#he had a cutie mark but his birth defect makes it so no one will never know what it is
prettyinaccurate · 2 years
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FUCK you *posts cringe*
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gravityanomaly · 7 years
I didn't know you had OCs? Tell me about them! ^ w ^
You must be kinda new to my blog :o I’ve had them since 2012, theyre some of my longest runnings ocs~  I even do an RP blog for them, @hexarcana​ if you wanna see em in action.  Here is a very basic guide to my squad!
Let’s start with our matriarch!
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Her name is Aggie, and she’s an incredibly powerful witch who just wants to live out her days in her house in the woods with her 40+ dogs.  She’s a kind old woman, but she isn’t the easiest to get close to.  She’s distant and doesn’t really let a lot of people into her life.  For the past 20 years she’s been living on her own in the woods outside of Gravity Falls, practicing her magic in secret.  Anyone who DOES know her has only rumors to spread about her, and she never does a thing to stop it.  Everything changed for her when she took in her Granddaughter Olive following her parent’s divorce.
Her involvment in the story starts WAY back in 1960 something, Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey.
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Aggie grew up alongside the Pines twins.  She was a precocious little thing, the daughter of a wealthy and rather antisocial and mean doctor.  She used to be very quiet and spoke only when spoken to, but after making some friends in the form of two twin boys, she came out of her shell.  She was particularily close with Stanley, as they had a similar way of doing things and similar interests.  
Aggie moved away from GSB when she was 13, and the move really shook her.  Not only was she in a small town in Roadkill Country, OR (GUESS WHERE :> ) but she was completely alone with her father, who she hated by this point.  The boys were her only friends, and after the move she began a sort of spiral of bad behavior until she was kicked out of school.  She was sent to a boarding school.  Post grad, she ,oved to New York City and tried out going to college while living with some of her mother’s old friends (Her Coven) and at this point she was learning magic.  At the age of 20 she had a baby who she named Robert.  Shortly after that, she left school and the coven behind and began a life of living out of a stolen van with her son.  They settled in Nevada, where the pair lived until he graduated high school.  After that she travelled and lived all over before she finally settled into the house left to her by her father.  That house is the house she lives in now, in the woods just outside of Gravity Falls.
By the time the events of the show, she and her granddaughter are having a grand old time in the woods.  Oh and I ship her with Stan with a feverish passion that is unmatched by any force in my life.
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Her son Robert, or ‘Bobby’ as he’s better known, is Aggie’s only child.  He spent the first few years of his life on the road, but for the most part, he drew up in a Nevada trailer park.  Bobby was born with a congenital birth defect that caused complete blindness, but he’s never let it get in the way of his life.  As a boy he was incredibly gifted at the guitar, as well as being a very smart kid with top marks in school.  He always had a love for dinosaurs and digging in the ground for stuff.  He pretty much was covered in dirt his entire childhood.  He graduated valedictorian at his high school and went on to attend school in Texas for Archaeology and Paleontology.
After he got his masters in both, he immediately went on to get doctorates in both simultaneously.  It was during his doctoral studies at a school in Michigan, he met Rosemary O’Halloran, his future wife.  They were married shortly after they graduated, and within a year they were living in Egypt for Bobby’s work, and Rosemary was pregnant with their first (and only) child.  His little girl Olive was born in Cairo in Nov 99′. The little famly lived in Cairo for a few years before returning to the states for a lecture tour that ended up going on a lot longer then it should have.  
In 2012, Rosemary broke it to Bobby that she wanted a divorce.  He was blindsided.  Not wanting to get his daughter to get caught up in the mess, he sent her to live with his mom in Oregon.  He visits and skypes, and has plans to eventually move to Gravity Falls to be with his family.
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Olive is Bobby’s son and Aggie’s granddaughter.  She can be described as a pest, an obessive little twerp, a  hot tempered little creep, and a weirdo.  She also can be described as a genuine delight.  Olive is excitable and active.  She doesn’t do well with other kids since she grew up with her very intelligent parents and no other company.  She grew up in a modified RV with her doctor mother and laid back dinosaur loving dad.
