#he needed to turn to the other people in his life. not relying on SEKAI. it marks the Shift
mymarifae · 2 years
still so mad that and what's a little kiss between bros? is going to end up with two sequel-esque pieces. but it's fine.
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len homophobia arc
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julijasm · 4 years
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Kirishima spoke up in a different tone, “You know how…they ask you who you’d save if they were hanging from a cliff?” “What’s with that line all of a sudden?” At Yokozawa’s confused expression, Kirishima waved him off, urging him to just listen. “If I found myself in that situation…I’d save Hiyori. Without a second thought. But–then I’d stand there, waiting and trusting…that you’d pull yourself up by yourself.” The sly response drew a chuckle. “…That’s a pretty convenient way of phrasing things.” As he laughed, he casually dabbed his finger at the corner of his eyes, where tears had threatened to leak out. “Then what about you? Would you save me?” “Like you need saving.” Kirishima’s profession of waiting and trusting had torn away all of the worry and anxiety that had settled inside Yokozawa. In Kirishima’s example, he probably would’ve worked hand over fist to save Takano before he even got near the cliff’s edge. He’d been far too overprotective, unable to shake those memories of that horrific period. Takano at his lowest had desperately needed someone supporting him–but now it was different. Not just that he was able to stand on his own now, but that he’d started walking forward on his own. The only one who’d been stuck, standing in the same place, had been Yokozawa himself. And it was all thanks to Kirishima that he was finally able to look at himself from an objective perspective this way. “I want to spend my life with you–from now on into the future. What about you?” “I…” He didn’t want to just mouth off something half-assed, and as he thought for a moment, choosing his words carefully, Kirishima chuckled self-deprecatingly and offered wryly, “…So you really do prefer Takano, huh…” “Huh?” Why had that name popped up now of all times? At the confused response, Kirishima evasively clarified, “Just…don’t you remember? You were calling for him yesterday…” “Oh…” He recalled here that when he’d sensed someone nearby in his half-awake state, he’d called out Takano’s name without thinking. Kirishima must’ve been bothered by it. “I guess when it all comes down to it–he’s the one you’ll turn to, huh? Though I suppose you can’t exactly rely on someone who can barely clean his own house–” “That’s not it!” he interrupted, refuting Kirishima’s unfounded speculations in a panic. He hadn’t called for Takano–he’d just unthinkingly blurted out the name of the only friend who came by his apartment with any frequency. “Then what is it?” At Kirishima’s vaguely peevish pressing, Yokozawa fired back, abashed, “I just–didn’t expect you to be there yesterday! I was the one who threw you out the other day, after all; I couldn’t call for you!” “You know you don’t have to worry about that kind of thing with me.” “…I did kind of hope that you’d come, though.” He hadn’t wanted to admit such a shameful thing, but if he let this misunderstanding continue, they’d just wind up missing each other again. “…Geez, say that sort of thing to my face.” “…!” Yokozawa’s breath caught as their faces were brought close with a quick duck. His heart gave a great leap, and he could feel his pulse racing all the way in his fingertips. “You’re–too damn close!” “Feeling shy?” “Hey–cut it out!” Unable to bring himself to meet Kirishima’s gaze, Yokozawa glanced away. He’d only realized it recently…but he really seemed to like the build of Kirishima’s face. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d caught himself getting lost in the way the guy looked with his eyes downturned as he read a book or magazine. Maybe he’d always had a thing for attractive people and never even noticed. “C’mon, look at me,” Kirishima whined, voicing his displeasure when Yokozawa kept his face turned away, unable to stand it. He leaned over the table and ducked his head to peek down and meet the averted gaze–at which point Yokozawa chose his moment and attacked. “I said cut it out–!” “?!” He snapped one hand out and grabbed Kirishima’s shirt collar, jerking him forward, and sealed their lips together. Kirishima gaped in wide-eyed shock at Yokozawa’s goal having been so easily won. “Just shut your trap for a little while,” Yokozawa grunted his order, immediately releasing him. He’d been momentarily pleased that his revenge had panned out so well, but he immediately found himself regretting his actions. “…Wow, you’re pretty proactive today. Never would’ve expected you to seduce me…” His voice quavered at the unexpected reaction.  “Sedu–don’t just read things however you like!” “C’mon, no need to be shy~” “You know–I’m not standing around being shy all the time with you.” “Excellent–then let’s get to it while we’re in the mood!” “You’ve got one hell of a wrong idea if you think this is the mood in the first place! Hey–let me go! What’re you doing?!” “You have to ask? Geez, what an unromantic clod.”
