#he looks so happy in this video 🥺 i'm so sad that he felt like he needed to delete it bc people were being weird in the comments :(
ice-sculptures · 1 year
love you gen z king 👍🏼
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Can you write something where Brad tells the reader about his insecurities and then he says she's the girl he's been waiting for?
My Day One
When i tell you this imagine hit different while writing it cuz i was listening to Cherry Blossom.. My baby 🥺
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Pic from ig
Brad's POV
I rest my elbows on the kitchen counter and hold my head with my hands. I sigh and brush my fingers through my hair. I walk around the kitchen with a beer in my hand and sit on the couch. I'm restless today and i have a really good reason for it. I'm feeling jealous, I'm uncomfortable.. I'm insecure. Everyone feels like that sometimes, but i haven't felt that way in a long time. For a while, in the past, i ignored all signs of being insecure and unsafe about myself, but I've hit rock bottom. It's been four months since y/n and i have been dating and everything is so beautiful, we're always there for each other and she makes me very happy. But these past days I've felt like i don't deserve any of this. I've felt like everything is going to turn on me just like it did every time. And I'm scared. I'm scared that this time I'm going to lose someone so special i know i'll never recover from. She's my everything, she's all i ever wanted, but I'm insecure about her hurting me, just like the others did. Every now and then, especially when i was single, i remembered how much love and effort i put in my past relationships, yet i received something close to nothing. A few days ago i decided that i should take things slowly with y/n, to see if she really has something for me or she's just using me. I treated her almost like a new-made friend, i barely held her hand when we went out or barely saw her. I know it's wrong, but now i know karma is paying me back. She's in college still and she has a guy best friend that she keeps hanging out with. Of course i didn't tell her, nor will i, to drop her friendships for me, because it's not fair. She posted a video on her story of the two of them being all giggly and having fun together. I sighed and tossed my phone into the pillows. Ever since this afternoon, I've been questioning everything about myself, wondering if I'm good enough for her.
I hear a knock on the door and walk fast to open it.
"Hi", i greet y/n and i give her a smile. She greets me back and smiles quick at me, entering beside me. I look down as i close the door. "Fuck", i whisper and twist the key to lock the door. "How was your day, princess?", i scratch the back of my head.
"Oh, you care now?", she scoffs and throws her backpack on the couch, putting a hand on her forehead as the backpack falls on the floor. I hold back my laughter.
"I always care", i take a few steps closer to her
"Didn't seem like it for a while now. You push me away. I'm sorry I'm not a movie star or a celebrity like you're used to dating, but i have a heart too and it hurts to see I'm not fulfilling your choices in women anymore", her voice cracks and my heart skips a beat. If i only knew how i made her feel...
"What? Darling, you're talking nonsense right now. I want you and only you, i don't care what you do for a living.", i pause to look at her reaction. I sigh,sadness feeling me up. "You and Zach seemed really happy today."
"Brad... We're just friends", she takes my hands in hers. "i just found it funny and posted it."
"I thought you were trying to get back at me for these past days", i bring her closer, pulling her into my arms. "I was so scared that-", i pause, my voice cracking. She pulls back and looks up at me, seeing a tear drop on my cheek. She's quick to wipe it away with her thumb.
"Bradley, baby, what's going on? It's not the first time i post something with Zach. What's gotten into you?", she studies my face carefully
"I'm just.. I was.. I don't know, love. I don't feel like myself at all. I thought i pushed you so far away from me that you found interest in somebody else already. And that you wouldn't want us to get through any problems that we have.", i sigh
"We don't have any problems. You created one, tho. I'm not going to sugar coat you. Because i prefer being bluntly honest with you. I'm not here to have a childish relationship and i know you're not either.", she takes my hand and we walk to the couch, her kicking the backpack further from her sitting spot. I smile at her.