Olive is obsessed with aliens and space.  She is convinced that the truth is out there, and she will fight you if you disagree.  In fact, she’ll fight you for just about any reason.  She’s hot tempered and quick to throw a punch.  She’s tough as hell and she’s even braver.  She is the same age of the twins, and gets along pretty well with them.  she likes to push Stan’s buttons.
She doesnt like to come off as soft so she rarely cries but she’s got a lot of self doubt and anger bubbling under her surface.
Also, she is incredibly short and is often mistaken for a seven year old.
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(some family photos)
Now for some ~othrs~ involved in their tale...
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This is Jane Foster.  She isn’t a character I work with as much now, but in her heyday she mattered  lot to me story.  She’s a ghost woman who lives in the GF cemetary.  she was murdered by a witch when she was in her late 20s.  Her family was one of the first families in Gravity Falls.  Her original motivation was mostly because I loved the idea of Ford having supernatural girlfriends and having a ghost GF who knew about the towns entire history was tantalizing.  Jane is very intelligent and quite educated, which is surprising given the time period she’s from.  IF she’d lived, she would have found a way to be a writer.  She loves stories and she loved listening to Stanford tell them.  Her relation to the story was Aggie toyed with the idea of bringing her back to life.
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This lil cutie’s name is Steven.  He’s a Greek-born vampire who was abandoned in the woods as a toddler.  His parents his him but they never came back as they were slain by a vampire hunter.  Fast forward 7 years, and the little tyke was living in a cave eating mice and frogs.  After being found by Olive, he is take nin by Aggie.  He’s a soft spoken, shy boy who cries easily.  He has a slight stutter and drinks blood, but he’s an amazing little boy.  So kind and sweet.  Aggie always wanted to have more kids and Steven is like that last chance, you know?  He’s seven in 2012.
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ask-quasimodoquartz · 8 years
MOD: Pulling the Plug, Part 6/?
The Grand Galloping Gala is coming up, finally a time for a breather from all the drama in Quartzy's life. She brings Cute Curiosity, her little Cutesaurus, as her plus-one. The Wonderbolts are present as well, Soarin & Spitfire with their daughters Flame Burst and Muddy May. While there, Quartzy introduces her girlfriend to others, like her distant cousin Prince Léon.
Quasimodo Quartz: "Umm... hello, Prince Léon. I am -" Prince Léon: "Princess Quasimodo Quartz. Yes, I know of you. Word has reached us back home of your accomplishments in the Crystal Empire." Quasimodo Quartz: "/blushes/ Yes well... I have been dealing with some problems. But, I would like to introduce you to my marefriend, Cute Curiosity, the chief librarian of the Crystal Empire." Cute Curiosity: "Uhh, g-good evening, Prince Leon." Prince Léon: "Hmm... /kisses Cute Curiosity's claw-hoof/ Enchanté." Cute Curiosity: "/blushes/ You have quite the dashing physique, Prince Leon. You must be quite the charmer to the ladies." Prince Léon: "/blushes embarrassedly/ If - If you're coming on to me, Miss Curiosity, I must say that I'm flattered, but I'm spoken fo - " Cute Curiosity: "CanIscanyourskeletonpleaseI'dliketoknowmoreaboutAlicornanatomyplease~!" Prince Léon: "...beg pardon?" Quasimodo Quartz: "Ohh, I'm terribly sorry, Prince Leon. She... gets like that. It's... her idea of an ice-breaker." Cute Curiosity: "Offer still standing~"
(One idea that we’d kicked around was that Prince Léon would be revealed to have been assigned female at birth. Quartzy realizing in hindsight that she could have opened up to him via letters to support one another, but not lingering on it.)
