#he has the same energy of a highly trained labrador..... so incredibly out of touch but excited to be involved nontheless.
howgalling · 9 months
also i finished better call saul what THE FUCK!!!! BEST SHOW EVER
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borrowabuddy-blog · 6 years
Labs, Golden Retrievers,        Yorkies…Oh My!      Which Dog is Best For Me?
Big, small, hairy, hypoallergenic, high energy, loud, quiet….the list goes on and on. There are loads of dog breeds to choose from. There are currently 187 recognized breeds by the American Kennel Club, but there are tons of mixed breeds too. So, how is anyone supposed to choose what breed of dog to get? This post will touch base on some dog breeds and what types of lifestyles they would be best suited for.
In my life I have had two dogs. One was a Schnauzer mutt that we purchased for $50 out of the back of a pickup truck and the other, my current dog, is a Schnauzer-Yorkie mix who was a lot more than $50. Both of my dogs weighed less than 20 pounds, and both have made great family dogs. My Schnauzer-Yorkie has lived with 5 kids. When we purchased her our ages ranged from 13 to 3 years old. Typically, small dogs are not recommended for households with young children. While I believe this is a good rule of thumb, I also believe that if the children are properly supervised and the dog has the right temperament it all works out ok. The first breeds that I will touch base on are breeds that many people view as family dogs.
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1.      Lab and Golden Retriever
The Labrador Retriever and the Golden Retriever, two of the most well-known dog breeds. These are commonly the go to family dogs. They are known for being incredibly gentle and good with children.
This past year, a new challenge started based on how gentle a Golden Retriever is. This was the egg challenge, where an owner would place an egg in a dog’s mouth and the dog would not crack it. Later on, it was proven that any dog was capable of this, not just Golden Retrievers. I believe that this viral challenge proves how highly society thinks of Golden Retrievers.
Golden Retrievers and Labs are also in lots of movies which depict them as a family dog. In addition to being great family dogs, they are also good hunting dogs. Retrievers are active but also like to cuddle with their owners. They do shed a lot, so this is something to keep in mind if you are considering one. Labs and Goldens both come in lots of color variations. Labs generally come in black, yellow, or chocolate. Although, there are variations to this such as fox red or silver. Goldens also come in a few color variations. These include: cream, golden, dark golden, and light golden. Goldens tend to live up to 12 years, and Labs live up to 14 years. Labs get up to 71 pounds and Goldens get up to 75 pounds. Furthermore, both of these dog breeds are easy to train and generally get along well with other animals. They are often referred to as good dogs for first time owners.
So, are these the right dogs for you?
Yes- If you are looking for a larger, active family dog with color variations who would be simple to train and love all people then this is the dog for you.
No- If you do not want to deal with shedding, a lot of slobber, high energy, and a shorter life span then this is not the dog for you.
On a side note, if you really like these breeds but do not want to deal with shedding a doodle might be perfect for you! This is a Golden or a Lab mixed with a Poodle. This allows for less shedding, but still makes for a great family dog!
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2.      Yorkshire Terrier
As I mentioned earlier, my dog is half Yorkie. My family’s joke is that this is the difficult half. I have a friend who has two Yorkies, and another friend with one. The common theme we all agree on is that they are very stubborn. They are terriers; therefore, they love rodents and love to chase them. A lot of them do not do well when alone for extended periods of time, but there are ways to train them, so they do not develop separation anxiety. They are one of the few smaller dog breeds that is recommended for a first-time dog owner, and they adapt well to apartment living. Yorkies do not do well in extreme weather conditions. My own dog will choose to not go outside if it is raining or extremely cold. Yorkies are also not the best family dog, as they are not a huge fan of other dogs or strangers.
For being a small dog, they still require a lot of exercise. They are a high energy dog and need to be walked daily or they get stir crazy. They also are extremely playful. They enjoy a game of fetch or tug of war as much as a big dog does.
