#berdly is my sunshine :)
haneys · 2 years
some more blue guys that I didn't get asked about
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pokegalla · 2 years
Random Scenarios
Bold of you to assume I wouldn’t!
Night is Passive!Nightmare….he’s a ghost in my AU. (Well this might change due to the Nightmare vs Error battle and a promise I made….)
Me: Why am I being haunted by a guy who scolds me even for eating too fast?
Night: Why am I stuck with a human who always gets herself in trouble or hurt by the simplest things? You literally tripped and got a huge scratch on your arm!
Night: And last time you got lost, people attacked you!
Me: …..good point.
Bunny: Now you know how I feel-
Me: Do you think ‘sand’ is called that because it’s where the ‘sea’ and ‘land’ meet?
Nox and Night: I fell in love with this idiot….
Bunny: Hey Rus?
Rus: Yeah?
Bunny: Where’s all the chocolate ice cream tacos?
Rus: You already know.
Cross and Chara at 3am:
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Susie: *Bench pressing Berdly*
Berdly: *Simping*
Kris: *Consuming Toriel’s pie he brought over*
Noelle and Ralsei: *Running around making sure Lancer doesn’t burn the house down*
Cross and me: *Having a spider/cow war while screaming in terror*
Rosa and Bunny: *Trying to stop me and Cross*
Chara: *About to lose his shit*
Nightmare: And I agreed to this shit-
Chara: *Lost it and accidentally hits Nightmare with pillow*
All of us: Oh fuck-
(There were all put in their rooms after Nightmare chased them around)
Starlet: My sunshine~
Dream: My flower~
Angel: My fucking stomach is turning-
Talia: Yeah Starlet and Angel are always busy…..
Me: *Opens portal*
Starlet: *Flirting with Dream*
Angel: *Chilling in chair*
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Me: Would I smooch a ghost?
Me: *Glances at Night*
Me: ……Perhaps.
Me: *Does something remotely dangerous*
Rosa, Bunny, Night, Nox, Deltarune team, Cross, and Chara:
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ask-thegoatbro · 3 years
Let’s talk about Genocide/Snowgrave routes
I know I don’t do much here (Namely I barely get asks nowadays) but I have this inspiration to get some of my thoughts out.
I’ll say it right here. I LOVE the Genocide and Snowgrave routes, at least their inclusions to them. Now I’m gonna get. . .
Of course, I don’t go by the player stuff her and say. Chara/Frisk at fault for Genocide and Kris at fault for snowgrave. Just hear me out. 
We all have the good endings, but these bad endings are just as important because they tell us more. Show us and tell us things that we normally wouldn’t see. That the world isn’t always sprinkles and sunshine, that there can always be horrible things that do happen. That not everyone is redeemable but as well. . .
The people you think are the worse are actually sincere people that shines the brightest when the day is at it’s darkest hour. That person that shows this the best is. . . San- PFFFT! NAAAA, IT’S FUCKING BERDLY.
Why? Because unlike Sans who you know, fights Chara/Frisk at the last possible moment he is only doing so to get in your way. He has no motivation to stop you per say. He’s just getting in your way but what we do learn about Sans is. . .
Behind his jokester personality in the normal/pacifist route he’s hiding the fact that he has giving up on reaching the surface, he knows about the timelines but also know that if a RESET happens he’ll and everyone forgets about it. We learn that is why he is completely hopeless(Which explains why he is so lazy at least giving the excuse to be) but still gets in your way and this is the time he really shows that. I’m not Saying Sans is a bad character, but this combines to make him a GOOD character but he’s not anything like a HERO. He’s not some savior putting a stop to you. . . That’s not his reason. He stops you namely to get in your way, that his motivation. Solely stopping you at this point. Now Berdly, Berdly is actually what people think Sans is as a Hero. Funny because from the first moment we see him we’re meant to dislike him from how he talks to you and how he takes control of the situation with Noelle trying to speak up. Every time you speak to him or hear him speak. . . You just wanna punch him in the face. Then we learn more about him in CH2 and figure he’s a better person than we could have guess. Yet The BEST showing of this is in the snowgrave route. When he notices something was wrong he didn’t just watch things goes on like Sans does. He takes action immediately as he’s genuinely is concern for Noelle and taking this seriously unlike the normal route fight. Who would think that someone so snooty like Berdly would show the brightest light at the darkest moment? Not I. But. . . It’s thanks to the SNOWGRAVE route we see the BEST of Berdly where it really matters. Like, he instantly became A SO MUCH BETTER CHARACTER after playing through snowgrave. That is why I LOVE these bad endings/routes. It shows so much that we normally won’t get to see in the normal/good routes. Bad routes are JUST as important for characters.
Alrighty, thank you for coming to my TED talk. Feel free to send me messages or hate, I don’t care ahaha~
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spam-1997 · 3 years
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@undertheirwings​​ sent: ‘ "I gaze off into the boundless skyline Noteblock choirs playing in the sunshine Turn 'round pick up my sword and wield The blade that once forced evil mobs to yield" (from Berdly--) ’
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⇨   He’ll admit... that got his processors to freeze a minute.  “ * ......... [nugget].  KID.  ARE YOU REALLY....... SINGING..... [Minecrap] SONGS AT ME? ”  He only knew that because he mentally searched the lyrics for a match, he is far too old and rich for minecraft, he swears! He vibrates as he tilts his head  a l l  the way, unnaturally far to the side, hands raised in confusion, but then it occurs to him to process what was being implied. He glitches back upright.
“ * ARE YOU..... TRY ING TO BE A  [ hero ] LITTLE BIRDiE...? YOU WANNA BEAT THE [ Big Bad Big Shot ] LIKE IN ALL YOUR FAVORITE [ Let’s Plays ]..?      WELL TOO BAD!     I’M NOT JUST SOME  [ identifier: Hostile Mobile Entity ] ANYMORE !!! I- I- I’M  [ M O R E ] THAN THAT...  I WON’T LET THIS-- I WON’T LET THIS.... I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS ALL TO END WITH SOME  [ ordinary small town kid ] WITH A  [ unrealistic fantasy weapon ] KILLING [ GOD ] AND [ heading on home! ] ”
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haneys · 2 years
i love berdly so much he's my sunshine and angel. im proud of him every day
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