#he knows his man loves goofy undies eheheh
pinkyjulien · 4 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 662/?? Loverboy ❤
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Digi Sleep over (Digimon...duh. XD)
Ken was blushing and a nervous wreck as he waited on Davis. the former evil overlord and now mostly good guy had been trying for weeks to come off as more kind and friendly, but tonight was the big test, one he'd never tried before he turned evil despite how popular he had been. A sleepover. He's actually tried to invite all of the other digi destined but his own parents weren't comfortable with girls spending the night. Cody was too young according to his grandfather and TK was going off to hang out with his big brother. That left Ken alone with his semi kinda sorta crush Davis. (in fact, the only reason he'd invited as many of them as he had, knowing that Cody didn't trust him, was that he was nervous about being alone with Davis.) as he checked to make sure everything was perfect for the millionth time, the door bell rang and he practically leap over the couch, the foot stool and his parents to answer the door. Breathing slightly harder then normal, and hair all messed up he opened the door and grinned. "Hey Davis! glad you could make it!"
Originally Davis wasn't going to go to the sleepover, due to how many people were going to be there.  It wasn't that he didn't like the the idea of hanging out with all of his friends, or wanted to hog Ken or Kari's attention all to himself, but more it was because of a personal issue that had come up recently. He'd had it all planned out in his head that he'd show up and hang out for awhile, before taking off and not spending the night and claiming it was because of a family thing but then had watched as digi destined after digi destined dropped out of the sleepover and KNEW he couldn't bail and leave ken high and dry. the irony of those words weren't lost on the boy as he was lead into the apartment, smiling and making small talk with Ken before they sat down to start a video game marathon. A few hours of spamming video games, bad TV and junk food later and Ken's mom 'gently suggested' (Read: outright told them)  that they might wanna hit the hay with it being 1 in the morning. They boy's hadn't even realized it was so late, and sheepishly both agreed and went to get ready for bedtime, which was something that Davis had been nervous about all night, though now with him on the crashing end of a sugar rush it didn't seem to big anymore as he went into the bathroom to get ready.
Ken had changed into a pair of light blue PJ bottoms, he rarely wore the shirts as he was vain enough to enjoy how his muscles looked, and waited on Davis to come out of the bathroom. The past few hours had be awesome and he was happier then he had been in a long time, even if he was trying to temper the fact he was having so much fun with Davis with the fact that he was nursing a MASSIVE crush on the goggle boy. 'Guess it's a good thing he wanted to get changed in the bathroom then. though man..the fact i missed out on seeing him in just his undies..' Ken thought and smirked, then caught him. 'No no no, we are NOT going to go all pervert and ruin a friendship!' he mentally scolded himself, willing himself to use the head on his shoulders to think. "heh, sorry that took a bit." Davis said, walking back into the room and smiling, and blushing a little. The goggle boy was wearing a soccer themed inspired pair of bed time shorts and a top, though as Ken looked at the big goof, he couldn't help but notice that Davis's crotch looked oddly a little bulky, and he was walking a little funny. 'Do NOT comment on that! he'll wanna know why your looking there!' Ken warned himself and tried to focus on just how cute Davis looked in his themed outfit. "well you weren't in there that long. I figured you were just answering natures call." he said and gave a warm smile. "heh, welll was that." Davis said and blew a raspberry, then bent down to adjust his sleeping bag on the floor next to Ken bed. And as he bent down the boy's sudden semi bubble butt appearance was given a explanation. the top of the shirt rode up while the shorts rode down and there was a flash of something white and crinkly, and Ken started to blush and smile as he realized what it was. 