#he purr because i believe in catlike Moon supremacy
catradora1994 · 1 year
The Week of the Fire
Moon sat criss-cross on the edge of the daycare balcony. He was savoring the quiet stillness of the normally loud, cavernous room. Even the peppy music that played on a practically incessant loop(Unlike Moon, Sun loved it; bopping, skipping, and twirling along to the beat at random intervals) all day long was currently silent.
The daytime lights and music would automatically power on in the Pizzaplex in two more hours. Once the bright fluorescent lights flooded the Superstar Daycare it would be Sun’s turn to take over. He would wake Y/N up shortly after, ignoring Moon’s grumbles in their head. It’s time for their shift to start, Sun would say. Sunshine’ll get in trouble if we don’t wake 'em up. Besides, I promised! And a promise is a promise!  Then the two of them would get to work right away, setting up a bevy of activities for the coming day with the kids. Until then, Moon could savor the soft stillness of these pre-dawn hours.
They were sleeping soundly in the room behind him, soft breathing a now familiar comfort to him. He kept an ear out for any changes in their breathing patterns. He remembered the frequent nightmares Y/N used to have when they first started sleeping over with them. He or Sun would comfort them, rubbing slow, rhythmic circles on their back and listening patiently as they poured their heart out through hiccuping tears. Learning when to be silent and listen versus when to offer advice or comfort had been a tricky line to tread at first, but the boys thought they were getting the hang of it.
He noted with no small amount of satisfaction that the nightmares were slowly growing less frequent. The Moondrop gummies helped on the roughest of nights just so they could get some long overdue rest. Their poor Y/N. Watching them work themselves to the point of exhaustion drove the feral self-care gremlin crazy. Sleep was important for human brains, whether they agreed with him or not. One day (and it was completely burned in his mind) the tenacious human had even stated that they wish they never had to sleep because it was such a waste of time. As he’d looked at them in confused horror they’d had the absolute gall to burst out into fits of laughter. The sound of those giggles melted his heart. The retort he was going to make died in his voicebox at that laughter. “You’re lucky you’re so cute, you exhausted little imp,” he’d cooed, reaching out a clawed hand to brush their hair back from their face. His reward had been a playful eyeroll and a kiss. 
Needless to say and to his frequent exasperation, they usually resisted any of his completely very well disguised attempts at luring them to sleep, but last night had been a pleasant change of pace. They had agreed to rest so long as he’d send them off to slumberland with several lullabies. Most people seemed to dislike his singing, but for some reason that he couldn’t even begin to fathom, his sweet Starlight enjoyed listening to his raspy timbre. He was more than happy to oblige.
Moon’s thoughts meandered back to the present. The glow in the dark stars shone down from the ceiling. He gazed at them intently now, dreamily if not also with a tinge of bittersweetness. He wondered if the real stars shone more brightly away from the city. He had spent countless nights reading about space, the stars and celestial bodies, had memorized all the seasonal charts, the numerous constellations and their stories. He had snuck up to the rooftop numerous times on his nightly rounds, guided by a desperate hope to see the wonders of the real night sky. Every time though, the innumerable lights of the large mall he lived in and the surrounding city would drown out all but his namesake itself.
One time, during a city wide blackout, he had rushed as quickly as he could to the top of the building, bells jingling with every movement. According to what he’d read, you could even see the milky way itself during a blackout like this. He couldn’t help the excitement that bubbled in his chest! He practically leapt through the door. However, even then the sky had been too cloudy to see anything. Not even his fellow moon had been up there for him that night. Disappointment had been like a punch to the gut. The misfortune of it all had him kicking the brick ledge of the rooftop. Of course, this only resulted in him needing to get the resulting dent in his foot plunged out at a particularly embarrassing visit to Parts & Service the next day.
Thankfully, there were plenty of other evenings in which the moon at least would loom overhead, bright and unwavering. A friend for times when nobody else was. During those precious nights when it was at its fullest and brightest, he would stay up there for as long as he dared. He’d contemplate how vast and unknowable the world outside of the Pizzaplex truly was to him before continuing his patrol.
He just knew in his gut that the artificial stars he saw every day were a poor facsimile of the real thing. They didn’t follow any of the same patterns as the real stars he had studied. They were lifeless. A few of them had also needed their light bulbs changed for quite a while now. ((No matter how many times any of you asked, new bulbs never seemed to make it into the monthly supply budget. Y/N had scoffed angrily last Tuesday when the supply truck came, their cheeks flushed as they and Sun helped unload the boxes. “No lightbulbs but they’re sure gonna drown us in Faz-napkins,” they’d retorted in indignation.))
A few months ago, his Starlight had caught him looking at the glowing stars from the balcony and wrapped their arms around his shoulders from behind. Their soft warmth made him sigh contentedly, practically melting backwards into the welcome embrace. He'd confided in them then, and they'd suggested that he could make up his own constellations. He'd balked at first, stubbornly refusing.
