#he let me crochet in class too. I think I paid pretty good attention with my hands busy with the yarn
moonfurthetemmie · 6 months
Instructor: How was everyone’s Thanksgiving breaks? Did you do anything interesting?
Small group of students waiting outside with him: *silent head shakes*
Instructor: Really? None of you made any new music?
Me: I learned how to crochet yesterday
genuine real life moment of “how’s you’re project going?” “Thanks for asking! My room has never been cleaner and I’ve taken up knitting”
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mitts2002 · 3 years
JJK pottery dates
Hii I've already made a separate inumaki fic on this so he won't be included. I was originally meant to do this for one character but I've decided to do multiple cause I can😌 Also I've never done pottery so I'm just winging this!
Itadori Yuuji
Yuuji would assume that he's gonna be a natural at pottery despite being both your first time
But yuuji would definitely not care about the end result of it
As long as he has a good time with (Y/N) that's all that matters
He'll accidentally use too much strength when handling the clay. Instructor tells him he's too heavy handed
(Y/N) on the other hand is doing pretty well. Shes almost done shaping and is ready to add some decorations
This is when Yuuji realises he does care about the end result because his looks like a complete mess
To cheer him up (Y/N) engraves Yuujis name into her pot and gives it to him as a gift.
You also offer to take yuujis piece in return
(Y/N) uses yuujis clay thing as a place for small trinkets and earrings
Yuuji uses (Y/N)s pot to plant a cactus
The couple had decided to go on a cute little pottery date for their first date, so why was Yuuji pouting in the corner?
Well at first (Y/N) and Yuuji were having a great time together. Messing around and quoting stupid memes and movie references was just their thing so when it was actually their turn to make something Yuuji had no idea what he was doing.
(Y/N) despite messing around with him had actually paid attention to the instructor and was doing just fine which made matters even worse for Yuuji. He assumed this would be a piece of cake when in reality it wasn't.
"Yuuji stop sobbing in the corner babe, it doesn't even look that bad!" You clearly lied to him but you knew it was for his own good.
"NO ITS TRASH look at yours (Y/N) so nice and pretty no one would ever want mine! Now I'll never be the world's best pottery maker" Yuuji babbled on just being his overdramatic self.
"Well I'd love love yours! I could put my jewellery in it, I needed a new trinket box anyways" you quickly thought on the spot and sighed in relief when Yuujis head perked up
"Really?" Yuuji sniffled and grabbed onto your waist. "Yeah and ill carve your name into mine! Then give it to you as a gift. Equivalent exchange" you winked at Yuuji knowing its an offer he couldn't refuse.
"Okay deal" Yuuji sat back next to you working on your trinket box while your worked on carving his name into his plant pot.
Choso was trying to learn more about the 21st century
How did he do this? By binge watching old rom coms on netflix.
In the middle of one of the movies a pottery scene comes up and chosos eyes couldn't shine more bright.
He loved the idea. It was a great way to spend your time with your loved one.
Choso immediately rang (Y/N) and demanded she arrange a date, which she did
You and Choso couldn't find any classes near you but looking at Chosos pout and puppy dog eyes begging to find a way you had no choice.
(Y/N) did the next best thing and decided to buy a beginners home kit. Now you both sat in the living room with newspapers littering the table and large aprons on yourselves.
"Okay so let's read the instructions first" you picked up the small booklet and looked over to Chosos who couldn't contain his excitement.
His buns were a little messier than usual as he rushed them the moment the package arrived but he still looked cute nonetheless. "Let me set it up then I guess we can try make a bowl? That seems to be the easiest option" you suggested while flicking through the pages and setting things up.
"Can we make a plant pot? I wanna give yuuji a plant for his birthday" Choso proposed. "Aww that's actually a great idea yuuji would love it!" You exclaimed in return and motioned him to come closer as you were ready to begin.
Choso had sat you in between his legs and leaned his head on your shoulder. His hairs tickled you and butterflys fluttered in your stomach when Choso began to kiss your cheeks slowly inching down to you neck.
