#he is the true tadpole living rent free in my head
nookstan · 9 months
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careful, he bites!
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shewolfofvilnius · 4 months
I have a fic idea for my cambion tav Furiella that still lives rent free in my head and it's kind of terrible and def angsty as the hells but hear me out.
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She romanced Wyll (at first it was just to spite Mizora but she was clearly changing as a person, and they both caught real feelings as she helped Wyll get out of his contract)...even got engaged to him. But when the moment of truth arrives on the dock and Wyll wants to go to Avernus with Karlach...Tav develops cold feet, absolutely does not want to go back never ever (even less than Karlach) bc she hates who she was there, then...so Wyll goes with Karlach alone, while Tav makes a new life for herself on the surface. She just can't do it. She loves Karlach like a sister, she adores Wyll with everything halfway decent inside her...but she knows especially once freed of the tadpole, if she goes back to Avernus, it will destroy every good thing about her. And with time and distance, Wyll realizes he was mistaking gratitude, friendship, and a little attraction for love, while Furiella realises that she really needed more than "spiting Mizora" and a single adventure to discover herself and eventually find a more honest and less storybook love. And what does it mean to be mortal anyway. One of her parents was (she could use the guidance rn tbh). Most of the people around her are. People. She's a person. What's that realization like.
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Six months later they reunite. (Is Tav with someone new? HOW DOES THAT GO? Does she give back that damned acorn? Is this a timeline where she gets to know, say, Rolan a little better and they wind up adopting?) Does she wind up finding someone new in the intervening months that she's growing sweet on? (perhaps a certain tiefling wizard newly the master of a tower?) Or, removed of both tadpole and friends, does she run the risk of regressing to her old ways and becoming that child of the hells once more anyway (the very fate she was so afraid of with Wyll and Karlach) Inspired by: I played through several endings with her trying to find which one felt right, and as fun as "all three of them go on a rampage through the hells" is, and as precious as "Wyll becomes Grand Duke and they adopt a daughter" mostly is...there's something about "she's just not self-sacrificing enough to go back there. Not yet, anyway." that just feels...true.
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every time i see something even slightly out of the ordinary in bg3 i immediately blame bhaal for it. he’s like an among us imposter to me
things i’ve blamed on bhaal below the cut
the mindflayer brainworms (obviously bhaal must’ve fucked around with the illithid tadpole, maybe even literally iykwim) edit: by slurping other worms the one living rent free in your head gains new powers, now who else do you know who gained strange powers after killing others like them? Update: The Dead Three cummed in that there brine pool. The game doesn’t say they did it and it wouldn’t of helped if they did but I know in my heart that they were circle jerking over that thing like bros and high fiving eachother
the mindflayers themselves (obviously their elderbrain/overmind is a bhaalspawn and the mindflayers are all bhaalspawnspawn) Update: Bhaal probably fucked the giant brain too.
the absolute (obviously a powerful bhaalspawn working with the mindflayers, perhaps even the reincarnation of bhaal himself) Update: He can’t keep getting away with this!
the dark urge (an uncontrollable urge to kill, kill, and kill again? that’s a bhaalspawn, baby!) Update: Bhaal fucked a dragon, again.
kagha, the tremendous asshole (obviously her murderous hatred of the refugees is because she’s a cultist of bhaal who wants to use their deaths to fuel the apotheosis of her master the absolute (who i must remind you is obviously bhaal)) edit: turns out that wasn't the reason for the ritual, but that doesn't rule out that she was serving him unknowingly
the dream visitor: a person who shows up in your strange, fucked up dreams and claims they only want to unlock your true potential? sure, they’re probably also planning to lock you in a cage, throw fireballs at you, and kill khalid too i bet. Update: Sadly they’re one of the few things in the world that isn’t a servant of Bhaal, trying to claim the power of Bhaal, a sign of the coming of Bhaal, or the result of the cumming of Bhaal.
will update as i root out more signs of bhaal and his servants.
just saw a cutscene with a vision of three ominous and probably evil people, three evil people just like the dead three that inherited Jergals portfolios: Bane, Myrkul, and Bhaal.
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majorasnightmare · 2 months
For durge list 8 15 19
gonna do what i can LMAO
8. How does your Dark Urge feel about the wilderness?
he thought he was ambivalent towards it until he got to the city LMAO
hes positively neutral about it, like he isnt a huge nature guy like halsin but he is like "yeah this is nice"
the lack of available options to satiate the Urge isnt as much of a downside for him since he tries to pace himself out anyways, and overall he enjoys the relative quiet and the wildlife. the scent-scape is generally more pleasant+less obnoxious also, which helps
15. What is your Dark Urge’s greatest fear?
if you asked him when he first woke up, hed probably have to think a while before eventually settling on something like "having to kill a loved one" or something equally generic. not entirely inaccurate but definitely an answer he thinks is fitting rather than strictly true
that changes when he gets to the gate
its forced helplessness. its being bound to something you cant escape from. its something hurting you, twisting you, punishing and abusing you, and you cant make it stop or escape because you carry it with you. its being forcibly hollowed out into a shell that walks around like normal, like nothings wrong. its being warped into something unrecognizable to yourself and not knowing who looks back in the mirror. its a lifetime of paranoia and terror masquerading as power and ambition.
its father dearest and how your always the hand he cut free but wants to reattach
19. Has your Dark Urge become particularly close to anyone romantically and/or platonically in their journey? If so, who, and what is the relationship like? If no, why not?
i spent so long answering this one and tumblr ATE IT ALLLLLLLLLLLL
i got this ask twice so ill just break the answer up LMAO
and for this one ill do family edition
dirge is TECHNICALLYYYY the youngest of four bhaalspawn, cut from their fathers flesh, and each considered a failure leading to the creation of the next one. its roughly split into two "generations", an older "classic" generation and the newer one dirge is a part of. none of this is bg3 canon but it lives in my brain rent free so here have it anyways.