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Dino Watches Anime (Dec 31)
I haven’t done one of these in over a month, and I wanted to try to get this out before the year ends! It’s still 2019 here. Here are some anime I’ve been watching recently and what I thought of them.
Recently Completed
Dr Stone
This anime turned out so well!
I was hesitant at first. The character cast lacked a bit of diversity. I thought they were relying on the main character too much, but then I realized that that wasn’t necessarily a problem. Nobody will ever be as smart as this main character, and that’s okay. Everyone in this anime still plays a purpose, and even though that really showed more in the last episodes of the show, I think we’re in for a treat next season (that and I keep hearing that from my brother, thanks Kuya). The OPs and EDs were a lot of fun to listen to, the art was really good, the OST wasn’t the most memorable but I appreciated its service, and the casting was great! I don’t think I would stand for anyone else playing Senkuu at this point. Yuusuke Kobayashi has really proven how good of a seiyuu he is in recent years. He joined a little later in life and was more apparent in other types of work. Dr. Stone was a great anime, and even though it’s not even my favourite Shonen Jump series of this year (*cough* Kimetsu no Yaiba had a way stronger impact) it’s still worth the watch.
I rated this a 9/10 on MAL
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You know how practically every romance anime has miscommunications which “add” to the plot? Now imagine that was an anime and that’s the only thing going on. That’s what “Gamers!” is, and it’s hilarious. I think I saw a YouTube comment that perfectly summed this up.
“This anime is great but it makes me want to bang my head against a wall”
It’s pretty much that! It’s hilarious in its writing, and even though it isn’t really about gaming, it showcases different types of gamers. We have a former gamer, a guy who’s terrible but plays to have fun, a hardcore gamer, an indie developer, and one person who doesn’t even like games! They make the cast really funny and inconvenient, and the seiyuu performances add to the hilarity. Seriously, this quickly became one of my favourite Toshiyuki Toyonaga roles. I think his best works come in the form of romances? Yuri on Ice, Zetsuen on Tempest, to a lesser extent Durarara, Gamers? It’s like he has experience with romance (he has a daughter and is married). Seriously, I almost want to make a post just dedicated to this anime. It has such a low rating on MAL because it is so cheesy, cliche, and it does sometimes drive you up the wall, but isn’t that all romance anime? I was okay watching socially inept people because I am socially inept.
Episode 2 came out of nowhere with it’s cliche yet fitting dialogue.
I rated this a 9/10 because I enjoyed it so much and it was the anime I needed at the time. I can definitely see why people wouldn’t watch it though.
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Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara
I went to the other side of the romance spectrum and went with a rom-drama instead of a rom-com like Gamers! And... I feel like I enjoyed Gamers! far more. Irozuku was a bit mean to colour-blind people if I’m completely honest. The characters were flat and uninteresting, but they began to get personality in... episode 8 or something? Also, being colour-blind isn’t as big of a deal as this anime makes it seem. They were so fast to say a girl was from the future but wanted to keep it a secret that she’s colour-blind? She also has no personality because she’s colour-blind? In fact, her personality is that she’s colour-blind? Did I mention she’s colour-blind? Anyway, the ending was conclusive but still left some unfinished ends. P.A. Works made this anime beautiful, I really like the OP and ED, but I ironically didn’t like the casting for this. I give praise to almost every anime for casting, but this anime couldn’t sell me on Kaori Ishihara (who is actually part of Magi which I keep commending for having one of my favourite casts) and Shoya Chiba (who was good in Dororo). The chemistry between the characters and cast didn’t work for me on this one which was sad because the ending would’ve made more of an impact if they’d gotten me more attached. The OST was also amazing so I thought I would add that. Besides that, it was a good premise (with pretty good execution), great art, an amazing OST, beautiful OPs and EDs, but subpar characters.
