticed a lot more by others
they’re still intimidated as ever and rumors come flying in all directions about him killing someone with his pitch and none of the students in the journalism club want to interview him for the paper lmao
there was one brave soul but he’s still pretty,,, shaken from yuto’s rbf and you were actually out in this really cool study abroad in japan about tech culture and reported your findings and,,,,
basically you’re literally the only one who hasn’t heard of yuto aka the hardest person to interview on the baseball team so when you heard about a job that no one was willing to take because it was too scary you were just like “LMAO LEMME AT IT”
that and because he piqued your interest
to say the least, you’re pretty made to be in journalism because you refuse to half-ass anything you do and if they want to do a piece on understanding adachi yuto, literally the hottest rising star on the uni’s baseball team, then dammit you’re gonna do it
so, that’s exactly what you do
you go and hunt him down and approach his coach about interviewing him whenever there’s free time because you’re respectful like that y’know and when the older man grins at you and gives you the ok, you approach him on the bench and kindly talk to him about doing an interview
that alone throws him off because 1) you’re not scared of him??? usually just approaching him is nerve wracking for everyone and anyone but here you are just sauntering over like it’s nobody’s business
he just acts like it’s nothing though, coolly saying, “yeah sure whatever - we can do it right now”
“now?” you ask this with some confusion since you usually have some pretty long, extensive interviews just to get a good piece out because that’s how you are - you’re thorough
not many people in the club agree with you since it’s almost like a waste of time to them but neither you nor do the editor care very much because you put out really good stuff
even some of the stuff you wrote in high school are still circulating around as examples of what one should do and your methods too
 you’re not very black and white, you like grey areas and understanding concepts and people especially when they’re misunderstood and yuto is definitely no exception to that
so when he nods and simply says, “i know this won’t take long anyway, so why not right? we shouldn’t waste either of our time”
of course this throws you off,,, but you just nod and start off with some simple questions (to you) like what made him pursue baseball, how much he practices, what are some of his lucky items and pregame ritual habits, and like what are his goals as a player
like i said you’re thorough and even though you said these were simple, yuto was expecting things like “what’s your favorite part of playing baseball?” (pitching, duh) & “is mlb your goal for the future?” they’re pretty basic - during that first interview, he got even simpler things like what was his favorite color and what was his favorite base, and it made him hate that interview,,, significantly
the only redeeming factor of it was how cool they made him sound with his pitching speed record and that’s of course something he prides himself in but it felt so superficial and off,,, he didn’t like it
he didn’t quite feel belittled or anything but it made him disappointed that despite all his hard work,,, no one really cared enough to get to know him ya feel?
it’s silly but part of him working so hard is also for attention and that validation that he never vocally desires
so for you,,, to actually ask him things outside of his pitching speed record and what he plans outside of school and all that,,, is kinda nice
you can tell by the way he loosens up just a tad that he just has really high defenses and it makes you wonder why,, ,like by journalist instincts but genuine curiosity
and you get your answers (”this kid in school,” “four hours minimum a day,” “this keychain my mom gave me” (it’s this little pochacco bc she was like 99.9% certain that he would go into soccer LOL) and “chew hubba bubba gum - the kinda from the roll or it’s a no go, must wear something red SOMEWHERE, and the keychain has to be nearby”, and “surpass 105.1″) not that you’re in any rush because you really do like to get to know the people you’re interviewing
you’re the sort of person that believes in building connections with others - it’s really how one gets a good article and how to thrive in life like although you don’t talk to everyone you know / met on a daily basis you’d like to think that as long as those relationships weren’t superficial during that time you spent with them then it’s worthwhile
so you find all his answers really endearing and kind of cute even though it’s this stoic dude answering all your questions like he has other things to do and ofc you’re not even offended in the slightest because you understand that people get stiff over these things and it feels like people just haven’t been answering him the right questions anyway
but you being you, asks him the one questions he’s actually hoped to hear: “why 105.1?” 
he grins at you, like a genuine one that actually blows you away because his cheekbones are so gloriously prominent and light is just shining in his eyes and honestly if you were a photographer you would’ve really liked to capture this moment but before he can answer his coach is calling him onto the field and he turns to you almost apologetically
but you wave him off with a grin: “guess this means we gotta continue this interview right?” 
a flash of relief washes over his features before he gives you a brief nod, “guess so” 
you have your tape recorder still going, an heirloom of your mom’s because she loved journalism just as much as you do before she had you and in a way you’re fulfilling this dream for the both of you, and instruct him to recite his number for you
he looks a little exasperated but he does it and grumbles a farewell before jogging back onto the field and you go back to your dorm to listen through the interview, wanting to be thorough, and when you get to the part where he recites his number you jot that down with a wide grin
because deep down you really do think yuto is great - you don’t know it with complete certainty but that brief interview was more than enough so you shoot him a text about meeting up on thursday
to which he replies quite quickly in an affirmation
when the two of you meet, it’s at the park by the school’s garden and it’s absolutely beautiful - you know it’s completely unfamiliar to many people because you really have to look so you wind up finding yuto just take him there and he’s kinda flustered about it but it’s cute on him 
you take a moment to turn on your tape recorder and turn to him to ask the question you both left on 
his answer: “it’s the world record for the fastest pitch but i want to have the fastest pitch” 
there’s still a whole round of questions for him to answer and after a good hour of just bantering, you actually find him endearing and funny and really sweet beneath the brooding rbf
and the more he’s with you, the more he wants to open up even if it just for some interview because he feels acknowledged and appreciated 
with you, there’s something different that stirs in his chest - the ease that he felt after getting acquainted with wooseok comes with you but even more so
he really likes the way the gardenias and lilies complement your features, how the sun shines on you two and you bask in it
for reasons beyond him, he’s actually kinda sad that after this he won’t see much of you because there’s still a lot he’d like to know and ask you but between answering your questions and thinking ahead, it’s hard to interject his own considering it’s his interview
and tbh you’re pretty sad about it too but that sort of thing doesn’t hit you until it’s over and you’re playing the tape recording over and suddenly it’s like,,,, well, you want to know more about yuto
so you make a decision
after you’re done with the piece, you hit yuto up and let him read the manuscript and he’s in freakin’ awe because no one has ever really talked about him in the way that you did and he just turns to you and says “thank you” in the most sincerest voice and your heart truly feels like it might fall out of your chest 
you just tell him that “it was my pleasure” because it really was!!
