#he mustn’t actually talk much because Sejanus might have smacked him if he did
mzcain27 · 3 months
I think one of the things that pisses me off about Snow is his superiority about dealing with hardship and suffering. Like yes, he’s got ptsd from the war, he knows what it is to be hungry, his family lost their income and struggled because of it to the point of losing their house.
And it was more vague until the bit I just read, but he literally just had a paragraph about the difference between him and Twelve. How Twelve has clearly given up, they don’t care anymore, but a Snow pulls himself up by his bootstraps and has some decency, AND THEN straight up says “We pour so much money into the districts” until Sejanus is like “yeah bro into the industries FOR the Capitol, not the people. Not their housing.”
It’s like he cannot fathom that the Capitol did and does cause the districts’ suffering, especially the poorer ones like Twelve, and he admits he blames them for their situation. He does not separate his entirely different hardships from theirs, to him they are the same and he is better for overcoming them.
And I feel like that just. Stays his whole life. 60+ years later he meets Katniss who’s from the Seam and lost her dad to the mines and he’s almost like “ok? We went through the exact same thing, I don’t understand what your issue is.” It is infuriating because no asshole, one is oppression and dehumanisation and beating people down into submission as much as possible and the other an effect of war that you very much had opportunities to recover from, WHICH YOU TOOK, until you were straight up in charge and could see exactly where all that money was going and how the utter lack of everything was affecting districts like Twelve
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