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Asobi Asobase
At the time, Konomi Kohara, Hina Kino, and Rika Nagae didn’t really have that many roles outside of a few (well, Kohara had Tsuki ga Kirei but this really cemented her talent). This anime’s art style threw me in for a loop, and even though the humour didn’t always hit, this anime made me laugh at some points. It was vulgar, full of humour, and I’m really surprised Kino is still alive after screeching a lot. Seriously, that’s a lot. The ED is just them screeching too! Random appearances from big seiyuu are also present, and the animation by Lerche is all over the place. It sheds every essence of the innocence you thought it was going to have in ep 1 and keeps the pace going throughout.
I rated this anime a 7/10 because when humour doesn’t hit for me, it bores me.
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Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
I actually didn’t enjoy Dragon Maid as much as I thought I would. That’s partially because of Quetzalcoatl. I’m sorry, but everything else besides her and a few questionable things (especially the OVA) was alright. The animation was beautiful (KyoAni is soooo good, please do the second season!!!)
The OP and ED were really catchy. I don’t think those songs will be leaving my head anytime soon. At its core, this anime was still heartwarming. The romance between the main two is one-sided but sweet. Kanna is such a cute kid, and Fafnir and Takiya are also funny. I gave this anime a 7/10 because it was still solid, just overhyped. 
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Africa no Salaryman
This is mostly the same from the last time I reviewed Salaryman so if you read my past one, just skip this.
The story for this anime is mediocre, the animation is really bad, the music is poor, and it was still a fun anime. It’s one of those terrible anime that you end up kind of liking. Have you ever wanted to see a mix of bad CG and limited 2D animation by a studio that has no other notable anime (besides a flop from 2018)? Have you ever wanted to hear the villains of BNHA (All For One, Overhaul, and Dabi) voicing weird safari animals with quirky side characters? Seriously, they took the money that they should’ve put into animation and hired a bunch of famous seiyuu who seem to be having fun. We have Eri Kitamura, Yui Ogura, Akio Otsuka, Kenjiro Tsuda, Hiro Shimono, Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Kengo Kawanishi, Akira Ishida, Hiroshi Kamiya, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, etc. It’s a lot of fun guessing them. Overall, this anime was pretty average. I wouldn’t recommend it unless they intended to watch the seiyuu (which is the only thing really going here)
And the ending itself wasn’t eventful either so I gave this anime a 5/10.
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Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 3
This is mostly the same from the last time I reviewed this so if you read my past one, just skip this.
Another (slightly better animated) bad anime. It’s a collab between Japanese and Chinese studios (but is originally Chinese), but since Japanese dubbing is far more accessible, I went with that dub. Sora Amamiya, Yuuichi Nakamura, Kensho Ono, and Natsuki Hanae are part of the main cast here. Nothing is really notable besides the story. The sibling thing is kind of relatable. This anime ended recently, and it ended on a good note. The quality didn’t go down, and it kept more of the sibling and stupid antics from the first season. I liked that. I rated this a 7/10 because the art isn’t as clean as most anime, and some of the humour missed.
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Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai!
This is mostly the same from the last time I reviewed this so if you read my past one, just skip this.
However, I added some stuff regarding the ending of this season.
I will eventually stop wasting my time with these bad romance series, but *cough* I need to fill my depressive void with something, and somehow other’s awkward situations distract me from my own. I mean, this feels like an anime that was supposed to fill the void that Nisekoi left after finishing in Shonen Jump. Hopefully, this time he’ll end up with the right girl. As usual in a lot of harems, the main character has several bad choices. But the overall message and whatever’s left of the plot is really nice and entertaining. The characters are actually intriguing when the fanservice isn’t glaring in your face. I hated how they ended this season. I get they didn’t want to make another season, but stretching an anime-only ending? That just sucks. They were going so well until the last few minutes too. The school festival arc was really nice and sweet. Overall, I still liked the second season. Minus the ending, it was just as strong, if not stronger, than the first. Together with the school festival and Furuhashi’s development, I really enjoyed this. I rated this an 8/10 (but it’s a higher 8 and was only hurt by the ending)
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Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo
This is mostly the same from the last time I reviewed this so if you read my past one, just skip this.
