#he looks a lil bald but its ok .hes fur
superbellsubways · 9 months
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combining 2 things i like. yay
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Elija Mikaelsaon Dating a Black S/O Headcanons
Did anyone ask? No, did I deliver? Yes.
- Alright, so Elijah and the Mikaelson’s have been alive for a while. Never got a specific date, but we have vikings. And as Elijah has been alive for a minute, he’s had flings, situationships, lovers, and at some point out knight in shinning armor was probably a fuck boy… don’t @ me.
- What I’m trying to say is man probably did it all, Asian, Latinx, Caucasian and African American and maybe even African and Caribbean… Maybe even fucked around with his sexuality for a second because he got it like that and the writers were too pussy to put this shit on
- Tbh probably the originals tried all the genders and non-genders, change my mind. But elijah strikes me as a free for all who loves something refreshing that’ll take him out of Klaus’s bullshit for a minute
- But here’s were this shit gets spicey… Elijah… with a black s/o….. Just hear me out poc who been waiting for someone to give them good fucking food on poc x tvd/ the originals, I got y’all… unless college comes back.
- OK so, I feel like if you’re rocking with Elijah he’d dress you up and ice you out because he can. Nothing under $5,000 for his s/o… We talking furs, diamond, real leather, snake skin, hell even a whole ass snake if you wanna be on your Bruce Wayne shit一 better yet, your T’challa shit with a whole ass panther (black panther ain’t real soooo y’all can get a black puma and call that bitch a panther lmfaoooooo)
- He’s asking you to a dinner date and then you say you’re ready…. Wearing pretty little things…. Missguided… honey. (Nah ain’t shit wrong wit those brands, they be having bangers tbh and sales like a bitch) Let him upgrade youuuuuuu. You only wear Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Burberry, Balmain, etc. Try walking out there looking a damn mess and distasteful… just try it sis 
- Speaking of which… my mans got you with hair too! Fuck you mean ?1?! 
- He had a black s/o in the past, even though her hair had loose curls… we won’t discredit her. He has some knowledge on how curl hair works, and if he’s lacking, he as a whole library and might fuck around and ask Bonnie in exchange for some witchy ingrdients (im cdfuuuuuu)
- Name, braids, twists, locs, finger waves. Wanna shave bald??? He’s for it, let him get you his barber. Fuck it, he’ll get you Marcel’s barber. Lined up and all that shit, throw in a fade too
- And coming in for wash day, he’s sitting behind you days in advance helping you take down your hair after a month or two. Grey sweatpants, scissors in hand, spray bottle to the side with Netflix as background music…. Fuck with it. You’re all tired after doing like 8 and he tells you to take it easy, with vamp speed and the deterixty of those fingers…. *chefs kiss*
- He sets up a lil wash day station for you, or if he’s on the clock just books a whole salon for you alone already paid for. But if he’s doing the work, best believe he spent the coinssss COINS for the organic shampoo shit you have the refrigerator and the deep conditioner, AND THE FUCKING LEAVE IN. He’s keeping your shit moisturized in the winter. His big hands and gentle fingers helping detangle your hair, you in a fluffy robe, enjoying being loved on….
- Y’all didn't even get me started on him doing twists… or plaits, or the bantu knots, the concentration on his face
- IDK why I gotta say this… nails done too, he loves the feel of your nails gliding on his scalp and down on his back when he’s giving you those slow strokes. 
- This doesn’t have to do with anything, but the fact that the originals were set in New Orleans which is mostly BLACK BLACK BLACK BLAAACCCKKKKK and I saw like 3 black people in that bitch, ong….. Julie Pleck, you basic bitch
- Anyways, I feel like Elijah in a trench coat coming to pick you up from work would be such a vibe and a mood. Like, he knows when you get off and you might just take public transportation or something to have some sort of independence. But he shows up after work when you’re leaving with some friends from work…. Nigga shows up in a dark blue cadillac, trenchcoat with the collar up, leather gloves… and a fresh cut
- Who tf let him out the house??
