#he nicked himself and got really scared cuz blood is the scariest possible thing to him (stupid /aff)
fourth-act · 8 months
I needed some comfort today ^^
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I feel like it’s been weeks since the tenth, so much has happened so fast. Some amazing (mostly referring to the result of day nine’s art), though some difficult, and some really painful. It’s only been two days, but real time always doesn’t line up with my perception (at least I can piss off Jim lol /silly /lh). Either way, today I had enough energy and time to draw, so I went all out and drew a comfort piece, combining day 11 and 12. For a bit I was debating combing Post-Parable AU with Zending as an exploration of Leo’s specific trauma with that ending (he has a lot, more than most Narrys I’d say), but the past has proven that vent art doesn’t really happen for me, especially since I use art as more of an escapism thing than personal processing. So we’ve just got some good old fashioned plotless (but lore filled) fluff. Idk if I’ll do this, but I may do a note filled explanation image like I did for the day three Jim image, but who knows, maybe if I’m really tired on another free draw day. Either way it’s late now, as it usually has been for these posts, so I’ll end this rant here ^^ /gen
Day 11 (Fanon): Post-Parable AU
Day 12 (Fanon): Quality Time
PS: I don’t think I have anything else to say but it feels weird not having a PS :( /nsrs /lh
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