dirges eldest sibling is another tiefling by the name of zherimon, who he only really knows pretadpole. the next eldest is a drow named ornaryn, who he distances himself from pre AND post tadpole. and his next oldest brother is a goliath, haaflidi, and haaflidi had the unfortunate luck to get snatched by a nautiloid
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haaflidi is a barbarian (then monk multiclass) whos response to being tadpoled was to slam his head into the pod repeatedly until the explosion proof glass shattered, and gave himself brain damage induced amnesia in the process. closer in age to dirge than any of his other siblings (save orin), the mutual amnesia meant that when they dragged their bloody bodies off the beach, they were able to forge a relationship without the pressures of the bhaal cult breathing down their necks. it takes a little while but after a sceleritas visit post alfira confirms the half remembered suspicion of being related, the mutual Urge suffering and late insomniac nights lets the two of them establish something vaguely resembling a sibling relationship. dirge is very connection driven, and he unironically considers his older brother to be an impressive and admiration worthy person, their rapport is amicable in the "older brother bullying a younger sibling who keeps coming back for more" kind of way. haaflidi isnt particularly talkative and very blunt and direct, so dirge rarely has to guess how hes feeling, and the fact he responds at all instead of making an effort to drive him off is proof enough that the affections reciprocated. if haaflidi was angry, or genuinely wanted him dead, the dirge would simply be dead, instead of their usual playfighting. they have a healthy amount of respect for each other and a good amount of sibling camaraderie that they just werent able to develop in the cult thanks to its abusive family dynamics.
both of them fall in p easily into a familial dynamic with jaheira, who almost definitely groks the bhaalspawn reveal way before either of those two do. dirge in particular has a strong craving for community and close pack dynamics, which jaheira almost certainly picks up on, and her "effects first, morals later" approach means that they can maintain a friendly relationship despite their conflicting alignments. dirge is more motivated to be good to his loved ones than he is to satisfying his impulses or causing harm, and his loved ones are broadly on the good spectrum, which is enough for jaheira. what trouble he does get up to is either too minor for jaheira to give him shit for, or wont have consequences until well down the line, which is a problem for future jaheira. so despite dirge being unrepetantly evil, and jaheira having zero intention of compromising her good alignment any time soon, the fact that he values his relationships enough to make an effort to preserve them and their mutual goals is enough to let jaheira feel comfortable calling him an ally. his particular struggles trying to achieve independence from bhaal and trying to regulate his murderous impulses almost certainly remind her of her days with gorions ward, but even without that hes personable enough that falling into a rapport with him is easy. when he isnt being a blatantly evil shitheel, dirge is fairly easy to care about, especially since so many of his struggles hit close to home. jaheira almost certainly figures out his "lone wolf" vibe, not in that hes some brooding badass, but that dirge is isolated, panicky, prone to paranoid aggression, and desperately seeking connection and stability, and thats enough to pull her into trying to mentor and support him, a relationship dirge only lightly pushes back against to tease her. he appreciates her no nonsense approach to situation handling, and how shes driven by material conditions and what results she wants, rather than her ideology, and shes just good fun to play bicker with. sometimes you just gotta give an old lady shit.
minsc falls into the familial dynamic too, though hes not as close as jaheira. dirge appreciates that he can take a beating mostly unharmed, and vents his constantly growing bloodlust by sparring, which minsc happily participates in because physical violence is a form of friendship. he wont call minsc it himself, but dirge doesnt push back when minsc calls himself dirges uncle, and overall just considers the guy to be great fun, ESPECIALLY when it comes to bullying jaheira
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nonhumanhottie · 1 year
Mando season 2 rewatch
Chapter 9 - The Marshal
Can't trust no one these days Din is in the fucking trenches
Peli is an absolute pleasure
'Power hates a vacuum' is hardcore
You know what I stan the sand people
Chapter 10 - The Passenger
Grogu running to Din still melts my fucking heart
Frog Lady is everything to me
Housemate losing their mind over grogu eating the eggs
Dins finger wagging lives rent free in my head
Damn new Republic cops
Chapter 11 - The Heiress
Frog love reunion
Housemate lost their mind at the octopus chowder scene
Bo!!!! Her wig and headband are so fucking ugly but i love her
God I love imperial twinks
They love their tadpole so much frog love!!
Chapter 12 - The Siege
The wire scene is never not funny
The girl with the rey hairstyle has my heart
Oh the cloning arc sure wish that went somewhere
Fucking m count I couldn't even begin to describe that to my housemate
Episode 13 - The Jedi
Why does star wars struggle today with headtails when they had in nailed down in 1983
Anyway i love the owl in the tree
I don't really like live action ahsoka but her mind convos with grogu were so cute and her smile melts me
And the meloncoly theme playing in the background
Chapter 14 - The Tragedy
He has such good dad energy in this episode
I'm pretty sure thr blue butterflies are originally a Ben solo thing but I don't know
Boba is cool aa hell again
Gideon having beef with a baby is so funny
Chapter 15 - The Believer
I honestly love mayfeld there's something about an ex-Imperial with a new york accent
I love when mando sighs like that
The troopers that are left are the true believers there's no conscripts left
Mayfeld's speeches are so good in this episode oh my god
Din repeating Gideon speech is so baller
Chapter 15 - The Rescue
Ugh that beginning fuck that trooper
Let's go lesbians!!!
Neck snapping in my star wars
I get so caught up in this ending
Like Luke's appearance makes me so emotional everytime and artoo!!
And din saying goodbye... even though they walk it back
Still a perfect 2 seasons
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