"No, I'm not here for a childish relationship, but i will own up to the fact that i acted childish. We've been dating for a few months and I'm afraid I'm hurrying things again.", her face turns sad and I'm quick to grab her face and kiss her. "I'm afraid you're going to grow cold next to me too.", i glue my forehead to hers and i close my eyes, holding back new forming tears. She opens her mouth to talk, but i cut her off. "I'm insecure, ok? I've been through this thing countless times. When i thought everything was perfect, i was dumped or the relationship started going downhill from there. I guess i didn't want to attach myself again. I got afraid of being heartbroken again. Because this time.. ", my voice cracks again and i sigh.
"This time what, love?", y/n asks and cups my face with her hands. I press my cheek harder on her palm. I take a deep breath and open my eyes, locking them with hers. Her eyes are sparkling, reminding me once again how much i love seeing them almost every day and how much strength they give me.
"This time i won't be able to get over it. I love you too much. I love you. Like crazy. And I'm so insecure with myself. I feel like i wreck everything every time, that's why I'm single so often. I feel like i can make anyone love me. I'm doing so many things wrong and people decide to leave me. I don't know how to manage my love life so i could receive what i give. There's a flaw in me and I'm afraid you're going to see that too.", i reposition myself on the couch, wiping a tear from the corner of my eye amd she does the same to a tear.
"Brad, how can i tell you that you're so wrong for saying everything you've just said?", her voice crack and i feel a tear falling on my face. "You're not wrong for loving someone. You're not wrong for wanting to be loved back at least the same way that you do. And wrecking things? Love, you are so chill with everything, you allow so many things, how can you say that?", she laughs. I chuckle. "Your exes don't come near me, babe. I don't resonate with them in any way and I'm going to fight hard, every day, every night, to give you the same love and appreciation you give me. I will fight hard to make you the happiest man alive, because you make me the happiest woman alive and yiu deserve the whole fucking world for how amazing you are. "
I cup her face and kiss her hard, breathing heavily into the kiss when both of us are out of breath. I brush my nose on hers. "I've been waiting for you for such a damn long time. But the whole waiting game proved to pay off. I'm so happy with you, love. And I'm so sorry I've been an ass these past days."
"I love you so fucking much, Bradley. There are no words to describe how I'm feeling about you, but in this lifetime, I'll make sure to make you feel like you deserve.", she kisses me as hard as before, biting and sucking on my bottom lip.
"I would marry you right now", i say breathless
"Weren't you just talking about taking things slowly?"
"Shut up and kiss me"
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jorgecrespo · 2 years
1 4 5 6 (have fun with that one) 15 17 23 (idk how to even interpret that but spread hate<3) 28 32 38 39 go crazy
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
the age of 10 and 17
living in nicaragua for a year. found out i actually like people and i'm not a beach person because the ocean is very scary
the liza minelli tries to turn on a lamp snl skit
what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
it's an inside joke with my family and it has to do with eric clapton's dead son. i have no excuse and it's not my fault
what made you start your blog?
started this blog because of druck (😩). i was on the tag but everyone was like IF YOU DON'T REBLOG THINGS YOU'RE THE DEVIL and i felt bad so i made this and then it's all been downhill every since
what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
best part is obviously all the people i've met from all over the world. from germany to australia to indiana (🤢) and everywhere in-between. i feel like the world is at my fingertips. the worst part is seeing the worst takes that anyone has ever thought and i feel my brain rotting away. also, old woman moment, i hate watching these kids grow up on the internet, it's like watching worms take over their brain
what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
yeah i'm an adult but also....my stuffed animal brownie 🥺. that little dude goes everywhere with me
name 3 things that make you happy
my cats. if i'm sad i just look up and see their little fluffy faces and then i feel ok
all my internet friends. love seeing everyone's dumb posts
every night i grab my pepper spray and walk around the neighborhood and it has actually improved my overall mood it's insane. who knew
say 3 things about someone you hate
let's talk about scott meyer
after leaving the mental hospital (literally across the street from it) he asked "kallie why don't you have a job" mere moments after he was kicked out of a bar for being too drunk. so i asked why he doesn't have a job and he got all mad and said WELL I'M TRYING and then i started yelling at him in the pizza place but my excuse is i was pretty drugged up and then he just never got a job
attacking the whole house (which included a literal baby btw) and then stealing one of their cars while insanely drunk after hitting me and biting someone else and then i waited outside for the cops while eating mac n cheese in the rain (shout-out to the eugene oregon police department for not finding a drunk man on the empty roads at midnight and just saying "we have people looking")
do you collect anything?