a small moment passes between you two, but wooseok comes in and you two get embarrassed so you excuse yourself to go prepare for the final publishing 
wooseok totally teases yuto btw but one glare from the latter has the former cackling before he goes off into the shower
“you’re so whipped dude”
“shut. up.”
“it’s the truth~~~~~~”
“sleep with one eye open, woo”
when it gets published, everyone is freakin’ amazed ofc and those who read the piece actually get some proper insight on the misunderstood baseball player, and you hand deliver a copy to him because you’re so freakin’ ecstatic and proud because everyone loved it and it looks so great and 
well yuto is really happy and seeing happy is an absolute blessing 
as flustered as he is, he actually expresses a better expression of gratitude and tells you that “no one has ever done something like this for me and i really, truly appreciate it” 
you can feel your heart thudding and your throat closing up because he continues “and honestly, you’ve been on my mind like crazy y/n”
all you can manage is a “why?” but he’s relieved to see blush dusting on your cheeks
“because i want to get to know you and i want to understand you and i-” he whispers the last half: “thinkyou’rereallycute”
you’re almost in shock but you’re too elated tbh and you embarrassingly say, “i think you’re really cute too,,,,” 
so you both spend this impromptu first date wandering the park and going to the campus cafe and just talking but he lets you talk 
 in fact, he wants to know everything about you - why you started journalism and why you decided to take him on and what your favorite color is and what your favorite song is and all those little things that people tend to forget but him? 
he remembers them 
he remembers everything you tell him and he finds it so adorable how your nose scrunches and your features light up and how much you have to say even though you’re usually the one asking the questions
and it just feels so damn good to have someone show interest in you
like yeah sure you’ve made some strong connections and friendships but the way yuto asks you questions and absorbs your answers, even inputting his own feelings, you feel so happy because this isn’t some obligatory “tell me about yourself” it’s a genuine “please tell me more” 
each day you two learn new things about each other too which is really great if you didn’t realize just how mischievous he is 
LOL like it seems to be a hidden personality trait of his but you’ve come to find that being with yuto has become a series of getting soft pranked or just watching others get hardcore pranked and it’s kinda funny
you really wouldn’t expect it from him but the way he softly pranks you is just too adorable for you to get upset with
like well, the first time he ever told you he loved you, he steals your tape recorder from you - not really steal it but one minute it’s on your desk and another it’s in his hands and he’s fumbling with it but he manages to record over the blank tape and goes “y/n, did you know you’re an amazing person?” 
you can’t help but laugh because he has one of those sports newscaster voice and feigned serious face as he holds the tape recorder out to you in wait of an answer so you just shake your head “no sir, i did not” 
he grins, “well, did you know that i, adachi yuto, love you for being the amazing person you are?” 
and even though his cheeks are so blatantly red and yours are too, you’re stunned 
“i-i did not know that,,,,” and you lean in close and place your hand over his on the recorder and say, “but did you know that i, l/n y/n, love you too?” 
and he just pulls you into the sweetest kiss because he just feels so goddamn happy with you, so content, and most of all, so understood
the rest of the boys are really grateful for you because as comfortable as yuto has been with them, you’ve made it much easier for him and his transition because of the article
a lot of the time, people will come up to him and talk about his stats and baseball which he’s actually happy to converse about 
or even those people that kind of judged him at first, they’re not so,,,,, prejudiced y’know?
they have such a great insight on him as a player and it really is because of all the things you put into that article and you’re so damn proud of it
when you get thanked and welcomed into the group, they adore you man
they love how you aren’t afraid to tease yuto or go along with his playful antics and they love that you bring out this undeniably soft side to him that makes even wooseok go “awwww, my roomie has a heart~~” which is of course replied to with a glare that has even you giggling because that’s just how yuto is
like he’s still pretty intimidating looking but most of the school doesn’t think that as badly - it’s usually people on the street in the city
though there were a few people to stop you two because y’all just looked like The Aesthetic couple and it left you both really flustered 
even as you both continue on in your relationship, there are moments where you just fluster each other because y’all just so damn cute and neither of you two can take it
but it works - everything between you just works and it’s kinda perfect in an odd little way 
sometimes you bicker when he gets a little tsundere with you or if he pranks you a little too much (like hides your stuffed pochacco he won you at the fair very unfairly - poor milk bottle worker LOL) 
in the end, you’ll both apologize because you’re both that hyperaware of your actions and you’re both very accepting too 
you can pick up on things that he doesn’t realize and somehow he can do the same with you - with each other, it’s just.... right 
you understand him and he understands you, and honestly, neither of you could ask for anything better than that~~~~
(also lemme just say that on one of your gifts to him was a badtz maru charm for his bat or anything really because it reminded you of him and how pouty he got but literally everyone agreed)
(he hung it btw and it’s considered his lucky charm because he got his pitching speed up to 95.6 mph!!!!!!!!)
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