#he owns up to his mistakes raised in the fundie evangelical movement
acecasinova · 1 year
Got one of those "swing a bat at a hornets nest" ideas to forward an ex-Evangelical, now Wesleyan pastor's anti-gun newsletter to my family....
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satansluckycigarette · 9 months
The IFB to severe eye injury pipeline is a straight line (TW: discussion of severe eye injury and genocide)
Dwight L. Moody started the Christian Fundamentalist movement by combining Capitalist ideology with traditional Christian evangelical rhetoric. His sermons are very famous in the fundie world and were responsible for the conversion of one Dexter Graves, my late Bible teacher and author of “Letters to a Dying Friend”- a right wing extremist memoir and book I can guarantee Donald Trump owns because Dexter never shut the fuck up about how Trump sent him a thank you letter for it.
Now, Dexter was also given to going on long tirades about how god wanted America to carpet bomb the Middle East to wipe out all the sinners and make the world safe for Israel. He would go into extremely graphic detail about how this would also free children from the sinful burden of being raised muslim.
For obvious reasons, this was upsetting for my class of 9-12 graders who just wanted to get a good grade in Bible and move on with our day so me and a couple other kids would regularly make comments about secular songs or movies we liked or dates with our partners so he would go on tirades about how we were dirty and sinful and stop talking about murdering kids- kinda fucked that our options were get bullied by a 70 year old man or hear about child murder but here we are.
It was during one such occurrence that he made the mistake of calling someone’s mother the w-slur and this led to the entire class turning on him. After they’d worked into a fiery frenzy about how we were all evil sinners and he alone knew the way of righteousness: he sneezed, hard. A full body sneeze. However, because he was so worked up his eyes didn’t close when he did so… and it fell out of his head. And we didn’t have to hear from him for six months.
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