#he is just mad that being loaded off of hate speech money get's him disliked and dragged on twitter
thegetdownrebooter · 1 year
I mean I feel like it would come from a genuine place of caring about Roman and recognizing that this is a positive change and also perhaps subconsciously awakening his own repressed gender feelings, but even then it would still be very uncomfortable and that internalized bigotry would definitely not go away. Also even if he could get himself to outwardly treat her as a girl Kendall would still only ever really see her as his weird gay little brother, while also just being more directly misogynistic at her.
no yeah, even if ken "accepted" roman out of love for his sister then it would still be uncomfortable to watch because ken hasn't (and maybe never will) unlearned logan's prejudices so it would be him like, performing generic lip service and being the 1# ally for roman, however it would come across as performative and fake (because it is) and as you said he would be outwardly misogynistic towards her.
Even then he would still "slip" either by misgendering her or calling her a homophobic slur.
But like, even in a scenario where they could get to the point of him outwardly treating roman as a woman then he still wouldn't be able to mentally see her as anything other than his "weird gay little brother" .
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tialovestelevision · 8 years
Who Are You?
So, “This Year’s Girl” was great, and now we get a Freaky Friday story about Buffy and Faith. With Buffy in Faith’s body being caught by the police already, and pursued by the Council. I’m looking forward to seeing Sarah Michelle Gellar’s interpretation of Faith and Eliza Dushku’s of Buffy. It’s something new, and should be wonderful. 1. Faith is holding Joyce’s hand while Buffy is put into the ambulance. Police and paramedics are taking Buffy away, and Faith is going back into the house with Joyce. This WAS a lovely present from the Mayor - revenge and a shot at life, all in one go. 2. “Guest starring Kristine Sutherland.” “And Eliza Dushku as Buffy.” I like that. 3. Faith just made a rape joke. About… herself? Her body, anyway, even if Buffy is in it. Joyce is scandalized. 4. Faith is not used to hugs. And is very uncomfortable with heartfelt conversations. And wants a bath. So she’s having one. Getting used to Buffy’s body, I think. She looks… happy. Now she’s looking at herself in the mirror and making faces. “Why yes. I would be Buffy. May I help you? Buff-y. You can’t do that. It’s wrong! You can’t do that because it’s naughty. Because it’s wrong.” Her practicing her Buffy here is kind of wonderful. And terrifying. She’s a very broken person. 5. Buffy is in the hospital. They’re trying to hold her down and sedate her. “I have to go home. She’s with my mother!” And they’ve sedated her. 6. Willow and Tara are in Tara’s room, talking about Faith. Tara is hurt that Willow’s friends don’t know about her. “And I really want you o meet them. But I just… kinda like having something that’s just, you know, mine. Do you get that at all?” “Ido.” “I should check in with Giles. Get a situation update.” “I am, you know.” “What?” “Yours.” God, their smiles there. 7. Faith is getting dressed for a night out. Or to leave the country. She found Buffy’s passport. She’s taking money. Faith is going to go see Buffy’s friends at Giles’s house. She wants to take the lipstick she picked out before the fight, but when Joyce pointed it out she says to burn it. 8. Buffy’s in a cop car, and coming to. The cops are surprised. But the car is being ambushed by the Council team, which has loaded her into an armored car. 9. Faith is at Giles’s place. She doesn’t know Anya. “Well, she did all those crimes and now she’s being arrested. I guess that’s just regular justice.” 10. The Council team is a special operations team. They do wet works. Faith can’t stop laughing about Buffy being taken to England by the Council team. She’s also offended by Willow’s dislike for her. To the point of fantasizing about stabbing her in the gut repeatedly. 11. Anya is surprised that “Buffy” is fine with everything. Willow noticed something amiss. But Faith reassured her. Giles just brought up Adam, who Faith knows nothing about. Faith says she’s going to patrol, but she’s out dancing instead at the Bronze. Bouncing from guy to guy. She ran into Spike, who is offended. Now she’s insulting him in a very un-Buffy-like way. “You know why I really hate you, Summers?” “Because I’m a stuck up tight-ass with no sense of fun?” “Well… yeah, that covers a lot of it.” Wow, okay Sarah Michelle Gellar KNOWS Faith. And Faith just beat Spike more thoroughly than Buffy ever did. 12. Ah. There’s Adam. And the joy in the episode just all rushed out. He’s been thinking about vampires, and now he’s talking to vampires, in his terrible long-winded way that bores me to tears. He did rip a head off. That’s kinda cool. He wants to talk to the vampires about plans. 13. Buffy is talking to the Council people. Where Sarah Michelle Gellar has Faith’s attitude down, Eliza Dushku has Buffy’s VOICE. If I weren’t looking at the TV, I’d be wondering how Gellar was doing such a good impersonation of Dushku’s accent… it sounds like Buffy’s voice coming out of Faith’s vocal cords, and it’s uncanny. 14. The Council people deliver the package, and don’t care what’s inside. That… sort of backs up the Council being really bad at things. The other Council guy spat in Buffy’s face. 15. Willow and Tara just walked into the Bronze. Faith is encouraging a guy to chug beer, and Willow just introduced Tara to her. Faith is delighted with meeting someone new, but is also walking away. Tara is staring after Willow as she leaves. Faith is looking at Tara. She sees what’s going on, but is of course expressing it in a way that hurts. A lot. A whole lot. Wow, Faith is being awful. Willow spotted a vampire, and Faith isn’t on it as fast as Buffy would be. Tara’s about to start sobbing. Faith slayed the vampire.The girl the vampire was eating is thanking Faith, and Faith isn’t sure what to do with that emotionally. Willow’s walking Tara home. Willow just gave Faith the idea of visiting Riley. 