#he is just kinda stagnant because they don't want to let him grow for whatever reason even tho theres been SO many opourtinities
haneys · 2 years
some more blue guys that I didn't get asked about
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heroes-writing · 5 years
Hello! Can I request a scenario or headcanons about Someone who defends Saitama from some citizens bad talking him and later on whenever they meet Saitama falls for them like "this person is my fan and stood up for me and oh no they're hot" How would he react and eventually confess to them? Maybe it's obvious to Genos that they really like Saitama too but they don't act upon it because they think he's way too out of their league. Hope this makes sense. I love your blog!!!!
Word Count: 935
-I think a situation that would resonate with Saitama themost would be if the person standing up for him happened to get hurt duringthe monster attack, that he defeated.
-He’d be standing there, his white cape waving in thewind with his arms crossed. Some fellow heroes or civilians would be loudlyharassing him and getting angrier by the second. They’d say he’s weak (hewouldn’t care), the monster must have not been that powerful (whatever), howcould he have let it cause so much damage—He’d scratch his cheek, feeling alittle guilty at that, but--
“He tried his best!!”
Saitama would blink and turn. 
An injured civilian pushingtheir way through the onlookers with great effort had silenced everyone at once with a deep shout.One of their eyes would be squeezed closed. Red rivulets of blood streaming downtheir face make them cringe in pain, but they wouldn’t care. Saitama’s surprised to say the least, and hold up his hands to tell them to take it easy—
But he’d pause at their furious expression.
This stranger would point at him (A little rudely, Saitamawould think.)
“This guy saved my life!! He beat that monster in onepunch, and you’re all acting as if he was the one responsible!!” They’d scoff,and their expression would shine so brilliantly-- Saitama would be stunned intosilence again. To Genos off in the distance, a vacant expression on his sensei’s face isn’t unusual,but the cyborg would catch the intrigued gleam in Saitama’s eyes.
…It’s not so much the words that strike a chord, he’sgrateful sure, but the resolve in that stranger is a rare thing for himto see.
“You all should be ashamed of yourselves—” And they’dwince, holding their head in pain. A low murmur would break out in the crowdbefore the ones who had been harassing him would slink away. Everyone wouldlook at Saitama twice before shrugging the whole thing off, and before long otherheroes would arrive on the scene to take care of the wounded.
Saitama wouldn’t be able to resist helping this stranger that’sstaring at him steadily. Although as usual, he’d say bluntly:
“They are kinda right, but you don’t have to worryabout it... I’m sorry you got hurt--” He’d open his mouth, his expression softin concern. “Do you need help?”
Their brows would tent, a little sadly, “It could have beenmuch worse without you around...And no, I’m fine.” They’d look down,with a hint of a blush. “T-thank you. For everything, I couldn’t be more grateful to you, sir.”
Their ensuing smile of relief would make Saitama feel a littlefunny…
They’d nod their head in thanks, before the shiftingcrowd would take them away. People would converse and move around in a blurwith Saitama caught standing still in the middle. Genos would have to break himout of his thoughts with a cautious hand on the shoulder.
“Sensei, are you alright?”
The bald hero would scratch his head, “Yeah, no problemhere.”
…With that stranger getting treated for their wounds Saitamawould have no choice but to just carry on with his day.
-That person, however, would stick in his thoughts forreasons he can’t quite explain.
-It isn’t until they meet again that some feelings breakthrough that dense head of his. 
He realizes that he had been worryingabout them. That change from his usually stagnant emotions is welcome, so he’snaturally warm to them, at least to a degree Genos picks up on and feels alittle jealous over.
-In the time since the monster attack, this person wouldbecome an avid fan of Saitama. One of his first! After meeting on the street,looking considerately healthier and happy they’d explain that after thatattack, they tried looking him up in the HA database.
“I hope I’m not being presumptuous…” They’d say, “But I’m(Name). Who are you?” 
Then they’d stutter, “I mean! May I have your realname! Uh please!”
To Saitama’s relief, he’d give a casual introduction ofhimself, but that earnestly would be something he’d really appreciate.  A little shyly they’d shake hands, talk, andthat’s all it would take for Saitama and his fan to start hanging out.
-Mutual interest would make itself apparent in the waySaitama indulges them in invites to wherever he’s going. That crushingfan wants to see what kind of person Saitama is. They’d find him humble, alittle funny, but it’s his ideals that make him much more charming and irresistible.
-It takes a very long time for the two to realize theirgrowing feelings for each other. The affection would build gradually, but in everyinstance where his fan is in danger and Saitama comes to the rescue withoutfail-- their emotions eventually boil over. o(*≧□≦)o 
-The two will find themselves holding each other in relief, spending the night at each others places for comfort, or touching at every opportunity.
- I think after a particularly stressful moment, his fanwould latch their arms around him in a squeezing hug and refuse to let go. They’dspill their confession into his shoulder very suddenly.
Saitama would blush, and feelhis heart pounding in excitement for the first time in a very loooong time. He’dpush them away a little, so he can admire that face he loves to stare at. It’sodd for him, but he’d realize in that moment that, yeah, he really likesthem. They’ve become his definition of hot, amazing, and sincere.
They are the one.
-He’d return their feelings a little unsteadily. His confession of love would be blushing and involve a lot of head scratching, but he’d holdthem close, and kiss them when they accept.
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