"Oi behave" you ordered trying to sound intimidating but just burst out in laughter instead. "Fine sorry sorry let's focus on the pot" Choso apologised giving one last kiss to your head.
The pot was forming nicely but was a bit wonkey due to the hand size difference between you both.
Neither of you could care though, the intimacy of his hands on yours, music playing in the background and laughter filling the room from your stupid stories and Chosos dad jokes he recently learnt was just what Choso wanted.
The plant pot had turned out to be very cute and Yuuji ended up loving it.
Kamo Noritoshi
Kamo noritoshi was brought up in a strict household
During his childhood he was expected to be talented in many areas
Archery, studying, drawing, poetry, crochet, painting and even pottery were part of the many skills kamo noritoshi had devloped
The moment (Y/N) had learnt that the vase and other ornaments in noritoshis room were hand crafted by him she wanted to learn too
Now Noritoshi is sitting here behind his girlfriend teaching her how to make a vase because she wouldn't stop pestering him
"Noriii STOP being so perfect!" (Y/N) had yelled at her confused boyfriend who was simply decorating his clay piece.
"You wanted to do pottery with me and now your doing it. What's the problem?" Norotoshi sighed and turned to look at your vase. If he could even call it that.
"If you were struggling you could've asked me for help" Noritoshi scolded while your cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"Yeah well I wanted to do it myself" you whined and crossed your arms in defeat.
"FINE help me please it's way harder than it looks" you admitted as nori made his way over to you.
"Firstly you need to be more gentle, it's wet clay not a damn rock (Y/N)" he corrected you and put his hands upon yours.
"Your hands are cold" you whispered to him feeling his slightly calloused hands touch yours.
"Focus (Y/N)" he responded equally as quiet as you. The room fell into a comfortable silence as your and nori moulded your vase together.
When it was finally finished you kissed noritoshi on the cheek. His cheeks turned slightly red but he kept his composure.
"It's fine (Y/N) just don't break it okay" the black haired male reminded you since you were quite clumsy.
"I promise I won't! But next time you have to do this call me and I'll join"
After this date, pottery became a common occurance for (Y/N) and Noritoshi. (Y/N) kept her promise and still fills her vase with flowers nori buys her to this day.
Okkotsu Yuta
Yuta okkotsu was a nervous wreck
You were given free tickets to a pottery event and asked Yuuta if he would accompany you
Of course he agreed without realising what he was actually getting himself into
The couple were currently at the event extremely close to make a bowl together
Yuuta could feel your hair on his skin and wanted to lean closer to bask in your presence
The moment he finally mustered the courage to lean onto your shoulder a little interruption had scared you both
'Okay Yuuta you got this. My wonderful (Y/N) is focused on the bowl so just slowly lean onto her' Yuuta thought to himself before looking towards his hands that were on yours. 'I GOT THIS' Yuuta had slowly inched closer while you continuously spoke so close to achieving his goal.
"IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!' a young girl with pigtails and pink bobbles yelled at Yuuta. The pair had jumped and practically ruined their bowl but yuuta couldn't care less. His chance was ruined.
"Yuuta she asked you a question" you reminded him and causing the black haired male to turn back to the small girl
"Ah yes this is my girlfriend" He responded with a small blush. "Well she's very pretty!" The cute child exclaimed.
"Thank you sweetie you're very cute too" (Y/N) cooed at the small girl and patted yutas arm telling him to compliment her aswell. Before yuuta could speak the young girl had beat him to it.
"OH YOU MUST BE ON A DATE! Sorry I ruined your bowl" she apologised looking down in guilt for interrupting you both.
"No no it's okay don't worry about it" Yuuta reasured and patted her head giving her a soft smile. (Y/N) blushed at the sight of her loving boyfriend with a child and gave the girl a quick high five before she scurried off to her parents.
"Wasn't she the sweetest little girl yuuta?" You asked and got a small 'hm' in response. "Our bowls a bit messy but I think we can salvage it right? Come closer so we can fix it properly" you grabbed his arms pulling him closer to you. Maybe that little interruption helped him after all.
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