#he has mentally checked out of Grannvale high society. he is being blackmailed by a cult.
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I feel like you've read my mind because I specifically want Sigurd to be the parent who gets called into the preschool during the middle of the day for an emergency parent-teacher conference about the fact that Julius won't stop biting the other kids.
Also, like, considering Sigurd never got to see his son grow up and all that, canonically, I think he should be allowed to spend as much time with his kids as he wants. But also like. It would be really funny.
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Everything happens so much in Jugdral's politics! In Agustria, you have President Chagall flipping his shit because Eldigan, governor of Nordion, is more popular with the people. You have the governor's younger sister running his presidential campaign, despite the fact that Eldigan has said he does not want to run for president of Agustria. (He wins anyway. Quan and Sigurd swear a life debt to Lachesis for making it happen.)
And then in Grannvale, one of Prime Minister Kurth's main advisors is the son of another prominent politician - a politician who killed himself twenty years ago after he found out that his wife was cheating on him, with Kurth. What in the goddamn soap opera hell is that about?
And then in Verdane, the youngest prince disappeared suddenly and then was found a month later shacking up in Grannvale with a priestess.
And the prince of Silesse has a soundcloud and actually has a few bangers.
There is never a dull moment in Jugdral.
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Robin debating with her thesis advisor about whether spurious text messages with her estranged father from two years ago are a usable primary source.
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