16. The Council guys are going to try to sedate Buffy, but she caught the guy doing so. Threatened his life, but the other guys didn’t care. They do have discipline, I’ll give them that. They’re going with the contingency plan. Faith is visiting Riley. 17. Willow and Tara are at Tara’s room. Tara’s on the edge of tears. And… huh. Tara knows it’s not Buffy. From the way Willow has talked about her, I think. And the cruelty Faith showed. Also from magic. Buffy’s energy was fragmented. Willow is worried about hyenas. Willow is wearing a ring from Buffy. Tara is looking up a spell, and Willow and Tara are going to cast a spell. It’s astral projection, and Willow will need Tara’s protection. Willow trusts Tara. 18. Now Faith is dancing on Riley’s lap and kissing him, but Riley’s going to close the door. Faith saw that he’s hurt and wants to take him for a test drive. Faith is not good at playing Buffy in the bedroom, but Riley is sufficiently clueless to think she’s doing some sort of roleplay and to go to bed with her regardless. 19. Willow and Tara did their spell. It’s certainly having an effect. Willow fell down, and… I think had an orgasm? 20. Riley and Faith had sex. Riley: “I love you.” Faith is forcing Riley off her and freaking out. Very freaking out. “Who are you? What do you want from her?” Faith can’t handle actual tenderness at all. Ye gods, that girl is broken. Nothing is wrong and that’s the scariest thing in the world. 21. And Adam again. Blah blah blah. Extinguish life. Blah blah blah. You are my first. Blah blah blah. Now he’s making me miss the Master. And I think going to send the vampires into the sun. 22. Faith is leaving Riley’s room wearing one of his shirts. Forrest is talking to her. She says she doesn’t care what Forrest thinks, but she does, and he hurt her. 23. The Council people are getting ready to kill Buffy, but she got their gun and broke out of the chains. She’s trying to steal the car. Got it. She’s a terrible driver and has a heavy vehicle. The Council is bad at things. 24. Faith is at the airport, getting ready to leave the country. 25. Note to self to talk about magic penises in my episode summary. 26. Buffy got to Giles’s house safely. Giles is terrified. “I know what you’re going to say, and I…” “I’m Buffy.” “All right, I didn’t know what you were going to say.” Giles is funny. But he should have known. Willow and Tara are there and know about Buffy and Faith’s body switch. Tara and Willow made a replacement for Faith’s body switching device. Adam’s vampires have taken over a church and taken hostages. Buffy and Faith are both watching a report about it. Adam has actually been useful to the episode plot now! 27. The vampires are there to mock God. Riley and the Initiative are there now, and have taken over from the police. Faith also just arrived. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m Buffy. I have to do this.” 28. Faith just went in. And is delivering one-liners. “You’re not going to kill these people.” “Why not?” “Because it’s wrong.” Buffy and Giles are on their way with the armored car. Giles is distracting the police while Buffy goes in. The vampires just started a fight with Faith inside. She staked one. The vampires found their fear again. One tackled Riley and is fighting him outside, but he threw it into the sunlight. Buffy saw him. Buffy staked a vampire that was beating Faith up, and now they’re fighting again. Buffy managed to hit the katra thingy and swap their bodies back, and now Faith is terrified and running like mad and Buffy is a little shattered. 29. Back at Riley’s room. Faith has escaped, and the Council guys have left town. Buffy knows Riley slept with Faith now, and is very hurt. Riley and Giles both missed it and Tara caught it and Buffy seems very aware of that. 30. Faith is in a truck bed, surrounded by wood, with a box, riding away to somewhere. Anywhere. Overall: I think I’m going to praise the episode, then complain about it, then praise it some more. It was good. No, you don’t get it. I mean it was REALLY GOOD. Not only did it have Tara and Willow being absolutely lovely, not only did it establish Tara’s competence and empathy and the glory that is her, not only… a dozen different not onlies. It was GOOD. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Eliza Dushku were amazing here, playing each other’s characters, though I feel a bit bad for Dushku missing out on a major point in her character’s development because she was busy being Buffy. The acting work was breathtaking, the writing a wonder. Two weaknesses: First, Adam was involved, and his presence in a scene just stopped the episode’s dramatic momentum dead. He’s just… boring. Constantly, incessantly boring. Long-winded speeches in this weird monotone that’s supposed to be both emotional and intimidating and fails at both those things. God, I hate him, and not with proper villain heat. No, he has X-Pac heat - I don’t want to see him get his ass kicked; I just don’t want to see him. Second, the magic penis. Sex with Buffy’s nice and proper and good Iowa heartland apple pie and mom pork-and-beans salute the flag yippee-ki-yay! boyfriend is what “saves” Faith here - what turns her toward helping people. Yes, there’s the scene before with the girl she saves, but that is badly undersold compared with Riley’s Magic Dong. It’s offensive and doesn’t stand scrutiny and even if proper guy-sex did save women Riley’s like a walking scoop of plain yogurt. Gods, I’m bored just writing about him. Those are HUGE problems for the episode to have, but it gets through them and comes out as one of the franchise’s best anyway on the strength of everything it has going for it. Kudos to Amber Benson and Sarah Michelle Gellar for their scene, by the way… Gellar channeled her character from Cruel Intentions there without PLAYING her character from Cruel Intentions, while Benson just… was hurt and beautiful and tough and brilliant. Good God, if television was this good more often...
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