- And ik you’re friends trifling too asking who is he, a damn fine tall glass of milké
- And he’s just leaning against the door waiting for you and once he sees you, he waits for you expectedly and kisses your forehead in greeting and gets the door for you
- Speaking of driving, Elijah be too damn serious, and that’s were you come in. 
- I need him and the Miakelson’s at a cookout doing line dancing, the electric slide, cupid shuffle (and give Rebekak some goddamn friends shit, she everyone stay chasing love and shit but have 0 friends and boundaries, they drag family though the mud) 
- Like I need him out his suit and in some dark jeans, a solid white v-neck, rolex on his wrist, and white air forces
- Sitting there, kinda out of place until he settles in. Like I deadass see him asking where the tables are at the cookout and like… you break it to him he’s gonna have to do the table legs for that shit
- And the plastic cutlery! LMFAOOOOO his soul is slightly quaking
- And its finna be a whole ass test when an uncle comes up and grabs him by the shoulder in a greeting and tries to fill in the seat for spades or even worse…. Dominoes…. That’s it. It’s over. Elijah been alive for too long and knows every play in the book and can bluff his ass off
- But if we talking dominoes… we gon have the boondocks animation version of a nigga moments cuz y’all fights will be started, money will be lost…. To Elijah. In the end he gives it back bc he’s a good sport and bc humiliation is a greater victory 
- Lmfaoooo and the quiet drive back, you’re exhausted but the music station is playing throwbacks and Usher’s climax comes on and bitch… the high notes, the lamp posts that give you both a glimpse of each other’s side profiles. And for once Elijah is relaxed and coming down from his amusement. No one is trying to kill him or his siblings, and good food albeit greasy in his stomach.
- Dare he say he felt human for a moment
- You staring out the window and softly singing along enjoying what the day was, Elijah loving the ambiance created. Mmmmmm such a mood
- THAT BEING SAID imagine you and Elijah on a long drive and “I Mean It” by G- Eazy comes on and you start singing along bc data is expensive over long ass drives and being stuck in traffic. And Elijah is giving you a bemused look, you in all your glorious wonder and you just make the lyrics more dramatic ashit trying to be a heartbreaker and all that. But, the true heart breaker is Elijah
- He comes in on the verse and gives you all eye contact, lips completely sync but your can kinda hear his voice keep the tempo…. Bitch this makes me feel some type of way… and as he’s going on he grabs your face and tilts your chin up OOOOUUUU gets up all close and personal and finishes the lyrics which is perfectly timed with when the light turns green and turns back like nothing just happened. There yo are aping like a fish bc tbh if anyone could rap it’d probably be Kol, he’s like the emnemin mixed with busta rhymes type, but tone it down….
- Bitch imma go fantasize rapping Elijah, y’all been slept
- And for those asking yes, I do write for black readers, mor specifically female but I can try male
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tambikidogo · 8 years
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!.
Stranger: whats up!
You: hello
Stranger: where you from?
You: my moms puss
Stranger: lol you fucker
You: the usa
Stranger: what state?
You: MI
Stranger: not for
Stranger: far*
Stranger: I'm half retarded don't judge my spelling
You: IN
You: omg
Stranger: lolol
Stranger: you're laughing at me
You: a lil
You: and your use of the r word
Stranger: retard?
You: yeah lol
Stranger: its ok you can say it i won't be offended
You: well my little brother might lol
Stranger: lol sorry to hear, i just think people are way to sensitive these days
Stranger: sorry
You: ehh lol
You: the world doesnt give a fuck about people's feelings
Stranger: ehhhhhhhhh you canadian now?
Stranger: lol exactly
You: but i do lol
Stranger: lol fuck your feelings?
You: I always say the world doesn't care but I do
You: naw
Stranger: fuuuuck em
You: i love my feelings dammit
Stranger: true feelings are important
Stranger: sensitivity can fuck right off
You: what is a "true feeling"?
Stranger: is this a trick question?
You: im a sociologist so this is really intresting to me
You: *interesting
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: im not a sociologist so i wouldn't know because I'm not well studied on the subject
Stranger: lol on fleek huh?