i don't really collect anything rn but i do have a lot of rocks from my childhood/teen years. i still love a good rock
how many tabs do you have open right now?
44 and they're all unimportant but i'm not deleting any of them
fave song at the moment?
for the fifth year in a row, hounds of love. i will inform everybody if that changes
youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
this is a great place to bitch about youtube because i used to go on there all the time and now i barely go on there. mainly just to watch random clips of shows and sports compilations because the ads are legitimately terrible. it's impossible to watch anything anymore. every two minutes, BAM another ad like it's fucking torture. a five minute video takes eight minutes it's insane. who let this happen
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imoonf1 · 2 years
hi! can you write “they are trying to calm the child(ren) that is/are crying because the other parent is away” with daniel 🥺 like your kid being all sad because he’s away but when he gets home he brings a lot of toys and chocolate for them
Hey Anon!! I love this idea, I think there can't be a better mix than Daniel and kids
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Summary:Every weekend that Daniel was away was very difficult for his son, Benjamin.
Author note: nothing just fluffffffff
Prompts: #1 - they are trying to calm the child(ren) that is/are crying because the other parent is away
You and Daniel started dating in 2013, five years after you got married and in a couple of months you got pregnant with a child you so longed for and loved, He had the same personality as his father and everyone loved him, they were always very close and Ben always wanted to be like his dad, an f1 driver, he loved it when we went to see his dad at the races and see all the cars, but when we couldn't go it was really hard for him to be away from Danny, and there was nothing worse for you than seeing him suffer so much for it, you wanted to take him to his father's side and make him happy and showing his wonderful personality, he only stopped suffering for a moment when they did face time and talked to his dad and he would talk until he fell asleep, which was the easiest thing to do, but when Daniel called early it was so difficult to calm him down and make him stop crying when he hung up the call, and I understood him, I missed him too, but I couldn't compare my feelings with those of a child who was four years old and couldn't express his emotions, and here we were on the couch in the living room on a Saturday afternoon, Danny was in Imola and since we couldn't go with him we were talking on the phone "Ben come here, look who's calling" and two seconds later I saw him running from across the room to where I was "Hellooo big boy, how are youhuh?are you behaving well with mommy?" Daniel spoke to him while showing that big smile he had and that Ben had also inherited "yes daddy this morning we made pancakes and put a lot of chocolate on it and then we went to the park and I went down a very high slide with mommy" you loved watching the interaction the two of you had, it was like watching a little version of Daniel, Ben seemed so excited to tell his dad everything and and Danny seemed very interested in hearing everything his son had to tell him "Oh really? when i'm back home we're going to go to the park and slide together too and maybe i'll have some presents for you too if you keep being so nice to mommy" To think that after he said goodbye to his dad he would start crying until he arrived on Monday afternoon was a horrible feeling for you "OH REALLY DADDY? what are you going to bring tell me tell me please" "nop nop, I can't tell you anything, it's a surprise, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise" he said smiling "but i have to wait a long time to know" muttering to your cell phone and pouting for not telling him "I have something to show you and you won't have to wait, look" So Daniel changed his camera and showed his driver's room and he was walking through all the pits, and when he found the drivers they went to say hello to Ben "well, I have to go Hon, they're calling me to get ready for practice" "No no no daddy, I don't want you to go, please no" Tears were beginning to form in his eyes, and I hugged him tight so he wouldn't feel bad "Daddy will be back soon love, it's okay, don't cry baby" you couldn't say more to try to calm him down, while you gently kissed his head "Don't cry big boy, I'll be back soon so I can play and give you all the gifts I bought for you, but please don't cry" and I assumed that Danny felt the same as me, he didn't want Ben to feel bad "say bye to Daddy,He will be back in two days" "byee daddy" "bye bye big boy see you soon ok? Love you so much, being nice for mama" "good bye Dan, good luck" already finishing the video call "Love you Honey, I also have a gift for you on Monday" he said in a mocking tone and winking, And now all that was left was to calm Ben down until tomorrow where they would make another call again and by Monday he would be with his dad.