However, I added some stuff regarding the ending of this season.
Everyone in this anime is a scumbag in one way or another. Everyone has their bad sides, and unlike a lot of series, this anime isn’t afraid to put them front in centre. This contrasts nicely with Bokuben which is mentioned above. Both are centred around harems, but this one is everything turned on its head with vengeance. Protag? May have a Deku voice, but he’s a pervert that’s described for being “Jekyll and Mr Hyde” which I find interesting because he’s truly nice to his best friend and doesn’t want to betray him, but he also really, really, really likes girls and would want nothing more than to have several of them all to himself. Best friend? Jealous as heck and would probably stab him if things truly went south, but he’s also his wingman. Class president? Talks like a samurai sometimes when nervous and uses MC. Childhood best friend? Terrible liar and uses MC. Then there’s a whole bunch of other people who use everyone. The score is not that great. It’s better than silence, but it hasn’t really been anything above that. The OP is catchy, but I’m not sure if I like it? The ED is nice. The voice acting for this anime is PERFECT for the MC anyway. Daiki Yamashita is really good at acting like this animal of an MC. 
I didn’t really feel satisfied with the ending of this season. It wasn’t as funny, and they relied too much on the 4th wall to make the last episode funny. It lacked the hijinks and chaos of the first episodes, and even though it kept character development and stuff throughout, this is the one time I wanted them to end on a less obvious note. I rated it an 8/10
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Enen no Shouboutai
Okay, so they began picking up their act within the last few episodes and it shows, but that doesn’t mean everything in-between was saved because it wasn’t. After episode 2, this show plummets and doesn’t pick up in quality until episode 19 or something. To me, that makes this show not worth it. I almost want to make a post about the rise, fall, and slight rise of this anime.
The animation production is amazing, the first OP and the EDs are awesome (couldn’t say that the second OP lived up but it wasn’t bad), the voice acting was alright at most points (can’t say I’m a fan of hearing Asta), but the story went off the rails and was executed poorly during the majority of the series.
I gave this a 6/10. Maaya Sakamoto’s character tried to save the day, but Maki also saved it the best she could.
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Kono Oto Tomare! 2nd Season
This went so slow and the manga’s art is so beautiful that the anime looks like a sad outline, but I really liked this overall. Just for hearing their performance, it was all worth it. Trust me, the sound makes it worth it, but if you like visuals, read the manga. The voice acting is good for establishing what you can imagine the character voices add, but the art in the manga is too pretty to pass up.
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I just finished this today! I originally dropped it because of its uncomfortable content but picked it back up because Maaya Uchida’s birthday just passed and I wanted a bit more horror before we roll on into 2020. Was this the way to do it? I mean, the horror is very light so that’s good. I can sleep at night. Quality-wise? Hmm... Along with the special episodes 13, 14, and 0! Honestly, these last two anime are ecchi. I don’t know how I got here.
The story is a pretty cool concept. Imagine the idea of a story surrounding a guy (zombie-obsessed or not) helping this girl fulfill her lifelong dreams of being normal even though she’s an undead zombie. Slowly as time passes, her flesh begins to rot so he realizes he has to work faster to complete her wishes to make her life seem “normal”. Taking her to the park, shopping, walking her to school, this seems like a good set-up! If only it went that way.
The story was okay, but I found this anime was going a bit on the ridiculous side. It got cartoony at times, and the characters were a bit cringy at times. Characters in this series ship this character with the MC who certainly isn’t keeping a zombie girl around for no reason. Well, anyway, this girl that the characters keep shipping him with... is his cousin. And Sanka Rea’s dad... is a very uncomfortable character as well. Overall, these two elements are actually what made this anime extremely uncomfortable at times.