'Oh. My. God. He's wearing a diaper!!' If there was ONE thing Ken loved more then a goofy boy, it was a goofy diaper boy and he quickly grabbed a pillow and put it over his lap to hide the effects that seeing Davis in padding was having on him. "So uh, don't take this the wrong way..but maybe next time get a air mattress or something for me to sleep on." Davis was chuckling as he got the sleeping bag all in place, wiggling his padded rear as he did so though whether he knew he was doing it or not, Ken wasn't sure. "That or you can just scoot over and share your bed next time."  Davis added with a chuckle. "O-Oh Ok." Ken squeaked. Davis looked over his shoulder, giving Ken a weird a look as he noticed how crimson the other boy was getting. "Youuuu ok?" Davis asked, raising a eyebrow. "Y-yeah! I'm totally diaper. I mean fine!" Ken said and then face palmed. It was davis turn to blush and he reached behind himself and tugged at the shorts. "ehehehe yeahhh Maybe shoulda gone with the long pants huh?" he said and stuck a touage out. "er..well..i was trying not to say anything but..Y-Yeahhh.." ken said and squirmed. "Dude, you look more flustered then me, you ok?" Davis asked, and then noticed ken holding the pillow to his lap. "oh, you need diapers too?" he asked and reached down, yanking the pillow away before ken could stop hi. and then looking at the tent that ken was making in his pants and blanket. "Heh..is that for little old me?" Davis asked, grinning ear to ear and then winking. "NO!!" Ken whined and reached up, snagging the pillow back and whimpering. "Reallly, so if I did something like THIS, it won't affect you?" Davis said in a impish tone and then hooking his thumbs on the waistband of the shorts, he tugged them down while bending over and wiggling his now fully on display diapered ass. Ken let out a gargle of words, then got up and dashed out of the room, having a accident of sorts in his pants as he took off running, Davis's giggles ringing in his ears.
Davis was laughing softly, he hadn't of pegged ken as the type to play for both teams, let alone be interested in diaper boys, but seeing how it put him in control, he wasn't questioning it. He'd been worried about Ken seeing the diapers and laughing at him before, now now that he knew how easy it would be to well, 'set ken off' He figured he could relax and milk this for a whole lotta fun. To that extent he finished taking off his shorts and moved from the sleeping bag on the floor up into the bed, though he hadn't covered up yet, and waited on Ken's return. As Ken came back up, blushing and looking a little huffy, and now in a black pair of shorts that must of been in the hamper in there, he gave Davis a look as the goggle boy stretched out on Ken's bed. "Draw me like one of your french girls~" he said and giggled. "...Your not funny." Ken  huffed. "Awww It's ok Ken. you can always bum a diaper from me if you think you're gonna have anther accident." Davis teased. "No thanks..but uh..Why are you even..I was pretty sure you weren't a bed wetter since you spent the night in the digi world a few times back in the day and well..Yolei doesn't seem the type who'd of kept that to herself." Heh, Yeahhh no way she would of kept her trap shut. Was almost why i didn't come tonight..welll was gonna show up and hang out for a bit but bail before bedtime." Davis laughed, sitting up and patting on the bed for Ken to sit down. It was just so CUTE the flustered look Ken got on his face as he slowly took a seat. "S-Still didn't answer the question.." Ken mumbled. "oh yeah! sooo you know I've been semi benched the last 3 games for my team right?" Davis asked, scooting in a little closer to Ken who was going crimson again. "Y-yeah." the bigger boy squeaked. "Yeahhhh FOUR games ago I took a power shot that was suppose to make the ball go into the net, but made the ball go right into my junk." Davis said, wincing a little as he recalled. "Ouch!" Ken said, wincing a little himself picturing it. "yeah. did NOT tickle. anyways, Needed pull ups for a few days after but totally did a number on my bladder and night time control, and since I'm such a heavy wetter..Mom and dad just got me the biggest diapers they could." Davis said and shrugged. "well you look cute at least." ken said and then put a hand over his mouth, the blush getting worse. "heh awww, you think so? Does big tough Ken love him a diaper butt boy?" Davis teased and giggled. "I-i No?"Ken tried. "oh, well then if you don't, then there's NO issue with me sleeping in your bed with you and cuddling into you tonight right?" Davis asked. Ken made a funny face, and then got up to run to the bathroom again. "..Maybe I better tone down the teasing before he goes though all his laundry.."