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On Monday morning you had to go back to the routine, get up early, take a shower, wake up Ben, change him make breakfast and take him to kindergarten, see you in a few hours go get him, then go home, finish your work there and well, wait for Danny to come back "Are you excited baby? today we will see daddy again" "yeyyy, I'm so happy mama, How long will it take for daddy to be here?" "look, when the short stick on the clock hits four and the long stick hits twelve, daddy should be here, there's still a little time for you to take a bath and play a little right?" trying to entertain him so that time passes faster for him "Yep mommy". After finishing everything, the two of us were in the living room playing with their cars, until I get a message from Dan.
+Hey love, when the bell rings tell ben to go see who it is
-It's ok babe, we are waiting <3
No more than fifteen minutes passed when the doorbell finally rang. "Why don't you go see who's at the door, Ben?" so he got up as fast as he could and ran to open the door "DADDY" That was all you heard until Daniel started laughing and talking to Ben, while you watched from the hallway. "I missed you so much my love, let's hug daddy tighter" Dan left his suitcase at the entrance and lifted Ben in his arms and with one of his hands he carries some bags. "Look what I brought you for being so good boy" He gave him two bags, one larger and one slightly smaller, as he sat him on the sofa and Daniel knelt in front of him. "look what daddy brought, mommy, it's a lot of chocolate" "That's great my love, you're going to have a lot of desserts" "A NEW CAR MOMMY LOOK" you looked at Dani to share a smile and a look that only transmitted pure love, you could not believe that you had found this man, you could not choose anyone better than the father of your son "it's so pretty Ben, we will all be able to play races together" and when you barely finished speaking, Dani said again "I have another surprise, I bought the food, so we won't have to cook and what do you think if the three of us sleep together?" and that's how the three of them ended up in bed, all hugging each other while caressing your son's hair "I love you two too much"You told them while giving your husband a kiss "I don't think so, I love you more" he answered you "IT'S A LIE, I LOVE YOU TWO MORE" Ben yelled after they thought he was asleep.
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hello!! Can I please request a oneshot where reader catches loki dancing [cutely or provocatively your choice] and he gets embarrassed thinking she'll make fun of him like people on asgard did, when they found out he liked to dance saying it's girly but reader starts to dance with him and encourages him as well so he gets really happy . 😃❤❤
Ahh this was so cute. Dancer loki makes me so giddy 😭🥺💚 This is very short so I hope you still enjoy it.
Dancer Loki x Female reader
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"Can you get my oaf brother, you're the only one allowed to enter his chamber" Thor said to you so you rolled your eyes.
"Ofcourse I will and he's not an oaf, you're an oaf" Thor smiled at the clap back and you made your way towards Loki's room. Avengers were having their weekly movie night and you have been dating Loki for just a month now. Earlier he used to avoid such gatherings, he preferred staying in his room, reading his books as he said but ever since you two revealed your feelings for each other, he goes wherever you want him to as long as you stay by his side.
When you reached his room, you could hear the faint sound of music coming from his room so you knocked on the door but he didn't open it. For security purposes every room in the tower could only open with a certain code from outside. And you knew the code to his room, you could still hear the music so you waited, then you called him on his phone and he didn't answer that either. You finally decided to use the code and enter his room, you weren't expecting to see what you did.