Now here he was, trying to ruminate in peace but once more being interrupted. This time, by Sun's upbeat chirping in his head, Heyhehey look back over to the left! Look! Do you see the anteater?
Moon sighed, looking in that direction but not seeing whatever the Sun was. No, I don't. I just see cheap plastic.
Oh come on you big grump! Sun goaded. Actually look! Those three could be the long snout thing and those could be the body! Moon hmmm-d thoughtfully, starting to see it but not sure if he was ready to admit that. As usual, Sun was completely undeterred. In fact, the Sun seemed to really be hitting his stride with this new game of pretend. An-and just above the desk there is a starfish! A star starfish! Isn't that cool?! Ah!! And above it could be a tree! Oh man I never realized how many shapes we could make with these things! That looks like an ice cream cone over there! I'm glad Y/N suggested this there's so many possibilities! They get some nifty ideas! The kids are gonna love this too! Oh oh oh an-
Sun. Moon tries to get his attention but Sun continues on. Now he’s forming stories for the different constellations he’s invented. “Sun.” Moon whispers outloud, but it still falls upon deaf ears. He shakes his head, but there’s a small smile on his face. “Sun.” That one worked. His mindspace becomes quiet once more. The silence is expectant; Sun wondering what Moon was going to say next.
Moon hesitates, but only briefly. A part of him still wanted to ruminate in silence, but he had to admit that the new stories being woven before his eyes on the walls of their home was a pleasing way to pass the time. Y/N was right; this was helping him feel better. Also, his Sunny counterpart seemed to always have a knack for getting under his skin (ha) and grabbing his attention. This is great. You’re a good storyteller.
He could practically see Sun puffing his metal chest out in pride at the praise, and the thought made him smile. He was going to make his own contribution to the growing tales of constellations when he felt a sharp pain in his head. He let out a low hiss of pain and rubbed at the back of his head. It almost felt like an electric shock. Sun asked him if he was okay, and he nodded, mentally waving off his concerned other half. 
The next two hours passed by peacefully. The Sun and the Moon managed to weave together some mighty impressive tales. Before long, there was an electrical humming sound as the daytime lights powered on. It was time for the Sun to rise and children to start trickling in.
Four hours later, it was naptime. Moon gently guided the children to their sleeping areas and made sure everybody was tucked in. A bedtime story was read. Something about saying goodnight to bunnies and moons and red balloons. A classic. They all fell asleep quickly, tired out from the games Y/N and Sun played with them earlier.
Once he confirmed that the coast was clear, he joined his human love up at the security desk. They were eating lunch, and the way their face lit up when they saw him made his circuits buzz. He climbed up onto the desk and silently crouched in front of them.
They swallowed a bite of food and wrinkled their nose up at his hunched form. “You’re like a giant cat; do you know that?” they quipped playfully. As if to emphasize their point Y/N reached up with their free hand to gently pet his the sides of his face.
The mechanical purr that escaped was involuntary. He grabbed their hand and nuzzled into it. Moon smiled, all sharp teeth and glowing eyes. “Meow.” The amused snort he got in return made his smile grow, but then…
But then Y/N’s face suddenly looked…off to him. A feeling reminiscent of the uncanny valley effect shot through him and he bristled uncomfortably. He frowned and backed off of the desk. A paranoid thought slithered in. Was this some kind of imposter pretending to be his Starlight? “What-” Just as suddenly, everything snapped back to normal. The discomfort remained though, now accompanied with confusion.
Y/N looked just as bewildered as he felt. “Hey. Uh, you okay Moony? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost or something.”
He mentally shook himself. “I'm fine, yes.” He paused, head doing a full rotation as he pondered what just happened. His fingers twitched restlessly.
Y/N's brow bunched in concern.  “Do you want a moment? I can watch the kids for naptime. You could play that new game of yours?” Y/N suggested, which just made Moon furrow his brow in confusion.
“Game..?” His head tilted to the side curiously.
Y/N frowned. “Yeah, the arcade game you brought to your room? Yesterday you said you got a new high score.” The worried look on their face felt too much like pity, and he found himself aggravated by it. The old insecure feeling took him aback. He hadn't felt like that around his Starlight in a long time. Maybe he really did need a break.
Moon stared at them for a moment before slapping his forehead dramatically. He didn't want them to worry “Oh! Yes! Sorry, Starlight, I think I must not have received a good charge last night. Good idea.” He leaned across the desk easily and gave Y/N a kiss. The worried lines of their face smoothed out, but only slightly. "I love you," he murmured, and when they repeated it back to him he grinned. He called the hook to his back and quickly made his way back up to the room before they could question him further. Something felt wrong today. He couldn’t remember any such game. He needed to investigate this. Quickly, he crawled through the tunnel into the bedroom he shared with both Sun, and now also Y/N more often than not.
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