Digging though the hamper Ken found anther pair of PJ's, white this time, and while they had a slight smell to them, at least they didn't have a you know what stain on the front as he got changed, again. 'I swear to god, at the rate he's going I'm not gonna make it though the night.' Ken whined in his head. in semi clean pants he splashed some cold water on his face from the sink, then made his way back into the bedroom. Davis was back on his sleeping bag now and looking sheepish. "Ehehehe..Sorry about that man..I really didn't think I'd make you...Ya know..twice in such a short amount of time." "I-It's ok. J-Just uh.. Yeah. guess I might as well as admit it now..I do like cute diaper boys like you." ken said. "Welll I kinda already figured it out what with you running o-" Davis started then paused, blushing now. "Y-You think I'm cute?" ken gave a smile now and chuckled. "no, I always cream my pants over guys i have no interest in." he teased. Sensing a change in the flow of power, It was ken who got in bed and then patted next to him. "you know, you might as well come up here and share a bed with me." Ken said and smirked. "O-Oh..uh..well i didn't wanna make you have anther accident." Davis said, rubbing the back of his head. well tell you what. if i do, I'll take up your earlier offer, and who knows, maybe YOU'LL be the one having a 'accident' seeing ME wiggling my butt." Ken chuckled. Davis's eyes went wide as he got a mental picture of that, and then squirmed around, lots. "Heh, Did somebody just start to like diaper boys?" Ken teased. "M-maybe!' Squeaked out Davis, who cleared his throat. "Maybe." he said again in his normal tone. "it's ok, you can pretend I'm Kari if you want." Ken laughed as Davis crawled up into the bed and laid next to him. "ehehehe well actually.. Kinda semi getting over her for the most part." Davis said. "really? I've seen the way you've been all , heh, pardon the phase, goo goo gaga over her." "heh. Wellll kinda caught her and TK making out soooo don't really think I'ma have a shot anytime soon. Like Interested but not about to go out of my way to break them up." Davis said, snuggling into the pillow and letting Ken cover them both up with his blanket and turn off the light by clapping. "well -I- think you could land anyone you wanted.And Kari would be lucky to snag you." ken said and pulled Davis in for a light hug. "ehehehe..Thanks. Though I don't think most people shopping around for a boyfriend want one who can't go the night without flooding his pants. "Heh, you'd be surprised." ken chuckled. As Ken went to pull back from the hug, he was semi shocked, though pleased as Davis scooted in and nuzzled into him. "heh. somebodies feeling all cuddly." "heh..Yeahhh i kinda..normally cuddle Veemon or a stuffie at night..and he's with the other digimon and I didn't wanna look like a total baby." Davis giggled and blew a raspberry. "Diapers aside you mean." Ken teased playfully. "You really wanna tease me and make me pull back, or just enjoy you got a diaper boy snuggling into your chest?" Davis asked. "...Shutting up."
Davis drifted off fairly quick after that, snuggling into Ken and coo'ing softly as he went under and then gentle streams of baby babble coming out of his mouth once he was under. Ken for his part was tired enough, for obvious reason, but wanted to stay awake as long as he could to enjoy this, not sure if he'd EVER get anther chance to have this little cutie padded up and cuddling him. 'I wonder if I could convince him to wear full time? and be my little stinker?' Ken thought, day dreaming about a droopy diaper Davis whimpering and holding out a clean diaper, lisping for a bum change. 'You might wanna actually ask him out first before trying to get him to be your 24/7 baby butt.' his common sense rang in, making Ken frown. Leave it to common sense to break up a cute idea! Still there was some logic to it, if he was gonna whine for Davis to wear and use his diapers ALL the time he should at least officially ask him out, take him out on a few dates and the like. Still it couldn't hurt to THINK about it, and shutting his eyes he went back to thinking about Davis in short-all's and a massive diaper butt, running around the playground. He almost drifted off to sleep thinking about it, then he felt a sudden warmth on the leg that against the front of Davis's diaper. 'Holy cow..it's not that i thought he was fibbing, but he really IS a helpless bed wetter!!' Ken gushed mentally and then gushed not so mentally for the third time tonight. '..next sleep over I'm wearing one of the diapies too.' was his last thought as he snuggled into the little cutie.
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