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Flame Burst in her dress for the Grand Galloping Gala
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Moonlit Bloom in her dress for the Grand Galloping Gala
Quartzy is swimming in love and congratulations at having been coronated as crown-princess, though she still hesitates to accept this. Royal Beauty meets with her 'nemesis' Cascade Glimmer (Fancy Pants & Fleur-de-lis's daughter), and their long-standing hatred of each other ends with the pair of them making out in a corridor. Flame Burst meets Honeysickle, a mysterious young Unicorn mare, in a corridor at the Gala, not wishing to take part in this, least of all with her hated and "retarded" little sister "Wormy".
Flame Burst: [having extracted herself from the festivities] /sigh/ Where the hell are you, Sugar? Mysterious Unicorn mare: Sugar Rush...? Oh yes, your marefriend! A real catch, isn't she? Flame Burst: [jumping] Gah! For the love of Celestia, don't scare me like that! And... how do you know she's my marefriend? [angry] Have you been stalking me?! Mysterious Unicorn mare: I happened to notice the two of you entering this Gala hoof-in-hoof. You were walking noticeably slower than her. I can put two and two together. Flame Burst: [rubbing her foreleg ruefully, grumbling and glancing aside] Hmm... Maybe... Mysterious Unicorn mare: My name’s Honeysickle, by the way.  Flame Burst: Flame Burst. And, don’t you mean ‘Honeysuckle’? Honeysickle: No it’s definitely Honeysickle. [looking at Flame Burst's wings] Well... look at how stunted your wings are. You must be a very poor flyer. Flame Burst: [baring teeth] Screw you, you bitch! It's a genetic problem and I can't do anything about it! [ears droop] Is it any wonder I don't have my cutie mark yet...? Honeysickle: Funny story; my elder sister has a much fuller set of wings. Strong, broad, able to carry a great deal of wind beneath them... Flame Burst: [glowering] If you think that that's going to make me want to be your friend, you're not helping your case. But Faust above if I wouldn't prefer you as my little sister. Honeysickle: [chuckles darkly, using her magic to unhook her dress and remove her contact lenses all at once, revealing heterochromatic eyes with black sclera] Flame Burst: [jaw drops as Honeysickle's wings unfurl] Honeysickle: [grins savagely] No... No, you really don't.
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So yeah, this Honeysickle is revealed to be Muddy May's shadow, her equal and opposite from a world of Shadows. In this world, there are “shadows” of people from the world of light, who bear basically the opposite personality traits and who carry traits that are lost in ponies of light (Honeysickle’s elder sister, Flame Burst’s Shadow, has the full wings that Flame Burst lacks because of a birth defect). This was an idea for a project that StarryOak wished to do before and that I proposed bringing into Ask Prince(ss) Quasimodo Quartz.
Anyway, Honeysickle kidnaps Muddy May and retreats back into her shadow-world, the Princesses of the Crystal Empire entering as well with Flame Burst, Sugar Rush, and Angel in tow.
In the shadow-world, Quasimodo Quartz meets her Grady Twins-esque shadows, one a pony and the other a changeling. The pair of them are aloof and arrogant, utterly despicable in their unjustified self-assuredness. Quartzy realizes that her self-doubts are not bad, but perhaps overblown. The shadow of Flame Burst is a snivelling grovelling servant to her little Alicorn sister Honeysickle, and Flame Burst is utterly furious that Shadow Burst has the full majestic wings I mentioned earlier, trying to pull them off.
Honeysickle: For being my elder sister's Caster, you are remarkably dull-witted. A Shadow bears those pieces which the Caster lacks. You were born with stunted growth in your wings; therefore, Shadow Burst's wings are full, and powerful. Whereas I am brilliant and canny... /smirks evilly/... and the single worst example of a pony you could ever meet.
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Shadow Burst, Flame Burst’s Shadow
Honeysickle's evil plan is to turn the worlds on their heads, make the shadow-world dominant over the world of light.
Honeysickle: We are the Shadows. You are the Shadow-casters. Your identity is intrinsically contingent on our own... and yet, it is nothing that happens to us that determines when Shadows are born, live, or die. It is you Shadow-casters who ensnare the breadth of our lifespans. It is my intent to change that, however much Amalgor may loathe that intent.
