#he giggles like he knows the hottest tea tbh i love that for him
khaopybara · 4 months
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Or, everyone loves to tease FirstKhaotung, but P'Leo might be the one who loves it the most.
Alternatively, what is the joke we'll never know about?
Also, why was Satang the first to react, and also the loudest?
So many questions.
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id-never-letyoudown · 5 years
Aw man aw fck
Omega!Charlotte would have it so rough tho? Imagine being mated and married to someone who won't even touch you, but you can sniff out the scent of another omega on him. Several, different omegas. Because Sam's a ho. And at first she tries to rationalize it. "Sam's an officer, he deals with a lotta people all the time! Some of them are bound to be omegas!"
But then he doesn't even try to hide it. When she does catch him coming home, he reeks of sex. Charlotte doesn't say a word. Everyone knows what's going on and she's the last to accept it. But she still thinks there's hope for them. Counseling.
"Oh! Hi Sam, I.... Late? What do you mean you're gonna.... Well how late?... But hon it's... It's Cuddle Night. And this one's really special, remember?.... No, it's not our anni-don't you know when our anniversary is? It's my heat week, Sam. Cuddle Night falls on heat week.... What'd'you mean you didn't know-Sammy I've been telling you since last Cuddle Night! Which we also skipped.... Okay... Okay. I'll just take a suppressant.... And Sam? Be safe, okay? I l-" *click* :3
And Ted, hooooo. When she first met him she thought he was another alpha sleeze trying to get their next knot. And yeah she was kinda right. And she grew to love the attention, because she wasn't getting it anywhere else.
It's hard, so hard, for Ted. To have to smell Sam on Charlotte. Have to restrain himself from marking her himself whenever she comes to him. Knowing Sam's off sticking his dick in another omega when he already has the "hottest lil thing in town". He doesn't get it. If he were Sam he'd be worshipping her, not making her feel like shit.
Charlotte doesn't like taking suppressants. They were Sam's idea. Tells Sam something like "I went to the doctor, he says I gotta stop taking them. Says it's dangerous. That's alright. I'll just get one of those fancy toys. I'll be fine." And Sam doesn't really care. Sam stopped listening to her a long time ago.
"I'll just visit my other omega friends when the time comes." So she's not alone. In actuality she's heading over to Ted's to get absolutely railed and manhandled and praised like she!! Deserves!!
And Charlotte gives, okay? She wants Ted to get his fill when she's with him. "Is there anything I can do for you?" "... Nah, you're too soft for that." "Soft? For what? Ted, dammit just tell me." "Alright, but I warned you: choke me." ".... but that'll hurt you." "See? Soft. Char, I wanna be hurt-" and that's all Charlotte needs to hear before she has her hands wrapped around his neck. She and Sam used to get into some hijinks in the day. Not anymore, but it's nice to know she picked up something useful.
And that's when they start experimenting. When Charlotte starts to open up more. Ted was already making her confident, now even more so. She feels powerful for once.
She prolly smells like how sweet tea tastes, and also cinnamon. Just a side note.
Sam finds a box of condoms and grows suspicious, but Charlotte tells him she got those for her toy. "You know I don't like makin' a mess."
When she nests the first time after she and Ted start... screwing around, she's surprised to find herself actively searching for things that remind her of Ted. And if that's the case, she can't nest at home, Sam would definitely be suspicious then. So she asks: Paul. The cute lil omega from work, who's also deaf(and you can pry that hc from my cold dead hands, I love it too much)
Paul already knows about Ted. He'd have to be blind as well not to see that. He tells her she can nest here just this once, but next time she's going to Ted's. And wouldn't you know it, Ted shows up. And Charlotte is! All over that. And Paul, poor Paul, tells them to keep it to the guest room, and that he's going to Beanies.
Ted thinks it's cute Charlotte wants to have his scent on her nest. But then they start talking. And it gets to "I'm not even your mate and you prefer me over that douchebag. Charlotte. You should leave him already. He's not treating you right." And that devolves into an argument and angry sex. And Ted's debating marking her right there. But he can't screw things over for her like that.
And things are dying down, they're making up. Ted's kissing her neck. And then Charlotte starts to panic. "Ted-Ted! Ted we didn't use a condom-" and she's trying to pull off his knot which-ouch, so Ted has to hold her still. "Uh-yeah, think we forgot about that in the heat of things." And he's also panicking.
The town's so small that Charlotte's worried word might get out that Charlotte's buying morning after pills. So Paul goes with her. She's there for moral support, that's the story. Paul is mortified, but he doesn't want Charlotte panicking so much.
Tbh Paul probably gets drunk at a Halloween party the whole town's at and spills the beans. Likely after Sam tries to put the moves on him, just fckin, walks up to the mic and, "Attention? Attention. Can everybody hear me? Cuz I can't hear yoooou." And he snorts and giggles like that's the funniest shit. "Sam... buddy, pal. That cop right there. Him. Yeah. He's a manwhore fucking every omega in sight, 'cept his own wife!" And the town goes silent, they already knew. But no one had confronted Sam about it. The balls on this omega. "But that's okay! Cuz she's found herself a new alpha. And she's finally happy! Yaaaay Charlotte! I love you-I'm not done! Hey!" Bill's dragging him and his drunk ass off stage, "This is why I'm the designated driver."
I'm p sure a fight breaks out. It doesn't escalate too far, not with the whole town there to witness it.
Sam and Charlotte's end is bittersweet. They talk things over, once the party's died down and everyone's just about left. And agree to a divorce. They do hope for the best for each other. "If Ted ever starts annoying you, you just give me a call and I'll lock him up for the weekend." "And if you need advice on how to take care of babies, you call me. I know that's probably the reason why you weren't home so much. I could smell the hormones." "... Well, I didn't know!" "... Oops. You got some calls to make. Better do that omega right, mister. I'll kick your ass."
Idk man I just want them to have a bittersweet end
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