#he is for the record a healer/BRD
sezja · 2 years
Khaidai: Into Eorzea I wander, a tiger among sheep. Little do they suspect the strength or power of the beast walking their streets; never do they doubt their safety, all unknowing of the danger passing all too close to their-
Lalafellin child: Hello!
Khaidai: /high-pitched SCREECH of terror
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mariyekos · 10 months
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Oh yeah! I cleared TOP about a week ago. I'm really proud of us, it took a lot of work and it was so nice to see it paid off. Thoughts and clear video below!
My original group ended up disbanding after 5 months of 3 days, 3hr/day schedule which was a big disappointment but for the best. We lost one person and had to get a new one, but after that I think people's hearts weren't really in it. The way things were going I think it would've taken another 3 months to clear if we could even get it, because our prog point was technically P5 Sigma, but we were only getting there a handful of times a night so we were hardly making any progress at all. So we decided to disband to save our sanity, time, and friendship.
Fast forward to two months ago when I decided I wanted to give it another shot. I ended up inviting 4 of the original crew members, 1 member of my savage static who'd cleared but wanted reclears, and put out recruitment messages for 2 more- one tank and one melee. I only got 2 responses- one from a tank, one from a melee. They were at Delta prog rather than Sigma prog, but I talked with the group and they were cool with giving them a shot. As you can probably guess...it worked out! They did great and those of us who hadn't been in the fight in 5 months deducted pretty quickly.
I originally did the fight on AST. In the oicture uo above, I'm on SCH (4th from the left, between the DRG and BRD). That's because with the reformed group we would've had 2 casters (OG caster and my savage static member), so I asked the savage member if he could heal and he said he would if he could WHM. I love AST and I spent 5 months of my life doing the fight on AST so that's where all my muscle memory was, but I thought it would be worth it to switch.
The hardest parts of this fight are the mechanics after all. The healing isn't easy per se, but adjusting to a different healer wasn't too bad overall. ...Other than getting used to how delayed all of SCH's heals are, and how much more setup it requires. With AST, my heals were pretty instant. I'd press neutral one GCD, then my heal would come out the next. Quick and easy and practical to do last second. For P2 Flares, that was it for me. On SCH, oh boy did I learn the hard way from many not-spread-in-time Spreadlo's! On SCH it's Broil into Recitation, Broil into Protraction, Biolysis into Summon Seraph (+ Lucid sometimes), Adlo with no oGCD because no time, Broil into Deployment Tactics, Broil into Fey Illumination, Broil into Consolation, Broil into Sacred Soil, a Broil or two as filler (+ Whispering Dawn if I felt like it), Broil into Consolation, done. Where AST was just Malefic into Neutral Sect, Aspected Helios, done. It was a big change! I had to watch my recordings over and over to figure out the GCD to start things on so I could 1) get everything out in time, and 2) not have anything fall off before I wanted it to.
I love the quick thinking of cards with AST, and the adjustment needed for every pull depending on how long the initial CD is, as well as the ability for single target heals and shields given by the 2 charges of Essential Dignity and Celestial Intersection. Every pull is a little different! And I have the ability to do some quick thinking heals on the spot without losing anything. On SCH I still have to be able to perform complex actions/thinking in order to set up heals to maximum effect and that's a lot of fun, but it's more consistent than AST. It also takes longer to set up, as shown above. Unfortunately I lost a lot of the quick thinking heals, since the only thing SCH really has is lustrate, which I either can't use because I don't have charges, or don't want to use either because I want to DPS, or because I need it for a Soil later on. It made me pretty nervous at first! I'm so used to having Essential Dignity as an instant heal, so when someone got low and I had to adlo I was internally screaming as I prayed the heal would get out in time given the long cast.
Having Ruin 2 in P6 was a godsend. Thankfully our comp was just about the best comp possible for P6, so as long as everyone was hitting their buttons we weren't worried about the DPS check at all. As in, our DPS was so good that one run we made it to 0.1% enrage when our RDM forgot to pot! Which hurt my soul because that was the first time we made it past meteors and we were so close...and our RDM didn't pot...Well anyway we've got 7 clears now so it's okay!
Other than that...this new group took 5 weeks to clear, also 3 days a week. I'm not counting our trial day since that was derust/trial and we immediately took 2 weeks off. The 0.1% enrage was on Week 5 Day 1, and our first clear was on Week 5 Day 3. We raid Fri/Sat/Sun, and this past week (yesterday, today is Monday) we got 2 clears per day. This week is going to be our last week together before we go our separate ways. ...for now, at least.
When I formed the group I had a hard cutoff date for the end of this year. The only exception was if we were on enrage- and I mean having seen enrage on enrage, not "basically at the end of the phase." We ended up almost beating it by the end of November! And got it the first week of December instead. After our first clear I proposed we do 2 weeks of reclears, mostly because I was worried I'd have another TEA situation where we couldn't get reclears for a few days. When I remade the group my hope was for an absolute minimum 3 clears, with 5 being what would satisfy me. After we got our first clear I told the group I wanted to do 2 weeks and that we could re-evaluate after 1 if we got enough reclears, but when I asked yesterday if anyone felt strongly about wanting to be done no one felt like disbanding yet, so we're doing 1 more week which is great. I don't know what weapons I'll even get with my totems tbh. I got SCH first, then AST after our 3rd clear. I'll probably get MCH and maybe WAR or DRK, but after that? Actually scratch that- I'll get WHM and SGE. So 1) SCH, 2) AST, 3) SGE, 4) WHM, 5) MCH, 6/7) DRK WAR? And then after that who knows. ...Though the BRD bow does look really cool. I don't play BRD ever but maybe this is my sign to use it more! Hopefully we'll get at least 2 clears per day this next week, to leave us with 13 total. If we get 4 a day- which is definitely possible since we raid for 3hrs and the fight is only 20min, which would mean 2 clears per hour with some time for failure- we'd get the 12 total clears needed for weapons for every job. I'm not super pressed about it though. Like I said, my original hope was 3-5. Everything beyond that is a fun bonus.
...okay that's long and rambling, so I'll cut it off here! I have more I could probably share, but I also have a lot to do so I need to get going. Last thing though- our BRD ran off around the arena after the clear and I totally missed him in our GPOSE and didn't notice until after we left for the day which frustrated me. He'd gotten his clear in PF after we disbanded the first time so it wasn't his first clear but it made me sad :( OK ramble over for real!
If you've read this far, cool! If not, hey this is 90% for me because I like keeping records of things so cool anyway. Clear video below!
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goldbasar · 7 years
How do you manage having many high level characters ?
NOT WELL LMAO- Onyx is my main but she didn’t make it past the first 15 mins of SB yet because I didn’t get into it, so I took a break from that. - Eleyara is currently at 3.2 …and the actual highest level on almost 62 BRD- Nephillyr’s almost done with 3.0 - Adrien only reached HW and wasn’t seriously played ever since (only did a few levels on MCH…) - Jeralaund is in like…2.1-.2 …? I’m trying to get him to WHM 50 asap since I decided I like him better as a Healer- Percevain was created recently(for the record I changed another alt into him via fantasia so he’s like…at the start of 2.5, but I want him to be a PLD which I have to level from scratch…) 
tl;dr I don’t even have any of them near lvl 70 and I take my sweet time with it! Between work and regaining my drawing passion I don’t always find time and if I do, I tend to do dailies and crafting. if I do MSQ stuff it’s usually on weekends. 
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