The music was loud, he had his back turned towards you and he was dancing his heart out to the song Smooth criminal by Michael Jackson. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a matching sweatpant. He had a dance tutorial video on YouTube playing on his tv and he was trying to learn the steps the guys were doing in the video. You leaned yourself against the doorway and watched him move and dance, he would smile and cheer himself whenever he'd get a step right. He's so adorable you heart felt full.
You always knew he could move, he'd dance with you whenever you took him to clubs and parties, you just didn't know that he loved dancing this much. You didn't know all this time, that's what he was doing when he said he was reading in his room. 
When he spinned around for a step, he saw you standing there and lost his balance, which made him land straight on his ass. He turned the music off instantly and his tv too by using magic, he was panting heavily and just stared at you all wide eyed so you walked over to him and gave him your hand so he could get up 
"Are you okay baby??" You asked him as you pecked him on the lips softly and he just kept staring at you. His cheeks flushed from embarrassment.
"Uhh I was just…ummm don't.. please don't tell anyone" he teared up so he looked down and it broke your heart to see him so sad all of a sudden.
"Hey what's wrong, I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude like this, I was knocking and–" he placed his head down on your shoulder as you were speaking so you wrapped him in your arms protectively.
"What baby? What's wrong, sugar?" You asked him softly and you heard him sniffing.
"I don't want you to make fun of me" 
He mumbled meekly so you pulled his head up and kissed his forehead.
"I would never do that sweetheart, why would I do that?" you asked him so he looked at you with his green doe eyes 
"On Asgard, Fandral once caught me dancing and he spread it like wildfire. Everyone made fun of me for it, called me a princess for having such interests and what not. But I always liked moving like this and when I came here, there's so many different forms of dancing, limitless and I just want to learn it all but I don't.. everyone would make fun of me and that's why I do it here..I'm sorry you had to see that" he told you, his voice sounded so sad, you just wanted to hug him and comfort him.
"Oh baby, nobody will make fun of you here okay and I definitely won't make fun of you no matter what you choose to do, especially if it's making you happy. I love dancing and you can learn everything you want here okay, dancing isn't made for one gender, anyone can do it and you're so good at it. I was watching you in awe throughout, you have the inherent natural talent for it loki. Not everyone have that" you tried to cheer him up so he nodded but he still seemed sullen so you turned his tv on and played the song Ain't no mountain high enough
"Have you heard this song before?" You asked him as you grabbed his hands in yours and he shook his head, a small smile graced his lips as you started moving along to the rhythm of the beats.
If you need me, call me,
No matter where you are
No matter how far,
You placed your hands on his chest and wrapped his arms around your waist, you giggled as you moved your legs and he caught up quickly and moved along with you because he's just a natural one.
Cause baby, there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, baby
You placed one of your hands on his and the other one on his shoulders as you both hopped and swayed from left to right. Both of you giggling and laughing as you felt the endorphins rushing through your veins.
Oh no darling,
No wind, no rain
No winters cold can stop me baby
No, no baby,
'Cause you are my love
If you ever in trouble, I'll be there on the double
Just send for me, oh baby
He picked you up by your waist and pulled you up in the air as he spinned around with you. You smiled as he put you down, he seemed happy again and that's how you always wanted to see him. As you wrapped your arms around his neck, he swayed with you slowly as the chorus hit and played in the background. 
Don't you know that there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough,
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, baby
"I love you Loki" you teared up and he dipped you down quickly, when he pulled you up your lips met with his and he placed his hand at the back of your head as he kissed you softly.
"I love you princess" He whispered and you started dancing with him, lost in his little world. Unaware of the eyes watching you two. 
"I have to go.. cry now" Thor said to Natasha. When you two didn't make it to the living room, they came looking so they could start the movie.
"It's the cutest thing ever isn't it" Thor smiled as he heard Nat.
His brother was finally accepted like he should have always been. Like he wanted to.They both closed the door slowly and left you two dancing in each other's arms.
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, baby
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