I liked the art for this despite all the ecchi. I liked the quirky character designs of our main two characters. Some of the head tilts from Studio Deen almost felt Shaft-esque. It was not that bad!
Umm... I never actually paid attention to the OP, ED, or OST because I was too busy skipping the ecchi. Maaya Uchida was a really cute zombie that made me really like Rea more than I would towards regular zombies (except for maybe the ones from Zombieland Saga). Ryohei Kimura was a pretty good zombie otaku. That’s about it for this one. I gave it a 5/10.
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Junketsu no Maria
Another ecchi anime! They didn’t even categorize it as such, but the site I watched it on did. Seriously, I don’t know how MAL didn’t process this as one. Anime that criticize wars and the Catholic church (even fictionally) make me feel a little uncomfortable, but I pushed through this one because... actually, I have no idea why. I was depressed that day and needed some picking up through cheesy predictable anime.
Umm... the art was alright, the music was alright, the story was a little cringy at times, and the characters were pretty flat. They gave too much time explaining how some of these characters were virgins to the point where it just got annoying. Kensho Ono and Hisako Kanemoto were good in this anime (despite playing flat characters), Sakurai plays another insane villain, Yoko Hikasa plays another seductive character, and Mikako Komatsu plays another “male” character. I gave this anime a 5/10. 
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Aku no Hana
Fun fact: I did not read the synopsis before heading in. I saw the poster and thought, “wow cool! let’s try this! middle-schoolers! what’s the worst that can happen?”
Okay, so I had to remind myself every two minutes that these kids are MIDDLE-SCHOOLERS?! Middle-schoolers? Ugh, I don’t know why?! What’s going on here? I know this is supposed to be a psychological anime, and it does its job seriously well. I was scared. I was genuinely scared. Everything in this anime added to the scariness. Read the synopsis, come back, and realize that I’ve made a mistake. I watched 3 episodes. As a person on the asexual spectrum, I don’t know what this anime is trying to get at. The art adds to the psychological effect. The characters are really messed up. The OP and ED add to this insanity. Aku no Hana lives up to the name (Flowers of Evil). I felt so disgusted. This anime showed an ugly part of humanity that made me want to take a shower, and that’s very out of character. 
Just watch a trailer, the OP, and the ED. It gives me the creeps. 
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Senjou no Valkyria
I didn’t find this interesting. Maybe I’ll pick it back up. The art seems pale and soulless. The voice acting wasn’t enough to draw me in, and the characters weren’t that great. Honestly, this is probably going to be better than Junketsu no Maria, but timing is important.
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Seikai no Monshou
1999 art probably hurts this too, but the same reasoning as above. This anime seems genuinely interesting, but I think I started it at the wrong time. 
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Hanasaku Iroha
Hmm... this anime annoys me, but I really want to finish it!!!
This anime is about a girl who learned that she can rely on no one from a young age. She starts doing household chores and cooking at age 4. At her last year of middle school, her mom runs with her fiance and leaves her behind to go live with her grandma, and her grandma doesn’t like her. Keep in mind, this grandma is her maternal one. That woman who just dropped her daughter to run away... is her daughter. Ms. Grandma believes her daughter is a failure and projects these views on her daughter because “she raised you”. She forces her own granddaughter to work for her inn with no special treatment. At every single turn, you get introduced to characters you’d rather not. Every character is an absolute ass to the main character, and she keeps chasing, but I would rather see her refuse? Characters are straight-up telling her to die, telling her that she’s not doing everything she can, and kidnapping her. Seriously, someone in this series kidnaps her, ties her up, and sexualizes her and her coworkers. How does the grandma react? She says that they must respect the customer’s orders. ARE YOU F-- this anime has a really high review on MAL so I want to believe there’s good coming but it’s really rough so far. 
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Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
This anime is looking up! It has an interesting concept, and the execution has been mediocre so far! The OST is cool, and the characters have interesting designs and powers. I don’t want to say too much on this because I want to wait till the end!
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Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season
No words for this one. I’m just going to wait until the season is over. It’s been slow so far, but I have hope. 
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