She holds Muddy May captive, seeking to twist the knife in the sides of both Flame Burst and Muddy May.
Honeysickle: [holding Muddy May in her magic] It's true, isn't it, "Flamey"? You said it; you'd rather have me as a sister, rather than little "Wormy" here. Flame Burst: [teeth bared] YOU LET MY SISTER GO! Muddy May: [almost crying] Flay-Burrs...! Honeysickle: [grinning savagely] Tell her, or she dies. Did you not say that? Flame Burst: [eyes widen] /gasp/ Honeysickle: Clock is ticking, 'Flay-Burrs'~ Flame Burst: [tearing up] I... I...! [beat] Flame Burst: ...it's true, Muddy. I did say it. Muddy May: [lips quivering] F-F-Flay-Burrs...? Honeysickle: [lets Muddy May loose] There, was that so hard? All you had to do was break her little heart. But really, what does it matter to you? After all, you'd rather have ME as a little sister. Remember, it was you that said it.
Flame Burst sees past her insecurities about her tiny wings and lack of a cutie mark, rising to Muddy May's defense and pounding Honeysickle down, with aid from Angel and from her Shadow who despises Honeysickle. Flame Burst earns her cutie mark in protecting the ones she loves, and she does indeed love her sister deep down. Honeysickle attempts to salvage her grand plan by gloating to the neutralized gods and goddesses of Equestria who'd been drawn into her shadow-world, but is laughed down by Luna...
Honeysickle: I'm afraid you've run into a small roadblock, all of you. I am evil, more than anything anyone has ever faced. You'll kneel before your Shadows and become the true Shadows. I am your new ruler, one beyond you. Luna: /laughs/ Honeysickle: [pauses, glaring] What did you say, Worm? Luna: You... You really think that you're the most evil being that has ever been? [smirking] Honeysickle: [stomping hoof] I AM! May I remind you who is captured here? Luna: Oh yes, powerful, one who has to neutralize us to cast us down is truly all-powerful. Honeysickle: I AM POWERFUL! I AM YOUR NEW- Luna: I have been more evil than thee, long ago. And yet, I lost. Honeysickle: And that's why I'm the better. I won't! Luna: That's not the point. You're not more evil than anything that has ever been. Discord was once dictator of the world, cruel and horrible, for times immeasurable, beyond time and above any of us in power. Discord: I wasn't going to point that out. I was enjoying the show. Honeysickle: SHUT UP! Luna: I attempted to create eternal night as NightMare Moon. I almost doomed the entire world to die in the cold, unrelenting night.
So yeah, Honeysickle finds out that she's actually quite low on the Sorting Algorithm of Evil after all. And that's how she's defeated.
Meanwhile, Quartzy is engaged in a deal-with-the-devil scenario with Amalgor, the most powerful entity in the shadow-world, who attempts to barter a trade of Quartzy's undesired Changeling traits with something of his body parts. Quartzy refuses, a great moral victory and acceptance of what she is. Especially given that Amalgor is the Shadow of Starswirl the Bearded, having bartered so many pieces from so many other creatures over the years that he's effectively his own being, a draconequus of his own making. But since Amalgor had been cheated by a Changeling known as Simbad in ages prior, a Changeling of the hive of Chrysalis's grandmother, he's nursed a special resentment towards Changelings. But as long as Quartzy refuses to engage in his game, he is effectively powerless at making her a lesser being.
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Simbad, for his part, was alarmed at the breakdown of Shadows entering the world of light, fleeing from his solitude in the castle in Everfree to warn everypony of the pending disaster. This was the breaking of the wish he’d made to Amalgor as reward for beating the shadow-draconequus at his own game. His “eternal freedom” from the hive meant he would never die, but seeing the Shadows return to the world of Shadow-casters... he flew to Canterlot posthaste. He was wary of Quasimodo Quartz at first, the great-granddaughter of his old Queen, but he followed her back to the Crystal Empire regardless.
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