#he keeps bringing up how mikleo feels about sorey maturing
mistbow · 1 year
More interview stuff. This time with Ohsaka (Mikleo) only.
逢坂 これは『ゼスティリア』だけでなく、ほかの『テイルズオブ』シリーズでも言えることなんですが、最終決戦の前にみんなで話し合うシーンがすごく好きです。絆も深まり、最終戦に向けてがんばろうって語り合うなかで、それぞれの関係性が垣間見えるところがいいですよね。ちなみに、ミクリオが会話するのはスレイです。最初はエドナと話すのかと思ったんですけど、エドナとはイジリとツッコミみたいな関係だったので、やっぱり真面目な話をするときはスレイなんだと、改めて感じたシーンでもあります。
――What do you think is the best scene of this game?
OHSAKA: This is something I can say not only for “Zestiria”, but also other games in the “Tales of” series, but I really love the scene where everyone has conversations with one another before the final battle. I like that we can catch a glimpse of the relationship between each of them as they bond and talk about doing their best towards the final battle. By the way, Mikleo’s conversation is with Sorey. At first, I thought he was going to talk with Edna, but since he has a tit-for-tat relationship with Edna, this scene reminded me once again that it is indeed with Sorey when he talks about serious matters. 
逢坂 陪神契約のシーンですね。スレイは、ミクリオをあまり巻き込みたくないというか……まわりの人を傷つけたくなくて、ひとりで憑魔と戦っていて。でもミクリオには、今までスレイと一緒に生きてきたんだから、一緒に戦いたいという気持ちがずっとあるんです。それでも自分には何もできず、モヤモヤした気持ちを抱えていて。だからこそ陪神契約のシーンは、ミクリオの覚悟が見えてグッときました。でも、戦いが終わったあとは「僕が決めたことだ、きみは関係ない」ってちょっと強がったりして、ツンデレな感じがまたかわいいなと(笑)。素直じゃないですよね。
――Is there any other scene that leaves a deep impression?
OHSAKA: The Sub Lord pact scene. Sorey didn’t want to involve Mikleo too much... or rather, he didn’t want to hurt the people around him, so he was fighting the hellions by himself. However, because he had lived together with Sorey up until now, Mikleo had always had the feeling that he wanted to fight together with him. But he still couldn’t do anything himself, so he felt uneasy. That is why the Sub Lord pact scene was emotional to me, as I could see Mikleo’s resolve there. But after the battle was over, he would say, “It’s what I decided myself, you have nothing to do with it,” and pretend to be tough about it, which I thought was also cute in a tsundere way (lol). He just can’t be honest about it.
逢坂 ずっと一緒にいた2人が大きなことに巻き込まれ、ミクリオももちろん成長していくんですが、スレイがどんどん大人になっていって……。自分の親友はこの旅を経てこんなに変わったんだ、こんなにすごい男になったんだ、とミクリオは感じだと思います。けれども、スレイを支えるやつはすぐ隣にいるんだぞと諭すところが、ミクリオらしいというか。しんみりする場面もあれば、コメディチックなシーンもあって、スレイとミクリオの絆の深さがさまざまなところで見られましたね。
――The friendship between Mikleo and Sorey depicted in this game was impressive.
OHSAKA: The two of them, who have been together all their lives, get involved in big things, and of course Mikleo grows up, but Sorey is becoming more and more mature.... I think Mikleo feels that his best friend has changed so much through this journey, that he has become such an amazing man. But, Mikleo will make Sorey understand that the one who supports him is right next to him, and that part is very Mikleo-like. There are some heart-wrenching scenes, and some comedic ones, so the depth of the bond between Sorey and Mikleo can be seen in various scenes.
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