You: i asked for your personal definition lol
You: yessir
Stranger: for a true feeling... hmmmm love is a true feeling
Stranger: can i elaborate on that more?
Stranger: hmmm im not sure
You: i LOVE how you're asking my questions for me lol
Stranger: feeling or emotions get complicated, are they something that we as sentient creatures fabricated, or are they just states of the mind created over a long evolutionary process
Stranger: to philosophical
You: and money is also a physiological, philosophical and a physical concept as well and love that shit lol another quesiton, if you hurt the ones i love then haven't you hurt a true feeling?
Stranger: bahaha
Stranger: too deeep
You: lo siento
Stranger: im not getting into this
You: too much for ya lol
Stranger: to deep, you hear that a lot?
You: i do
Stranger: hahahaha!
You: i love it
Stranger: which part do you love?
You: the physical and the philosophical
Stranger: who doesnt
Stranger: sometimes its just too much
You: if you don't got a brain, whats the point
Stranger: lol
You: like i love running experiments on omegle
You: the responses is always way more aggresive when i'm uncovered
Stranger: when you're uncovered?
You: very rarely do i meet my match, brain wise that is
Stranger: and what kind of experiments?
Stranger: oh i can't say that I'm a match
You: like i'll be an absolute idiot
Stranger: i don't think we know each other to come to that kind of conclusion
You: and people will be much more forgiving when cleavage is involved lol
You: thats why i said i very RARELY meet my match
Stranger: i could imagine people are easily blinded by the tits
Stranger: ahaha fuck you
You: you weren't included in that lol
Stranger: uh huh
You: very easily
Stranger: now you're just giving yourself a blowjob
You: i think we all should do that to ourselves every once in a while
Stranger: haha if i could i would
Stranger: without a doubt
You: zactly!
Stranger: right?
You: i ain't hurting nobody
Stranger: who said you were?
You: that's my gauge for what i do
Stranger: nah you're no threat
You: yep
Stranger: you seem like you're just looking to have a laugh
You: harmless is me
You: you don't like laughing??
Stranger: ahaha i never said i didnt
You: that's all im on here for is a quick........
You: laugh
Stranger: quick....fffffffff
Stranger: fun
Stranger: just a bit of fun
You: just a touch
You: a quickie
You: a laughie
Stranger: just a little touch
Stranger: just a little stroke if you will
You: i like a hard and fast......
You: joke
Stranger: a hard hitting, strong pounding....
Stranger: punch line
You: i hv so much wine in my body
Stranger: lmao
Stranger: drinking all day?
You: no!
You: i had a long day
Stranger: long day of drinking
You: water
You: and now i'm drinking franzia
Stranger: i guess the water appeared by ways of magic
Stranger: hey at least the cities on fleek
Stranger: kitties*
You: ayyyyye
Stranger: titties*
You: cowabunga
Stranger: holy fucking retarded
You: dudes and duddettes
Stranger: sorry i can't spell because all the blood has rushed into my penis
You: awww
You: you shuld call a doc
Stranger: dudes and dudettes lol
You: peen doc
You: idk why that tickles me sooo much
Stranger: i did, he told me to stop taking viagra
Stranger: lol
You: so ofc you took more
Stranger: duh
Stranger: obviously
Stranger: tickles your prostate
You: ummmm i only fuck viagra laden lads
Stranger: well isn't it a shame that I'm so far
You: well youre not laden enough yet
Stranger: no? how laden am i supposed to be?
You: 23 in long and 50 in wide
Stranger: wow thats a a crazy hard on
Stranger: ill see what i can do
You: i was talking about pills
You: if you not swalling pills that heavy
You: i ain't with it
Stranger: lol don't think i could swallow pills like that
You: well you're a puss in fur boots
Stranger: hahaha better than a bald booted puss
You: bald booted puss
You: bury me rn
You: peace
Stranger: dead
Stranger: peace
You: well i actally have to go
You: my uber is here
Stranger: well atlas show me the titties before you go i gotta see em.
You: boy
Stranger: <3
You: have a blessed day
You have disconnected.
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