#he let me fart around in the gold saucer and name his bred chocobo if i requested politely but. not allowed to play
nymfaia-archive · 1 year
❝  i’ll stay.  ❞ / for kain (i have your ask still..haha)
staying the night prompts / @breathofthearth
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"Don't burden yourself."
Kain's voice came as easily as one could pull out an adult's teeth: begrudging and stubborn, weary and long-suffering. His lay on the bed, half-dressed and half-swathed in bandages, disheveled hair cascading over the single pillow and hanging off the side of the bed.
It had been a godsend that she found him. Kain didn't believe he would have stayed conscious, let alone able to handle his wounds in a way that would promise he would remain hale and whole. He knew first aid, certainly - he doubted there was a soldier on the planet who didn't know basic care.
He doubted most of them would react much better than he upon being nearly bisected.
Kain reached up, digging his thumb and forefinger into the bridge of his nose. Whatever curative spell she had used to speed up his mending was beginning to ebb. The exhaustion of lost adrenaline and the general ache of living had begun to return, and he let out a long, careful sigh.
He feared waking somewhere else. He feared finding out what he had been doing, and to whom.
He feared biting the hand that had so generously tended to him - ... and while he wanted to trust her word about how she had come upon him, he wasn't certain.
"But - ..."
More teeth pulling. He struggled to be properly polite on a good day: now, he extended his bloodied olive branch with a shaking, tired hand.
"I would appreciate your skills further," he said, "and will do what I can to compensate you, miss - ...?"
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