Yorkies stay around four to six pounds and shed very minimally. They can come in a few different colors. These include: black and tan, blue and tan, black and gold, blue and gold. Ultimately, their colors do not vary too much, and Yorkies pretty much have the same common look about them. A huge downside is that they tend to be extremely yappy and suffer from small dog syndrome.
Is a Yorkie the right breed for you?
Yes- If you want a small, non-shedding dog who still is very active then this is the dog for you.
No- If you are not a fan of yapping, have small children, want more color variations, or do not have much time for an active dog then this is not the breed for you.
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3.      Beagle
Beagles are one of those dog breeds that everyone just knows. They are used as police dogs and they have starred in many movies. They are smaller in size and weigh up to 22 pounds. They are known for being excellent family dogs. Beagles are amazing with kids, other dogs, and strangers. Generally, they show very little aggression towards anything in their life.
Beagles can be difficult to train due to their stubbornness. The combination of their own intelligence and high prey drive does not help when attempting to train them. Just like a Yorkie, Beagles tend to be extremely vocal. Despite being difficult to train they do make decent dogs for first time dog owners, and they do adapt well to apartment living. Beagles do not do well when left alone, and they do not tolerate cold weather well.
Beagles are very high energy and require a lot of vigorous activity to keep them from becoming destructive. They love to play and will play with their owner 24/7 if they are allowed to. Beagles come in a few color variations. These include: lemon and white, tri-color, chocolate tri, white and chocolate, red and white, and orange and white. They do shed, but not too much. Overall, Beagles are one of the top family dogs.
Is a Beagle the right dog for you?
Yes- If you want a small sized but still active and great family dog then a Beagle is perfect for you.  
No- If you want a quiet dog who is simple to train then a Beagle is not for you.
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4.      Mutts
The final “breed” I am going to discuss is a mutt. Mutts are any combination of recognized breeds. Mutts range from “Designer Dogs” to just plain mutts. Designer Dogs include breeds such as Teddy Bears (Bichon Frise X Shih Tzu), Maltipoo (Maltese X Poodle), Mini Goldendoodle (Miniature Poodle X Golden Retriever), and so on. The list could go on forever. Plain old mutts are dogs that you see that have been dumped at a shelter or stray dogs that have bred amongst themselves. These mutts could have a whole mix of things in them. I have a friend whose dog is a mutt and he is a Chihuahua, Boxer, Lab mix. This is not a combination that normally would be sought after, but he is still a wonderful dog.
Mutts tend to be great dogs. They can be all sorts of sizes. Some shed, and some may not. You just never know what you will get with a mutt. Many people gravitate towards mutts because they are what is primarily seen in an animal shelter. Unlike a purebred, there are no breed norms to a mutt because they can be any combination under the sun. Believe it or not, not having breed norms is a selling point to many people.
Not having a single breed is a selling point because it allows a dog to get the best of a combination of breeds. Take a Goldendoodle for example, these dogs are technically mutts. When they first became popular people paid a lot of money and were on waitlists to be able to own one. People are in love with the Golden Retriever attitude combined with the Poodle brain and the little to no shedding. Goldendoodle owners will tell you that their mutt is truly the best of both worlds.
Shelter dogs are also highly thought of. Many people like the fact that they are rescuing a dog who may have otherwise been put down. Our family vet has told us that he finds rescued animals to be nicer. He believes this is because the animal appreciates the life they have after the shelter. Whether this is true or not, shelter dogs do make wonderful pets. A person can pick out the size they want, the color they want, the activity level they want, and the age they want just by simply walking into a shelter. Shelter dogs also tend to be cheaper than purchasing a dog from a reputable breeder, and they are always up to date with their vaccinations and any other medical care they may have required.
Is a mutt the right dog for you?
Yes- I personally believe that mutts, especially shelter dogs, are great for any family and it is nice to give a dog a chance.
No- If you want a specific breed then this is not the dog for you.
These are only five types of dogs. There are many more dog breeds that I did not even touch base on. Before purchasing a dog, make sure you do your research, so you and your dog can live a long and happy life together. What is your favorite dog breed?
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